Exemplo n.º 1
    def run(self, make, start_reactor=True, auto_reconnect=False, log_level='info', endpoint=None, reactor=None):
        Run the application component.

        :param make: A factory that produces instances of :class:`autobahn.twisted.wamp.ApplicationSession`
           when called with an instance of :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.ComponentConfig`.
        :type make: callable

        :param start_reactor: When ``True`` (the default) this method starts
           the Twisted reactor and doesn't return until the reactor
           stops. If there are any problems starting the reactor or
           connect()-ing, we stop the reactor and raise the exception
           back to the caller.

        :returns: None is returned, unless you specify
            ``start_reactor=False`` in which case the Deferred that
            connect() returns is returned; this will callback() with
            an IProtocol instance, which will actually be an instance
            of :class:`WampWebSocketClientProtocol`
        self.log.debug('{klass}.run()', klass=self.__class__.__name__)

        if start_reactor:
            # only select framework, set loop and start logging when we are asked
            # start the reactor - otherwise we are running in a program that likely
            # already tool care of all this.
            from twisted.internet import reactor
            txaio.config.loop = reactor

        if callable(make):
            # factory for use ApplicationSession
            def create():
                cfg = ComponentConfig(self.realm, self.extra, runner=self)
                    session = make(cfg)
                except Exception:
                    self.log.failure('ApplicationSession could not be instantiated: {log_failure.value}')
                    if start_reactor and reactor.running:
                    return session
            create = make

        if self.url.startswith(u'rs'):
            # try to parse RawSocket URL ..
            isSecure, host, port = parse_rs_url(self.url)

            # use the first configured serializer if any (which means, auto-choose "best")
            serializer = self.serializers[0] if self.serializers else None

            # create a WAMP-over-RawSocket transport client factory
            transport_factory = WampRawSocketClientFactory(create, serializer=serializer)

            # try to parse WebSocket URL ..
            isSecure, host, port, resource, path, params = parse_ws_url(self.url)

            # create a WAMP-over-WebSocket transport client factory
            transport_factory = WampWebSocketClientFactory(create, url=self.url, serializers=self.serializers, proxy=self.proxy, headers=self.headers)

            # client WebSocket settings - similar to:
            # - http://crossbar.io/docs/WebSocket-Compression/#production-settings
            # - http://crossbar.io/docs/WebSocket-Options/#production-settings

            # The permessage-deflate extensions offered to the server ..
            offers = [PerMessageDeflateOffer()]

            # Function to accept permessage_delate responses from the server ..
            def accept(response):
                if isinstance(response, PerMessageDeflateResponse):
                    return PerMessageDeflateResponseAccept(response)

            # set WebSocket options for all client connections

        # supress pointless log noise
        transport_factory.noisy = False

        if endpoint:
            client = endpoint
            # if user passed ssl= but isn't using isSecure, we'll never
            # use the ssl argument which makes no sense.
            context_factory = None
            if self.ssl is not None:
                if not isSecure:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        'ssl= argument value passed to %s conflicts with the "ws:" '
                        'prefix of the url argument. Did you mean to use "wss:"?' %
                context_factory = self.ssl
            elif isSecure:
                from twisted.internet.ssl import optionsForClientTLS
                context_factory = optionsForClientTLS(host)

            from twisted.internet import reactor
            if self.proxy is not None:
                from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint
                client = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, self.proxy['host'], self.proxy['port'])
                transport_factory.contextFactory = context_factory
            elif isSecure:
                from twisted.internet.endpoints import SSL4ClientEndpoint
                assert context_factory is not None
                client = SSL4ClientEndpoint(reactor, host, port, context_factory)
                from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint
                client = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, host, port)

        # as the reactor shuts down, we wish to wait until we've sent
        # out our "Goodbye" message; leave() returns a Deferred that
        # fires when the transport gets to STATE_CLOSED
        def cleanup(proto):
            if hasattr(proto, '_session') and proto._session is not None:
                if proto._session.is_attached():
                    return proto._session.leave()
                elif proto._session.is_connected():
                    return proto._session.disconnect()

