Exemplo n.º 1
def save_redshift_samples(th_samps, ll_samps, q_idx, K, V, qso_info, chain_idx, use_mle):
    """ save basis fit info """
    #dump separately - pickle is super inefficient
    if chain_idx == "temper":
        fbase = 'cache/photo_z_samps/redshift_samples_K-%d_V-%d_qso_%d_chain_%s_mle_%r'%(K, V, q_idx, chain_idx, use_mle)
        fbase = 'cache/photo_z_samps/redshift_samples_K-%d_V-%d_qso_%d_chain_%d_mle_%r'%(K, V, q_idx, chain_idx, use_mle)
    np.save(fbase + '.npy', th_samps)
    with open(fbase + '.pkl', 'wb') as handle:
        pickle.dump(ll_samps, handle)
        pickle.dump(q_idx, handle)
        pickle.dump(qso_info, handle)
        pickle.dump(chain_idx, handle)
Exemplo n.º 2
def save_basis_samples(th_samps, ll_samps, lam0, lam0_delta, parser, chain_idx):
    """ save basis fit info """
    # grab B value for shape info
    B = parser.get(th_samps[0,:], 'betas')
    #dump separately - pickle is super inefficient
    fbase = 'cache/basis_samples_K-%d_V-%d_chain_%d'%(B.shape[0], B.shape[1], chain_idx)
    np.save(fbase + '.npy', th_samps)
    with open(fbase + '.pkl', 'wb') as handle:
        pickle.dump(ll_samps, handle)
        pickle.dump(lam0, handle)
        pickle.dump(lam0_delta, handle)
        pickle.dump(parser, handle)
        pickle.dump(chain_idx, handle)
Exemplo n.º 3
def adam(objFunc, u, V, R):
	Adam Stochastic Gradient Descent

	m1 = 0
	m2 = 0
	beta1 = 0.9
	beta2 = 0.999
	epsilon = 1e-8
	t = 0
	learning_rate = 0.001

	dfunc = grad(objFunc)
	old_norm = 100
	grady = []
	for i in range(1000):
		params = stack_params(u, V, R)
		gradients = dfunc(params)
		norm =  np.linalg.norm(gradients)
		m1 = beta1 * m1 + (1 - beta1) * gradients
		m2 = beta2 * m2 + (1 - beta2) * gradients**2
 		m1_hat = m1 / (1 - beta1**t)
 		m2_hat = m2 / (1 - beta2**t)

		delta = learning_rate*m1_hat/(np.sqrt(m2_hat) + epsilon)
		du, dV, dR = unstack_params(delta)
		u = u - du
		V = V -	dV
		#R = R -	dR

		if np.linalg.norm(old_norm - norm) < 0.0001:
		old_norm = norm

	grady = np.array(grady)
	np.save('adam_gradients', grady)
	return u, V, R

Exemplo n.º 4
	def fit(self, n_iter):

		old_params = util.stack_params(self.u, self.V, self.R)
		x_test = util.generate_data(5, self.W, self.sigx, self.dimx, self.dimz)[0]
		llh = []

		print "True: ", self.true_marg(x_test)

		def objective_wrapper(params, x):
			u, V, R = util.unstack_params(params)
			return self.objective(x, R, u, V)

		for j in xrange(n_iter):
			for i in xrange(self.n):
				x = self.observed[i]
				obj_local = lambda param: objective_wrapper(param, x)
				#u, V, R = self.gradient_descent(obj_local, self.u, self.V, self.R, x)
				u, V, R = util.adam(obj_local, self.u, self.V, self.R)
				#u, V, R = util.optimizer(obj_local, self.u, self.V, self.R)
				#print self.objective(x, R,self.u,self.V)
				a = 1/float(self.n)
				self.u = np.dot(self.V, self.u)*(1- a) + a*(np.dot(V,u))
				self.V = self.V + a*(V- self.V)
				self.u = np.dot( np.linalg.inv(self.V), self.u)
				#RM update
				a2 = 1/float(self.n)
				self.R = (1-a2)*self.R + a2*R				
				#print "obj: ", self.objective(x, R,self.u,self.V)

			params = util.stack_params(self.u, self.V, self.R)
			diff =  np.linalg.norm(old_params - params)
			old_params = params
			ll = self.get_marginal(self.u, self.V, self.R, x_test)
			print "m: ", ll, diff, "iter: ", j
			np.save('DATA50testNr2', np.array(llh))

		np.save('DATA50testNr2', np.array(llh))
Exemplo n.º 5
	def fit(self, n_iter):
		old_params = util.stack_params(self.u, self.V, self.R)
		x_test = util.generate_data(20, self.W, self.sigx, self.dimx, self.dimz)[0]
		llh = []
		for j in xrange(n_iter):
			for i in xrange(self.n):
				x = self.observed[i]
				obj_local = lambda param: self.objective_wrapper(param, x)
				u, V, R = util.gradient_descent(obj_local, self.u, self.V, self.R)
				#u, V, R = util.optimizer(obj_local, self.u, self.V, self.R)
				#DO SEP updates-- damping- a is alpha - see SEP paper
				a = 1/float(self.n)
				self.u = np.dot(self.V, self.u)*(1- a) + a*(np.dot(V,u))
				self.V = self.V + a*(V- self.V)
				self.u = np.dot( np.linalg.inv(self.V), self.u)
				#RM update
				a2 = 1/float(self.n)
				self.R = (1-a2)*self.R + a2*R
			params = util.stack_params(self.u, self.V, self.R)
			diff =  np.linalg.norm(old_params - params)
			old_params = params
			ll = self.get_marginal(self.u, self.V, self.R, x_test)
			print "m: ", ll, diff
			np.save('learn', np.array(llh))
		np.save('learn', np.array(llh))
Exemplo n.º 6
plt.plot(mean_list_i[0, :], 'r-', label='Chain 1')
plt.plot(mean_list_i[1, :], 'g-', label='Chain 2')
plt.plot(mean_list_i[2, :], 'm-', label='Chain 3')
plt.plot(mean_list_i[3, :], 'b-', label='Chain 4')
plt.plot(np.repeat(posterior_mean[0], len(mean_list_i[1, :])),
         label='True posterior')
plt.ylim((3, 6))

np.save('mean_0_chains_MF', mean_list_i)


plt.plot(sigmas_list_i[0, :], 'r-', label='Chain 1')
plt.plot(sigmas_list_i[1, :], 'g-', label='Chain 2')
plt.plot(sigmas_list_i[2, :], 'm-', label='Chain 3')
plt.plot(sigmas_list_i[3, :], 'b-', label='Chain 4')
plt.plot(np.repeat(np.sqrt(posterior_variance[0, 0]),
                   len(sigmas_list_i[1, :])),
         label='True posterior')
plt.ylim((-0.2, 1.2))
            # Calculate the parameters of the ADAM optimizer
            m = beta_1*m + (1-beta_1)*grad
            v = beta_2*v + (1-beta_2)*(grad*grad)
            m_hat = m/(1-(beta_1**t))
            v_hat = v/(1-(beta_2**t))

            # Update the parameters using ADAM optimizer
            flattened_current_params = flattened_current_params + (alpha*m_hat)/(np.sqrt(v_hat) + epsilon)
            elbo_est += objective(flattened_current_params)
            t += 1

        print("Epoch: %d ELBO: %e" % (epoch, elbo_est / np.ceil(N / batch_size)))

    # We save the trained params so we don't have to retrain each time
    np.save(os.path.join("trained_params", "data.npy"), flattened_current_params)

    # We obtain the final trained parameters
    flattened_current_params = np.load(os.path.join("trained_params", "data.npy"))

    gen_params, rec_params = unflat_params(flattened_current_params)

    ####---- Task 3.1 ---####
    # We generate 25 samples from the prior.
    # Note the prior P(z) is a standard Gaussian
    num_prior_images = 25
    z = npr.randn(num_prior_images, latent_dim)

    # Generate the images using the prior and gen params
    generated_images = neural_net_predict(gen_params, z)
Exemplo n.º 8
def fit_weights_and_save(weights_file,ca_data_file='rs_sc_fg_ret_pval_0_05_210423.npy',opto_silencing_data_file='vip_halo_data_for_sim.npy',opto_activation_data_file='vip_chrimson_data_for_sim.npy',constrain_wts=None,allow_var=True,multiout=True,multiout2=False,fit_s02=True,constrain_isn=True,tv=False,l2_penalty=0.01,l1_penalty=1.0,init_noise=0.1,init_W_from_lsq=False,scale_init_by=1,init_W_from_file=False,init_file=None,foldT=False,free_amplitude=False,correct_Eta=False,init_Eta_with_s02=False,no_halo_res=False,ignore_halo_vip=False,use_opto_transforms=False,norm_opto_transforms=False,nondim=False,fit_running=False,fit_non_running=True,fit_sc=True,fit_fg=False,fit_ret=False,run_modulation=True,axon=True,nT=2):
    nsize,ncontrast = 6,6
    nrun = 2
    nsize,ncontrast,ndir = 6,6,8
    nstim_fg = 5
    nstim_ret = 5


    fit_both_running = (fit_non_running and fit_running)
    fit_all_stims = (fit_sc and fit_fg and fit_ret)

    if not fit_both_running:
        nrun = 1
        if fit_non_running:
            irun = 0
        elif fit_running:
            irun = 1

    nsc = nrun*nsize*ncontrast*ndir
    nfg = nrun*nstim_fg*ndir
    nret = nrun*nstim_ret

    npfile = np.load(ca_data_file,allow_pickle=True)[()]#,{'rs':rs},allow_pickle=True) # ,'rs_denoise':rs_denoise
    if fit_both_running: 
        Rs_mean = npfile['Rs_mean_run']
        Rs_cov = npfile['Rs_cov_run']
        Rs_mean = npfile['Rs_mean'][irun]
        Rs_cov = npfile['Rs_cov'][irun]

    if not fit_all_stims:
        slcs = []
        if fit_sc:
            slcs = slcs + [slice(None,nsc)]
        if fit_fg:
            slcs = slcs + [slice(nsc,nsc+nfg)]
        if fit_ret:
            slcs = slcs + [slice(nsc+nfg,None)]
        Rs_mean,Rs_cov = get_Rs_slices(Rs_mean,Rs_cov,slcs)
    if nT==3:
        ori_dirs = [[0,4],[1,3,5,7],[2,6]]
    elif nT==2:
        ori_dirs = [[0,4],[2,6]] #[[0,4],[1,3,5,7],[2,6]]
        nT = 1
        ori_dirs = [[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]]
    ndims = 5
    nT = len(ori_dirs)
    nS = len(Rs_mean[0])

    fg_start = nsc*fit_sc
    ret_start = fg_start + nfg*fit_fg
    def sum_to_1(r):
        R = r.reshape((r.shape[0],-1))
        R = R/np.nansum(R[:,~np.isnan(R.sum(0))],axis=1)[:,np.newaxis] # changed 21/4/10
        return R
    def norm_to_mean(r):
        R = r.reshape((r.shape[0],-1))
        R = R/np.nanmean(R[:,~np.isnan(R.sum(0))],axis=1)[:,np.newaxis]
        return R

    def ori_avg(Rs,these_ori_dirs):
        if fit_sc:
            rs_sc = np.nanmean(Rs[:nsc].reshape((nrun,nsize,ncontrast,ndir))[:,:,:,these_ori_dirs],-1)
            rs_sc[:,1:,1:] = ssi.convolve(rs_sc,kernel,'valid')
            rs_sc = rs_sc.reshape((nrun*nsize*ncontrast))
            rs_sc = np.zeros((0,))
        if fit_fg:
            rs_fg = np.nanmean(Rs[fg_start:fg_start+nfg].reshape((nrun,nstim_fg,ndir))[:,:,these_ori_dirs],-1)
            rs_fg = rs_fg.reshape((nrun*nstim_fg))
            rs_fg = np.zeros((0,))
        if fit_ret:
            rs_ret = Rs[ret_start:ret_start+nret]
            rs_ret = np.zeros((0,))
        Rso = np.concatenate((rs_sc,rs_fg,rs_ret))
        return Rso
    Rso_mean = [[[None for iT in range(nT)] for iS in range(nS)] for icelltype in range(len(Rs_mean))]
    Rso_cov = [[[[[None,None] for idim in range(ndims)] for iT in range(nT)] for iS in range(nS)] for icelltype in range(len(Rs_mean))]
    kernel = np.ones((1,2,2))
    kernel = kernel/kernel.sum()
    for iR,r in enumerate(Rs_mean):
        for ialign in range(nS):
            for iori in range(nT):
                Rso_mean[iR][ialign][iori] = ori_avg(Rs_mean[iR][ialign],ori_dirs[iori])
                for idim in range(ndims):
                    Rso_cov[iR][ialign][iori][idim][0] = Rs_cov[iR][ialign][idim][0]
                    Rso_cov[iR][ialign][iori][idim][1] = ori_avg(Rs_cov[iR][ialign][idim][1],ori_dirs[iori])

    def set_bound(bd,code,val=0):
        # set bounds to 0 where 0s occur in 'code'
        for iitem in range(len(bd)):
            bd[iitem][code[iitem]] = val
    nN = (36*fit_sc + 5*fit_fg + 5*fit_ret)*(1 + fit_both_running)
    nS = 2
    nP = 2 + fit_both_running
    #nT = 2
    nQ = 4

    ndims = 5
    ncelltypes = 5
    #print('foldT: %d'%foldT)
    if foldT:
        Yhat = [None for iS in range(nS)]
        Xhat = [None for iS in range(nS)]
        Ypc_list = [None for iS in range(nS)]
        Xpc_list = [None for iS in range(nS)]
        print('have not written this yet')
        Yhat = [[None for iT in range(nT)] for iS in range(nS)]
        Xhat = [[None for iT in range(nT)] for iS in range(nS)]
        Ypc_list = [[None for iT in range(nT)] for iS in range(nS)]
        Xpc_list = [[None for iT in range(nT)] for iS in range(nS)]
        for iS in range(nS):
            mx = np.zeros((ncelltypes,))
            yy = [None for icelltype in range(ncelltypes)]
            for icelltype in range(ncelltypes):
                yy[icelltype] = np.concatenate(Rso_mean[icelltype][iS])
                mx[icelltype] = np.nanmax(yy[icelltype])
            for iT in range(nT):
                y = [Rso_mean[icelltype][iS][iT][:,np.newaxis]/mx[icelltype] for icelltype in range(1,ncelltypes)]
                Yhat[iS][iT] = np.concatenate(y,axis=1)
                Ypc_list[iS][iT] = [None for icelltype in range(1,ncelltypes)]
                for icelltype in range(1,ncelltypes):
                    Ypc_list[iS][iT][icelltype-1] = [(this_dim[0]/mx[icelltype],this_dim[1]) for this_dim in Rso_cov[icelltype][iS][iT]]
                icelltype = 0
                x = Rso_mean[icelltype][iS][iT][:,np.newaxis]/mx[icelltype]
                if fit_both_running:
                    run_vector = np.zeros_like(x)
                    if fit_sc:
                        run_vector[int(nsc/ndir/2):int(nsc/ndir)] = 1
                    if fit_fg:
                        run_vector[int((fg_start+nfg/2)/ndir):int((fg_start+nfg)/ndir)] = 1
                    if fit_ret:
                        run_vector[int(ret_start/ndir+nret/2):int(ret_start/ndir+nret)] = 1
                    print('run vector mean: '+str(run_vector.mean()))
                    print('run vector shape: '+str(run_vector.shape))
                    run_vector = np.zeros((x.shape[0],0))
                Xhat[iS][iT] = np.concatenate((x,np.ones_like(x),run_vector),axis=1)
                Xpc_list[iS][iT] = [None for iinput in range(2+fit_both_running)]
                Xpc_list[iS][iT][0] = [(this_dim[0]/mx[icelltype],this_dim[1]) for this_dim in Rso_cov[icelltype][iS][iT]]
                Xpc_list[iS][iT][1] = [(0,np.zeros((Xhat[0][0].shape[0],))) for idim in range(ndims)]
                if fit_both_running:
                    Xpc_list[iS][iT][2] = [(0,np.zeros((Xhat[0][0].shape[0],))) for idim in range(ndims)]
    nN,nP = Xhat[0][0].shape
    nQ = Yhat[0][0].shape[1]
    # code for bounds: 0 , constrained to 0
    # +/-1 , constrained to +/-1
    # 1.5, constrained to [0,1]
    # -1.5, constrained to [-1,1]
    # 2 , constrained to [0,inf)
    # -2 , constrained to (-inf,0]
    # 3 , unconstrained
    W0x_bounds = 3*np.ones((nP,nQ),dtype=int)
    W0x_bounds[0,:] = 2 # L4 PCs are excitatory
    W0x_bounds[0,1] = 0 # SSTs don't receive L4 input 
    if allow_var:
        if nondim:
            W1x_bounds = -1.5*np.ones(W0x_bounds.shape) #W0x_bounds.copy()*0 #np.zeros_like(W0x_bounds)
            W1x_bounds = 3*np.ones(W0x_bounds.shape) #W0x_bounds.copy()*0 #np.zeros_like(W0x_bounds)
        W1x_bounds[0,1] = 0
        W1x_bounds = np.zeros(W0x_bounds.shape) #W0x_bounds.copy()*0 #np.zeros_like(W0x_bounds)
    W0y_bounds = 3*np.ones((nQ,nQ),dtype=int)
    W0y_bounds[0,:] = 2 # PCs are excitatory
    W0y_bounds[1:,:] = -2 # all the cell types except PCs are inhibitory
    W0y_bounds[1,1] = 0 # SSTs don't inhibit themselves
    # W0y_bounds[3,1] = 0 # PVs are allowed to inhibit SSTs, consistent with Hillel's unpublished results, but not consistent with Pfeffer et al.
    W0y_bounds[2,0] = 0 # VIPs don't inhibit L2/3 PCs. According to Pfeffer et al., only L5 PCs were found to get VIP inhibition
    W0y_bounds[2,2] = 0 # newly added: no VIP-VIP inhibition 

