Exemplo n.º 1
def create_dsl(choices):
    """Creates a Reproducible Experiments Metadata  file in Pithos."""
    uuid = get_user_id(unmask_token(encrypt_key,choices['token']))
    action_date = datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0)
    cluster = ClusterInfo.objects.get(id=choices['cluster_id'])
    data = {'cluster': {'name': cluster.cluster_name, 'project_name': cluster.project_name, 'image': cluster.os_image, 'disk_template': u'{0}'.format(cluster.disk_template),
                        'size': cluster.cluster_size, 'flavor_master':[cluster.cpu_master, cluster.ram_master,cluster.disk_master], 'flavor_slaves': [cluster.cpu_slaves, cluster.ram_slaves, cluster.disk_slaves]}, 
            'configuration': {'replication_factor': cluster.replication_factor, 'dfs_blocksize': cluster.dfs_blocksize}}
    if not (choices['dsl_name'].endswith('.yml') or choices['dsl_name'].endswith('.yaml')): # give file proper type
        choices['dsl_name'] = '{0}.yaml'.format(choices['dsl_name'])
    task_id = current_task.request.id
    dsl_id = db_dsl_create(choices, task_id)
    yaml_data = yaml.safe_dump(data,default_flow_style=False)
    url = '{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}'.format(pithos_url, uuid, choices['pithos_path'], urllib.quote(choices['dsl_name']))
    headers = {'X-Auth-Token':'{0}'.format(unmask_token(encrypt_key,choices['token'])),'content-type':'text/plain'}
    r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=yaml_data) # send file to Pithos
    response = r.status_code
    if response == pithos_put_success:
        return dsl_id, choices['pithos_path'], choices['dsl_name']
        msg = "Failed to save experiment metadata %s to %s" % (choices['dsl_name'], choices['pithos_path'])
        raise ClientError(msg, error_pithos_connection)
Exemplo n.º 2
def check_pithos_object_exists(pithos_path, dsl_name, token):
    """Request to Pithos to see if object exists."""
    uuid = get_user_id(unmask_token(encrypt_key,token))
    url = '{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}'.format(pithos_url, uuid, pithos_path, dsl_name)
    headers = {'X-Auth-Token':'{0}'.format(unmask_token(encrypt_key,token))}
    r = requests.head(url, headers=headers)
    response = r.status_code
    return response
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_pithos_container_info(pithos_path, token):
    """Request to Pithos to see if container exists."""
    if '/' in pithos_path:
        pithos_path = pithos_path.split("/", 1)[0]
    uuid = get_user_id(unmask_token(encrypt_key,token))
    url = '{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(pithos_url, uuid, pithos_path)
    headers = {'X-Auth-Token':'{0}'.format(unmask_token(encrypt_key,token))}
    r = requests.head(url, headers=headers)
    response = r.status_code
    return response
Exemplo n.º 4
def import_dsl(choices):
    """Imports a Reproducible Experiments Metadata file from Pithos."""
    uuid = get_user_id(unmask_token(encrypt_key,choices['token']))
    url = '{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}'.format(pithos_url, uuid, choices['pithos_path'], urllib.quote(choices['dsl_name']))
    headers = {'X-Auth-Token':'{0}'.format(unmask_token(encrypt_key,choices['token']))}
    request = Request(url, headers=headers)
        pithos_input_stream = urlopen(request).read()
        task_id = current_task.request.id
        dsl_id = db_dsl_create(choices, task_id)
        return dsl_id, choices['pithos_path'], choices['dsl_name']
    except HTTPError, e:
        raise HTTPError(e, error_import_dsl)
Exemplo n.º 5
def scale_cluster(token, cluster_id, cluster_delta, status='Pending'):
    Scales an active cluster by cluster_delta (signed int).
    For scaling up finds the cluster settings and last internal ip/port slave
    and "appends" cluster_delta nodes.
    For scaling down it removes the last slave. 
    from reroute_ssh import reroute_ssh_to_slaves
    from run_ansible_playbooks import modify_ansible_hosts_file,ansible_scale_cluster,ansible_manage_cluster
    cluster_to_scale = ClusterInfo.objects.get(id=cluster_id)
    pre_scale_size = cluster_to_scale.cluster_size
    previous_cluster_status = cluster_to_scale.cluster_status
    previous_hadoop_status = cluster_to_scale.hadoop_status
    status_map = {"0":"Destroyed","1":"Active","2":"Pending","3":"Failed"}
    # pre-flight checks. If cluster status is pending or hadoop status formatting abort.
    if (previous_cluster_status == const_cluster_status_pending) or (previous_hadoop_status == const_hadoop_status_format):
        return cluster_to_scale.cluster_name
    # pre-flight checks done
    auth = check_credentials(unmask_token(encrypt_key,token))
    endpoints, user_id = endpoints_and_user_id(auth)
    cyclades = init_cyclades(endpoints['cyclades'], unmask_token(encrypt_key,token))
    netclient = init_cyclades_netclient(endpoints['network'], unmask_token(encrypt_key,token))
    plankton = init_plankton(endpoints['plankton'], unmask_token(encrypt_key,token))
    state = ''
    list_of_new_slaves = []
    cluster_name_suffix_id = '{0}-{1}'.format(cluster_to_scale.cluster_name, cluster_id)
    if cluster_delta < 0: # scale down
        for counter in range(cluster_delta,0):
            state = "Starting node decommission for %s" % (cluster_to_scale.cluster_name)
            set_cluster_state(token, cluster_id, state)           
                node_fqdn, node_id = find_node_to_remove(cluster_to_scale, cyclades, netclient)
                state = "Decommissioning Node %s from %s" % (node_fqdn,cluster_to_scale.cluster_name)
                set_cluster_state(token, cluster_id, state)
                ansible_hosts = modify_ansible_hosts_file(cluster_name_suffix_id, action='remove_slaves',
                ansible_scale_cluster(ansible_hosts, action='remove_slaves', slave_hostname=node_fqdn.split('.')[0])
