Exemplo n.º 1
    def save_attributes_for_aggregator(self, paths: af.DirectoryPaths):
        Before the non-linear search begins, this routine saves attributes of the `Analysis` object to the `pickles`
        folder such that they can be load after the analysis using PyAutoFit's database and aggregator tools.

        For this analysis, it uses the `AnalysisDataset` object's method to output the following:

        - The dataset's data.
        - The dataset's noise-map.
        - The settings associated with the dataset.
        - The Cosmology.
        - Its mask.

        It is common for these attributes to be loaded by many of the template aggregator functions given in the
        `aggregator` modules. For example, when using the database tools to perform a fit, the default behaviour is for
        the dataset, settings and other attributes necessary to perform the fit to be loaded via the pickle files
        output by this function.

            The PyAutoFit paths object which manages all paths, e.g. where the non-linear search outputs are stored,
            visualization, and the pickled objects used by the aggregator output by this function.
        paths.save_object("data", self.dataset.data)
        paths.save_object("noise_map", self.dataset.noise_map)
        paths.save_object("settings_dataset", self.dataset.settings)
        paths.save_object("mask", self.dataset.mask)
        paths.save_object("cosmology", self.cosmology)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def save_stochastic_outputs(self, paths: af.DirectoryPaths,
                                samples: af.OptimizerSamples):

        stochastic_log_evidences_json_file = path.join(
            paths.output_path, "stochastic_log_evidences.json")

            with open(stochastic_log_evidences_json_file, "r") as f:
                stochastic_log_evidences = np.asarray(json.load(f))
        except FileNotFoundError:
            instance = samples.max_log_likelihood_instance
            stochastic_log_evidences = self.stochastic_log_evidences_for_instance(

        if stochastic_log_evidences is None:

        with open(stochastic_log_evidences_json_file, "w") as outfile:
                [float(evidence) for evidence in stochastic_log_evidences],

        paths.save_object("stochastic_log_evidences", stochastic_log_evidences)

        visualizer = vis.Visualizer(visualize_path=paths.image_path)

Exemplo n.º 3
    def save_attributes_for_aggregator(self, paths: af.DirectoryPaths):
        Before the model-fit begins, this routine saves attributes of the `Analysis` object to the `pickles` folder
        such that they can be load after the analysis using PyAutoFit's database and aggregator tools.

        For this analysis, it uses the `AnalysisDataset` object's method to output the following:

        - The dataset's data.
        - The dataset's noise-map.
        - The settings associated with the dataset.
        - The settings associated with the inversion.
        - The settings associated with the pixelization.
        - The Cosmology.
        - The hyper dataset's model image and galaxy images, if used.

        This function also outputs attributes specific to an interferometer dataset:

       - Its uv-wavelengths
       - Its real space mask.

        It is common for these attributes to be loaded by many of the template aggregator functions given in the
        `aggregator` modules. For example, when using the database tools to perform a fit, the default behaviour is for
        the dataset, settings and other attributes necessary to perform the fit to be loaded via the pickle files
        output by this function.

            The PyAutoFit paths object which manages all paths, e.g. where the non-linear search outputs are stored, visualization,
            and the pickled objects used by the aggregator output by this function.

        paths.save_object("uv_wavelengths", self.dataset.uv_wavelengths)
        paths.save_object("real_space_mask", self.dataset.real_space_mask)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def save_stochastic_outputs(self, paths: af.DirectoryPaths, samples: af.Samples):
        Certain `Inversion`'s have stochasticity in their log likelihood estimate (e.g. due to how different KMeans
        seeds change the pixelization constructed by a `VoronoiBrightnessImage` pixelization).

        This function computes the stochastic log likelihoods of such a model, which are the log likelihoods computed
        using the same model but with different KMeans seeds.

        It outputs these stochastic likelihoods to a format which can be loaded via PyAutoFit's database tools, and
        may also be loaded if this analysis is extended with a stochastic model-fit that applies a log likelihood cap.

