Exemplo n.º 1
 def setColors(cls):
   """class function that gives a dictionnary of colors for each sourceFile defined so far
   cls.subroutine_colors = dict(zip(cls.findSubroutine.keys(), autiwa.colorList(len(cls.findSubroutine))))
   #~ pdb.set_trace()
   return 0
Exemplo n.º 2
    def setColors(cls):
        """class function that gives a dictionnary of colors for each sourceFile defined so far

        cls.subroutine_colors = dict(

        #~ pdb.set_trace()
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 3
 def setModColors(cls):
     """class function that gives a dictionnary of colors for each sourceFile defined so far
         cls.mod_colors = dict(
     return 0
Exemplo n.º 4
  id_max = int((t_max - ref_time[0]) / delta_t)
  t_max = ref_time[id_max]
  id_max = ref_len - 1
  t_max = ref_time[-1]

# We get the index for the t_min value
if ('t_min' in locals()):
  id_min = int((t_min - ref_time[0]) / delta_t)
  t_min = ref_time[id_min]
  id_min = 0
  t_min = ref_time[0]

# We generate a list of colors
colors = [ '#'+li for li in autiwa.colorList(nb_planete)]

# We display plots
fig = pl.figure(1)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, bottom=0.1, right=0.96, top=0.95, wspace=0.26, hspace=0.26)
# We create subplots. add_subplot(2, 3, 1) means we have 2 lines, 3 columns, 
# and that the active plot is the first, starting from top left (for 6 plots in total)
plot_a = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1)

if (isaLog and isLog):
  plot = plot_a.loglog
elif (isaLog and not(isLog)):
  plot = plot_a.semilogy
elif (not(isaLog) and isLog):
  plot = plot_a.semilogx
Exemplo n.º 5
      print("resonance %i:%i between %s and %s : min(std) = %f" % (res.numerator, res.denominator, name[planet], name[planet+1], standard_deviation))
    if (delta_longitude.std() < STD_THRESHOLD):
      longitude_res[planet] = True
    #~ pdb.set_trace()
    #~ finir ça, il faut que je teste la libration là. Normalement, j'ai fait tout ce qui était nécessaire pour lire les fichiers, 
    #~ parcourir les planètes puis les résonnances. Penser que j'ai bloqué le nombre de planète à 2, histoire de pas avoir trop de 
    #~ calculs et de voir les erreurs directement.

# We display the resonances

# We generate a list of colors
tmp = autiwa.colorList(nb_planets)
colors = [ '#'+li for li in autiwa.colorList(nb_planets)]

markersize_prefactor = 6 / (min(mass)**0.33)
for planet in range(nb_planets):
  # We display a circle for the planet
  pl.plot(a[planet], mass[planet], 'o', color=colors[planet], markersize=int(markersize_prefactor * (mass[planet])**0.33))

ylims = list(pl.ylim())
xlims = list(pl.xlim())

# We display the convergence zone
if (vars().has_key('CZ')):
  if (type(CZ) == list):
    pl.plot(CZ[1], CZ[0], '-.', color="#000000")
                  (res.numerator, res.denominator, name[planet],
                   name[planet + 1], standard_deviation))

        if (delta_longitude.std() < STD_THRESHOLD):
            longitude_res[planet] = True

        #~ pdb.set_trace()

        #~ finir ça, il faut que je teste la libration là. Normalement, j'ai fait tout ce qui était nécessaire pour lire les fichiers,
        #~ parcourir les planètes puis les résonnances. Penser que j'ai bloqué le nombre de planète à 2, histoire de pas avoir trop de
        #~ calculs et de voir les erreurs directement.