    if not constrain_wts is None:
        for wt in constrain_wts:
            W0y_bounds[wt[0],wt[1]] = 0
            W1y_bounds[wt[0],wt[1]] = 0
    def tile_nS_nT_nN(kernel):
        row = np.concatenate([kernel for idim in range(nS*nT)],axis=0)[np.newaxis,:]
        tiled = np.concatenate([row for irow in range(nN)],axis=0)
        return tiled
    if fit_s02:
        s02_bounds = 2*np.ones((nQ,)) # permitting noise as a free parameter
        s02_bounds = np.ones((nQ,))
    Kin0_bounds = 1.5*np.ones((nQ*(nS>1),))
    kappa_bounds = np.ones((nS-1,))
    # kappa_bounds = 2*np.ones((1,))
    Tin0_bounds = 1.5*np.ones((nQ*(nT>1),))
    #T_bounds[2:4] = 1 # PV and VIP are constrained to have flat ori tuning
    #Tin0_bounds[1:4] = 1 # SST,VIP, and PV are constrained to have flat ori tuning

    if nondim:
        kt_factor = -1.5
        kt_factor = 3

    if allow_var:
        W1y_bounds = kt_factor*np.ones(W0y_bounds.shape) #W0y_bounds.copy()*0 #np.zeros_like(W0y_bounds)
        Kin1_bounds = kt_factor*np.ones(Kin0_bounds.shape) #W0y_bounds.copy()*0 #np.zeros_like(W0y_bounds)
        Tin1_bounds = kt_factor*np.ones(Tin0_bounds.shape) #W0y_bounds.copy()*0 #np.zeros_like(W0y_bounds)
        W1y_bounds[1,1] = 0
        #W1y_bounds[3,1] = 0 
        W1y_bounds[2,0] = 0
        W1y_bounds[2,2] = 0 # newly added: no VIP-VIP inhibition
        W1y_bounds = np.zeros(W0y_bounds.shape) #W0y_bounds.copy()*0 #np.zeros_like(W0y_bounds)
        Kin1_bounds = 0*np.ones(Kin0_bounds.shape) #W0y_bounds.copy()*0 #np.zeros_like(W0y_bounds)
        Tin1_bounds = 0*np.ones(Tin0_bounds.shape) #W0y_bounds.copy()*0 #np.zeros_like(W0y_bounds)

    if multiout:
        W2x_bounds = W1x_bounds.copy()
        W2y_bounds = W1y_bounds.copy()
        if multiout2:
            W3x_bounds = W1x_bounds.copy()
            W3y_bounds = W1y_bounds.copy()
            W3x_bounds = W1x_bounds.copy()*0
            W3y_bounds = W1y_bounds.copy()*0
        W2x_bounds = W1x_bounds.copy()*0
        W2y_bounds = W1y_bounds.copy()*0
        W3x_bounds = W1x_bounds.copy()*0
        W3y_bounds = W1y_bounds.copy()*0

    if run_modulation:
        W0xrun_bounds = -1.5*(W0x_bounds!=0).astype('int')
        W0yrun_bounds = -1.5*(W0y_bounds!=0).astype('int')
        W0xrun_bounds = W0x_bounds.copy()*0
        W0yrun_bounds = W0y_bounds.copy()*0

    if nS>1:
        Kxout0_bounds = np.array((1.5,)+tuple(np.zeros((nP-1,))))
        Kxout1_bounds = np.array((kt_factor,)+tuple(np.zeros((nP-1,))))
        Kxout0_bounds = np.zeros((0,))
        Kxout1_bounds = np.zeros((0,)) 
    if nT>1:
        Txout0_bounds = Kxout0_bounds.copy()
        Txout1_bounds = Kxout1_bounds.copy() 
        Txout0_bounds = np.zeros((0,))
        Txout1_bounds = np.zeros((0,)) 

    Kyout0_bounds = Kin0_bounds.copy()
    Tyout0_bounds = Tin0_bounds.copy()
    Kyout1_bounds = Kin1_bounds.copy()
    Tyout1_bounds = Tin1_bounds.copy()

    if not axon:
        Kxout0_bounds = np.ones_like(Kxout0_bounds)
        Txout0_bounds = np.ones_like(Txout0_bounds)
        Kxout1_bounds = np.zeros_like(Kxout1_bounds)
        Txout1_bounds = np.zeros_like(Txout1_bounds)

        Kyout0_bounds = np.ones_like(Kyout0_bounds)
        Tyout0_bounds = np.ones_like(Tyout0_bounds)
        Kyout1_bounds = np.zeros_like(Kyout1_bounds)
        Tyout1_bounds = np.zeros_like(Tyout1_bounds)
    if fit_both_running:
        to_tile = Xhat[0][0][:,1:]
        to_tile = np.concatenate((2*np.ones((to_tile.shape[0],1)),to_tile),axis=1)
        X_bounds = np.tile(to_tile,(1,nS*nT))
        X_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(np.array([2,1]))
    # X_bounds = np.array([np.array([2,1,2,1])]*nN)
    if fit_both_running:
        Xp_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(np.array([3,0,0])) # edited to set XXp to 0 for spont. term
        Xp_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(np.array([3,0])) # edited to set XXp to 0 for spont. term
    if not multiout:
        Xp_bounds = Xp_bounds*0
    # Xp_bounds = np.array([np.array([3,1,3,1])]*nN)
    # Y_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(2*np.ones((nQ,)))
    # # Y_bounds = 2*np.ones((nN,nT*nS*nQ))
    Eta_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(3*np.ones((nQ,)))
    # Eta_bounds = 3*np.ones((nN,nT*nS*nQ))
    if allow_var:
        Xi_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(3*np.ones((nQ,)))
        Xi_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(np.zeros((nQ,)))
    #Xi_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(3*np.ones((nQ,))) # temporarily allowing Xi even if W1 is not allowed

    # Xi_bounds = 3*np.ones((nN,nT*nS*nQ))
    h1_bounds = -2*np.ones((1,))

    h2_bounds = 2*np.ones((1,))

    bl_bounds = 3*np.ones((nQ,))

    if free_amplitude:
        amp_bounds = 2*np.ones((nT*nS*nQ,))
        amp_bounds = 1*np.ones((nT*nS*nQ,))
    # shapes = [(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nQ,),(nQ,),(1,),(nN,nS*nP),(nN,nS*nQ),(nN,nS*nQ),(nN,nS*nQ)]
    #shapes = [(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nQ,),(nQ*(nS-1),),(nQ*(nS-1),),(nQ*(nS-1),),(nQ*(nS-1),),(1,),(nQ*(nT-1),),(nQ*(nT-1),),(nQ*(nT-1),),(nQ*(nT-1),),(nN,nT*nS*nP),(nN,nT*nS*nP),(nN,nT*nS*nQ),(nN,nT*nS*nQ),(1,)]
    shapes1 = [(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nQ,),(nQ*(nS>1),),(nQ*(nS>1),),(nP*(nS>1),),(nQ*(nS>1),),(nP*(nS>1),),(nQ*(nS>1),),(1,),(nQ*(nT>1),),(nQ*(nT>1),),(nP*(nT>1),),(nQ*(nT>1),),(nP*(nT>1),),(nQ*(nT>1),),(1,),(1,),(nQ,),(nT*nS*nQ,)]
    print('shapes1: '+str(shapes1))
    shapes2 = [(nN,nT*nS*nP),(nN,nT*nS*nP),(nN,nT*nS*nQ),(nN,nT*nS*nQ)]
    #         W0x,    W0y,    W1x,    W1y,    W2x,    W2y,    W3x,    W3y,    s02,  k,    kappa,T,   XX,            XXp,          Eta,          Xi
    #lb = [-np.inf*np.ones(shp) for shp in shapes]
    #ub = [np.inf*np.ones(shp) for shp in shapes]
    #bdlist = [W0x_bounds,W0y_bounds,W1x_bounds,W1y_bounds,W2x_bounds,W2y_bounds,W3x_bounds,W3y_bounds,s02_bounds,k0_bounds,k1_bounds,k2_bounds,k3_bounds,kappa_bounds,Tin0_bounds,Tin1_bounds,Tout0_bounds,Tout1_bounds,X_bounds,Xp_bounds,Eta_bounds,Xi_bounds,h_bounds]
    bd1list = [W0x_bounds,W0y_bounds,W1x_bounds,W1y_bounds,W2x_bounds,W2y_bounds,W3x_bounds,W3y_bounds,W0xrun_bounds,W0yrun_bounds,s02_bounds,Kin0_bounds,Kin1_bounds,Kxout0_bounds,Kyout0_bounds,Kxout1_bounds,Kyout1_bounds,kappa_bounds,Tin0_bounds,Tin1_bounds,Txout0_bounds,Tyout0_bounds,Txout1_bounds,Tyout1_bounds,h1_bounds,h2_bounds,bl_bounds,amp_bounds]
    bd2list = [X_bounds,Xp_bounds,Eta_bounds,Xi_bounds]

    print('bd1 shapes: '+str([b.shape for b in bd1list]))

    lb1,ub1 = [[sgn*np.inf*np.ones(shp) for shp in shapes1] for sgn in [-1,1]]
    lb1,ub1 = calnet.utils.set_bounds_by_code(lb1,ub1,bd1list)
    lb2,ub2 = [[sgn*np.inf*np.ones(shp) for shp in shapes2] for sgn in [-1,1]]
    lb2,ub2 = calnet.utils.set_bounds_by_code(lb2,ub2,bd2list)

    lb1 = np.concatenate([a.flatten() for a in lb1])
    ub1 = np.concatenate([b.flatten() for b in ub1])
    lb2 = np.concatenate([a.flatten() for a in lb2])
    ub2 = np.concatenate([b.flatten() for b in ub2])
    bounds1 = [(a,b) for a,b in zip(lb1,ub1)]
    bounds2 = [(a,b) for a,b in zip(lb2,ub2)]
    def compute_f_(Eta,Xi,s02):
        return sim_utils.f_miller_troyer(Eta,Xi**2+np.concatenate([s02 for ipixel in range(nS*nT)]))
    def compute_fprime_m_(Eta,Xi,s02):
        return sim_utils.fprime_miller_troyer(Eta,Xi**2+np.concatenate([s02 for ipixel in range(nS*nT)]))*Xi
    def compute_fprime_s_(Eta,Xi,s02):
        s2 = Xi**2+np.concatenate((s02,s02),axis=0)
        return sim_utils.fprime_s_miller_troyer(Eta,s2)*(Xi/s2)
    def sorted_r_eigs(w):
        drW,prW = np.linalg.eig(w)
        srtinds = np.argsort(drW)
        return drW[srtinds],prW[:,srtinds]
    #shapes = [(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nQ,),(nQ*(nS-1),),(nQ*(nS-1),),(nQ*(nS-1),),(nQ*(nS-1),),(1,),(nQ*(nT-1),),(nQ*(nT-1),),(nQ*(nT-1),),(nQ*(nT-1),),(nN,nT*nS*nP),(nN,nT*nS*nP),(nN,nT*nS*nQ),(nN,nT*nS*nQ),(1,)]
    #shapes1 = [(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nQ,),(nQ*(nS-1),),(nQ*(nS-1),),(nQ*(nS-1),),(nQ*(nS-1),),(1,),(nQ*(nT-1),),(nQ*(nT-1),),(nQ*(nT-1),),(nQ*(nT-1),),(1,),(1,),(nQ,),(nT*nS*nQ,)]
    #shapes2 = [(nN,nT*nS*nP),(nN,nT*nS*nP),(nN,nT*nS*nQ),(nN,nT*nS*nQ)]
    import sim_utils

    YYhat = calnet.utils.flatten_nested_list_of_2d_arrays(Yhat)
    opto_dict = np.load(opto_silencing_data_file,allow_pickle=True)[()]

    Yhat_opto = opto_dict['Yhat_opto']
    Yhat_opto = np.ones((nN*2,nQ*nS*nT))
    #Yhat_opto = Yhat_opto.reshape((nN*2,-1))
    Yhat_opto[0::12] = np.nanmean(Yhat_opto[0::12],axis=0)[np.newaxis]
    Yhat_opto[1::12] = np.nanmean(Yhat_opto[1::12],axis=0)[np.newaxis]
    Yhat_opto = Yhat_opto/np.nanmax(Yhat_opto[0::2],0)[np.newaxis,:]
    h_opto = np.zeros((nN*2,))
    #h_opto = opto_dict['h_opto']
    #dYY1 = Yhat_opto[1::2]-Yhat_opto[0::2]

    YYhat_halo = Yhat_opto.reshape((nN,2,-1))
    opto_transform1 = calnet.utils.fit_opto_transform(YYhat_halo,norm01=norm_opto_transforms)

    if no_halo_res:
        opto_transform1.res[:,[0,2,3,4,6,7]] = 0

    dYY1 = opto_transform1.transform(YYhat) - opto_transform1.preprocess(YYhat)
    #print('delta bias: %f'%dXX1[:,1].mean())
    #YYhat_halo_sim = calnet.utils.simulate_opto_effect(YYhat,YYhat_halo)
    #dYY1 = YYhat_halo_sim[:,1,:] - YYhat_halo_sim[:,0,:]

    def overwrite_plus_n(arr,to_overwrite,n):
        arr[:,to_overwrite] = arr[:,int(to_overwrite+n)]
        return arr

    for to_overwrite in [1,2]:
        n = 4
        dYY1,opto_transform1.slope,opto_transform1.intercept,opto_transform1.res \
                = [overwrite_plus_n(x,to_overwrite,n) for x in \
    for to_overwrite in [7]:
        n = -4
        dYY1,opto_transform1.slope,opto_transform1.intercept,opto_transform1.res \
                = [overwrite_plus_n(x,to_overwrite,n) for x in \

    opto_dict = np.load(opto_activation_data_file,allow_pickle=True)[()]

    Yhat_opto = opto_dict['Yhat_opto']
    Yhat_opto = np.ones((nN*2,nQ*nS*nT))
    #Yhat_opto = Yhat_opto.reshape((nN*2,-1))
    Yhat_opto[0::12] = np.nanmean(Yhat_opto[0::12],axis=0)[np.newaxis]
    Yhat_opto[1::12] = np.nanmean(Yhat_opto[1::12],axis=0)[np.newaxis]
    Yhat_opto = Yhat_opto/Yhat_opto[0::2].max(0)[np.newaxis,:]
    h_opto = np.zeros((nN*2,))
    #h_opto = opto_dict['h_opto']
    #dYY2 = Yhat_opto[1::2]-Yhat_opto[0::2]

