Exemplo n.º 1
def read_holdings_with_anchors(record: List[RawHolding],
                               regime: Optional[Regime] = None,
                               many: bool = True) -> AnchoredHoldings:
    Load a list of :class:`Holding`\s from JSON, with text links.

    :param record:
        a list of dicts representing holdings, in the JSON input format

    :param regime:
        A collection of :class:`.Jurisdiction`\s and the :class:`.Code`\s
        that have been enacted in each. Used for constructing
        :class:`.Enactment`\s referenced by :class:`.Holding`\s.

    :param many:
        a bool indicating whether to use the "many" form of the Marshmallow
        schema (whether there are multiple Holdings)

        a namedtuple listing :class:`.Holding` objects with
        a list matching :class:`.Holding`\s to selectors and
        an index matching :class:`.Factor`\s to selectors.

    holdings, mentioned, holding_anchors = read_holdings_with_index(
        record=record, regime=regime, many=many)
    text_anchors = anchors.get_named_anchors(mentioned)
    return AnchoredHoldings(holdings, holding_anchors, text_anchors)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_enactment_with_anchor(self, make_regime):
        record, mentioned = name_index.index_names(self.test_enactments[1])
        schema = schemas.EnactmentSchema(many=False)
        schema.context["mentioned"] = mentioned
        schema.context["regime"] = make_regime
        enactment = schema.load(record)

        factor_anchors = anchors.get_named_anchors(mentioned)
        assert enactment.text.startswith(
            "nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property"
        assert (factor_anchors[enactment.name][0].exact ==
                "reference to the Due Process Clause")
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_read_holding_with_no_anchor(self, make_opinion, make_analysis):
     oracle = make_opinion["oracle_majority"]
     raw_analysis = make_analysis["no anchors"]
     oracle_holdings, mentioned, holding_anchors = readers.read_holdings_with_index(
     named_anchors = anchors.get_named_anchors(mentioned)
     has_no_anchors = oracle.holdings[0]
     assert oracle.holding_anchors[has_no_anchors] == []
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_read_holdings_and_then_get_anchors(self, make_regime):
        Test whether read_holdings mutates raw_holding and makes it
        impossible to get text anchors.
        raw_holdings = load_holdings(f"holding_oracle.json")
        oracle_holdings, mentioned, holding_anchors = readers.read_holdings_with_index(
            raw_holdings, regime=make_regime
        named_anchors = anchors.get_named_anchors(mentioned)

        assert isinstance(oracle_holdings[0], Holding)
        assert isinstance(named_anchors.popitem()[1].pop(), TextQuoteSelector)

        from authorityspoke.io.loaders import load_holdings_with_index
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_selectors_not_duplicated(self, make_opinion, raw_holding):
     Test that the factors attribute for this Opinion contains
     one instance of the Fact "Mark stole a watch", but that both
     of the different text anchors for that Fact are attached to it.
     watch = raw_holding["stolen watch"]
     holdings, mentioned, holding_anchors = readers.read_holdings_with_index(
     named_anchors = anchors.get_named_anchors(mentioned)
     cardenas = make_opinion["cardenas_majority"]
     cardenas.posit_holdings(holdings, named_anchors=named_anchors)
     output = holdings[0].outputs[0]
     assert any(selector.exact == "Mark stole a watch"
                for selector in cardenas.factors[output])
     assert any(selector.exact == "a watch was stolen by Mark"
                for selector in cardenas.factors[output])
     assert len(cardenas.factors[output]) == 2
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_import_enactments_and_anchors(self, make_regime, make_opinion):
     Testing issue that caused enactment expansion to fail only when
     text anchors were loaded.
     raw_holdings = [
             "inputs": {
                 "type": "fact",
                 "content": "{Rural's telephone directory} was a fact",
                 "anchors": [
                     {"exact": "facts", "prefix": "The first is that"},
                         "exact": "as to facts",
                         "prefix": "No one may claim originality",
                     {"exact": "facts", "prefix": "no one may copyright"},
             "outputs": {
                 "type": "fact",
                 "content": "Rural's telephone directory was copyrightable",
                 "truth": False,
                 "anchors": [
                         "exact": "are not copyrightable",
                         "prefix": "The first is that facts",
                     {"exact": "no one may copyright", "suffix": "facts"},
             "enactments": [
                     "source": "/us/const/article-I/8/8",
                     "exact": (
                         "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, "
                         "by securing for limited Times to Authors"
                     "name": "securing for authors",
                     "source": "/us/const/article-I/8/8",
                     "exact": "the exclusive Right to their respective Writings",
                     "name": "right to writings",
             "mandatory": True,
             "universal": True,
             "outputs": {
                 "type": "fact",
                 "content": "Rural's telephone directory was copyrightable",
                 "anchors": [
                         "exact": "copyrightable",
                         "prefix": "first is that facts are not",
                     "The sine qua non of|copyright|",
             "enactments": ["securing for authors", "right to writings"],
             "mandatory": True,
             "anchors": "compilations of facts|generally are|",
     record, mentioned = name_index.index_names(raw_holdings)
     holding_anchors = anchors.get_holding_anchors(record)
     named_anchors = anchors.get_named_anchors(mentioned)
     schema = schemas.HoldingSchema(many=True)
     schema.context["mentioned"] = mentioned
     schema.context["regime"] = make_regime
     feist_holdings = schema.load(record)
     feist = make_opinion["feist_majority"]
         feist_holdings, holding_anchors=holding_anchors, named_anchors=named_anchors
     assert feist.holdings[0].enactments[0].name == "securing for authors"
     assert feist.holdings[1].enactments[0].name == "securing for authors"
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_make_enactment_anchor(self):
     record, mentioned = index_names(self.enactment_anchor)
     named_anchors = anchors.get_named_anchors(mentioned)
     enactment_anchors = named_anchors["copyright protection provision"]
     assert enactment_anchors[0].exact == "17 U.S.C. § 102(a)"
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_anchors_from_fact_with_inferred_name(self):
     record, mentioned = index_names(self.fact)
     factor_anchors = anchors.get_named_anchors(mentioned)
     fact_anchors = factor_anchors[
         "false Rural's telephone directory was copyrightable"]
     assert fact_anchors[1].exact == "no one may copyright"