            except Exception, e:
                msg = str(e.args[0])
                set_cluster_state(token, cluster_id, state=msg, status=status_map[previous_cluster_status],
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            state = "Node %s decommissioned from %s and will be deleted"% (node_fqdn, cluster_to_scale.cluster_name)
            cluster_remove_node(node_fqdn, node_id, token, cluster_id, cluster_to_scale, cyclades,
Exemplo n.º 6
 def ssh_key_list(self):
     Get the ssh_key dictionary of a user
     command = 'curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: ' \
                 +  unmask_token(encrypt_key, self.opts['token']) + '" https://cyclades.okeanos.grnet.gr/userdata/keys'
     # get ssh_keys from okeanos server
     p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE , shell = True)
     out, err = p.communicate()
      # out is in string format and it might have more than one entries so we manually convert it to a easier to use
     output = out[2:-2].split('}, {') # [2:-2] removes [{ from the start of the string and }] from the end
                                      # split('}, {') make the string into a list o of dictionaries if multiple entries exists  they are separated with }, { into different elements
     ssh_dict = list()
     ssh_counter = 0
     for dictionary in output:
         mydict = dict()
         new_dictionary = dictionary.replace('"','') # When returned from curl get request each key:value pair is inside  "" which we do not need so we remove those
         dict1 = new_dictionary.split(', ') # create a list in which each element is key: value
         for each in dict1:
             list__keys_values_in_dict = each.split(': ') # separate key from value as elements of a list
             new_list_of_dict_elements = list()
             for item in list__keys_values_in_dict:
                 new_list_of_dict_elements.append(item) # create a list of lists with key value elements
             if len(new_list_of_dict_elements) > 1:
                 for pair in new_list_of_dict_elements:
                     mydict[new_list_of_dict_elements[0]] = new_list_of_dict_elements[1] # create a dictionary with key calue pairs
         ssh_dict.append(mydict)  # creates a list of ssh dictionaries       
     return ssh_dict
Exemplo n.º 7
def check_scale_cluster_up(token, cluster_id, cluster_to_scale):
    Check user quota if new node can be added to existing cluster.
    Return tuple with message and value
    project_id = get_project_id(unmask_token(encrypt_key,token), cluster_to_scale.project_name)
    quotas = check_quota(unmask_token(encrypt_key,token), project_id)
    # The new node will be a slave node and will have the same flavor combination with the existing nodes of the cluster
    if quotas['ram']['available'] < cluster_to_scale.ram_slaves:
        msg = 'Not enough ram for new node.'
        set_cluster_state(token, cluster_id, state=msg)
        return (msg, error_quotas_ram)
    if quotas['cpus']['available'] < cluster_to_scale.cpu_slaves:
        msg = 'Not enough cpu for new node.'
        set_cluster_state(token, cluster_id, state=msg)
        return (msg, error_quotas_cpu)
    if quotas['disk']['available'] < cluster_to_scale.disk_slaves:
        msg = 'Not enough disk for new node.'
        set_cluster_state(token, cluster_id, state=msg)
        return (msg, error_quotas_cyclades_disk)
    return ('SUCCESS',0)
Exemplo n.º 8
def destroy_server(token, id):
    """ Destroys a VRE server in ~okeanos """
    vre_server = VreServer.objects.get(id=id)    
    auth = check_credentials(unmask_token(encrypt_key,token))
    set_server_state(token, id, 'Deleting VRE server and its public IP')
    endpoints, user_id = endpoints_and_user_id(auth)
    cyclades = init_cyclades(endpoints['cyclades'], unmask_token(encrypt_key,token))
    nc = init_cyclades_netclient(endpoints['network'], unmask_token(encrypt_key,token))
    new_status = cyclades.wait_server(vre_server.server_id,current_status='ACTIVE',max_wait=MAX_WAIT)
    if new_status != 'DELETED':
        state = 'Error while deleting VRE server'
        set_server_state(token, id, state,status='Destroyed')
        raise ClientError('Error while deleting VRE server', error_fatal)
    ip_to_delete = get_public_ip_id(nc,vre_server.server_IP)
    state= 'VRE server {0} and its public IP {1} were deleted'.format(vre_server.server_name,vre_server.server_IP)
    set_server_state(token, id, state, status='Destroyed')
    return vre_server.server_name
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, opts):
        """Initialization of YarnCluster data attributes"""
        self.opts = opts
        # Master VM ip, placeholder value
        self.HOSTNAME_MASTER_IP = ''
        # master VM root password file, placeholder value
        self.pass_file = 'PLACEHOLDER'
        self.orka_image_uuid = False
        # List of cluster VMs
        self.server_dict = {}
        if self.opts['disk_template'] == 'Archipelago':
            self.opts['disk_template'] = 'ext_vlmc'
        elif self.opts['disk_template'] == 'Standard':
            self.opts['disk_template'] = 'drbd'
        # project id of project name given as argument
        self.project_id = get_project_id(unmask_token(encrypt_key, self.opts['token']),
        self.status = {}
        # Instance of an AstakosClient object
        self.auth = check_credentials(unmask_token(encrypt_key, self.opts['token']),
        # Check if project has actual quota
        if self.check_project_quota() != 0:
            msg = 'Project %s exists but you have no quota to request' % \
            raise ClientError(msg, error_project_quota)
        # ~okeanos endpoints and user id
        self.endpoints, self.user_id = endpoints_and_user_id(self.auth)