    YYhat_chrimson = Yhat_opto.reshape((nN,2,-1))
    opto_transform2 = calnet.utils.fit_opto_transform(YYhat_chrimson,norm01=norm_opto_transforms)

    dYY2 = opto_transform2.transform(YYhat) - opto_transform2.preprocess(YYhat)

    dYY = np.concatenate((dYY1,dYY2),axis=0)

    if ignore_halo_vip:
        dYY1[:,2::nQ] = np.nan
    #from importlib import reload
    wt_dict = {}
    wt_dict['X'] = 3
    wt_dict['Y'] = 3
    wt_dict['Eta'] = 3# 10
    wt_dict['Xi'] = 3
    wt_dict['stims'] = np.ones((nN,1)) #(np.arange(30)/30)[:,np.newaxis]**1 #
    wt_dict['barrier'] = 0. #30.0 #0.1
    wt_dict['opto'] = 0#1e0#1e-1#1e1
    wt_dict['smi'] = 0
    wt_dict['isn'] = 0.1
    wt_dict['tv'] = 0.1

    YYhat = calnet.utils.flatten_nested_list_of_2d_arrays(Yhat)
    XXhat = calnet.utils.flatten_nested_list_of_2d_arrays(Xhat)
    Eta0 = invert_f_mt(YYhat)
    Xi0 = invert_fprime_mt(Ypc_list,Eta0,nN=nN,nQ=nQ,nS=nS,nT=nT,foldT=foldT)

    ntries = 1
    nhyper = 1
    dt = 1e-1
    niter = int(np.round(10/dt)) #int(1e4)
    perturbation_size = 5e-2
    W1t = [[None for itry in range(ntries)] for ihyper in range(nhyper)]
    W2t = [[None for itry in range(ntries)] for ihyper in range(nhyper)]
    loss = np.zeros((nhyper,ntries))
    is_neg = np.array([b[1] for b in bounds1])==0
    counter = 0
    negatize = [np.zeros(shp,dtype='bool') for shp in shapes1]
    for ishp,shp in enumerate(shapes1):
        nel = np.prod(shp)
        negatize[ishp][:][is_neg[counter:counter+nel].reshape(shp)] = True
        counter = counter + nel
    for ihyper in range(nhyper):
        for itry in range(ntries):
            W10list = [init_noise*(ihyper+1)*np.random.rand(*shp) for shp in shapes1]
            W20list = [init_noise*(ihyper+1)*np.random.rand(*shp) for shp in shapes2]
            counter = 0
            for ishp,shp in enumerate(shapes1):
                W10list[ishp][negatize[ishp]] = -W10list[ishp][negatize[ishp]]
            nextraW = 4
            nextraK = nextraW + 3
            nextraT = nextraK + 3
            #Wstar_dict['as_list'] = [W0x,W0y,W1x,W1y,W2x,W2y,W3x,W3y,s02,Kin0,Kin1,Kxout0,Kyout0,Kxout1,Kyout1,kappa,Tin0,Tin1,Txout0,Tyout0,Txout1,Tyout1,XX,XXp,Eta,Xi,h1,h2,bl,amp]#,h2
            init_val = [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]
            W10list = [iv*np.ones(shp) for iv,shp in zip(init_val,shapes1)]
            #W10list[nextraW+4] = np.ones(shapes1[nextraW+4]) # s02
            #W10list[nextraW+5] = np.ones(shapes1[nextraW+5]) # K
            #W10list[nextraW+6] = np.ones(shapes1[nextraW+6]) # K
            #W10list[nextraW+7] = np.zeros(shapes1[nextraW+7]) # K
            #W10list[nextraW+8] = np.zeros(shapes1[nextraW+8]) # K
            #W10list[nextraK+6] = np.ones(shapes1[nextraK+6]) # kappa
            #W10list[nextraK+7] = np.ones(shapes1[nextraK+7]) # T
            #W10list[nextraK+8] = np.ones(shapes1[nextraK+8]) # T
            #W10list[nextraK+9] = np.zeros(shapes1[nextraK+9]) # T
            #W10list[nextraK+10] = np.zeros(shapes1[nextraK+10]) # T
            W20list[0] = XXhat #np.concatenate(Xhat,axis=1) #XX
            W20list[1] = get_pc_dim(Xpc_list,nN=nN,nPQ=nP,nS=nS,nT=nT,idim=0,foldT=foldT) #XXp
            W20list[2] = Eta0 #np.zeros(shapes[nextraT+10]) #Eta
            W20list[3] = Xi0 #Xi
            isn_init = np.array(((3,5),(-5,-5)))
            nvar,nxy = 4,2
            freeze_vals = [[None for _ in range(nxy)] for _ in range(nvar)]
            for ivar in range(nvar):
                for ixy in range(nxy):
                    iflat = np.ravel_multi_index((ivar,ixy),(nvar,nxy))
                    freeze_vals[ivar][ixy] = np.zeros(bd1list[iflat].shape)
                    freeze_vals[ivar][ixy][bd1list[iflat]==0] = np.nan
            if init_W_from_lsq:
                # shapes1
                # shapes2
                #W0x,W0y,W1x,W1y,W2x,W2y,W3x,W3y,Kin0,Kin1,Tin0,Tin1 = initialize_Ws(Xhat,Yhat,Xpc_list,Ypc_list,scale_by=1)
                lams = 1e5*np.array((0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1))
                if constrain_isn:
                    freeze_vals[0][1][slice(0,None,3)][:,slice(0,None,3)] = isn_init
                #Wlist = [W0x,W0y,W1x,W1y,W2x,W2y,W3x,W3y,Kin0,Kin1,Kxout0,Kyout0,Kxout1,Kyout1,Tin0,Tin1,Txout0,Tyout0,Txout1,Tyout1]
                # W1list = [W0x,W0y,W1x,W1y,W2x,W2y,W3x,W3y,s02,Kin0,Kin1,Kxout0,Kyout0,Kxout1,Kyout1,kappa,Tin0,Tin1,Txout0,Tyout0,Txout1,Tyout1,h1,h2,bl,amp]#,h2
                # W0,W1,W2,W3,Kin0,Kin1,Tin0,Tin1
                thisWlist = initialize_Ws(Xhat,Yhat,Xpc_list,Ypc_list,scale_by=1,freeze_vals=freeze_vals,lams=lams,foldT=foldT)
                #Winds = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,17,18,19,20,21]
                Winds = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12,13,14,15,16,18,19,20,21,22,23]
                for ivar,Wind in enumerate(Winds):
                    if shapes1[Wind] == thisWlist[ivar].shape:
                        W10list[Wind] = thisWlist[ivar]
                #W10list[0],W10list[1] = initialize_W(Xhat,Yhat,scale_by=scale_init_by)
                for Wind in Winds+[8,9]:
                    W10list[Wind] = W10list[Wind] + init_noise*np.random.randn(*W10list[Wind].shape)
                if constrain_isn:
                    W10list[1][slice(0,None,3)][:,slice(0,None,3)] = isn_init
                    #W10list[1][0,0] = 3 
                    #W10list[1][0,3] = 5 
                    #W10list[1][3,0] = -5
                    #W10list[1][3,3] = -5

            if init_W_from_file:
                # did not adjust this yet
                #Wstar_dict['as_list'] = [W0x,W0y,W1x,W1y,W2x,W2y,W3x,W3y,W0xrun,W0yrun,s02,Kin0,Kin1,Kxout0,Kyout0,Kxout1,Kyout1,kappa,Tin0,Tin1,Txout0,Tyout0,Txout1,Tyout1,XX,XXp,Eta,Xi,h1,h2,bl,amp]#,h2
                npyfile = np.load(init_file,allow_pickle=True)[()]
                print([w.shape for w in npyfile['as_list']])
                W10list = [npyfile['as_list'][ivar] for ivar in list(np.arange(24))+[28,29,30,31]]
                W20list = [npyfile['as_list'][ivar] for ivar in [24,25,26,27]]
                if correct_Eta:
                    W20list[2] = Eta0.copy()
                #if len(W10list) < len(shapes1):
                #    #assert(True==False)
                #    W10list = W10list + [np.array(1),np.zeros((nQ,)),np.zeros((nT*nS*nQ,))] # add bl, amp #np.array(1), #h2, 
                #W10 = unparse_W(W10list)
                #W20 = unparse_W(W20list)
                opt = fmc.gen_opt_axon(nN=nN,nP=nP,nQ=nQ,nS=nS,nT=nT,foldT=foldT,nondim=nondim,run_modulation=run_modulation)
                #opt = fmc.gen_opt()
                #resEta0,resXi0 = fmc.compute_res(W10,W20,opt)
                #if init_W1xy_with_res:
                #    W1x0,W1y0,Kin10,Tin10 = optimize_W1xy(W10list,W20list,opt)
                #    W0list[2] = W1x0
                #    W0list[3] = W1y0
                #    W0list[10] = Kin10
                #    W0list[15] = Tin10
                #if init_W2xy_with_res:
                #    W2x0,W2y0 = optimize_W2xy(W10list,W20list,opt)
                #    W0list[4] = W2x0
                #    W0list[5] = W2y0
                if init_Eta_with_s02:
                    s02 = W10list[4].copy()
                    Eta0 = invert_f_mt_with_s02(YYhat,s02,nS=nS,nT=nT)
                    W20list[2] = Eta0.copy()
                for ivar in range(len(W10list)):#[0,1,4,5]: # Wmx, Wmy, s02, k
                    W10list[ivar] = W10list[ivar] + init_noise*np.random.randn(*W10list[ivar].shape)
                #W0list = npyfile['as_list']

                #extra_Ws = [np.zeros_like(W10list[ivar]) for ivar in range(2)]
                #extra_ks = [np.zeros_like(W10list[5]) for ivar in range(3)]
                #extra_Ts = [np.zeros_like(W10list[7]) for ivar in range(3)]
                #W10list = W10list[:4] + extra_Ws*2 + W10list[4:6] + extra_ks + W10list[6:8] + extra_Ts + W10list[8:]

            W1t[ihyper][itry],W2t[ihyper][itry],loss[ihyper][itry],gr,hess,result = calnet.fitting_2step_spatial_feature_opto_multiout_axon_nonlinear_run_modulation.fit_W_sim(Xhat,Xpc_list,Yhat,Ypc_list,pop_rate_fn=sim_utils.f_miller_troyer,pop_deriv_fn=sim_utils.fprime_miller_troyer,neuron_rate_fn=sim_utils.evaluate_f_mt,W10list=W10list.copy(),W20list=W20list.copy(),bounds1=bounds1,bounds2=bounds2,niter=niter,wt_dict=wt_dict,l2_penalty=l2_penalty,l1_penalty=l1_penalty,compute_hessian=False,dt=dt,perturbation_size=perturbation_size,dYY=dYY,constrain_isn=constrain_isn,tv=tv,foldT=foldT,use_opto_transforms=use_opto_transforms,opto_transform1=opto_transform1,opto_transform2=opto_transform2,nondim=nondim,run_modulation=run_modulation)
    #def parse_W(W):
    #    W0x,W0y,W1x,W1y,W2x,W2y,W3x,W3y,s02,Kin0,Kin1,Kout0,Kout1,kappa,Tin0,Tin1,Txout0,Tyout0,Txout1,Tyout1,XX,XXp,Eta,Xi,h = W
    #    return W0x,W0y,W1x,W1y,W2x,W2y,W3x,W3y,s02,Kin0,Kin1,Kout0,Kout1,kappa,Tin0,Tin1,Txout0,Tyout0,Txout1,Tyout1,XX,XXp,Eta,Xi,h
    def parse_W1(W):
        W0x,W0y,W1x,W1y,W2x,W2y,W3x,W3y,W0xrun,W0yrun,s02,Kin0,Kin1,Kxout0,Kyout0,Kxout1,Kyout1,kappa,Tin0,Tin1,Txout0,Tyout0,Txout1,Tyout1,h1,h2,bl,amp = W #h2,
        return W0x,W0y,W1x,W1y,W2x,W2y,W3x,W3y,W0xrun,W0yrun,s02,Kin0,Kin1,Kxout0,Kyout0,Kxout1,Kyout1,kappa,Tin0,Tin1,Txout0,Tyout0,Txout1,Tyout1,h1,h2,bl,amp #h2,
    def parse_W2(W):
        XX,XXp,Eta,Xi = W
        return XX,XXp,Eta,Xi    

    def unparse_W(Ws):
        return np.concatenate([ww.flatten() for ww in Ws])
    itry = 0
    W0x,W0y,W1x,W1y,W2x,W2y,W3x,W3y,W0xrun,W0yrun,s02,Kin0,Kin1,Kxout0,Kyout0,Kxout1,Kyout1,kappa,Tin0,Tin1,Txout0,Tyout0,Txout1,Tyout1,h1,h2,bl,amp = parse_W1(W1t[0][0])#h2,
    XX,XXp,Eta,Xi = parse_W2(W2t[0][0])
    #labels = ['W0x','W0y','W1x','W1y','W2x','W2y','W3x','W3y','s02','Kin0','Kin1','Kout0','Kout1','kappa','Tin0','Tin1','Tout0','Tout1','XX','XXp','Eta','Xi','h']
    labels1 = ['W0x','W0y','W1x','W1y','W2x','W2y','W3x','W3y','W0xrun','W0yrun','s02','Kin0','Kin1','Kxout0','Kyout0','Kxout1','Kyout1','kappa','Tin0','Tin1','Txout0','Tyout0','Txout1','Tyout1','h1','h2','bl','amp']#,'h2'
    labels2 = ['XX','XXp','Eta','Xi']
    Wstar_dict = {}
    for i,label in enumerate(labels1):
        Wstar_dict[label] = W1t[0][0][i]
    for i,label in enumerate(labels2):
        Wstar_dict[label] = W2t[0][0][i]
    #Wstar_dict = {}
    #for i,label in enumerate(labels):
    #    Wstar_dict[label] = W1t[0][0][i]
    Wstar_dict['as_list'] = [W0x,W0y,W1x,W1y,W2x,W2y,W3x,W3y,W0xrun,W0yrun,s02,Kin0,Kin1,Kxout0,Kyout0,Kxout1,Kyout1,kappa,Tin0,Tin1,Txout0,Tyout0,Txout1,Tyout1,XX,XXp,Eta,Xi,h1,h2,bl,amp]#,h2
    Wstar_dict['loss'] = loss[0][0]
    Wstar_dict['wt_dict'] = wt_dict
# parameters to learn
param_vec = np.array([-0.2, -0.2, -0.2, -0.2, 1.5, 1.5])

labels = ['N1', 'N2', 'C1', 'C2', 'C0']

def grad_wrapper(param_vec, i):
    for the autograd optimisers

    return grad_func(param_vec, N, Cin, next_N, C, C_0)

xSol, Cins = create_time_series('/Users/Neythen/masters_project/app/CBcurl_master/examples/parameter_files/unstable_2_species.yaml', '/Users/Neythen/masters_project/results/lookup_table_results/LT_unstable_repeats/repeat1/Q_table.npy', 10000)

np.save('unstable.npy', xSol)
np.save('unstable_Cins.npy', Cins)

xSol = np.load(
Cins = np.load(

fullSol = xSol
losses = []
            idx += 1

        # Now loop over each node again and figure out its neighbors.
        for n, d in p.nodes(data=True):
            graph_nodes[project['title']][d['idx']] = n
            for nbr in p.neighbors(n):
            # print(nodes_nbrs[d['idx']])
        print('Did not make graph for {0}'.format(project['code']))

# Save the data to disk:
# The array...
feat_array = np.vstack(feat_list)
np.save('../data/feat_array.npy', feat_array)

# The node idxs and their neighbor idxs...
with open('../data/nodes_nbrs.pkl', 'wb') as f:
    pkl.dump(nodes_nbrs, f)

# The graphs' seqids and their node idxs...
with open('../data/graph_idxs.pkl', 'wb') as f:
    pkl.dump(graph_idxs, f)

# The graphs': {'SeqID1':{1:'A51SER',...},...}
with open('../data/graph_nodes.pkl', 'wb') as f:
    pkl.dump(graph_nodes, f)
Exemplo n.º 11
def fit_weights_and_save(

    nsize, ncontrast = 6, 6

    # In[3]:

    npfile = np.load(ca_data_file,
                     allow_pickle=True)[()]  #,{'rs':rs},allow_pickle=True)
    rs = npfile['rs']

    # In[4]:

    nsize, ncontrast, ndir = 6, 6, 8
    ori_dirs = [[0, 4], [2, 6]]  #[[0,4],[1,3,5,7],[2,6]]
    nT = len(ori_dirs)
    nS = len(rs[0])

    def sum_to_1(r):
        R = r.reshape((r.shape[0], -1))
        #R = R/np.nansum(R[:,~np.isnan(R.sum(0))],axis=1)[:,np.newaxis]
        R = R / np.nansum(R, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]  # changed 8/28
        return R

    def norm_to_mean(r):
        R = r.reshape((r.shape[0], -1))
        R = R / np.nanmean(R[:, ~np.isnan(R.sum(0))], axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
        return R