# We display the resonances

# We generate a list of colors
tmp = autiwa.colorList(nb_planets)
colors = ['#' + li for li in autiwa.colorList(nb_planets)]

markersize_prefactor = 6 / (min(mass)**0.33)
for planet in range(nb_planets):
    # We display a circle for the planet
            markersize=int(markersize_prefactor * (mass[planet])**0.33))

ylims = list(pl.ylim())
xlims = list(pl.xlim())

# We display the convergence zone
Exemplo n.º 7
autiwa.lancer_commande("rm %s*" % FRAME_PREFIX)  # We delete the previous frames

delta_t_min = (t_max - t_min) / (float(NB_FRAMES - 1.0))
# Number of timestep between each frame
# real number to be as close as possible from the real value, and do not encounter rounding problems.
# The conversion to an integer is done at the very end.
ts_per_frame = delta_t_min / delta_t

# If there is too many frames for the outputs availables, we impose 1 output between each frames and reduce the total number of frames
if ts_per_frame < 1:
    ts_per_frame = 1
    NB_FRAMES = id_max - id_min + 1

# We generate a list of colors
tmp = autiwa.colorList(nb_planete)
colors = ["#" + li for li in autiwa.colorList(nb_planete)]

if not (isTail):
    angles = [2 * pi / NB_POINTS * i for i in range(NB_POINTS)]
    angles.append(angles[0])  # we want to have a full circle, perfectly closed
    angles = np.array(angles)

fig = pl.figure()
plot_orbits = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
plot = plot_orbits.plot
MAX_LENGTH = len(str(NB_FRAMES))  # The maximum number of characters needed to display

for frame_i in range(1, NB_FRAMES + 1):
# We define a list of folder names we don't want to read.
# Theses names will be suppressed from the final list, in case they exist.
dossier_suppr = ["output", "indiv_simu_01"]

# On se place dans le dossier de simulation souhaité
liste_meta_simu = [dir for dir in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isdir(dir)]
autiwa.suppr_dossier(liste_meta_simu, dossier_suppr)

nb_meta_simu = len(liste_meta_simu)

# We generate a list of colors
colors = [
    '#' + li for li in autiwa.colorList(nb_meta_simu, exclude=['000000'])

# We chose the number of plot in x and y axis for the p.multi
# environment in order to plot ALL the resonant angles and have x and
# y numbers as close on from another as possible. There are q+1
# resonant angles, the period ratio and w1 - w2, i.e q+3 plots
nb_plots_x = 1
nb_plots_y = 1
while (nb_plots_x * nb_plots_y < nb_meta_simu):
    if (nb_plots_x == nb_plots_y):
        nb_plots_y += 1
        nb_plots_x += 1
subplot_index = nb_plots_x * 100 + nb_plots_y * 10
    id_max = int((t_max - ref_time[0]) / delta_t)
    t_max = ref_time[id_max]
    id_max = ref_len - 1
    t_max = ref_time[-1]

# We get the index for the t_min value
if ('t_min' in locals()):
    id_min = int((t_min - ref_time[0]) / delta_t)
    t_min = ref_time[id_min]
    id_min = 0
    t_min = ref_time[0]

# We generate a list of colors
colors = ['#' + li for li in autiwa.colorList(nb_planete)]

# We display plots
fig = pl.figure(1)
# We create subplots. add_subplot(2, 3, 1) means we have 2 lines, 3 columns,
# and that the active plot is the first, starting from top left (for 6 plots in total)
plot_a = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1)

if (isaLog and isLog):
Exemplo n.º 10
# We define a list of folder names we don't want to read. 
# Theses names will be suppressed from the final list, in case they exist.
dossier_suppr = ["output", "indiv_simu_01"]

# On se place dans le dossier de simulation souhaité
liste_meta_simu = [dir for dir in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isdir(dir)]

nb_meta_simu = len(liste_meta_simu)

# We generate a list of colors
colors = [ '#'+li for li in autiwa.colorList(nb_meta_simu, exclude=['000000'])]

# We chose the number of plot in x and y axis for the p.multi
# environment in order to plot ALL the resonant angles and have x and
# y numbers as close on from another as possible. There are q+1
# resonant angles, the period ratio and w1 - w2, i.e q+3 plots
nb_plots_x = 1
nb_plots_y = 1
while (nb_plots_x * nb_plots_y < nb_meta_simu):
  if (nb_plots_x == nb_plots_y):
    nb_plots_y += 1
    nb_plots_x += 1
subplot_index = nb_plots_x * 100 + nb_plots_y * 10