        # when our proto was created and connected, make sure it's cleaned
        # up properly later on when the reactor shuts down for whatever reason
        def init_proto(proto):
            self._connect_successes += 1
            reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', cleanup, proto)
            return proto

        use_service = False
        if auto_reconnect:
                # since Twisted 16.1.0
                from twisted.application.internet import ClientService
                from twisted.application.internet import backoffPolicy
                use_service = True
            except ImportError:
                use_service = False

        if use_service:
            # this code path is automatically reconnecting ..
            self.log.debug('using t.a.i.ClientService')

            if self.max_retries or self.initial_retry_delay or self.max_retry_delay or self.retry_delay_growth or self.retry_delay_jitter:
                kwargs = {}
                for key, val in [('initialDelay', self.initial_retry_delay),
                                 ('maxDelay', self.max_retry_delay),
                                 ('factor', self.retry_delay_growth),
                                 ('jitter', lambda: random.random() * self.retry_delay_jitter)]:
                    if val:
                        kwargs[key] = val

                # retry policy that will only try to reconnect if we connected
                # successfully at least once before (so it fails on host unreachable etc ..)
                def retry(failed_attempts):
                    if self._connect_successes > 0 and (self.max_retries == -1 or failed_attempts < self.max_retries):
                        return backoffPolicy(**kwargs)(failed_attempts)
                        print('hit stop')
                        return 100000000000000
                retry = backoffPolicy()

            self._client_service = ClientService(client, transport_factory, retryPolicy=retry)

            d = self._client_service.whenConnected()

            # this code path is only connecting once!
            self.log.debug('using t.i.e.connect()')

            d = client.connect(transport_factory)

        # if we connect successfully, the arg is a WampWebSocketClientProtocol

        # if the user didn't ask us to start the reactor, then they
        # get to deal with any connect errors themselves.
        if start_reactor:
            # if an error happens in the connect(), we save the underlying
            # exception so that after the event-loop exits we can re-raise
            # it to the caller.

            class ErrorCollector(object):
                exception = None

                def __call__(self, failure):
                    self.exception = failure.value
            connect_error = ErrorCollector()

            # now enter the Twisted reactor loop

            # if we exited due to a connection error, raise that to the
            # caller
            if connect_error.exception:
                raise connect_error.exception

            # let the caller handle any errors
            return d
Exemplo n.º 2
    def run(self, make, start_reactor=True, auto_reconnect=False, log_level='info'):
        Run the application component.

        :param make: A factory that produces instances of :class:`autobahn.asyncio.wamp.ApplicationSession`
           when called with an instance of :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.ComponentConfig`.
        :type make: callable

        :param start_reactor: if True (the default) this method starts
           the Twisted reactor and doesn't return until the reactor
           stops. If there are any problems starting the reactor or
           connect()-ing, we stop the reactor and raise the exception
           back to the caller.

        :returns: None is returned, unless you specify
            ``start_reactor=False`` in which case the Deferred that
            connect() returns is returned; this will callback() with
            an IProtocol instance, which will actually be an instance
            of :class:`WampWebSocketClientProtocol`
        if start_reactor:
            # only select framework, set loop and start logging when we are asked
            # start the reactor - otherwise we are running in a program that likely
            # already tool care of all this.
            from twisted.internet import reactor
            txaio.config.loop = reactor

        if callable(make):
            # factory for use ApplicationSession
            def create():
                cfg = ComponentConfig(self.realm, self.extra)
                    session = make(cfg)
                except Exception:
                    self.log.failure('ApplicationSession could not be instantiated: {log_failure.value}')
                    if start_reactor and reactor.running:
                    return session
            create = make

        if self.url.startswith(u'rs'):
            # try to parse RawSocket URL ..
            isSecure, host, port = parse_rs_url(self.url)