    Rs = [[None, None] for i in range(len(rs))]
    Rso = [[[None for iT in range(nT)] for iS in range(nS)]
           for icelltype in range(len(rs))]
    rso = [[[None for iT in range(nT)] for iS in range(nS)]
           for icelltype in range(len(rs))]

    for iR, r in enumerate(rs):  #rs_denoise):
        for ialign in range(nS):
            Rs[iR][ialign] = sum_to_1(r[ialign][:, :nsize, :])
    #         Rs[iR][ialign] = von_mises_denoise(Rs[iR][ialign].reshape((-1,nsize,ncontrast,ndir)))

    kernel = np.ones((1, 2, 2))
    kernel = kernel / kernel.sum()

    for iR, r in enumerate(rs):
        for ialign in range(nS):
            for iori in range(nT):
                Rso[iR][ialign][iori] = np.nanmean(
                        (-1, nsize, ncontrast, ndir))[:, :, :, ori_dirs[iori]],
                Rso[iR][ialign][iori][:, :, 0] = np.nanmean(
                    Rso[iR][ialign][iori][:, :, 0], 1)[:, np.newaxis]
                Rso[iR][ialign][iori][:, 1:, 1:] = ssi.convolve(
                    Rso[iR][ialign][iori], kernel, 'valid')
                Rso[iR][ialign][iori] = Rso[iR][ialign][iori].reshape(
                    Rso[iR][ialign][iori].shape[0], -1)

    #kernel = np.ones((1,2,2))
    #kernel = kernel/kernel.sum()
    #for iR,r in enumerate(rs):
    #    for ialign in range(nS):
    #        for iori in range(nT):
    #            Rso[iR][ialign][iori] = np.nanmean(Rs[iR][ialign].reshape((-1,nsize,ncontrast,ndir))[:,:,:,ori_dirs[iori]],-1)
    #            Rso[iR][ialign][iori] = ssi.convolve(Rso[iR][ialign][iori],kernel,'same')
    #            Rso[iR][ialign][iori] = Rso[iR][ialign][iori].reshape(Rso[iR][ialign][iori].shape[0],-1)

    # In[6]:

    def set_bound(bd, code, val=0):
        # set bounds to 0 where 0s occur in 'code'
        for iitem in range(len(bd)):
            bd[iitem][code[iitem]] = val

    # In[7]:

    nN = 36
    nS = 2
    nP = 2
    nT = 2
    nQ = 4

    # code for bounds: 0 , constrained to 0
    # +/-1 , constrained to +/-1
    # 1.5, constrained to [0,1]
    # 2 , constrained to [0,inf)
    # -2 , constrained to (-inf,0]
    # 3 , unconstrained

    Wmx_bounds = 3 * np.ones((nP, nQ), dtype=int)
    Wmx_bounds[0, 1] = 0  # SSTs don't receive L4 input

    if allow_var:
        Wsx_bounds = 3 * np.ones(
            Wmx_bounds.shape)  #Wmx_bounds.copy()*0 #np.zeros_like(Wmx_bounds)
        Wsx_bounds[0, 1] = 0
        Wsx_bounds = np.zeros(
            Wmx_bounds.shape)  #Wmx_bounds.copy()*0 #np.zeros_like(Wmx_bounds)

    Wmy_bounds = 3 * np.ones((nQ, nQ), dtype=int)
    Wmy_bounds[0, :] = 2  # PCs are excitatory
    Wmy_bounds[1:, :] = -2  # all the cell types except PCs are inhibitory
    Wmy_bounds[1, 1] = 0  # SSTs don't inhibit themselves
    # Wmy_bounds[3,1] = 0 # PVs are allowed to inhibit SSTs, consistent with Hillel's unpublished results, but not consistent with Pfeffer et al.
        0] = 0  # VIPs don't inhibit L2/3 PCs. According to Pfeffer et al., only L5 PCs were found to get VIP inhibition

    if allow_var:
        Wsy_bounds = 3 * np.ones(
            Wmy_bounds.shape)  #Wmy_bounds.copy()*0 #np.zeros_like(Wmy_bounds)
        Wsy_bounds[1, 1] = 0
        Wsy_bounds[3, 1] = 0
        Wsy_bounds[2, 0] = 0
        Wsy_bounds = np.zeros(
            Wmy_bounds.shape)  #Wmy_bounds.copy()*0 #np.zeros_like(Wmy_bounds)

    if not constrain_wts is None:
        for wt in constrain_wts:
            Wmy_bounds[wt[0], wt[1]] = 0
            Wsy_bounds[wt[0], wt[1]] = 0

    def tile_nS_nT_nN(kernel):
        row = np.concatenate([kernel for idim in range(nS * nT)],
                             axis=0)[np.newaxis, :]
        tiled = np.concatenate([row for irow in range(nN)], axis=0)
        return tiled

    if fit_s02:
        s02_bounds = 2 * np.ones(
            (nQ, ))  # permitting noise as a free parameter
        s02_bounds = np.ones((nQ, ))

    k_bounds = 1.5 * np.ones((nQ, ))

    kappa_bounds = np.ones((1, ))
    # kappa_bounds = 2*np.ones((1,))

    T_bounds = 1.5 * np.ones((nQ, ))

    X_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(np.array([2, 1]))
    # X_bounds = np.array([np.array([2,1,2,1])]*nN)

    Xp_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(np.array([3, 1]))
    # Xp_bounds = np.array([np.array([3,1,3,1])]*nN)

    # Y_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(2*np.ones((nQ,)))
    # # Y_bounds = 2*np.ones((nN,nT*nS*nQ))

    Eta_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(3 * np.ones((nQ, )))
    # Eta_bounds = 3*np.ones((nN,nT*nS*nQ))

    if allow_var:
        Xi_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(3 * np.ones((nQ, )))
        Xi_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(np.zeros((nQ, )))

    # Xi_bounds = 3*np.ones((nN,nT*nS*nQ))

    h1_bounds = -2 * np.ones((1, ))

    h2_bounds = 2 * np.ones((1, ))

    # In[8]:

    # shapes = [(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nQ,),(nQ,),(1,),(nN,nS*nP),(nN,nS*nQ),(nN,nS*nQ),(nN,nS*nQ)]
    shapes = [(nP, nQ), (nQ, nQ), (nP, nQ), (nQ, nQ), (nQ, ), (nQ, ), (1, ),
              (nQ, ), (nN, nT * nS * nP), (nN, nT * nS * nP),
              (nN, nT * nS * nQ), (nN, nT * nS * nQ), (1, ), (1, )]
    #         Wmx,    Wmy,    Wsx,    Wsy,    s02,  k,    kappa,T,   XX,            XXp,          Eta,          Xi

    lb = [-np.inf * np.ones(shp) for shp in shapes]
    ub = [np.inf * np.ones(shp) for shp in shapes]
    bdlist = [
        Wmx_bounds, Wmy_bounds, Wsx_bounds, Wsy_bounds, s02_bounds, k_bounds,
        kappa_bounds, T_bounds, X_bounds, Xp_bounds, Eta_bounds, Xi_bounds,
        h1_bounds, h2_bounds

    set_bound(lb, [bd == 0 for bd in bdlist], val=0)
    set_bound(ub, [bd == 0 for bd in bdlist], val=0)

    set_bound(lb, [bd == 2 for bd in bdlist], val=0)

    set_bound(ub, [bd == -2 for bd in bdlist], val=0)

    set_bound(lb, [bd == 1 for bd in bdlist], val=1)
    set_bound(ub, [bd == 1 for bd in bdlist], val=1)

    set_bound(lb, [bd == 1.5 for bd in bdlist], val=0)
    set_bound(ub, [bd == 1.5 for bd in bdlist], val=1)

    set_bound(lb, [bd == -1 for bd in bdlist], val=-1)
    set_bound(ub, [bd == -1 for bd in bdlist], val=-1)

    # for bd in [lb,ub]:
    #     for ind in [2,3]:
    #         bd[ind][:,1] = 0

    # temporary for no variation expt.
    # lb[2] = np.zeros_like(lb[2])
    # lb[3] = np.zeros_like(lb[3])
    # lb[4] = np.ones_like(lb[4])
    # lb[5] = np.zeros_like(lb[5])
    # ub[2] = np.zeros_like(ub[2])
    # ub[3] = np.zeros_like(ub[3])
    # ub[4] = np.ones_like(ub[4])
    # ub[5] = np.ones_like(ub[5])
    # temporary for no variation expt.
    lb = np.concatenate([a.flatten() for a in lb])
    ub = np.concatenate([b.flatten() for b in ub])
    bounds = [(a, b) for a, b in zip(lb, ub)]

    # In[10]:

    nS = 2
    ndims = 5
    ncelltypes = 5
    Yhat = [[None for iT in range(nT)] for iS in range(nS)]
    Xhat = [[None for iT in range(nT)] for iS in range(nS)]
    Ypc_list = [[None for iT in range(nT)] for iS in range(nS)]
    Xpc_list = [[None for iT in range(nT)] for iS in range(nS)]
    for iS in range(nS):
        mx = np.zeros((ncelltypes, ))
        yy = [None for icelltype in range(ncelltypes)]
        for icelltype in range(ncelltypes):
            yy[icelltype] = np.nanmean(Rso[icelltype][iS][0], 0)
            mx[icelltype] = np.nanmax(yy[icelltype])
        for iT in range(nT):
            y = [
                np.nanmean(Rso[icelltype][iS][iT], axis=0)[:, np.newaxis] /
                mx[icelltype] for icelltype in range(1, ncelltypes)
            Ypc_list[iS][iT] = [None for icelltype in range(1, ncelltypes)]
            for icelltype in range(1, ncelltypes):
                rss = Rso[icelltype][iS][iT].copy(
                )  #.reshape(Rs[icelltype][ialign].shape[0],-1)
                rss = rss[np.isnan(rss).sum(1) == 0]
                #         print(rss.max())
                #         rss[rss<0] = 0
                #         rss = rss[np.random.randn(rss.shape[0])>0]
                    u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(rss - np.mean(rss, 0)[np.newaxis])
                    Ypc_list[iS][iT][icelltype - 1] = [
                        (s[idim], v[idim]) for idim in range(ndims)
    #                 print('yep on Y')
    #                 print(np.min(np.sum(rs[icelltype][iS][iT],axis=1)))
                    #                 print('nope on Y')
                    print(np.min(np.sum(rs[icelltype][iS][iT], axis=1)))
            Yhat[iS][iT] = np.concatenate(y, axis=1)
            #         x = sim_utils.columnize(Rso[0][iS][iT])[:,np.newaxis]
            icelltype = 0
            x = np.nanmean(Rso[icelltype][iS][iT],
                           0)[:, np.newaxis] / mx[icelltype]
            #         opto_column = np.concatenate((np.zeros((nN,)),np.zeros((nNO/2,)),np.ones((nNO/2,))),axis=0)[:,np.newaxis]
            Xhat[iS][iT] = np.concatenate((x, np.ones_like(x)), axis=1)
            #         Xhat[iS][iT] = np.concatenate((x,np.ones_like(x),opto_column),axis=1)
            icelltype = 0
            rss = Rso[icelltype][iS][iT].copy()
            rss = rss[np.isnan(rss).sum(1) == 0]
            #         try:
            u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(rss - rss.mean(0)[np.newaxis])
            Xpc_list[iS][iT] = [None for iinput in range(2)]
            Xpc_list[iS][iT][0] = [(s[idim], v[idim]) for idim in range(ndims)]
            Xpc_list[iS][iT][1] = [(0, np.zeros((Xhat[0][0].shape[0], )))
                                   for idim in range(ndims)]
    #         except:
    #             print('nope on X')
    #             print(np.mean(np.isnan(rss)))
    #             print(np.min(np.sum(Rso[icelltype][iS][iT],axis=1)))
    nN, nP = Xhat[0][0].shape
    nQ = Yhat[0][0].shape[1]

    # In[11]:

    def compute_f_(Eta, Xi, s02):
        return sim_utils.f_miller_troyer(
            Eta, Xi**2 + np.concatenate([s02 for ipixel in range(nS * nT)]))

    def compute_fprime_m_(Eta, Xi, s02):
        return sim_utils.fprime_miller_troyer(
            Eta, Xi**2 + np.concatenate([s02
                                         for ipixel in range(nS * nT)])) * Xi

    def compute_fprime_s_(Eta, Xi, s02):
        s2 = Xi**2 + np.concatenate((s02, s02), axis=0)
        return sim_utils.fprime_s_miller_troyer(Eta, s2) * (Xi / s2)

    def sorted_r_eigs(w):
        drW, prW = np.linalg.eig(w)
        srtinds = np.argsort(drW)
        return drW[srtinds], prW[:, srtinds]

    # In[12]:

    #         0.Wmx,  1.Wmy,  2.Wsx,  3.Wsy,  4.s02,5.K,  6.kappa,7.T,8.XX,        9.XXp,        10.Eta,       11.Xi

    shapes = [(nP, nQ), (nQ, nQ), (nP, nQ), (nQ, nQ), (nQ, ), (nQ, ), (1, ),
              (nQ, ), (nN, nT * nS * nP), (nN, nT * nS * nP),
              (nN, nT * nS * nQ), (nN, nT * nS * nQ), (1, ), (1, )]

    # In[13]:

    import calnet.fitting_spatial_feature
    import sim_utils

    # In[14]:

    opto_dict = np.load(opto_silencing_data_file, allow_pickle=True)[()]

    Yhat_opto = opto_dict['Yhat_opto']
    Yhat_opto = Yhat_opto / Yhat_opto[0::2].max(0)[np.newaxis, :]
    h_opto = opto_dict['h_opto']
    dYY1 = Yhat_opto[1::2] - Yhat_opto[0::2]
    for to_overwrite in [1, 2, 5, 6]:
        dYY1[:, to_overwrite] = dYY1[:, to_overwrite + 8]
    for to_overwrite in [11, 15]:
        dYY1[:, to_overwrite] = dYY1[:, to_overwrite - 8]

    opto_dict = np.load(opto_activation_data_file, allow_pickle=True)[()]

    Yhat_opto = opto_dict['Yhat_opto']
    Yhat_opto = Yhat_opto / Yhat_opto[0::2].max(0)[np.newaxis, :]
    h_opto = opto_dict['h_opto']
    dYY2 = Yhat_opto[1::2] - Yhat_opto[0::2]

    print('dYY1 mean: %03f' % np.nanmean(np.abs(dYY1)))
    print('dYY2 mean: %03f' % np.nanmean(np.abs(dYY2)))

    dYY = np.concatenate((dYY1, dYY2), axis=0)

    opto_mask = ~np.isnan(dYY)

    dYY[~opto_mask] = 0

    # In[ ]:

    from importlib import reload
    # reload(calnet.fitting_spatial_feature)
    # W0list = [np.ones(shp) for shp in shapes]
    wt_dict = {}
    wt_dict['X'] = 1
    wt_dict['Y'] = 3
    wt_dict['Eta'] = 1  # 10
    wt_dict['Xi'] = 0.1
    wt_dict['stims'] = np.ones((nN, 1))  #(np.arange(30)/30)[:,np.newaxis]**1 #
    wt_dict['barrier'] = 0.  #30.0 #0.1
    wt_dict['opto'] = 1e-1  #1e1
    wt_dict['isn'] = 0.1

