Exemplo n.º 1
def log_partition_function(natural_params, data):
    if isinstance(data, list):
        return sum(map(partial(log_partition_function, natural_params), data))

    log_pi, log_A, log_B = natural_params

    log_alpha = log_pi
    for y in data:
        log_alpha = logsumexp(log_alpha[:,None] + log_A, axis=0) + log_B[:,y]

    return logsumexp(log_alpha)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def entropy(self, sample=None):
        Compute the entropy of the variational posterior distirbution.

        Recall that under the structured mean field approximation

        H[q(z)q(x)] = -E_{q(z)q(x)}[log q(z) + log q(x)]
                    = -E_q(z)[log q(z)] - E_q(x)[log q(x)]
                    = H[q(z)] + H[q(x)].

        That is, the entropy separates into the sum of entropies for the
        discrete and continuous states.

        For each one, we have

        E_q(u)[log q(u)] = E_q(u) [log q(u_1) + sum_t log q(u_t | u_{t-1}) + loq q(u_t) - log Z]
                         = E_q(u_1)[log q(u_1)] + sum_t E_{q(u_t, u_{t-1}[log q(u_t | u_{t-1})]
                             + E_q(u_t)[loq q(u_t)] - log Z

        where u \in {z, x} and log Z is the log normalizer.  This shows that we just need the
        posterior expectations and potentials, and the log normalizer of the distribution.

        We haven't implemented the exact calculations for the continuous states yet,
        so for now we're approximating the continuous state entropy via samples.

        # Sample the continuous states
        if sample is None:
            sample = self.sample_continuous_states()
            assert isinstance(sample, list) and len(sample) == len(self.datas)

        negentropy = 0
        for s, prms in zip(sample, self.params):

            # 1. Compute log q(x) of samples of x
            negentropy += block_tridiagonal_log_probability(
                s, prms["J_diag"], prms["J_lower_diag"], prms["h"])

            # 2. Compute E_{q(z)}[ log q(z) ]
            log_pi0 = np.log(prms["pi0"] + 1e-16) - logsumexp(prms["pi0"])
            log_Ps = np.log(prms["Ps"] + 1e-16) - logsumexp(
                prms["Ps"], axis=1, keepdims=True)
            (Ez, Ezzp1,
             normalizer) = hmm_expected_states(prms["pi0"], prms["Ps"],
            negentropy -= normalizer  # -log Z
            negentropy += np.sum(Ez[0] * log_pi0)  # initial factor
            negentropy += np.sum(Ez * prms["log_likes"])  # unitary factors
            negentropy += np.sum(Ezzp1 * log_Ps)  # pairwise factors

        return -negentropy
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _discrete_entropy(self):
        negentropy = 0
        discrete_expectations = self.discrete_expectations
        for prms, (Ez, Ezzp1, normalizer) in \
                zip(self.discrete_state_params, discrete_expectations):

            log_pi0 = np.log(prms["pi0"] + 1e-16) - logsumexp(prms["pi0"])
            log_Ps = np.log(prms["Ps"] + 1e-16) - logsumexp(prms["Ps"], axis=1, keepdims=True)
            negentropy -= normalizer  # -log Z
            negentropy += np.sum(Ez[0] * log_pi0)  # initial factor
            negentropy += np.sum(Ez * prms["log_likes"])  # unitary factors
            negentropy += np.sum(Ezzp1 * log_Ps)  # pairwise factors
        return -negentropy
Exemplo n.º 4
def _make_grad_hmm_normalizer(argnum, ans, pi0, Ps, ll):
    # Make sure everything is C contiguous and unboxed
    pi0 = to_c(pi0)
    Ps = to_c(Ps)
    ll = to_c(ll)

    dlog_pi0 = np.zeros_like(pi0)
    dlog_Ps = np.zeros_like(Ps)
    dll = np.zeros_like(ll)
    T, K = ll.shape

    # Forward pass to get alphas
    alphas = np.zeros((T, K))
    forward_pass(pi0, Ps, ll, alphas)
    log_Ps = np.log(Ps + LOG_EPS) - logsumexp(Ps, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    grad_hmm_normalizer(log_Ps, alphas, dlog_pi0, dlog_Ps, dll)