        # Instance of CycladesClient
        self.cyclades = init_cyclades(self.endpoints['cyclades'],
                                      unmask_token(encrypt_key, self.opts['token']))
        # Instance of CycladesNetworkClient
        self.net_client = init_cyclades_netclient(self.endpoints['network'],
                                                  unmask_token(encrypt_key, self.opts['token']))
        # Instance of Plankton/ImageClient
        self.plankton = init_plankton(self.endpoints['plankton'],
                                      unmask_token(encrypt_key, self.opts['token']))
        # Get resources of pending clusters
        self.pending_quota = retrieve_pending_clusters(unmask_token(encrypt_key, self.opts['token']),
        self._DispatchCheckers = {}
        self._DispatchCheckers[len(self._DispatchCheckers) + 1] =\
        # Check for private network availability only when cluster is created
        # and not for Vre server creation
        if self.opts['cluster_size'] > 1:
            self._DispatchCheckers[len(self._DispatchCheckers) + 1] =\
        self._DispatchCheckers[len(self._DispatchCheckers) + 1] =\
        self._DispatchCheckers[len(self._DispatchCheckers) + 1] =\
        self._DispatchCheckers[len(self._DispatchCheckers) + 1] =\
        self._DispatchCheckers[len(self._DispatchCheckers) + 1] =\
Exemplo n.º 10
def project_list_flavor_quota(user):
    """Creates the list of resources for every project a user has quota"""
    okeanos_token = unmask_token(encrypt_key, user.okeanos_token)
    list_of_resources = list()
    flavors = get_flavor_lists(okeanos_token)
    auth = check_credentials(okeanos_token)
    ssh_info = ssh_key_list(okeanos_token)
    ssh_keys_names =list()
    dict_quotas = auth.get_quotas()
        list_of_projects = auth.get_projects(state='active')
    except ClientError:
        msg = ' Could not get list of projects'
        raise ClientError(msg, error_get_list_projects)
    # Id for ember-data, will use it for store.push the different projects
    ember_project_id = 1
    for item in ssh_info: # find the names of available ssh keys
        if item.has_key('name'):
    for project in list_of_projects:
        # Put system project in the first place of project list
        if project['name'] == 'system:'+str(project['id']):
    for project in list_of_projects:   
        if project['id'] in dict_quotas:
            quotas = check_quota(okeanos_token, project['id'])
            images = check_images(okeanos_token, project['id'])
            ember_project_id = ember_project_id + 1
    return list_of_resources
Exemplo n.º 11
def ansible_create_cluster(hosts_filename, cluster_size, orka_image_uuid, ssh_file, token, replication_factor,
                           dfs_blocksize, admin_password):
    Calls the ansible playbook that installs and configures
    hadoop and everything needed for hadoop to be functional.
    hosts_filename is the name of ansible_hosts file.
    If a specific hadoop image was used in the VMs creation, ansible
    playbook will not install Hadoop-YARN and will only perform
    the appropriate configuration.
    logging.log(REPORT, ' Ansible starts YARN installation on master and '
                        'slave nodes')
    level = logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel()
    # chosen image includes role and tags properties
    image_tags = get_image_category(image_uuid=orka_image_uuid)
    decoded_image_tags = decode_json(image_tags['ansible_cluster_config_tags'])
    # Create debug file for ansible
    debug_file_name = "create_cluster_debug_" + hosts_filename.split(ansible_hosts_prefix, 1)[1] + ".log"
    ansible_log = " >> " + os.path.join(LOGS_PATH, debug_file_name)
    # find ansible playbook (site.yml)
    uuid = UserInfo.objects.get(okeanos_token=token).uuid
    # Create command that executes ansible playbook
    ansible_code = 'ansible-playbook -i {0} {1} {2} '.format(hosts_filename, ansible_playbook, ansible_verbosity) + \
    '-f {0} -e "choose_role={1} ssh_file_name={2} token={3} '.format(str(cluster_size), decoded_image_tags['role'], ssh_file, unmask_token(encrypt_key, token)) + \
    'dfs_blocksize={0}m dfs_replication={1} uuid={2} admin_password={3}" {4}'.format(dfs_blocksize, replication_factor, uuid, admin_password, decoded_image_tags['tags'])