    YYhat = calnet.fitting_spatial_feature_opto_bidi.flatten_nested_list_of_2d_arrays(
    XXhat = calnet.fitting_spatial_feature_opto_bidi.flatten_nested_list_of_2d_arrays(
    Eta0 = invert_f_mt(YYhat)

    ntries = 1
    nhyper = 1
    dt = 1e-1
    niter = int(np.round(50 / dt))  #int(1e4)
    perturbation_size = 5e-2
    # learning_rate = 1e-4 # 1e-5 #np.linspace(3e-4,1e-3,niter+1) # 1e-5
    #l2_penalty = 0.1
    Wt = [[None for itry in range(ntries)] for ihyper in range(nhyper)]
    loss = np.zeros((nhyper, ntries))
    is_neg = np.array([b[1] for b in bounds]) == 0
    counter = 0
    negatize = [np.zeros(shp, dtype='bool') for shp in shapes]
    for ishp, shp in enumerate(shapes):
        nel = np.prod(shp)
        negatize[ishp][:][is_neg[counter:counter + nel].reshape(shp)] = True
        counter = counter + nel
    for ihyper in range(nhyper):
        for itry in range(ntries):
            print((ihyper, itry))
            W0list = [
                init_noise * (ihyper + 1) * np.random.rand(*shp)
                for shp in shapes
            counter = 0
            for ishp, shp in enumerate(shapes):
                W0list[ishp][negatize[ishp]] = -W0list[ishp][negatize[ishp]]
            W0list[4] = np.ones(shapes[5])  # s02
            W0list[5] = np.ones(shapes[5])  # K
            W0list[6] = np.ones(shapes[6])  # kappa
            W0list[7] = np.ones(shapes[7])  # T
            W0list[8] = np.concatenate(Xhat, axis=1)  #XX
            W0list[9] = np.zeros_like(W0list[8])  #XXp
            W0list[10] = Eta0  #np.zeros(shapes[10]) #Eta
            W0list[11] = np.zeros(shapes[11])  #Xi
            #         W0list = Wstar_dict['as_list'].copy()
            #         W0list[1][1,0] = -1.5
            #         W0list[1][3,0] = -1.5
            if init_W_from_lsq:
                W0list[0], W0list[1] = initialize_W(Xhat,
                for ivar in range(0, 2):
                    W0list[ivar] = W0list[ivar] + init_noise * np.random.randn(
            if constrain_isn:
                W0list[1][0, 0] = 3
                W0list[1][0, 3] = 5
                W0list[1][3, 0] = -5
                W0list[1][3, 3] = -5

            if init_W_from_file:
                npyfile = np.load(init_file, allow_pickle=True)[()]
                W0list = npyfile['as_list']
                if len(W0list) < len(shapes):
                    W0list = W0list + [np.array(0.7)]  # add h2
                n = 0.25
                W0list[7][0] = 1 / (n + 1) * (W0list[7][0] + n * 0)  # T
                W0list[7][3] = 1 / (n + 1) * (W0list[7][3] + n * 1)  # T

            # wt_dict['Xi'] = 10
            # wt_dict['Eta'] = 10
            Wt[ihyper][itry], loss[ihyper][
                itry], gr, hess, result = calnet.fitting_spatial_feature_opto_bidi.fit_W_sim(
    #         Wt[ihyper][itry] = [w[-1] for w in Wt_temp]
    #         loss[ihyper,itry] = loss_temp[-1]

    # In[285]:
    def parse_W(W):
        Wmx, Wmy, Wsx, Wsy, s02, K, kappa, T, XX, XXp, Eta, Xi, h1, h2 = W
        return Wmx, Wmy, Wsx, Wsy, s02, K, kappa, T, XX, XXp, Eta, Xi, h1, h2

    itry = 0
    Wmx, Wmy, Wsx, Wsy, s02, K, kappa, T, XX, XXp, Eta, Xi, h1, h2 = parse_W(

    # In[286]:

    labels = [
        'Wmx', 'Wmy', 'Wsx', 'Wsy', 's02', 'K', 'kappa', 'T', 'XX', 'XXp',
        'Eta', 'Xi', 'h1', 'h2'
    Wstar_dict = {}
    for i, label in enumerate(labels):
        Wstar_dict[label] = Wt[0][0][i]
    Wstar_dict['as_list'] = [
        Wmx, Wmy, Wsx, Wsy, s02, K, kappa, T, XX, XXp, Eta, Xi, h1, h2
    Wstar_dict['loss'] = loss[0][0]
    Wstar_dict['wt_dict'] = wt_dict
    np.save(weights_file, Wstar_dict, allow_pickle=True)
Exemplo n.º 12
def load_cached_train_matrix(train_spec_files,
    # check if cached file exists and is legit

    CACHE_TRAIN_FILE = cache_file_name(split_type, len(train_idx))
    print "cache filename = %s" % CACHE_TRAIN_FILE

    if os.path.exists(CACHE_TRAIN_FILE) and not force_no_cache:
        handle = open(CACHE_TRAIN_FILE, 'rb')
        train_idx_disk = np.load(handle)
        # confirm input train_idx from script matches train_idx from disk
        if np.all(train_idx_disk == train_idx):
            print "Found matching cached qso_spec_data matrix on disk! (%s)" % CACHE_TRAIN_FILE
            train_idx = np.load(handle)
            spec_grid = np.load(handle)
            spec_ivar_grid = np.load(handle)
            spec_mod_grid = np.load(handle)
            unique_lams = np.load(handle)
            spec_zs = np.load(handle)
            spec_ids = np.load(handle)
            return spec_grid, spec_ivar_grid, spec_mod_grid, unique_lams, spec_zs, spec_ids

    #### load the slow way :(
    print "cached training matrix is not the same!!! loading from spec files! (this will take a while)"
    spec_grid, spec_ivar_grid, spec_mod_grid, unique_lams, spec_zs, spec_ids, badids = \
    with open(CACHE_TRAIN_FILE, 'wb') as handle:
        np.save(handle, train_idx)
        np.save(handle, spec_grid)
        np.save(handle, spec_ivar_grid)
        np.save(handle, spec_mod_grid)
        np.save(handle, unique_lams)
        np.save(handle, spec_zs)
        np.save(handle, spec_ids)
    return spec_grid, spec_ivar_grid, spec_mod_grid, unique_lams, spec_zs, spec_ids
Exemplo n.º 13
    weights_1, weights_2, bias_1, bias_2 = theta_reshape(thetas)

    # Calculate forward pass - saving results for state and rhs to array
    pred_state_array = np.zeros(shape=(tsteps,state_len),dtype='double')
    pred_state_array[0,:] = true_state_array[0,:]
    temp_state = np.copy(true_state_array[0,:])
    for i in range(1,tsteps):
        time = np.reshape(time_array[i],(1,1))
        output_state, output_rhs = euler_forward(temp_state,weights_1,weights_2,bias_1,bias_2,time)
        pred_state_array[i,:] = output_state[:]
        temp_state = np.copy(output_state)

    return pred_state_array

# #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# # Training
# #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

if deployment_mode == 'train':
    thetas_optimal, loss_list, val_loss_list = rms_prop_optimize(thetas)

    print("Loading training data...")
    train_images, train_labels, test_images,  test_labels = loadMNIST(normalize = False)

    init_params = init_random_params(param_scale, layer_sizes)

    num_batches = int(np.ceil(len(train_images) / batch_size))
    def batch_indices(iter):
        idx = iter % num_batches
        return slice(idx * batch_size, (idx+1) * batch_size)

    # Define training objective
    def objective(params, iter):
        idx = batch_indices(iter)
        return -log_posterior(params, train_images[idx], train_labels[idx], L2_reg)

    # Get gradient of objective using autograd.
    objective_grad = grad(objective)

    print("     Epoch     |    Train accuracy  |       Test accuracy  ")
    def print_perf(params, iter, gradient):
        if iter % num_batches == 0:
            train_acc = accuracy(params, train_images, train_labels)
            test_acc  = accuracy(params, test_images, test_labels)
            print("{:15}|{:20}|{:20}".format(iter//num_batches, train_acc, test_acc))

    # The optimizers provided can optimize lists, tuples, or dicts of parameters.
    optimized_params = adam(objective_grad, init_params, step_size=step_size,
                            num_iters=num_epochs * num_batches, callback=print_perf)
Exemplo n.º 15
def fit_weights_and_save(

    nsize, ncontrast = 6, 6

    npfile = np.load(ca_data_file, allow_pickle=True)[(
    )]  #,{'rs':rs,'rs_denoise':rs_denoise},allow_pickle=True)
    rs = npfile['rs']
    #rs_denoise = npfile['rs_denoise']

    nsize, ncontrast, ndir = 6, 6, 8
    #ori_dirs = [[0,4],[2,6]] #[[0,4],[1,3,5,7],[2,6]]
    ori_dirs = [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]
    nT = len(ori_dirs)
    nS = len(rs[0])

    def sum_to_1(r):
        R = r.reshape((r.shape[0], -1))
        #R = R/np.nansum(R[:,~np.isnan(R.sum(0))],axis=1)[:,np.newaxis]
        R = R / np.nansum(R, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]  # changed 8/28
        return R

    def norm_to_mean(r):
        R = r.reshape((r.shape[0], -1))
        R = R / np.nanmean(R[:, ~np.isnan(R.sum(0))], axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
        return R

    Rs = [[None, None] for i in range(len(rs))]
    Rso = [[[None for iT in range(nT)] for iS in range(nS)]
           for icelltype in range(len(rs))]
    rso = [[[None for iT in range(nT)] for iS in range(nS)]
           for icelltype in range(len(rs))]

    for iR, r in enumerate(rs):  #rs_denoise):
        for ialign in range(nS):
            #Rs[iR][ialign] = r[ialign][:,:nsize,:]
            #sm = np.nanmean(np.nansum(np.nansum(Rs[iR][ialign],1),1))
            #Rs[iR][ialign] = Rs[iR][ialign]/sm
            #print('frac isnan Rs %d,%d: %f'%(iR,ialign,np.isnan(r[ialign]).mean()))
            Rs[iR][ialign] = sum_to_1(r[ialign][:, :nsize, :])
    #         Rs[iR][ialign] = von_mises_denoise(Rs[iR][ialign].reshape((-1,nsize,ncontrast,ndir)))

    kernel = np.ones((1, 2, 2))
    kernel = kernel / kernel.sum()

    for iR, r in enumerate(rs):
        for ialign in range(nS):
            for iori in range(nT):
                #print('this Rs shape: '+str(Rs[iR][ialign].shape))
                #print('this Rs reshaped shape: '+str(Rs[iR][ialign].reshape((-1,nsize,ncontrast,ndir))[:,:,:,ori_dirs[iori]].shape))
                #print('this Rs max percent nan: '+str(np.isnan(Rs[iR][ialign].reshape((-1,nsize,ncontrast,ndir))[:,:,:,ori_dirs[iori]]).mean(-1).max()))
                Rso[iR][ialign][iori] = np.nanmean(
                        (-1, nsize, ncontrast, ndir))[:, :, :, ori_dirs[iori]],
                Rso[iR][ialign][iori][:, :, 0] = np.nanmean(
                    Rso[iR][ialign][iori][:, :, 0],
                    1)[:, np.newaxis]  # average 0 contrast values
                #print('frac isnan pre-conv Rso %d,%d,%d: %f'%(iR,ialign,iori,np.isnan(Rso[iR][ialign][iori]).mean()))
                Rso[iR][ialign][iori][:, 1:, 1:] = ssi.convolve(
                    Rso[iR][ialign][iori], kernel, 'valid')
                Rso[iR][ialign][iori] = Rso[iR][ialign][iori].reshape(
                    Rso[iR][ialign][iori].shape[0], -1)
                #print('frac isnan Rso %d,%d,%d: %f'%(iR,ialign,iori,np.isnan(Rso[iR][ialign][iori]).mean()))
                #print('sum of Rso isnan: '+str(np.isnan(Rso[iR][ialign][iori]).sum(1)))
                #Rso[iR][ialign][iori] = Rso[iR][ialign][iori]/np.nanmean(Rso[iR][ialign][iori],-1)[:,np.newaxis]

    def set_bound(bd, code, val=0):
        # set bounds to 0 where 0s occur in 'code'
        for iitem in range(len(bd)):
            bd[iitem][code[iitem]] = val

    nN = 36
    nS = 2
    nP = 2
    nT = 1
    nQ = 4

    # code for bounds: 0 , constrained to 0
    # +/-1 , constrained to +/-1
    # 1.5, constrained to [0,1]
    # 2 , constrained to [0,inf)
    # -2 , constrained to (-inf,0]
    # 3 , unconstrained

    Wmx_bounds = 3 * np.ones((nP, nQ), dtype=int)
    Wmx_bounds[0, :] = 2  # L4 PCs are excitatory
    Wmx_bounds[0, 1] = 0  # SSTs don't receive L4 input

    if allow_var:
        Wsx_bounds = 3 * np.ones(
            Wmx_bounds.shape)  #Wmx_bounds.copy()*0 #np.zeros_like(Wmx_bounds)
        Wsx_bounds[0, 1] = 0
        Wsx_bounds = np.zeros(
            Wmx_bounds.shape)  #Wmx_bounds.copy()*0 #np.zeros_like(Wmx_bounds)

    Wmy_bounds = 3 * np.ones((nQ, nQ), dtype=int)
    Wmy_bounds[0, :] = 2  # PCs are excitatory
    Wmy_bounds[1:, :] = -2  # all the cell types except PCs are inhibitory
    Wmy_bounds[1, 1] = 0  # SSTs don't inhibit themselves
    # Wmy_bounds[3,1] = 0 # PVs are allowed to inhibit SSTs, consistent with Hillel's unpublished results, but not consistent with Pfeffer et al.
        0] = 0  # VIPs don't inhibit L2/3 PCs. According to Pfeffer et al., only L5 PCs were found to get VIP inhibition

    if not zero_extra_weights is None:
        Wmx_bounds[zero_extra_weights[0]] = 0
        Wmy_bounds[zero_extra_weights[1]] = 0

    if allow_var:
        Wsy_bounds = 3 * np.ones(
            Wmy_bounds.shape)  #Wmy_bounds.copy()*0 #np.zeros_like(Wmy_bounds)
        Wsy_bounds[1, 1] = 0
        Wsy_bounds[3, 1] = 0
        Wsy_bounds[2, 0] = 0
        Wsy_bounds = np.zeros(
            Wmy_bounds.shape)  #Wmy_bounds.copy()*0 #np.zeros_like(Wmy_bounds)

    if not constrain_wts is None:
        for wt in constrain_wts:
            Wmy_bounds[wt[0], wt[1]] = 0
            Wsy_bounds[wt[0], wt[1]] = 0

    def tile_nS_nT_nN(kernel):
        row = np.concatenate([kernel for idim in range(nS * nT)],
                             axis=0)[np.newaxis, :]
        tiled = np.concatenate([row for irow in range(nN)], axis=0)
        return tiled

    def set_bounds_by_code(lb, ub, bdlist):
        set_bound(lb, [bd == 0 for bd in bdlist], val=0)
        set_bound(ub, [bd == 0 for bd in bdlist], val=0)

        set_bound(lb, [bd == 2 for bd in bdlist], val=0)

        set_bound(ub, [bd == -2 for bd in bdlist], val=0)

        set_bound(lb, [bd == 1 for bd in bdlist], val=1)
        set_bound(ub, [bd == 1 for bd in bdlist], val=1)

        set_bound(lb, [bd == 1.5 for bd in bdlist], val=0)
        set_bound(ub, [bd == 1.5 for bd in bdlist], val=1)

        set_bound(lb, [bd == -1 for bd in bdlist], val=-1)
        set_bound(ub, [bd == -1 for bd in bdlist], val=-1)

    if fit_s02:
        s02_bounds = 2 * np.ones(
            (nQ, ))  # permitting noise as a free parameter
        s02_bounds = np.ones((nQ, ))

    k_bounds = 1.5 * np.ones((nQ * (nS - 1), ))

    #k_bounds[1] = 0 # temporary: spatial kernel constrained to 0 for SST
    #k_bounds[2] = 0 # temporary: spatial kernel constrained to 0 for VIP

    kappa_bounds = np.ones((1, ))
    # kappa_bounds = 2*np.ones((1,))

    T_bounds = 1.5 * np.ones((nQ * (nT - 1), ))

    X_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(np.array([2, 1]))
    # X_bounds = np.array([np.array([2,1,2,1])]*nN)

    Xp_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(np.array([3, 1]))
    # Xp_bounds = np.array([np.array([3,1,3,1])]*nN)

    # Y_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(2*np.ones((nQ,)))
    # # Y_bounds = 2*np.ones((nN,nT*nS*nQ))

    Eta_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(3 * np.ones((nQ, )))
    # Eta_bounds = 3*np.ones((nN,nT*nS*nQ))

    if allow_var:
        Xi_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(3 * np.ones((nQ, )))
        Xi_bounds = tile_nS_nT_nN(np.zeros((nQ, )))

    # Xi_bounds = 3*np.ones((nN,nT*nS*nQ))

    h1_bounds = -2 * np.ones((1, ))

    h2_bounds = 2 * np.ones((1, ))

    bl_bounds = 3 * np.ones((nQ, ))

    if free_amplitude:
        amp_bounds = 2 * np.ones((nT * nS * nQ, ))
        amp_bounds = 1 * np.ones((nT * nS * nQ, ))