#    .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-. 
# We prepare the plot
fig = pl.figure(1)
nb_subplot = autiwa.get_subplot_shape(len(focals))

fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, bottom=0.1, right=0.96, top=0.95, wspace=0.26, hspace=0.26)

#~ myxfmt = ScalarFormatter(useOffset=True)
#~ myxfmt._set_offset(1e5)
#~ myxfmt.set_scientific(True)
#~ myxfmt.set_powerlimits((-3, 3)) 
myxfmt = FormatStrFormatter('%.0f')
myminorxfmt = FormatStrFormatter('%.1f')

# We generate a list of colors
colors = [ '#'+li for li in autiwa.colorList(len(dofs))]

for focal_length in focals:
  nb_subplot += 1
  plot_dof = fig.add_subplot(nb_subplot) # We define a fake subplot that is in fact only the plot.
  #~ dof_near = []
  #~ dof_far  = []
  for (required_dof, color) in zip(dofs, colors):
    distances = []
    for (aperture, aperture_name) in zip(aperture_values, aperture_names):
      distance = findCorrespondingDistance(dof=required_dof, aperture=aperture,
      circle_of_confusion=CIRCLE_OF_CONFUSION, focal_length=focal_length)
decorated = [(final_mass[i], i, final_name[i]) for i in range(nb_final)]
decorated.sort(reverse=True) # We get the final planets, the bigger the firsts

for (i , (mass, dumb,  name)) in enumerate(decorated):
  final_name[i] = name
  final_mass[i] = mass

# We get all the association of name/index of planets
ind_of_planet = {}
for (ind, filename) in enumerate(liste_aei):
  basename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
  ind_of_planet[basename] = ind

# We generate a list of colors
tmp = autiwa.colorList(MAX_COLORED, exclude=['ffffff', COLOR_FINAL, COLOR_EJECTED])

# We initialize the total color list. 
# By default, all the planets have the same colors, that will illustrate ejection and collisions with the sun
colors = ['#'+COLOR_EJECTED] * nb_planete

# For the planets that remains in the simulation at the end, we change the color (either a flashy one for the most massives, or a default one)
for (name, color) in zip(final_name, tmp):
  colors[ind_of_planet[name]] = '#'+color

tableau = open('info.out', 'r')
# We must read the file backward because at the beginning, we only have the color of a few planets.
lines = tableau.readlines()
Exemplo n.º 13
nb_final = len(final_name)
decorated = [(final_mass[i], i, final_name[i]) for i in range(nb_final)]
decorated.sort(reverse=True)  # We get the final planets, the bigger the firsts

for (i, (mass, dumb, name)) in enumerate(decorated):
    final_name[i] = name
    final_mass[i] = mass

# We get all the association of name/index of planets
ind_of_planet = {}
for (ind, filename) in enumerate(liste_aei):
    basename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
    ind_of_planet[basename] = ind

# We generate a list of colors
tmp = autiwa.colorList(MAX_COLORED,
                       exclude=['ffffff', COLOR_FINAL, COLOR_EJECTED])
tmp.extend([COLOR_FINAL] * (nb_final - MAX_COLORED))

# We initialize the total color list.
# By default, all the planets have the same colors, that will illustrate ejection and collisions with the sun
colors = ['#' + COLOR_EJECTED] * nb_planete

# For the planets that remains in the simulation at the end, we change the color (either a flashy one for the most massives, or a default one)
for (name, color) in zip(final_name, tmp):
    colors[ind_of_planet[name]] = '#' + color

tableau = open('info.out', 'r')
# We must read the file backward because at the beginning, we only have the color of a few planets.
lines = tableau.readlines()