            # create a WAMP-over-RawSocket transport client factory
            transport_factory = WampRawSocketClientFactory(create)

            # try to parse WebSocket URL ..
            isSecure, host, port, resource, path, params = parse_ws_url(self.url)

            # create a WAMP-over-WebSocket transport client factory
            transport_factory = WampWebSocketClientFactory(create, url=self.url, serializers=self.serializers, proxy=self.proxy, headers=self.headers)

            # client WebSocket settings - similar to:
            # - http://crossbar.io/docs/WebSocket-Compression/#production-settings
            # - http://crossbar.io/docs/WebSocket-Options/#production-settings

            # The permessage-deflate extensions offered to the server ..
            offers = [PerMessageDeflateOffer()]

            # Function to accept permessage_delate responses from the server ..
            def accept(response):
                if isinstance(response, PerMessageDeflateResponse):
                    return PerMessageDeflateResponseAccept(response)

            # set WebSocket options for all client connections

        # supress pointless log noise
        transport_factory.noisy = False

        # if user passed ssl= but isn't using isSecure, we'll never
        # use the ssl argument which makes no sense.
        context_factory = None
        if self.ssl is not None:
            if not isSecure:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'ssl= argument value passed to %s conflicts with the "ws:" '
                    'prefix of the url argument. Did you mean to use "wss:"?' %
            context_factory = self.ssl
        elif isSecure:
            from twisted.internet.ssl import optionsForClientTLS
            context_factory = optionsForClientTLS(host)

        from twisted.internet import reactor
        if self.proxy is not None:
            from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint
            client = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, self.proxy['host'], self.proxy['port'])
            transport_factory.contextFactory = context_factory
        elif isSecure:
            from twisted.internet.endpoints import SSL4ClientEndpoint
            assert context_factory is not None
            client = SSL4ClientEndpoint(reactor, host, port, context_factory)
            from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint
            client = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, host, port)

        # as the reactor shuts down, we wish to wait until we've sent
        # out our "Goodbye" message; leave() returns a Deferred that
        # fires when the transport gets to STATE_CLOSED
        def cleanup(proto):
            if hasattr(proto, '_session') and proto._session is not None:
                if proto._session.is_attached():
                    return proto._session.leave()
                elif proto._session.is_connected():
                    return proto._session.disconnect()

        # when our proto was created and connected, make sure it's cleaned
        # up properly later on when the reactor shuts down for whatever reason
        def init_proto(proto):
            reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', cleanup, proto)
            return proto

        use_service = False
        if auto_reconnect:
                # since Twisted 16.1.0
                from twisted.application.internet import ClientService
                use_service = True
            except ImportError:
                use_service = False

        if use_service:
            self.log.debug('using t.a.i.ClientService')
            # this is automatically reconnecting
            service = ClientService(client, transport_factory)
            d = service.whenConnected()
            # this is only connecting once!
            self.log.debug('using t.i.e.connect()')
            d = client.connect(transport_factory)

        # if we connect successfully, the arg is a WampWebSocketClientProtocol

        # if the user didn't ask us to start the reactor, then they
        # get to deal with any connect errors themselves.
        if start_reactor:
            # if an error happens in the connect(), we save the underlying
            # exception so that after the event-loop exits we can re-raise
            # it to the caller.

            class ErrorCollector(object):
                exception = None

                def __call__(self, failure):
                    self.exception = failure.value
            connect_error = ErrorCollector()

            # now enter the Twisted reactor loop

            # if we exited due to a connection error, raise that to the
            # caller
            if connect_error.exception:
                raise connect_error.exception

            # let the caller handle any errors
            return d
Exemplo n.º 3
    def run(self,
            start_reactor: bool = True,
            auto_reconnect: bool = False,
            log_level: str = 'info',
            endpoint: Optional[IStreamClientEndpoint] = None,
            reactor: Optional[IReactorCore] = None
            ) -> Union[type(None), Deferred]:
        Run the application component.