    # shapes = [(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nP,nQ),(nQ,nQ),(nQ,),(nQ,),(1,),(nN,nS*nP),(nN,nS*nQ),(nN,nS*nQ),(nN,nS*nQ)]
    shapes1 = [(nP, nQ), (nQ, nQ), (nP, nQ),
               (nQ, nQ), (nQ, ), (nQ * (nS - 1), ), (1, ), (nQ * (nT - 1), ),
               (1, ), (1, ), (nQ, ), (nQ * nS * nT, )]
    shapes2 = [(nN, nT * nS * nP), (nN, nT * nS * nP), (nN, nT * nS * nQ),
               (nN, nT * nS * nQ), (nN, nT * nS * nP), (nN, nT * nS * nP)]
    #print('size of shapes1: '+str(np.sum([np.prod(shp) for shp in shapes1])))
    #print('size of shapes2: '+str(np.sum([np.prod(shp) for shp in shapes2])))
    #         Wmx,    Wmy,    Wsx,    Wsy,    s02,  k,    kappa,T,   h1, h2
    #XX,            XXp,          Eta,          Xi

    #bdlist = [Wmx_bounds,Wmy_bounds,Wsx_bounds,Wsy_bounds,s02_bounds,k_bounds,kappa_bounds,T_bounds,X_bounds,Xp_bounds,Eta_bounds,Xi_bounds,h1_bounds,h2_bounds]
    bd1list = [
        Wmx_bounds, Wmy_bounds, Wsx_bounds, Wsy_bounds, s02_bounds, k_bounds,
        kappa_bounds, T_bounds, h1_bounds, h2_bounds, bl_bounds, amp_bounds
    bd2list = [X_bounds, Xp_bounds, Eta_bounds, Xi_bounds, X_bounds, X_bounds]

    lb1, ub1 = [[sgn * np.inf * np.ones(shp) for shp in shapes1]
                for sgn in [-1, 1]]
    set_bounds_by_code(lb1, ub1, bd1list)
    lb2, ub2 = [[sgn * np.inf * np.ones(shp) for shp in shapes2]
                for sgn in [-1, 1]]
    set_bounds_by_code(lb2, ub2, bd2list)

    #set_bound(lb,[bd==0 for bd in bdlist],val=0)
    #set_bound(ub,[bd==0 for bd in bdlist],val=0)
    #set_bound(lb,[bd==2 for bd in bdlist],val=0)
    #set_bound(ub,[bd==-2 for bd in bdlist],val=0)
    #set_bound(lb,[bd==1 for bd in bdlist],val=1)
    #set_bound(ub,[bd==1 for bd in bdlist],val=1)
    #set_bound(lb,[bd==1.5 for bd in bdlist],val=0)
    #set_bound(ub,[bd==1.5 for bd in bdlist],val=1)
    #set_bound(lb,[bd==-1 for bd in bdlist],val=-1)
    #set_bound(ub,[bd==-1 for bd in bdlist],val=-1)

    # for bd in [lb,ub]:
    #     for ind in [2,3]:
    #         bd[ind][:,1] = 0

    # temporary for no variation expt.
    # lb[2] = np.zeros_like(lb[2])
    # lb[3] = np.zeros_like(lb[3])
    # lb[4] = np.ones_like(lb[4])
    # lb[5] = np.zeros_like(lb[5])
    # ub[2] = np.zeros_like(ub[2])
    # ub[3] = np.zeros_like(ub[3])
    # ub[4] = np.ones_like(ub[4])
    # ub[5] = np.ones_like(ub[5])
    # temporary for no variation expt.
    lb1 = np.concatenate([a.flatten() for a in lb1])
    ub1 = np.concatenate([b.flatten() for b in ub1])
    lb2 = np.concatenate([a.flatten() for a in lb2])
    ub2 = np.concatenate([b.flatten() for b in ub2])
    bounds1 = [(a, b) for a, b in zip(lb1, ub1)]
    bounds2 = [(a, b) for a, b in zip(lb2, ub2)]

    nS = 2
    #print('nT: '+str(nT))
    ndims = 5
    ncelltypes = 5
    Yhat = [[None for iT in range(nT)] for iS in range(nS)]
    Xhat = [[None for iT in range(nT)] for iS in range(nS)]
    Ypc_list = [[None for iT in range(nT)] for iS in range(nS)]
    Xpc_list = [[None for iT in range(nT)] for iS in range(nS)]
    mx = [None for iS in range(nS)]
    for iS in range(nS):
        mx[iS] = np.zeros((ncelltypes, ))
        yy = [None for icelltype in range(ncelltypes)]
        for icelltype in range(ncelltypes):
            yy[icelltype] = np.nanmean(Rso[icelltype][iS][0], 0)
            mx[iS][icelltype] = np.nanmax(yy[icelltype])
        for iT in range(nT):
            y = [
                np.nanmean(Rso[icelltype][iS][iT], axis=0)[:, np.newaxis] /
                mx[iS][icelltype] for icelltype in range(1, ncelltypes)
            Ypc_list[iS][iT] = [None for icelltype in range(1, ncelltypes)]
            for icelltype in range(1, ncelltypes):
                rss = Rso[icelltype][iS][iT].copy(
                )  #/mx[iS][icelltype] #.reshape(Rs[icelltype][ialign].shape[0],-1)
                #print('sum of isnan: '+str(np.isnan(rss).sum(1)))
                #rss = Rso[icelltype][iS][iT].copy() #.reshape(Rs[icelltype][ialign].shape[0],-1)
                rss = rss[np.isnan(rss).sum(1) == 0]
                #         print(rss.max())
                #         rss[rss<0] = 0
                #         rss = rss[np.random.randn(rss.shape[0])>0]
                    u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(rss - np.mean(rss, 0)[np.newaxis])
                    Ypc_list[iS][iT][icelltype - 1] = [
                        (s[idim], v[idim]) for idim in range(ndims)
    #                 print('yep on Y')
    #                 print(np.min(np.sum(rs[icelltype][iS][iT],axis=1)))
                    print('nope on Y')
                    #print('shape of rss: '+str(rss.shape))
                    #print('mean of rss: '+str(np.mean(np.isnan(rss))))
                    #print('min of this rs: '+str(np.min(np.sum(rs[icelltype][iS][iT],axis=1))))
            Yhat[iS][iT] = np.concatenate(y, axis=1)
            #         x = sim_utils.columnize(Rso[0][iS][iT])[:,np.newaxis]
            icelltype = 0
            #x = np.nanmean(Rso[icelltype][iS][iT],0)[:,np.newaxis]#/mx[iS][icelltype]
            x = np.nanmean(Rso[icelltype][iS][iT],
                           0)[:, np.newaxis] / mx[iS][icelltype]
            #         opto_column = np.concatenate((np.zeros((nN,)),np.zeros((nNO/2,)),np.ones((nNO/2,))),axis=0)[:,np.newaxis]
            Xhat[iS][iT] = np.concatenate((x, np.ones_like(x)), axis=1)
            #         Xhat[iS][iT] = np.concatenate((x,np.ones_like(x),opto_column),axis=1)
            icelltype = 0
            #rss = Rso[icelltype][iS][iT].copy()/mx[iS][icelltype]
            rss = Rso[icelltype][iS][iT].copy()
            rss = rss[np.isnan(rss).sum(1) == 0]
            #         try:
            u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(rss - rss.mean(0)[np.newaxis])
            Xpc_list[iS][iT] = [None for iinput in range(2)]
            Xpc_list[iS][iT][0] = [(s[idim], v[idim]) for idim in range(ndims)]
            Xpc_list[iS][iT][1] = [(0, np.zeros((Xhat[0][0].shape[0], )))
                                   for idim in range(ndims)]
    #         except:
    #             print('nope on X')
    #             print(np.mean(np.isnan(rss)))
    #             print(np.min(np.sum(Rso[icelltype][iS][iT],axis=1)))
    nN, nP = Xhat[0][0].shape
    #print('nP: '+str(nP))
    nQ = Yhat[0][0].shape[1]

    def compute_f_(Eta, Xi, s02):
        return sim_utils.f_miller_troyer(
            Eta, Xi**2 + np.concatenate([s02 for ipixel in range(nS * nT)]))

    def compute_fprime_m_(Eta, Xi, s02):
        return sim_utils.fprime_miller_troyer(
            Eta, Xi**2 + np.concatenate([s02
                                         for ipixel in range(nS * nT)])) * Xi

    def compute_fprime_s_(Eta, Xi, s02):
        s2 = Xi**2 + np.concatenate((s02, s02), axis=0)
        return sim_utils.fprime_s_miller_troyer(Eta, s2) * (Xi / s2)

    def sorted_r_eigs(w):
        drW, prW = np.linalg.eig(w)
        srtinds = np.argsort(drW)
        return drW[srtinds], prW[:, srtinds]

    #         0.Wmx,  1.Wmy,  2.Wsx,  3.Wsy,  4.s02,5.K,  6.kappa,7.T,8.XX,        9.XXp,        10.Eta,       11.Xi,   12.h1,  13.h2

    shapes1 = [(nP, nQ), (nQ, nQ), (nP, nQ),
               (nQ, nQ), (nQ, ), (nQ * (nS - 1), ), (1, ), (nQ * (nT - 1), ),
               (1, ), (1, ), (nQ, ), (nT * nS * nQ, )]
    shapes2 = [(nN, nT * nS * nP), (nN, nT * nS * nP), (nN, nT * nS * nQ),
               (nN, nT * nS * nQ), (nN, nT * nS * nP), (nN, nT * nS * nP)]
    #print('size of shapes1: '+str(np.sum([np.prod(shp) for shp in shapes1])))
    #print('size of shapes2: '+str(np.sum([np.prod(shp) for shp in shapes2])))

    import calnet.fitting_spatial_feature
    import sim_utils

    YYhat = calnet.utils.flatten_nested_list_of_2d_arrays(Yhat)
    XXhat = calnet.utils.flatten_nested_list_of_2d_arrays(Xhat)

    opto_dict = np.load(opto_silencing_data_file, allow_pickle=True)[()]

    Yhat_opto = opto_dict['Yhat_opto']
    Yhat_opto = np.nanmean(np.reshape(Yhat_opto, (nN, 2, nS, 2, nQ)),
                           3).reshape((nN * 2, -1))
    Yhat_opto[0::12] = np.nanmean(Yhat_opto[0::12], axis=0)[np.newaxis]
    Yhat_opto[1::12] = np.nanmean(Yhat_opto[1::12], axis=0)[np.newaxis]
    Yhat_opto = Yhat_opto / np.nanmax(Yhat_opto[0::2], 0)[np.newaxis, :]
    h_opto = opto_dict['h_opto']
    #dYY1 = Yhat_opto[1::2]-Yhat_opto[0::2]

    Xhat_opto = opto_dict['Xhat_opto']
    Xhat_opto = np.nanmean(np.reshape(Xhat_opto, (nN, 2, nS, 2, nP)),
                           3).reshape((nN * 2, -1))
    Xhat_opto[0::12] = np.nanmean(Xhat_opto[0::12], axis=0)[np.newaxis]
    Xhat_opto[1::12] = np.nanmean(Xhat_opto[1::12], axis=0)[np.newaxis]
    Xhat_opto = Xhat_opto / np.nanmax(Xhat_opto[0::2], 0)[np.newaxis, :]

    YYhat_halo = Yhat_opto.reshape((nN, 2, -1))
    opto_transform1 = calnet.utils.fit_opto_transform(
        YYhat_halo, norm01=norm_opto_transforms)

    if l23_as_l4:
        Xhat_opto[:, 0::2] = Yhat_opto[:, 0::4]
    Xhat_halo = Xhat_opto.reshape((nN, 2, -1))
    opto_transform1x = calnet.utils.fit_opto_transform(
        Xhat_halo, norm01=norm_opto_transforms)

    if no_halo_res:
        opto_transform1.res[:, [0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7]] = 0
        opto_transform1x.res[:, :] = 0

    dYY1 = opto_transform1.transform(YYhat) - opto_transform1.preprocess(YYhat)
    dXX1 = opto_transform1x.transform(XXhat) - opto_transform1x.preprocess(
    print('delta bias: %f' % dXX1[:, 1].mean())

    #YYhat_halo_sim = calnet.utils.simulate_opto_effect(YYhat,YYhat_halo)
    #dYY1 = YYhat_halo_sim[:,1,:] - YYhat_halo_sim[:,0,:]

    def overwrite_plus_n(arr, to_overwrite, n):
        arr[:, to_overwrite] = arr[:, int(to_overwrite + n)]
        return arr

    for to_overwrite in [1, 2]:
        n = 4
        dYY1,opto_transform1.slope,opto_transform1.intercept,opto_transform1.res \
                = [overwrite_plus_n(x,to_overwrite,n) for x in \
    for to_overwrite in [7]:
        n = -4
        dYY1,opto_transform1.slope,opto_transform1.intercept,opto_transform1.res \
                = [overwrite_plus_n(x,to_overwrite,n) for x in \
    for to_overwrite in [2]:
        n = -2
        dXX1,opto_transform1x.slope,opto_transform1x.intercept,opto_transform1x.res \
                = [overwrite_plus_n(x,to_overwrite,n) for x in \

    if ignore_halo_vip:
        dYY1[:, 2::nQ] = np.nan

    #for to_overwrite in [1,2]:
    #    dYY1[:,to_overwrite] = dYY1[:,to_overwrite+4]
    #for to_overwrite in [7]:
    #    dYY1[:,to_overwrite] = dYY1[:,to_overwrite-4]

    #Yhat_opto = opto_dict['Yhat_opto']
    #for iS in range(nS):
    #    mx = np.zeros((nQ,))
    #    for iQ in range(nQ):
    #        slicer = slice(nQ*nT*iS+iQ,nQ*nT*(1+iS),nQ)
    #        mx[iQ] = np.nanmax(Yhat_opto[0::2][:,slicer])
    #        Yhat_opto[:,slicer] = Yhat_opto[:,slicer]/mx[iQ]
    ##Yhat_opto = Yhat_opto/Yhat_opto[0::2].max(0)[np.newaxis,:]
    #h_opto = opto_dict['h_opto']
    #dYY1 = Yhat_opto[1::2]-Yhat_opto[0::2]
    #for to_overwrite in [1,2,5,6]: # overwrite sst and vip with off-centered values
    #    dYY1[:,to_overwrite] = dYY1[:,to_overwrite+8]
    #for to_overwrite in [11,15]:
    #    dYY1[:,to_overwrite] = np.nan #dYY1[:,to_overwrite-8]

    opto_dict = np.load(opto_activation_data_file, allow_pickle=True)[()]

    Yhat_opto = opto_dict['Yhat_opto']
    Yhat_opto = np.nanmean(np.reshape(Yhat_opto, (nN, 2, nS, 2, nQ)),
                           3).reshape((nN * 2, -1))
    Yhat_opto[0::12] = np.nanmean(Yhat_opto[0::12], axis=0)[np.newaxis]
    Yhat_opto[1::12] = np.nanmean(Yhat_opto[1::12], axis=0)[np.newaxis]
    Yhat_opto = Yhat_opto / Yhat_opto[0::2].max(0)[np.newaxis, :]
    h_opto = opto_dict['h_opto']
    #dYY2 = Yhat_opto[1::2]-Yhat_opto[0::2]

    YYhat_chrimson = Yhat_opto.reshape((nN, 2, -1))
    opto_transform2 = calnet.utils.fit_opto_transform(
        YYhat_chrimson, norm01=norm_opto_transforms)

    Xhat_opto = np.nan * np.ones((Yhat_opto.shape[0], nP * nS * nT))
    Xhat_opto[:, 1::2] = 1
    if l23_as_l4:
        Xhat_opto[:, 0::2] = Yhat_opto[:, 0::4]

    Xhat_chrimson = Xhat_opto.reshape((nN, 2, -1))
    opto_transform2x = calnet.utils.fit_opto_transform(
        Xhat_chrimson, norm01=norm_opto_transforms)

    dYY2 = opto_transform2.transform(YYhat) - opto_transform2.preprocess(YYhat)
    dXX2 = opto_transform2x.transform(XXhat) - opto_transform2x.preprocess(

    #YYhat_chrimson_sim = calnet.utils.simulate_opto_effect(YYhat,YYhat_chrimson)
    #dYY2 = YYhat_chrimson_sim[:,1,:] - YYhat_chrimson_sim[:,0,:]

    #Yhat_opto = opto_dict['Yhat_opto']
    #for iS in range(nS):
    #    mx = np.zeros((nQ,))
    #    for iQ in range(nQ):
    #        slicer = slice(nQ*nT*iS+iQ,nQ*nT*(1+iS),nQ)
    #        mx[iQ] = np.nanmax(Yhat_opto[0::2][:,slicer])
    #        Yhat_opto[:,slicer] = Yhat_opto[:,slicer]/mx[iQ]
    ##Yhat_opto = Yhat_opto/Yhat_opto[0::2].max(0)[np.newaxis,:]
    #h_opto = opto_dict['h_opto']
    #dYY2 = Yhat_opto[1::2]-Yhat_opto[0::2]