    # Compute necessary gradient
    # Account for the log transformation
    # df/dP = df/dlogP * dlogP/dP = df/dlogP * 1 / P
    if argnum == 0:
        return lambda g: g * dlog_pi0 / (pi0 + DIV_EPS)
    if argnum == 1:
        return lambda g: g * dlog_Ps / (Ps + DIV_EPS)
    if argnum == 2:
        return lambda g: g * dll
Exemplo n.º 5
    def log_transition_matrices(self, data, input, mask, tag):
        T, D = data.shape
        # Previous state effect
        log_Ps = np.tile(self.log_Ps[None, :, :], (T - 1, 1, 1))
        # Input effect
        log_Ps = log_Ps + np.dot(input[1:], self.Ws.T)[:, None, :]

        # Past observations effect

        #Off diagonal elements of transition matrix (state switches), from past observations
        log_Ps_offdiag = np.tile(
            np.dot(data[:-1], self.Rs.T)[:, None, :], (1, self.K, 1))
        mult_offdiag = 1 - np.tile(
            np.identity(self.K)[None, :, :], (log_Ps_offdiag.shape[0], 1, 1))

        #Diagonal elements of transition matrix (stickiness), from past observations
        log_Ps_diag = np.tile(
            np.dot(data[:-1], self.Ss.T)[:, None, :], (1, self.K, 1))
        mult_diag = np.tile(
            np.identity(self.K)[None, :, :], (log_Ps_diag.shape[0], 1, 1))

        log_Ps = log_Ps_diag * mult_diag  #Diagonal elements (stickness) from past observations
        log_Ps = log_Ps + np.identity(
            self.K) * self.s  #Diagonal elements (stickness) bias
        log_Ps = log_Ps + log_Ps_offdiag * mult_offdiag  #Off diagonal elements (state switching) from past observations
        log_Ps = log_Ps + (1 - np.identity(
            self.K)) * self.r  #Off diagonal elements (state switching) bias

        return log_Ps - logsumexp(log_Ps, axis=2, keepdims=True)  #Normalize
Exemplo n.º 6
def nll_GLM_GanmorCalciumAR1(w, X, Y, hyperparams, nlfun, S=10):
    Negative log-likelihood for a GLM with Ganmor AR1 mixture model for calcium imaging data.

        w:              [D x 1]  vector of GLM regression weights
        X:              [T x D]  design matrix
        Y:              [T x 1]  calcium fluorescence observations
        hyperparams:    [3 x 1]  model hyperparameters: log tau, log alpha, log Gaussian variance
        nlfun:          [func]   function handle for nonlinearity
        S:              [scalar] number of spikes to marginalize
        return_hess:    [bool]   flag for returning Hessian

        negative log-likelihood, gradient, and Hessian

    # unpack hyperparams
    tau, alpha, sig2 = hyperparams

    # compute AR(1) diffs
    taudecay = np.exp(-1.0 / tau)  # decay factor for one time bin
    Y = np.pad(Y, (1, 0))  # pad Y by a time bin
    Ydff = (Y[1:] - taudecay * Y[:-1]) / alpha

    # compute grid of spike counts
    ygrid = np.arange(0, S + 1)

    # Gaussian log-likelihood terms
    log_gauss_grid = -0.5 * (Ydff[:, None] - ygrid[None, :])**2 / (
        sig2 / alpha**2) - 0.5 * np.log(2.0 * np.pi * sig2)

    Xproj = X @ w
    poissConst = gammaln(ygrid + 1)

    # compute neglogli, gradient, and (optionally) Hessian
    f, logf, df, ddf = nlfun(Xproj)
    logPcounts = logf[:, None] * ygrid[None, :] - f[:,
                                                    None] - poissConst[None, :]

    # compute log-likelihood for each time bin
    logjoint = log_gauss_grid + logPcounts
    logli = logsumexp(logjoint, axis=1)  # log likelihood for each time bin
    negL = -np.sum(logli)  # negative log likelihood

    # gradient
    dLpoiss = (df / f)[:, None] * ygrid[
        None, :] - df[:, None]  # deriv of Poisson log likelihood
    gwts = np.sum(np.exp(logjoint - logli[:, None]) * dLpoiss,
                  axis=1)  # gradient weights
    gradient = -X.T @ gwts