        :param make: A factory that produces instances of :class:`autobahn.twisted.wamp.ApplicationSession`
           when called with an instance of :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.ComponentConfig`.
        :param start_reactor: When ``True`` (the default) this method starts
           the Twisted reactor and doesn't return until the reactor
           stops. If there are any problems starting the reactor or
           connect()-ing, we stop the reactor and raise the exception
           back to the caller.
        :param auto_reconnect:
        :param log_level:
        :param endpoint:
        :param reactor:
        :return: None is returned, unless you specify
            ``start_reactor=False`` in which case the Deferred that
            connect() returns is returned; this will callback() with
            an IProtocol instance, which will actually be an instance
            of :class:`WampWebSocketClientProtocol`
        self.log.debug('{klass}.run()', klass=self.__class__.__name__)

        if start_reactor:
            # only select framework, set loop and start logging when we are asked
            # start the reactor - otherwise we are running in a program that likely
            # already tool care of all this.
            from twisted.internet import reactor
            txaio.config.loop = reactor

        if callable(make):
            # factory for use ApplicationSession
            def create():
                cfg = ComponentConfig(self.realm, self.extra, runner=self)
                    session = make(cfg)
                except Exception:
                        'ApplicationSession could not be instantiated: {log_failure.value}'
                    if start_reactor and reactor.running:
                    return session
            create = make

        if self.url.startswith('rs'):
            # try to parse RawSocket URL
            isSecure, host, port = parse_rs_url(self.url)

            # use the first configured serializer if any (which means, auto-choose "best")
            serializer = self.serializers[0] if self.serializers else None

            # create a WAMP-over-RawSocket transport client factory
            transport_factory = WampRawSocketClientFactory(
                create, serializer=serializer)

            # try to parse WebSocket URL
            isSecure, host, port, resource, path, params = parse_ws_url(

            # create a WAMP-over-WebSocket transport client factory
            transport_factory = WampWebSocketClientFactory(

            # client WebSocket settings - similar to:
            # - http://crossbar.io/docs/WebSocket-Compression/#production-settings
            # - http://crossbar.io/docs/WebSocket-Options/#production-settings

            # The permessage-deflate extensions offered to the server
            offers = [PerMessageDeflateOffer()]

            # Function to accept permessage-deflate responses from the server
            def accept(response):
                if isinstance(response, PerMessageDeflateResponse):
                    return PerMessageDeflateResponseAccept(response)

            # default WebSocket options for all client connections
            protocol_options = {
                'version': WebSocketProtocol.DEFAULT_SPEC_VERSION,
                'utf8validateIncoming': True,
                'acceptMaskedServerFrames': False,
                'maskClientFrames': True,
                'applyMask': True,
                'maxFramePayloadSize': 1048576,
                'maxMessagePayloadSize': 1048576,
                'autoFragmentSize': 65536,
                'failByDrop': True,
                'echoCloseCodeReason': False,
                'serverConnectionDropTimeout': 1.,
                'openHandshakeTimeout': 2.5,
                'closeHandshakeTimeout': 1.,
                'tcpNoDelay': True,
                'perMessageCompressionOffers': offers,
                'perMessageCompressionAccept': accept,
                'autoPingInterval': 10.,
                'autoPingTimeout': 5.,
                'autoPingSize': 12,

                # see: https://github.com/crossbario/autobahn-python/issues/1327 and
                # _cancelAutoPingTimeoutCall
                'autoPingRestartOnAnyTraffic': True,

            # let user override above default options
            if self.websocket_options:

            # set websocket protocol options on Autobahn/Twisted protocol factory, from where it will
            # be applied for every Autobahn/Twisted protocol instance from the factory