    #print('dYY1 mean: %03f'%np.nanmean(np.abs(dYY1)))
    #print('dYY2 mean: %03f'%np.nanmean(np.abs(dYY2)))

    dYY = np.concatenate((dYY1, dYY2), axis=0)
    dXX = np.concatenate((dXX1, dXX2), axis=0)

    #titles = ['VIP silencing','VIP activation']
    #for itype in [0,1,2,3]:
    #    plt.figure(figsize=(5,2.5))
    #    for iyy,dyy in enumerate([dYY1,dYY2]):
    #        plt.subplot(1,2,iyy+1)
    #        if np.sum(np.isnan(dyy[:,itype]))==0:
    #            sca.scatter_size_contrast(YYhat[:,itype],YYhat[:,itype]+dyy[:,itype],nsize=6,ncontrast=6)#,mn=0)
    #        plt.title(titles[iyy])
    #        plt.xlabel('cell type %d event rate, \n light off'%itype)
    #        plt.ylabel('cell type %d event rate, \n light on'%itype)
    #        ut.erase_top_right()
    #    plt.tight_layout()
    #    ut.mkdir('figures')
    #    plt.savefig('figures/scatter_light_on_light_off_target_celltype_%d.eps'%itype)

    opto_mask = ~np.isnan(dYY)
    opto_maskX = ~np.isnan(dXX)

    #dYY[nN:][~opto_mask[nN:]] = -dYY[:nN][~opto_mask[nN:]]

    #print('mean of opto_mask: '+str(opto_mask.mean()))

    #dYY[~opto_mask] = 0
    def zero_nans(arr):
        arr[np.isnan(arr)] = 0
        return arr

    #        opto_transform2.slope,opto_transform2.intercept,opto_transform2.res\
    #        = [zero_nans(x) for x in \
    #                [dYY,opto_transform1.slope,opto_transform1.intercept,opto_transform1.res,\
    #                opto_transform2.slope,opto_transform2.intercept,opto_transform2.res]]
    dYY = zero_nans(dYY)
    dXX = zero_nans(dXX)

    # for cell types that were not measured with chrimson, fill with values inferred from halo data (this shouldn't matter, as these entries are masked by opto_mask)
    to_adjust = np.logical_or(np.isnan(opto_transform2.slope[0]),

                          to_adjust] = 1 / opto_transform1.slope[:, to_adjust]
                              to_adjust] = -opto_transform1.intercept[:,
                                                                      to_adjust] / opto_transform1.slope[:,
                        to_adjust] = -opto_transform1.res[:,
                                                          to_adjust] / opto_transform1.slope[:,


    from importlib import reload
    # reload(calnet.fitting_spatial_feature)
    # W0list = [np.ones(shp) for shp in shapes]
    wt_dict = {}
    wt_dict['X'] = 1
    wt_dict['Y'] = 3
    wt_dict['Eta'] = 3  # 1 #
    wt_dict['Xi'] = 0.1
    wt_dict['stims'] = np.ones((nN, 1))  #(np.arange(30)/30)[:,np.newaxis]**1 #
    wt_dict['barrier'] = 0.  #30.0 #0.1
    wt_dict['opto'] = 1  #1e1
    wt_dict['isn'] = 0.3
    wt_dict['tv'] = 1
    spont_frac = 0.5
    pc_frac = 0.5
    wt_dict['stimsOpto'] = (1 - spont_frac) * 6 / 5 * np.ones((nN, 1))
    wt_dict['stimsOpto'][0::6] = spont_frac * 6
    wt_dict['celltypesOpto'] = (1 - pc_frac) * 4 / 3 * np.ones(
        (1, nQ * nS * nT))
    wt_dict['celltypesOpto'][0, 0::nQ] = pc_frac * 4
    wt_dict['dirOpto'] = np.array((1, 0.3))
    wt_dict['dYY'] = 10  #10
    wt_dict['dXX'] = 10  #10
    wt_dict['coupling'] = 1e-3
    wt_dict['smi'] = 0.1
    wt_dict['smi_halo'] = 30
    wt_dict['smi_chrimson'] = 0.1

    ##temporary no_opto
    wt_dict['opto'] = 0.01  #0
    wt_dict['dirOpto'] = np.array((1, 1))
    wt_dict['stimsOpto'] = np.ones((nN, 1))
    wt_dict['celltypesOpto'] = np.ones((1, nQ * nS * nT))
    wt_dict['smi'] = 0  #0.01 # 0
    wt_dict['smi_halo'] = 0  #1 # 0
    wt_dict['smi_chrimson'] = 0  #0.01 # 0
    wt_dict['isn'] = 0.1
    wt_dict['tv'] = 0.1
    wt_dict['X'] = 3
    #wt_dict['Eta'] = 300 # 1 #

    ## temporary opto from no_opto
    #wt_dict['opto'] = 0.01
    #wt_dict['tv'] = 0.3#0.1

        'XXYYhat.npy', {
            'YYhat': YYhat,
            'XXhat': XXhat,
            'rs': rs,
            'Rs': Rs,
            'Rso': Rso,
            'Ypc_list': Ypc_list,
            'Xpc_list': Xpc_list
    Eta0 = invert_f_mt(YYhat)

    #         Wmx,    Wmy,    Wsx,    Wsy,    s02,  k,    kappa,T,   h1, h2
    #XX,            XXp,          Eta,          Xi,     XX1,    XX2

    ntries = 1
    nhyper = 1
    dt = 1e-1
    niter = int(np.round(10 / dt))  #int(1e4)
    perturbation_size = 5e-2
    # learning_rate = 1e-4 # 1e-5 #np.linspace(3e-4,1e-3,niter+1) # 1e-5
    #l2_penalty = 0.1
    W1t = [[None for itry in range(ntries)] for ihyper in range(nhyper)]
    W2t = [[None for itry in range(ntries)] for ihyper in range(nhyper)]
    loss = np.zeros((nhyper, ntries))
    is_neg = np.array([b[1] for b in bounds1]) == 0
    counter = 0
    negatize = [np.zeros(shp, dtype='bool') for shp in shapes1]
    for ishp, shp in enumerate(shapes1):
        nel = np.prod(shp)
        negatize[ishp][:][is_neg[counter:counter + nel].reshape(shp)] = True
        counter = counter + nel
    for ihyper in range(nhyper):
        for itry in range(ntries):
            W10list = [
                init_noise * (ihyper + 1) * np.random.rand(*shp)
                for shp in shapes1
            W20list = [
                init_noise * (ihyper + 1) * np.random.rand(*shp)
                for shp in shapes2
            #print('size of shapes1: '+str(np.sum([np.prod(shp) for shp in shapes1])))
            #print('size of w10: '+str(np.sum([np.size(x) for x in W10list])))
            #print('len(W10list) : '+str(len(W10list)))
            counter = 0
            for ishp, shp in enumerate(shapes1):
                W10list[ishp][negatize[ishp]] = -W10list[ishp][negatize[ishp]]
            W10list[4] = np.ones(shapes1[4])  # s02
            W10list[5] = np.ones(shapes1[5])  # K
            W10list[6] = np.ones(shapes1[6])  # kappa
            W10list[7] = np.ones(shapes1[7])  # T
            W20list[0] = np.concatenate(Xhat, axis=1)  #XX
            W20list[1] = np.zeros_like(W20list[1])  #XXp
            W20list[2] = Eta0.copy()  #np.zeros(shapes[10]) #Eta
            W20list[3] = np.zeros(shapes2[3])  #Xi
            W20list[4] = np.concatenate(Xhat, axis=1)  #XX
            W20list[5] = np.concatenate(Xhat, axis=1)  #XX
            if init_W_from_lsq:
                W10list[0], W10list[1] = initialize_W(Xhat,
                for ivar in range(0, 2):
                        ivar] = W10list[ivar] + init_noise * np.random.randn(
            if constrain_isn:
                W10list[1][0, 0] = 3
                if help_constrain_isn:
                    W10list[1][0, 3] = 5
                    W10list[1][3, 0] = -5
                    W10list[1][3, 3] = -5
                    W10list[1][0, 1:4] = 5
                    W10list[1][1:4, 0] = -5

            if init_W_from_file:
                npyfile = np.load(init_file, allow_pickle=True)[()]

                #Wmx,Wmy,Wsx,Wsy,s02,K,kappa,T,h1,h2,bl,amp = parse_W1(W1)
                #XX,XXp,Eta,Xi,XX1,XX2 = parse_W2(W2)
                #Wmx,Wmy,Wsx,Wsy,s02,K,kappa,T,XX,XXp,Eta,Xi,XX1,XX2,h1,h2,bl,amp = parse_W1(W1)
                if len(npyfile['as_list']) == 18:
                    W10list = [
                        for ivar in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17]
                    W20list = [
                        for ivar in [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
                elif len(npyfile['as_list']) == 16:
                    W10list = [
                        for ivar in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15]
                    W20list = [
                        for ivar in [8, 9, 10, 11, 8, 8]
                if W20list[0].size == nN * nS * 2 * nP:
                    W10list[7] = np.array(())
                    W10list[1][1, 0] = W10list[1][1, 0]
                    W20list[0] = np.nanmean(
                        W20list[0].reshape((nN, nS, 2, nP)), 2).flatten()  #XX
                    W20list[1] = np.nanmean(
                        W20list[1].reshape((nN, nS, 2, nP)), 2).flatten()  #XXp
                    W20list[2] = np.nanmean(
                        W20list[2].reshape((nN, nS, 2, nQ)), 2).flatten()  #Eta
                    W20list[3] = np.nanmean(
                        W20list[3].reshape((nN, nS, 2, nQ)), 2).flatten()  #Xi
                    W20list[4] = np.nanmean(
                        W20list[4].reshape((nN, nS, 2, nP)), 2).flatten()  #XX1
                    W20list[5] = np.nanmean(
                        W20list[5].reshape((nN, nS, 2, nP)), 2).flatten()  #XX2
                if correct_Eta:
                    W20list[2] = Eta0.copy()
                if len(W10list) < len(shapes1):
                    W10list = W10list + [
                        np.zeros((nQ, )),
                        np.zeros((nT * nS * nQ, ))
                    ]  # add h2, bl, amp
                if init_Eta_with_s02:
                    s02 = W10list[4].copy()
                    Eta0 = invert_f_mt_with_s02(YYhat, s02, nS=nS, nT=nT)
                    W20list[2] = Eta0.copy()
                #if init_Eta12_with_dYY:
                #    Eta0 = W20list[2].copy().reshape((nN,nQ*nS*nT))
                #    Xi0 = W20list[3].copy().reshape((nN,nQ*nS*nT))
                #    s020 = W10list[4].copy()
                #    YY0s = compute_f_(Eta0,Xi0,s020)
                #titles = ['VIP silencing','VIP activation']
                #for itype in [0,1,2,3]:
                #    plt.figure(figsize=(5,2.5))
                #    for iyy,yy in enumerate([YY10s,YY20s]):
                #        plt.subplot(1,2,iyy+1)
                #        if np.sum(np.isnan(yy[:,itype]))==0:
                #            sca.scatter_size_contrast(YY0s[:,itype],yy[:,itype],nsize=6,ncontrast=6)#,mn=0)
                #        plt.title(titles[iyy])
                #        plt.xlabel('cell type %d event rate, \n light off'%itype)
                #        plt.ylabel('cell type %d event rate, \n light on'%itype)
                #        ut.erase_top_right()
                #    plt.tight_layout()
                #    ut.mkdir('figures')
                #    plt.savefig('figures/scatter_light_on_light_off_init_celltype_%d.eps'%itype)
                for ivar in [0, 1, 4, 5]:  # Wmx, Wmy, s02, k
                        ivar] = W10list[ivar] + init_noise * np.random.randn(

            #print('size of bounds1: '+str(np.sum([np.size(x) for x in bd1list])))
            #print('size of w10: '+str(np.sum([np.size(x) for x in W10list])))
            #print('size of shapes1: '+str(np.sum([np.prod(shp) for shp in shapes1])))
            W1t[ihyper][itry], W2t[ihyper][itry], loss[ihyper][
                itry], gr, hess, result = calnet.fitting_2step_opto_layers.fit_W_sim(

    #def parse_W(W):
    #    Wmx,Wmy,Wsx,Wsy,s02,K,kappa,T,XX,XXp,Eta,Xi,h1,h2 = W
    #    return Wmx,Wmy,Wsx,Wsy,s02,K,kappa,T,XX,XXp,Eta,Xi,h1,h2
    def parse_W1(W):
        Wmx, Wmy, Wsx, Wsy, s02, K, kappa, T, h1, h2, bl, amp = W
        return Wmx, Wmy, Wsx, Wsy, s02, K, kappa, T, h1, h2, bl, amp

    def parse_W2(W):
        XX, XXp, Eta, Xi, XX1, XX2 = W
        return XX, XXp, Eta, Xi, XX1, XX2

    itry = 0
    Wmx, Wmy, Wsx, Wsy, s02, K, kappa, T, h1, h2, bl, amp = parse_W1(W1t[0][0])
    XX, XXp, Eta, Xi, XX1, XX2 = parse_W2(W2t[0][0])

    labels1 = [
        'Wmx', 'Wmy', 'Wsx', 'Wsy', 's02', 'K', 'kappa', 'T', 'h1', 'h2', 'bl',
    labels2 = ['XX', 'XXp', 'Eta', 'Xi', 'XX1', 'XX2']
    Wstar_dict = {}
    for i, label in enumerate(labels1):
        Wstar_dict[label] = W1t[0][0][i]
    for i, label in enumerate(labels2):
        Wstar_dict[label] = W2t[0][0][i]
    Wstar_dict['as_list'] = [
        Wmx, Wmy, Wsx, Wsy, s02, K, kappa, T, XX, XXp, Eta, Xi, XX1, XX2, h1,
        h2, bl, amp
    Wstar_dict['loss'] = loss[0][0]
    Wstar_dict['wt_dict'] = wt_dict
    np.save(weights_file, Wstar_dict, allow_pickle=True)
Exemplo n.º 16
#mfvi_params = mfvi_init()
#lrd_params  = init_single_component(rank=0)
#lrd_params  = init_single_component(rank=3)

# Variational Boosting    #

if args.vboost:

    # initialize a single component of appropriate rank and cache
    vi_params, infobj = init_single_component(rank=args.rank)
    init_file = os.path.join(args.output,
                             "initial_component-rank_%d.npy" % args.rank)
    np.save(init_file, vi_params)

    # initialize LRD component (works with MixtureVI ...)
    comp = LRDComponent(D, rank=args.rank)
    m, d, C = vi_params[:D], vi_params[D:(2 * D)], vi_params[2 * D:]
    comp.lam = comp.setter(vi_params.copy(), mean=m, v=d, C=C)

    # Variational Boosting Object (with initial component
    from vbproj.vi.vboost import mog_bbvi
    vbobj = vi.MixtureVI(lambda z, t: lnpdf(z),
                         comp_list=[(1., comp)],

    # iteratively add comps
Exemplo n.º 17
def experiment(sname, seed, datasize, nystr=False):
    def LMO_err(params, M=2):
        al, bl = np.exp(params)
        L = bl * bl * np.exp(-L0 / al / al / 2) + 1e-6 * EYEN
        if nystr:
            tmp_mat = L @ eig_vec_K
            C = L - tmp_mat @ np.linalg.inv(eig_vec_K.T @ tmp_mat / N2 +
                                            inv_eig_val_K) @ tmp_mat.T / N2
            c = C @ W_nystr_Y * N2
            LWL_inv = chol_inv(L @ W @ L + L / N2 + JITTER * EYEN)
            C = L @ LWL_inv @ L / N2
            c = C @ W @ Y * N2
        c_y = c - Y
        lmo_err = 0
        N = 0
        for ii in range(1):
            permutation = np.random.permutation(X.shape[0])
            for i in range(0, X.shape[0], M):
                indices = permutation[i:i + M]
                K_i = W[np.ix_(indices, indices)] * N2
                C_i = C[np.ix_(indices, indices)]
                c_y_i = c_y[indices]
                b_y = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(M) - C_i @ K_i) @ c_y_i
                lmo_err += b_y.T @ K_i @ b_y
                N += 1
        return lmo_err[0, 0] / N / M**2

    def callback0(params, timer=None):
        global Nfeval, prev_norm, opt_params, opt_test_err
        if Nfeval % 1 == 0:
            al, bl = np.exp(params)
            L = bl * bl * np.exp(-L0 / al / al / 2) + 1e-6 * EYEN
            if nystr:
                alpha = EYEN - eig_vec_K @ np.linalg.inv(
                    eig_vec_K.T @ L @ eig_vec_K / N2 +
                    np.diag(1 / eig_val_K / N2)) @ eig_vec_K.T @ L / N2
                alpha = alpha @ W_nystr @ Y * N2
                LWL_inv = chol_inv(L @ W @ L + L / N2 + JITTER * EYEN)
                alpha = LWL_inv @ L @ W @ Y
                # L_W_inv = chol_inv(W*N2+L_inv)
            test_L = bl * bl * np.exp(-test_L0 / al / al / 2)
            pred_mean = test_L @ alpha
            if timer:
            test_err = ((pred_mean - test_G)**2).mean(
            )  # ((pred_mean-test_G)**2/np.diag(pred_cov)).mean()+(np.log(np.diag(pred_cov))).mean()
            norm = alpha.T @ L @ alpha