    # Execute ansible
    ansible_code += ansible_log
Exemplo n.º 12
def destroy_cluster(token, cluster_id, master_IP='', status='Destroyed'):
    Destroys cluster and deletes network and floating IP. Finds the machines
    that belong to the cluster from the cluster id that is given. Cluster id
    is the unique integer that each cluster has in escience database.
    cluster_to_delete = ClusterInfo.objects.get(id=cluster_id)
    cluster_name = cluster_to_delete.cluster_name
    # cluster exists on cyclades, operate on ~okeanos infrastructure for removal, update database
    servers_to_delete = []
    if cluster_to_delete.master_IP:
        float_ip_to_delete = cluster_to_delete.master_IP
        float_ip_to_delete = master_IP
    list_of_errors = []
    master_id = None
    network_to_delete_id = None
    float_ip_to_delete_id = None
    new_status = 'placeholder'
    auth = check_credentials(unmask_token(encrypt_key,token))
    endpoints, user_id = endpoints_and_user_id(auth)
    cyclades = init_cyclades(endpoints['cyclades'], unmask_token(encrypt_key,token))
    nc = init_cyclades_netclient(endpoints['network'], unmask_token(encrypt_key,token))
    # Get list of servers and public IPs
        list_of_servers = cyclades.list_servers(detail=True)
    except ClientError:
        msg = 'Could not get list of resources.'\
            'Cannot delete cluster'
        raise ClientError(msg, error_get_list_servers)