        # supress pointless log noise
        transport_factory.noisy = False

        if endpoint:
            client = endpoint
            # if user passed ssl= but isn't using isSecure, we'll never
            # use the ssl argument which makes no sense.
            context_factory = None
            if self.ssl is not None:
                if not isSecure:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        'ssl= argument value passed to %s conflicts with the "ws:" '
                        'prefix of the url argument. Did you mean to use "wss:"?'
                        % self.__class__.__name__)
                context_factory = self.ssl
            elif isSecure:
                from twisted.internet.ssl import optionsForClientTLS
                context_factory = optionsForClientTLS(host)

            from twisted.internet import reactor
            if self.proxy is not None:
                from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint
                client = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, self.proxy['host'],
                transport_factory.contextFactory = context_factory
            elif isSecure:
                from twisted.internet.endpoints import SSL4ClientEndpoint
                assert context_factory is not None
                client = SSL4ClientEndpoint(reactor, host, port,
                from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint
                client = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, host, port)

        # as the reactor shuts down, we wish to wait until we've sent
        # out our "Goodbye" message; leave() returns a Deferred that
        # fires when the transport gets to STATE_CLOSED
        def cleanup(proto):
            if hasattr(proto, '_session') and proto._session is not None:
                if proto._session.is_attached():
                    return proto._session.leave()
                elif proto._session.is_connected():
                    return proto._session.disconnect()

        # when our proto was created and connected, make sure it's cleaned
        # up properly later on when the reactor shuts down for whatever reason
        def init_proto(proto):
            self._connect_successes += 1
            reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', cleanup, proto)
            return proto

        use_service = False
        if auto_reconnect:
                # since Twisted 16.1.0
                from twisted.application.internet import ClientService
                from twisted.application.internet import backoffPolicy
                use_service = True
            except ImportError:
                use_service = False

        if use_service:
            # this code path is automatically reconnecting ..
            self.log.debug('using t.a.i.ClientService')

            if (self.max_retries is not None
                    or self.initial_retry_delay is not None
                    or self.max_retry_delay is not None
                    or self.retry_delay_growth is not None
                    or self.retry_delay_jitter is not None):

                if self.max_retry_delay > 0:
                    kwargs = {}

                    def _jitter():
                        j = 1 if self.retry_delay_jitter is None else self.retry_delay_jitter
                        return random.random() * j

                    for key, val in [('initialDelay',
                                     ('maxDelay', self.max_retry_delay),
                                     ('factor', self.retry_delay_growth),
                                     ('jitter', _jitter)]:
                        if val is not None:
                            kwargs[key] = val

                    # retry policy that will only try to reconnect if we connected
                    # successfully at least once before (so it fails on host unreachable etc ..)
                    def retry(failed_attempts):
                        if self._connect_successes > 0 and (
                                self.max_retries == -1
                                or failed_attempts < self.max_retries):
                            return backoffPolicy(**kwargs)(failed_attempts)
                            print('hit stop')
                            return 100000000000000
                    # immediately reconnect (zero delay)
                    def retry(_):
                        return 0
                retry = backoffPolicy()

            # https://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/api/twisted.application.internet.ClientService.html
            self._client_service = ClientService(client,

            d = self._client_service.whenConnected()

            # this code path is only connecting once!
            self.log.debug('using t.i.e.connect()')

            d = client.connect(transport_factory)

        # if we connect successfully, the arg is a WampWebSocketClientProtocol

        # if the user didn't ask us to start the reactor, then they
        # get to deal with any connect errors themselves.
        if start_reactor:
            # if an error happens in the connect(), we save the underlying
            # exception so that after the event-loop exits we can re-raise
            # it to the caller.

            class ErrorCollector(object):
                exception = None

                def __call__(self, failure):
                    self.exception = failure.value

            connect_error = ErrorCollector()

            # now enter the Twisted reactor loop

            # if the ApplicationSession sets an "error" key on the self.config.extra dictionary, which
            # has been set to the self.extra dictionary, extract the Exception from that and re-raise
            # it as the very last one (see below) exciting back to the caller of self.run()
            app_error = self.extra.get('error', None)

            # if we exited due to a connection error, raise that to the caller
            if connect_error.exception:
                raise connect_error.exception
            elif app_error:
                raise app_error

            # let the caller handle any errors
            return d