    # Hessian
    ddLpoiss = (ddf / f - (df / f)**2)[:, None] * ygrid[None, :] - ddf[:, None]
    ddL = (ddLpoiss + dLpoiss**2)
    hwts = np.sum(np.exp(logjoint - logli[:, None]) * ddL,
                  axis=1) - gwts**2  # hessian weights
    H = -X.T @ (X * hwts[:, None])

    return negL, gradient, H
Exemplo n.º 7
    def backward(self, loglikhds, cython=True):
        loginit, logtrans, logobs = loglikhds

        beta = []
        for _logobs, _logtrans in zip(logobs, logtrans):
            T = _logobs.shape[0]
            _beta = np.zeros((T, self.nb_states))

            if cython:
                backward_cy(to_c(loginit), to_c(_logtrans), to_c(_logobs),
                for k in range(self.nb_states):
                    _beta[T - 1, k] = 0.0

                _aux = np.zeros((self.nb_states, ))
                for t in range(T - 2, -1, -1):
                    for k in range(self.nb_states):
                        for j in range(self.nb_states):
                            _aux[j] = _logtrans[t, k, j] + _beta[
                                t + 1, j] + _logobs[t + 1, j]
                        _beta[t, k] = logsumexp(_aux)

        return beta
Exemplo n.º 8
 def log_transition(self, x, u):
     logtrans = []
     for _x, _u in zip(x, u):
         T = np.maximum(len(_x) - 1, 1)
         _logtrans = np.tile(self.logmat[None, :, :], (T, 1, 1))
         logtrans.append(_logtrans - logsumexp(_logtrans, axis=-1, keepdims=True))
     return logtrans
Exemplo n.º 9
 def log_transition_matrices(self, data, input, mask, tag):
     T, D = data.shape
     log_Ps = np.dot(input[1:], self.Ws.T)[:, None, :]              # inputs
     log_Ps = log_Ps + np.dot(data[:-1], self.Rs.T)[:, None, :]     # past observations
     log_Ps = log_Ps + self.r                                       # bias
     log_Ps = np.tile(log_Ps, (1, self.K, 1))                       # expand
     return log_Ps - logsumexp(log_Ps, axis=2, keepdims=True)       # normalize
Exemplo n.º 10
def accelerate_D(doftotal, ctrl):
    ''' ctrl: ctrl's frequency calculation
    if r.topt == 1 and r.Popt == 0:
        pthick = [
            r.tmin / lam0 + (thick[i] - r.tmin / lam0) * doftotal[i]
            for i in range(Nlayer)
        pscale = 1.
        dofold = doftotal[Nlayer:]
    elif r.topt == 0 and r.Popt == 1:
        pthick = thick
        pscale = 1. + (r.Periodmax - r.Period) / r.Period * doftotal[0]
        dofold = doftotal[1:]
    elif r.topt == 1 and r.Popt == 1:
        pscale = 1. + (r.Periodmax - r.Period) / r.Period * doftotal[0]
        pthick = [
            r.tmin / lam0 + (thick[i] - r.tmin / lam0) * doftotal[1 + i]
            for i in range(Nlayer)
        dofold = doftotal[Nlayer + 1:]
        pscale = 1.
        pthick = thick
        dofold = doftotal

    # RCWA
    freqcmp = freq_list[ctrl] * (1 + 1j / 2 / Qref)
    planewave = {'p_amp': 0, 's_amp': 1, 'p_phase': 0, 's_phase': 0}
    phi = 0.
    theta = r.angle
    obj, dof, epsdiff = rcwa_assembly(dofold, freqcmp, theta, phi, planewave,
                                      pthick, pscale)
    R, _ = obj.RT_Solve(normalize=1)

    if r.polarization == 'ps' or r.polarization == 'sp':
        planewave = {'p_amp': 1, 's_amp': 0, 'p_phase': 0, 's_phase': 0}
        R2, _ = obj.RT_Solve(normalize=1)

