Exemplo n.º 1
 def testNo(self):
     # Establish that this upload() call actually changes the return from
     # SCPFileExists().
     assert not self.scpconn.SCPFileExists(self.upno_archive)
     # Let dry_run default to False
     uploaded = upload([self.upno_archive], False)
     # Should claim to have uploaded exactly one file
     assert_equals(len(uploaded), 1)
     self.scp_verify(self.upno_archive, uploaded[0])
     # Now detect a duplicate upload attempt. Because we take pains to try
     # to give each new archive a unique name, we don't consider that an
     # already existing file is an error; we assume we're retrying an
     # upload already performed earlier. upload() indicates that it didn't
     # perform any actual uploading in a couple ways, though.
     # capture print output
     oldout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, StringIO()
         # Try to upload the same file
         uploaded = upload([self.upno_archive], False)
         testout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, oldout
     assert not uploaded, "dup scp-only upload returned %s" % uploaded
     testmsg = testout.getvalue().lower()
     assert_in("already exists", testmsg)
     assert_in("not uploading", testmsg)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def testNoDry(self):
     # Capture print output
     oldout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, StringIO()
         uploaded = upload([self.upno_archive], False, dry_run=True)
         testout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, oldout
     # We shouldn't have talked about S3
     assert_not_in("amazonaws", testout.getvalue())
     # We should have claimed to upload to exactly one dest, with an scp: URL
     assert_equals(len(uploaded), 1)
     assert_startswith(uploaded[0], "scp:")
     # But in fact we should NOT have actually uploaded the file there.
     assert not self.scpconn.SCPFileExists(self.upno_archive)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def testYes(self):
     # Want to change the state of both servers.
     assert not self.scpconn.SCPFileExists(self.upyes_archive), \
         "file already exists on install-packages %s" % self.upyes_archive
     assert not self.s3conn.S3FileExists(self.upyes_archive), \
         "file already exists on s3 %r" % self.s3conn._get_key(self.upyes_archive)
     # Let dry_run default to False
     uploaded = upload([self.upyes_archive], True)
     # One file, two servers, should get two URLs back
     assert_equals(len(uploaded), 2)
     # Sort URLs so we're sure they're ["http:...", "scp:..."]
     self.scp_verify(self.upyes_archive, uploaded[1])
     self.s3_verify(self.upyes_archive, uploaded[0])
     # Try to upload same file again, should result in info messges with no
     # new URLs.
     oldout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, StringIO()
         uploaded = upload([self.upyes_archive], True)
         testout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, oldout
     assert not uploaded, "dup scp+s3 upload returned %s" % uploaded
     testmsg = testout.getvalue().lower()
     assert_in("already exists on s3", testmsg)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def testYesDry(self):
     # Capture print output
     oldout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, StringIO()
         uploaded = upload([self.upyes_archive], True, dry_run=True)
         testout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, oldout
     # We should have talked about S3
     assert_in("amazonaws", testout.getvalue())
     # We should have claimed to upload to both dests
     assert_equals(len(uploaded), 2)
     # We're sure one of these should start with "http:" while the other
     # should start with "scp:", but we don't want to have to know which is
     # which. sort() to order them.
     assert_startswith(uploaded[0], "http:")
     assert_startswith(uploaded[1], "scp:")
     # But in fact we should NOT have actually uploaded to either.
     assert not self.scpconn.SCPFileExists(self.upyes_archive)
     assert not self.s3conn.S3FileExists(self.upyes_archive)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def testBadFile(self):
     raise SkipTest()
     upload(["bogus>filename"], "autobuild.xml", dry_run=True)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def testNoFiles(self):
     raise SkipTest()
     upload([], "autobuild.xml", dry_run=True)