        This function also outputs visualization showing a histogram of the stochastic likelihood distribution.

            The PyAutoFit paths object which manages all paths, e.g. where the non-linear search outputs are stored,
            visualization and the pickled objects used by the aggregator output by this function.
            A PyAutoFit object which contains the samples of the non-linear search, for example the chains of an MCMC
            run of samples of the nested sampler.
        stochastic_log_likelihoods_json_file = path.join(
            paths.output_path, "stochastic_log_likelihoods.json"

            with open(stochastic_log_likelihoods_json_file, "r") as f:
                stochastic_log_likelihoods = np.asarray(json.load(f))
        except FileNotFoundError:
            instance = samples.max_log_likelihood_instance
            stochastic_log_likelihoods = self.stochastic_log_likelihoods_via_instance_from(

        if stochastic_log_likelihoods is None:

        with open(stochastic_log_likelihoods_json_file, "w") as outfile:
                [float(evidence) for evidence in stochastic_log_likelihoods], outfile

        paths.save_object("stochastic_log_likelihoods", stochastic_log_likelihoods)

        visualizer = Visualizer(visualize_path=paths.image_path)

Exemplo n.º 5
    def save_attributes_for_aggregator(self, paths: af.DirectoryPaths):


        paths.save_object("uv_wavelengths", self.dataset.uv_wavelengths)
        paths.save_object("real_space_mask", self.dataset.real_space_mask)
        paths.save_object("positions", self.positions)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def save_attributes_for_aggregator(self, paths: af.DirectoryPaths):


        paths.save_object("psf", self.dataset.psf_unormalized)
        paths.save_object("mask", self.dataset.mask)
        paths.save_object("positions", self.positions)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def save_results_for_aggregator(
        self, paths: af.DirectoryPaths, result: ResultDataset
        At the end of a model-fit,  this routine saves attributes of the `Analysis` object to the `pickles`
        folder such that they can be loaded after the analysis using PyAutoFit's database and aggregator tools.

        For this analysis it outputs the following:

        - The stochastic log likelihoods of a pixelization, provided the pixelization has functionality that can
        compute likelihoods for different KMeans seeds and grids (e.g. `VoronoiBrightnessImage).

            The PyAutoFit paths object which manages all paths, e.g. where the non-linear search outputs are stored,
            visualization and the pickled objects used by the aggregator output by this function.
            The result of a lens model fit, including the non-linear search, samples and maximum likelihood tracer.
        pixelization = ag.util.model.pixelization_from(model=result.model)

        if pixelization is not None:

            tracer = result.max_log_likelihood_tracer

            sparse_image_plane_grid_pg_list = tracer.to_inversion.sparse_image_plane_grid_pg_list_from(

                "preload_sparse_grids_of_planes", sparse_image_plane_grid_pg_list

        if conf.instance["general"]["hyper"]["stochastic_outputs"]:
            if pixelization is not None:
                if pixelization.is_stochastic:
                    self.save_stochastic_outputs(paths=paths, samples=result.samples)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def save_attributes_for_aggregator(self, paths: af.DirectoryPaths):
        paths.save_object("dataset", self.dataset)
        paths.save_object("mask", self.dataset.mask)


        attributes = self.make_attributes()

        paths.save_object("attributes", attributes)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def save_attributes_for_aggregator(self, paths: af.DirectoryPaths):
        Before the non-linear search begins, this routine saves attributes of the `Analysis` object to the `pickles`
        folder such that they can be load after the analysis using PyAutoFit's database and aggregator tools.

        For this analysis, it uses the `AnalysisDataset` object's method to output the following:

        - The dataset's data.
        - The dataset's noise-map.
        - The settings associated with the dataset.
        - The settings associated with the inversion.
        - The settings associated with the pixelization.
        - The Cosmology.
        - The hyper dataset's model image and galaxy images, if used.