        # the minimal of reflection
        Inc = 500.
        R = Inc / logsumexp(Inc / np.array([R, R2]))

    # mass
    rho = mload
    for i in range(Nlayer):
        mtmp = lam0 * pthick[i] * mstruct[i].density * np.mean(
            dof[i * Nx * Ny:(i + 1) * Nx * Ny])
        rho = rho + mtmp
    rho = rho**r.mpower

    integrand = rho / R * gamma[ctrl] * beta[ctrl] / (1 - beta[ctrl])**2
    integrand = cons.c**3 / 2 / laserP * integrand * dbeta / 1e9

    return integrand
Exemplo n.º 11
 def filter(self, obs, act=None):
     logliklhds = self.log_likelihoods(obs, act)
     alpha = self.forward(logliklhds)
     belief = [
         np.exp(_alpha - logsumexp(_alpha, axis=1, keepdims=True))
         for _alpha in alpha
     return belief
Exemplo n.º 12
 def mixture_log_density(var_mixture_params, x):
     """Returns a weighted average over component densities."""
     log_weights, var_params = unpack_mixture_params(var_mixture_params)
     component_log_densities = np.vstack(
         [component_log_density(params_k, x) for params_k in var_params]).T
     return logsumexp(component_log_densities + log_weights,
Exemplo n.º 13
 def log_transition(self, x, u):
     logtrans = []
     for _x, _u in zip(x, u):
         T = np.maximum(len(_x) - 1, 1)
         _in = np.hstack((_x[:T, :], _u[:T, :self.dm_act]))
         _logtrans = to_npy(self.rnr.forward(to_torch(_in)))
         logtrans.append(_logtrans - logsumexp(_logtrans, axis=-1, keepdims=True))
     return logtrans
Exemplo n.º 14
 def log_transition_matrices(self, data, input, mask, tag):
     T = data.shape[0]
     assert input.shape[0] == T
     # Previous state effect
     log_Ps = np.tile(self.log_Ps[None, :, :], (T-1, 1, 1))
     # Input effect
     log_Ps = log_Ps + np.dot(input[1:], self.Ws.T)[:, None, :]
     return log_Ps - logsumexp(log_Ps, axis=2, keepdims=True)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def transition_matrix(self, data, input, mask, tag):
     # For a single data point: data is x_{t-1}, input is x_t
     log_Ps = self.log_Ps[None, :, :]
     # Input effect
     log_Ps = log_Ps + np.dot(input, self.Ws.T)[:, None, :]
     # Past observations effect
     log_Ps = log_Ps + np.dot(data, self.Rs.T)[:, None, :]
     return np.exp(log_Ps - logsumexp(log_Ps, axis=2, keepdims=True))
def neural_net_predict(params, inputs):
    """Implements a deep neural network for classification.
       params is a list of (weights, bias) tuples.
       inputs is an (N x D) matrix.
       returns normalized class log-probabilities."""
    for W, b in params:
        outputs = np.dot(inputs, W) + b
        inputs = np.tanh(outputs)
    return outputs - logsumexp(outputs, axis=1, keepdims=True)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def _lowerbound(self, x, K=1):
        Compute the lowerbound
        # define network

        W1, W2, W3, W4, W5 = self.params["W1"], self.params["W2"], self.params["W3"],\
        self.params["W4"], self.params["W5"]
        b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = self.params["b1"], self.params["b2"], self.params["b3"],\
        self.params["b4"], self.params["b5"]

        if self.continuous:
            W6, b6 = self.params["W6"], self.params["b6"]
            activation = lambda x: np.log(1 + np.exp(x))
            activation = lambda x: np.tanh(x, x)

        sigmoid = lambda x: 1. / (1 + np.exp(-x))

        # IWAE: first replicate the input
        N = x.shape[1]
        #x = np.repeat(x, K, axis = 1)
        #x = np.tile(x.reshape(-1, 1), (1, K)).reshape(x.shape[0], K * N)
        x = np.tile(x, (1, K))