        Nfeval += 1
        if prev_norm is not None:
            if norm[0, 0] / prev_norm >= 3:
                if opt_params is None:
                    opt_test_err = test_err
                    opt_params = params
                print(True, opt_params, opt_test_err, prev_norm)
                raise Exception

        if prev_norm is None or norm[0, 0] <= prev_norm:
            prev_norm = norm[0, 0]
        opt_test_err = test_err
        opt_params = params
        print('params,test_err, norm: ', opt_params, opt_test_err, prev_norm)

    train, dev, test = load_data(ROOT_PATH +
                                 '/data/zoo/{}_{}.npz'.format(sname, datasize))

    X = np.vstack((train.x, dev.x))
    Y = np.vstack((train.y, dev.y))
    Z = np.vstack((train.z, dev.z))
    test_X = test.x
    test_G = test.g

    t0 = time.time()
    EYEN = np.eye(X.shape[0])
    ak = get_median_inter_mnist(Z)
    N2 = X.shape[0]**2
    W0 = _sqdist(Z, None)
    W = (np.exp(-W0 / ak / ak / 2) + np.exp(-W0 / ak / ak / 200) +
         np.exp(-W0 / ak / ak * 50)) / 3 / N2
    del W0
    L0, test_L0 = _sqdist(X, None), _sqdist(test_X, X)

    # measure time
    # callback0(np.random.randn(2)/10,True)
    # np.save(ROOT_PATH + "/MMR_IVs/results/zoo/" + sname + '/LMO_errs_{}_nystr_{}_time.npy'.format(seed,train.x.shape[0]),time.time()-t0)
    # return

    params0 = np.random.randn(2) / 10
    bounds = None  # [[0.01,10],[0.01,5]]
    if nystr:
        for _ in range(seed + 1):
            random_indices = np.sort(
                np.random.choice(range(W.shape[0]), nystr_M, replace=False))
        eig_val_K, eig_vec_K = nystrom_decomp(W * N2, random_indices)
        inv_eig_val_K = np.diag(1 / eig_val_K / N2)
        W_nystr = eig_vec_K @ np.diag(eig_val_K) @ eig_vec_K.T / N2
        W_nystr_Y = W_nystr @ Y

    obj_grad = value_and_grad(lambda params: LMO_err(params))
        res = minimize(obj_grad,
                       options={'maxiter': 5000},
    except Exception as e:
    PATH = ROOT_PATH + "/MMR_IVs/results/zoo/" + sname + "/"
    os.makedirs(PATH, exist_ok=True)
    np.save(PATH + 'LMO_errs_{}_nystr_{}.npy'.format(seed, train.x.shape[0]),
            [opt_params, prev_norm, opt_test_err])
Exemplo n.º 18
def main(input_file, input_no):
    other_params = get_other_params()
    data = np.load(input_file, allow_pickle=True)
    data = data.item()
    counter = 5
    for trajcount in range(6):
        q_init = data[trajcount]['q_init']
        q_fin = data[trajcount]['q_fin'][0]
        x_guess = utils.get_real_guess(data, trajcount, 0)
        xs = stack_x(q_init, q_fin)
        q, comp_time_1, msg = utils.solver_solution(x_guess, xs, other_params,
        print("Initial problem solved")
        for i in range(1, 7):
            n = data[trajcount]['q_fin'][i].shape[0]
            for j in range(n):
                folder = OUTPUT_FOLDER + "/" + input_no + "/traj" + str(
                    trajcount) + '/' + str((i - 1) * counter + j)
                if not os.path.exists(folder):

                q_init_new = q_init.copy()
                q_fin_new = data[trajcount]['q_fin'][i][j, :]

                ys = q.copy()
                x_guess = ys.copy()
                xs_new = stack_x(q_init_new, q_fin_new)
                q_new, comp_time_2, msg = utils.solver_solution(
                    x_guess, xs_new, other_params, cost_fun)
                print("Perturbed problem solved by solver")

                solver_sol = {}
                solver_sol['q'] = q
                solver_sol['q_new'] = q_new
                solver_sol['comp_time_1'] = comp_time_1
                solver_sol['comp_time_2'] = comp_time_2
                sfolder = SOLVER + "/" + input_no + "/traj" + str(
                    trajcount) + '/' + str((i - 1) * counter + j)
                if not os.path.exists(sfolder):
                with open(sfolder + '/data.npy', 'wb') as f:
                    np.save(f, solver_sol)

                print("Minimal cost from solver intial ",
                      cost_fun(q, xs, other_params))
                print("Minimal cost from solver perturbed ",
                      cost_fun(q_new, xs_new, other_params))
                etas = np.arange(0.05, 1.05, 0.05)
                niters = 30
                q_pred, comp_time_3, saved_cost, saved_eta, saved_ys_pred = utils.argmin_solution(ys, xs, xs_new, other_params, \
                                                                          etas, niters, cost_fun_jax, vmap_batched_update_ys, F_YY_fn, \
                                                                          F_XY_fn, get_qfin_jax, stack_x, folder)
                print("Perturbed problem solved by argmin")
                print("Time taken : ", comp_time_3)

                save_problem_data(q_init, q_fin, q_init_new, q_fin_new, q, q_new, q_pred, \
                                  comp_time_1, comp_time_2, comp_time_3, saved_cost, saved_eta, saved_ys_pred, other_params, folder)

                # plotting
                utils.plot_trajectory(q, q_new, q_pred, q_init, q_fin,
                                      q_init_new, q_fin_new, folder)
                utils.plot_end_effector_angles(q_new, q_pred, folder)
                utils.plot_joint_angles(q_new, q_pred, folder)
                print("-" * 50)
            print("*" * 50)
        print("=" * 80)
Exemplo n.º 19
def experiment(sname, seed, nystr=True):
    def LMO_err(params, M=2, verbal=False):
        global Nfeval
        params = np.exp(params)
        al, bl = params[:-1], params[
            -1]  # params[:int(n_params/2)], params[int(n_params/2):] #  [np.exp(e) for e in params]
        if train.x.shape[1] < 5:
            train_L = bl**2 * np.exp(-train_L0 / al**2 / 2) + 1e-4 * EYEN
            train_L, dev_L = 0, 0
            for i in range(len(al)):
                train_L += train_L0[i] / al[i]**2
            train_L = bl * bl * np.exp(-train_L / 2) + 1e-4 * EYEN

        tmp_mat = train_L @ eig_vec_K
        C = train_L - tmp_mat @ np.linalg.inv(eig_vec_K.T @ tmp_mat / N2 +
                                              inv_eig_val) @ tmp_mat.T / N2
        c = C @ W_nystr_Y * N2
        c_y = c - train.y
        lmo_err = 0
        N = 0
        for ii in range(1):
            permutation = np.random.permutation(train.x.shape[0])
            for i in range(0, train.x.shape[0], M):
                indices = permutation[i:i + M]
                K_i = train_W[np.ix_(indices, indices)] * N2
                C_i = C[np.ix_(indices, indices)]
                c_y_i = c_y[indices]
                b_y = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(M) - C_i @ K_i) @ c_y_i
                lmo_err += b_y.T @ K_i @ b_y
                N += 1
        return lmo_err[0, 0] / M**2

    def callback0(params):
        global Nfeval, prev_norm, opt_params, opt_test_err
        if Nfeval % 1 == 0:
            params = np.exp(params)
            print('params:', params)
            al, bl = params[:-1], params[-1]

            if train.x.shape[1] < 5:
                train_L = bl**2 * np.exp(-train_L0 / al**2 / 2) + 1e-4 * EYEN
                test_L = bl**2 * np.exp(-test_L0 / al**2 / 2)
                train_L, test_L = 0, 0
                for i in range(len(al)):
                    train_L += train_L0[i] / al[i]**2
                    test_L += test_L0[i] / al[i]**2
                train_L = bl * bl * np.exp(-train_L / 2) + 1e-4 * EYEN
                test_L = bl * bl * np.exp(-test_L / 2)

            if nystr:
                tmp_mat = eig_vec_K.T @ train_L
                alpha = EYEN - eig_vec_K @ np.linalg.inv(
                    tmp_mat @ eig_vec_K / N2 + inv_eig_val) @ tmp_mat / N2
                alpha = alpha @ W_nystr_Y * N2
                LWL_inv = chol_inv(train_L @ train_W @ train_L + train_L / N2 +
                                   JITTER * EYEN)
                alpha = LWL_inv @ train_L @ train_W @ train.y
            pred_mean = test_L @ alpha
            test_err = ((pred_mean - test.g)**2).mean()
            norm = alpha.T @ train_L @ alpha
        Nfeval += 1
        if prev_norm is not None:
            if norm[0, 0] / prev_norm >= 3:
                if opt_test_err is None:
                    opt_test_err = test_err
                    opt_params = params
                print(True, opt_params, opt_test_err, prev_norm, norm[0, 0])
                raise Exception

        if prev_norm is None or norm[0, 0] <= prev_norm:
            prev_norm = norm[0, 0]
        opt_test_err = test_err
        opt_params = params
        print(True, opt_params, opt_test_err, prev_norm, norm[0, 0])

    train, dev, test = load_data(ROOT_PATH + '/data/' + sname +
    del dev

    # avoid same indices when run on the cluster
    for _ in range(seed + 1):
        random_indices = np.sort(
            np.random.choice(range(train.x.shape[0]), nystr_M, replace=False))

    EYEN = np.eye(train.x.shape[0])
    N2 = train.x.shape[0]**2

    # precompute to save time on parallized computation
    if train.z.shape[1] < 5:
        ak = get_median_inter_mnist(train.z)
        ak = np.load(ROOT_PATH + '/mnist_precomp/{}_ak.npy'.format(sname))
    train_W = np.load(ROOT_PATH +
    train_W = (np.exp(-train_W / ak / ak / 2) + np.exp(
        -train_W / ak / ak / 200) + np.exp(-train_W / ak / ak * 50)) / 3 / N2
    if train.x.shape[1] < 5:
        train_L0 = _sqdist(train.x, None)
        test_L0 = _sqdist(test.x, train.x)
        L0s = np.load(ROOT_PATH + '/mnist_precomp/{}_Ls.npz'.format(sname))
        train_L0 = L0s['train_L0']
        # dev_L0 = L0s['dev_L0']
        test_L0 = L0s['test_L0']
        del L0s
    if train.x.shape[1] < 5:
        params0 = np.random.randn(2) * 0.1
        params0 = np.random.randn(len(train_L0) + 1) * 0.1
    bounds = None
    eig_val_K, eig_vec_K = nystrom_decomp(train_W * N2, random_indices)
    W_nystr_Y = eig_vec_K @ np.diag(eig_val_K) @ eig_vec_K.T @ train.y / N2
    inv_eig_val = np.diag(1 / eig_val_K / N2)
    obj_grad = value_and_grad(lambda params: LMO_err(params))
    res = minimize(obj_grad,
                       'maxiter': 5000,
                       'disp': True,
                       'ftol': 0
    PATH = ROOT_PATH + "/MMR_IVs/results/" + sname + "/"
    os.makedirs(PATH, exist_ok=True)
    np.save(PATH + 'LMO_errs_{}_nystr.npy'.format(seed),
            [opt_params, prev_norm, opt_test_err])

            psis_lw, K_hat_stan = psislw(log_iw.T)
            K_hat_stan_advi_list[j, n] = K_hat_stan
            print('K hat statistic for Stan ADVI:')

    ###################### Plotting L2 norm here #################################

plt.plot(stan_vb_w[:, 0], stan_vb_w[:, 1], 'mo', label='STAN-ADVI')

np.save('K_hat_logistic_' + datatype + '_' + algo_name + '_' + str(N) + 'N',

plt.plot(K_list, np.nanmean(K_hat_stan_advi_list, axis=1), 'r-', alpha=1)
plt.plot(K_list, np.nanmin(K_hat_stan_advi_list, axis=1), 'r-', alpha=0.5)
plt.plot(K_list, np.nanmax(K_hat_stan_advi_list, axis=1), 'r-', alpha=0.5)

    'K_hat_logistic_' + datatype + '_' + algo_name + '_' + str(N) + 'N' +
    '_samples_' + str(gradsamples), K_hat_stan_advi_list)
plt.savefig('Logistic_Regression_K_hat_vs_D_' + datatype + '_' + algo_name +
            '_' + str(N) + 'N.pdf')
Exemplo n.º 21
            print("fidelity reached : ", fidelity_reached)
            update_error_list.append(1. - fidelity_reached)
            current_energy = np.sum(mps_func.expectation_values(
                A_list, H_list))
            t_list.append(t_list[-1] + dt)

            print(t_list[-1], E_list[-1])

    dir_path = 'data/1d_%s_g%.1f/L%d/' % (Hamiltonian, g, L)
    if not os.path.exists(dir_path):

    filename = 'mps_chi%d_%s_energy.npy' % (chi, order)
    path = dir_path + filename
    np.save(path, np.array(E_list))

    filename = 'mps_chi%d_%s_dt.npy' % (chi, order)
    path = dir_path + filename
    np.save(path, np.array(t_list))

    filename = 'mps_chi%d_%s_error.npy' % (chi, order)
    path = dir_path + filename
    np.save(path, np.array(update_error_list))

    dir_path = 'data/1d_%s_g%.1f/' % (Hamiltonian, g)
    best_E = np.amin(E_list)
    filename = 'mps_chi%d_%s_energy.csv' % (chi, order)
    path = dir_path + filename
    # Try to load file
    # If data return
Exemplo n.º 22
num_seed = 123
params_R = np.zeros((n_latent,2))
steps = np.ones((n_latent,2))
sCur_R = np.zeros((n_latent,2))
ELBO_R = np.zeros(n_iter)

params_R[:,0] = 0.5+sigma*npr.normal(size=n_latent)
params_R[:,1] = sigma*npr.normal(size=n_latent)

transformVar = np.log(1.+np.exp(params_R))
ELBO_R[0] = estimate_elbo(transformVar[:,0],transformVar[:,1],K,x,alphaz)

for n in range(1,n_iter):
    sGrad = reparam_gradient(transformVar[:,0],transformVar[:,1],x,K,alphaz,corr=correction,B=B)/(1.+np.exp(-params_R))
    steps,sCur_R = stepSize(n+1,sCur_R,sGrad,eta)
    params_R  = truncate_params(params_R+steps*sGrad)
    transformVar = np.log(1.+np.exp(params_R))
    ELBO_R[n] = estimate_elbo(transformVar[:,0],transformVar[:,1],K,x,alphaz)
    if np.mod(n,100) == 0:
        filename = 'results/Olivette_Eta'+str(eta)+'_B'+str(B)+'_corr'+str(correction)+'_ELBO.npy'
        np.save(filename, ELBO_R[:n_iter])
        filename = 'results/Olivette_Eta'+str(eta)+'_B'+str(B)+'_corr'+str(correction)+'_K1_'+str(K[0])+'_K2_'+str(K[1])+'_K3_'+str(K[2])+'_params_R.npy'

filename = 'results/Olivette_Eta'+str(eta)+'_B'+str(B)+'_corr'+str(correction)+'_ELBO.npy'
np.save(filename, ELBO_R[:n_iter])
filename = 'results/Olivette_Eta'+str(eta)+'_B'+str(B)+'_corr'+str(correction)+'_K1_'+str(K[0])+'_K2_'+str(K[1])+'_K3_'+str(K[2])+'_params_R.npy'