        This function also outputs attributes specific to an imaging dataset:

       - Its PSF.
       - Its mask.
       - The positions of the brightest pixels in the lensed source which are used to discard mass models.
       - The preloaded image-plane source plane pixelization if used by the analysis. This ensures that differences in
       the scikit-learn library do not lead to different pixelizations being computed if results are transferred from
       a HPC to laptop.

        It is common for these attributes to be loaded by many of the template aggregator functions given in the
        `aggregator` modules. For example, when using the database tools to perform a fit, the default behaviour is for
        the dataset, settings and other attributes necessary to perform the fit to be loaded via the pickle files
        output by this function.

            The PyAutoFit paths object which manages all paths, e.g. where the non-linear search outputs are stored,
            visualization, and the pickled objects used by the aggregator output by this function.

        paths.save_object("psf", self.dataset.psf_unormalized)
        paths.save_object("mask", self.dataset.mask)
        paths.save_object("positions", self.positions)
        if self.preloads.sparse_image_plane_grid_pg_list is not None:
Exemplo n.º 10
    def save_attributes_for_aggregator(self, paths: af.DirectoryPaths):

        paths.save_object("dataset", self.point_dict)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def save_settings(self, paths: af.DirectoryPaths):
     paths.save_object("settings_dataset", self.dataset.settings)
     paths.save_object("settings_inversion", self.settings_inversion)
     paths.save_object("settings_pixelization", self.settings_pixelization)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def save_attributes_for_aggregator(self, paths: af.DirectoryPaths):

        paths.save_object("data", self.dataset.data)
        paths.save_object("noise_map", self.dataset.noise_map)
        paths.save_object("settings_dataset", self.dataset.settings)
        paths.save_object("settings_inversion", self.settings_inversion)
        paths.save_object("settings_pixelization", self.settings_pixelization)

        paths.save_object("cosmology", self.cosmology)

        if self.hyper_model_image is not None:
            paths.save_object("hyper_model_image", self.hyper_model_image)

        if self.hyper_galaxy_image_path_dict is not None:
                "hyper_galaxy_image_path_dict", self.hyper_galaxy_image_path_dict
Exemplo n.º 13
    def save_attributes_for_aggregator(self, paths: af.DirectoryPaths):
        Before the model-fit via the non-linear search begins, this routine saves attributes of the `Analysis` object
        to the `pickles` folder such that they can be load after the analysis using PyAutoFit's database and aggregator

        For this analysis the following are output:

        - The dataset's data.
        - The dataset's noise-map.
        - The settings associated with the dataset.
        - The settings associated with the inversion.
        - The settings associated with the pixelization.
        - The Cosmology.
        - The hyper dataset's model image and galaxy images, if used.

        It is common for these attributes to be loaded by many of the template aggregator functions given in the
        `aggregator` modules. For example, when using the database tools to reperform a fit, this will by default
        load the dataset, settings and other attributes necessary to perform a fit using the attributes output by
        this function.

            The PyAutoFit paths object which manages all paths, e.g. where the non-linear search outputs are stored, visualization,
            and the pickled objects used by the aggregator output by this function.
        paths.save_object("data", self.dataset.data)
        paths.save_object("noise_map", self.dataset.noise_map)
        paths.save_object("settings_dataset", self.dataset.settings)
        paths.save_object("settings_inversion", self.settings_inversion)
        paths.save_object("settings_pixelization", self.settings_pixelization)

        paths.save_object("cosmology", self.cosmology)

        if self.hyper_model_image is not None:
            paths.save_object("hyper_model_image", self.hyper_model_image)

        if self.hyper_galaxy_image_path_dict is not None:
                "hyper_galaxy_image_path_dict", self.hyper_galaxy_image_path_dict
Exemplo n.º 14
    def save_settings(self, paths: af.DirectoryPaths):


        paths.save_object("settings_lens", self.settings_lens)