        # compute forward pass
        h_encoder = activation(W1.dot(x) + b1)

        mu_encoder = W2.dot(h_encoder) + b2
        log_sigma_encoder = 0.5 * (W3.dot(h_encoder) + b3)

        eps = np.random.randn(self.n_hidden_variables, x.shape[1])
        z = mu_encoder + np.exp(log_sigma_encoder) * eps

        h_decoder = activation(W4.dot(z) + b4)

        y = sigmoid(W5.dot(h_decoder) + b5)

        if self.continuous:
            log_sigma_decoder = 0.5 * (W6.dot(h_decoder) + b6)
            logpxz = np.sum(-(0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi) + log_sigma_decoder) -
                            0.5 * ((x - y) / np.exp(log_sigma_decoder))**2,
            logpxz = np.sum(x * np.log(y) + (1 - x) * np.log(1 - y), axis=0)

        KLD = 0.5 * np.sum(1 + 2 * log_sigma_encoder - mu_encoder**2 -
                           np.exp(2 * log_sigma_encoder),
        lowerbound_x = logpxz + KLD

        # then compute the weights
        log_ws_matrix = lowerbound_x.reshape(K, N)
        # now compute the IWAE bound
        lowerbound = np.sum(logsumexp(log_ws_matrix, axis=0) - np.log(K))

        return lowerbound
Exemplo n.º 18
    def log_prior(self):
        K = self.K
        log_P = self.log_Ps - logsumexp(self.log_Ps, axis=1, keepdims=True)

        lp = 0
        for k in range(K):
            alpha = self.alpha * np.ones(K) + self.kappa * (np.arange(K) == k)
            lp += np.dot((alpha - 1), log_P[k])
        return lp
Exemplo n.º 19
def forward_pass_np(log_pi0, log_Ps, log_likes):
    T, K = log_likes.shape
    alphas = []
    alphas.append(log_likes[0] + log_pi0)
    for t in range(T-1):
        anext = logsumexp(alphas[t] + log_Ps[t].T, axis=1)
        anext += log_likes[t+1]
    return np.array(alphas)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def log_transition_matrices(self, data, input, mask, tag):
     T, D = data.shape
     # Previous state effect
     log_Ps = np.tile(self.log_Ps[None, :, :], (T-1, 1, 1))
     # Input effect
     log_Ps = log_Ps + np.dot(input[1:], self.Ws.T)[:, None, :]
     # Past observations effect
     log_Ps = log_Ps + np.dot(data[:-1], self.Rs.T)[:, None, :]
     return log_Ps - logsumexp(log_Ps, axis=2, keepdims=True)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def m_step(self, expectations, datas, inputs, masks, tags, **kwargs):
        K = self.K
        P = sum([np.sum(Ezzp1, axis=0) for _, Ezzp1, _ in expectations]) + 1e-32
        P = np.nan_to_num(P / P.sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True))

        # Set rows that are all zero to uniform
        P = np.where(P.sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True) == 0, 1.0 / K, P)
        log_P = np.log(P)
        self.log_Ps = log_P - logsumexp(log_P, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def log_prior(self):
        K = self.K
        Ps = np.exp(self.log_Ps - logsumexp(self.log_Ps, axis=1, keepdims=True))

        lp = 0
        for k in range(K):
            alpha = self.alpha * np.ones(K) + self.kappa * (np.arange(K) == k)
            lp += dirichlet.logpdf(Ps[k], alpha)
        return lp
Exemplo n.º 23
 def get_error_and_ll(w, v_prior, X, y, K, location, scale):
     v_noise = np.exp(parser.get(w, 'log_v_noise')[0, 0]) * scale**2
     q = get_parameters_q(w, v_prior)
     samples_q = draw_samples(q, K)
     outputs = predict(samples_q, X) * scale + location
     log_factor = -0.5 * np.log(2 * math.pi * v_noise) - 0.5 * (
         np.tile(y, (1, K)) - np.array(outputs))**2 / v_noise
     ll = np.mean(logsumexp(log_factor - np.log(K), 1))
     error = np.sqrt(np.mean((y - np.mean(outputs, 1, keepdims=True))**2))
     return error, ll
Exemplo n.º 24
def hmm_expected_states(log_pi0, log_Ps, ll, memlimit=2**31):
    T, K = ll.shape

    # Make sure everything is C contiguous
    log_pi0 = to_c(log_pi0)
    log_Ps = to_c(log_Ps)
    ll = to_c(ll)

    alphas = np.zeros((T, K))
    forward_pass(log_pi0, log_Ps, ll, alphas)
    normalizer = logsumexp(alphas[-1])

    betas = np.zeros((T, K))
    backward_pass(log_Ps, ll, betas)