    # Get master virtual machine and network from IP   
    ip = get_public_ip_id(nc, float_ip_to_delete)
    float_ip_to_delete_id = ip['id']
    master_id = ip['instance_id']          
    master_server = cyclades.get_server_details(master_id)
    for attachment in master_server['attachments']:
         if (attachment['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'fixed' and not attachment['ipv6']):
            network_to_delete_id = attachment['network_id']

    # Show an error message and exit if not valid IP or network
    if not master_id:
        msg = '[%s] is not the valid public IP of the master' % \
        raise ClientError(msg, error_get_ip)

    if not network_to_delete_id:
        set_cluster_state(token, cluster_id, "Deleted master VM", status=status)
        msg = 'A valid network of master and slaves was not found.'\
            'Deleting the master VM only'
        raise ClientError(msg, error_cluster_corrupt)

    # Get the servers of the cluster to be deleted
    for server in list_of_servers:
        for attachment in server['attachments']:
            if attachment['network_id'] == network_to_delete_id:
    number_of_nodes = len(servers_to_delete)
    set_cluster_state(token, cluster_id, "Starting deletion of requested cluster")
    # Start cluster deleting
        for server in servers_to_delete:
        state= 'Deleting %d servers ' % number_of_nodes
        set_cluster_state(token, cluster_id, state)
        # Wait for every server of the cluster to be deleted
        for server in servers_to_delete:
            new_status = cyclades.wait_server(server['id'],
            if new_status != 'DELETED':
                logging.error('Error deleting server [%s]' % server['name'])
        set_cluster_state(token, cluster_id, 'Deleting cluster network and public IP')
    except ClientError:
        logging.exception('Error in deleting server')

        state= 'Network with id [%s] is deleted' % network_to_delete_id
        set_cluster_state(token, cluster_id, state)
        sleep(10)  # Take some time to ensure it is deleted
    except ClientError:
        logging.exception('Error in deleting network')

    # Delete the floating IP of deleted cluster
        state= 'Floating IP [%s] is deleted' % float_ip_to_delete
        logging.log(SUMMARY, state)
        set_cluster_state(token, cluster_id, state)
    except ClientError:
        logging.exception('Error in deleting floating IP [%s]' %

    state= 'Cluster with public IP [%s] was deleted ' % float_ip_to_delete
    set_cluster_state(token, cluster_id, state, status=status)
    # status is already destroyed or failed, only clean up database 
    if cluster_to_delete.cluster_status not in [const_cluster_status_active,const_cluster_status_pending]:
        current_task.update_state(state="Removing Record")
            current_task.update_state(state="Cluster Record Removed")
        except Exception,e:
            msg = str(e.args[0])
            raise ClientError(msg, error_cluster_corrupt)
Exemplo n.º 13
def cluster_add_node(token, cluster_id, cluster_to_scale, cyclades, netclient, plankton, status):
    Create a VM in ~okeanos and attach it to the network of the requested cluster.
    new_slave = {}
    server_home_path = expanduser('~')
    server_ssh_keys = join(server_home_path, ".ssh/id_rsa.pub")
    pub_keys_path = ''
    project_id = get_project_id(unmask_token(encrypt_key,token), cluster_to_scale.project_name)
    node_name = cluster_to_scale.cluster_name + '-' + str(cluster_to_scale.cluster_size + 1) # name of new node should follow the naming convention of the rest nodes in the cluster
    state = "Adding new datanode {0}".format(node_name)
    set_cluster_state(token, cluster_id, state)
        flavor_list = cyclades.list_flavors(True)
    except ClientError:
        msg = 'Could not get list of flavors'
        raise ClientError(msg, error_flavor_list)
    for flavor in flavor_list: # The new node will be a slave node and will have the same flavor combination with the existing nodes of the cluster
        if flavor['ram'] == cluster_to_scale.ram_slaves and \
                            flavor['SNF:disk_template'] == cluster_to_scale.disk_template and \
                            flavor['vcpus'] == cluster_to_scale.cpu_slaves and \
                            flavor['disk'] == cluster_to_scale.disk_slaves:
                flavor_id = flavor['id']
    chosen_image = {}
    list_current_images = plankton.list_public(True, 'default')
    # Find image id of the operating system arg given
    for lst in list_current_images: # new node should have the same image as the other cluster nodes
        if lst['name'] == cluster_to_scale.os_image:
            chosen_image = lst
            chosen_image_id = chosen_image['id']
    if not chosen_image:
        msg = ' Image not found.'
        raise ClientError(msg, error_image_id)

    master_id = None
    network_to_edit_id = None
    new_status = 'placeholder'
    # Get master virtual machine and network from IP   
    ip = get_public_ip_id(netclient, cluster_to_scale.master_IP)
    master_id = ip['instance_id']          
    master_server = cyclades.get_server_details(master_id)
    for attachment in master_server['attachments']:
        if (attachment['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'fixed' and not attachment['ipv6']):
           network_to_edit_id = attachment['network_id']
    # Create new node with create server methode of cyclades     
    new_server = cyclades.create_server(node_name, flavor_id, chosen_image_id,
                                        networks=[{"uuid": network_to_edit_id}], project_id=project_id)

    new_status = cyclades.wait_server(new_server['id'], max_wait=MAX_WAIT)
    if new_status != 'ACTIVE':
        msg = ' Status for server [%s] is %s. Server will be deleted' % \
            (servers[i]['name'], new_status)
        raise ClientError(msg, error_create_server)
    cluster_to_scale.cluster_size = cluster_to_scale.cluster_size + 1 # new cluster size
    new_slave_private_ip = '192.168.0.{0}'.format(str(1 + cluster_to_scale.cluster_size)) # Add new node to network
    new_slave_port = ADD_TO_GET_PORT + cluster_to_scale.cluster_size
    state = "New datanode {0} was added to cluster network".format(node_name)
    set_cluster_state(token, cluster_id, state, status='Active')
    new_slave = {'id':new_server['id'], 'fqdn': new_server['SNF:fqdn'],'private_ip': new_slave_private_ip,
                 'password': new_server['adminPass'],'port': new_slave_port,'uuid': new_server['user_id'],
    return new_slave