    # Compute E[z_t] for t = 1, ..., T
    expected_states = alphas + betas
    expected_states -= logsumexp(expected_states, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    expected_states = np.exp(expected_states)

    # Compute E[z_t, z_{t+1}] for t = 1, ..., T-1
    # Note that this is an array of size T*K*K, which can be quite large.
    # To be a bit more frugal with memory, first check if the given log_Ps
    # are TxKxK.  If so, instantiate the full expected joints as well, since
    # we will need them for the M-step.  However, if log_Ps is 1xKxK then we
    # know that the transition matrix is stationary, and all we need for the
    # M-step is the sum of the expected joints.
    stationary = (log_Ps.shape[0] == 1)
    if not stationary:
        expected_joints = alphas[:-1, :, None] + betas[1:, None, :] + ll[
            1:, None, :] + log_Ps
        expected_joints -= expected_joints.max((1, 2))[:, None, None]
        expected_joints = np.exp(expected_joints)
        expected_joints /= expected_joints.sum((1, 2))[:, None, None]

        # Compute the sum over time axis of the expected joints
        expected_joints = np.zeros((K, K))
        compute_stationary_expected_joints(alphas, betas, ll, log_Ps[0],
        expected_joints = expected_joints[None, :, :]

    return expected_states, expected_joints, normalizer
Exemplo n.º 25
def IWELBO(params, log_p, log_q, sample_q, M_iw_train, num_copies_training):

    _, lp, lq, _ = objective_utils(params, log_p, log_q, sample_q, M_iw_train,
    # This will also work, but will not evaluate to IW-ELBO
    # lR = lp - lq
    # weights = autograd.core.getval(utils.softmax_matrix(lR))
    # targets = lR
    # return np.mean(np.sum(weights*targets, -1))
    return np.mean(autoscipy.logsumexp(lp - lq, -1)) - np.log(M_iw_train)
Exemplo n.º 26
def hmm_normalizer(pi0, Ps, ll):
    T, K = ll.shape
    alphas = np.zeros((T, K))

    # Make sure everything is C contiguous
    pi0 = to_c(pi0)
    Ps = to_c(Ps)
    ll = to_c(ll)

    forward_pass(pi0, Ps, ll, alphas)
    return logsumexp(alphas[-1])
Exemplo n.º 27
    def log_transition_matrices(self, data, input, mask, tag):
        # Pass the data and inputs through the neural network
        x = np.hstack((data[:-1], input[1:]))
        for W, b in zip(self.weights, self.biases):
            y = np.dot(x, W) + b
            x = self.nonlinearity(y)

        # Add the baseline transition biases
        log_Ps = self.log_Ps[None, :, :] + y[:, None, :]

        # Normalize
        return log_Ps - logsumexp(log_Ps, axis=2, keepdims=True)
Exemplo n.º 28
def nll_GLM_GanmorCalciumAR1(w, X, Y, hyperparams, nlfun, S=10):
    Negative log-likelihood for a GLM with Ganmor AR1 mixture model for calcium imaging data.

        w:              [D x 1]  vector of GLM regression weights
        X:              [T x D]  design matrix
        Y:              [T x 1]  calcium fluorescence observations
        hyperparams:    [3 x 1]  model hyperparameters: log tau, log alpha, log Gaussian variance
        nlfun:          [func]   function handle for nonlinearity
        S:              [scalar] number of spikes to marginalize
        return_hess:    [bool]   flag for returning Hessian

        negative log-likelihood, gradient, and Hessian
    # unpack hyperparams
    ar_coefs, log_alpha, log_sig2 = hyperparams
    alpha = np.exp(log_alpha)
    sig2 = np.exp(log_sig2)
    p = ar_coefs.shape[0]  # AR(p)
    # compute AR(p) diffs
    Ydecay = np.zeros_like(Y)
    Y = np.pad(Y, (p, 0))  # pad Y by p time bins
    for i, ai in enumerate(ar_coefs):
        Ydecay = Ydecay + ai * Y[p - 1 - i:-1 - i]
    # Ydecay2 = ar_coefs[0] * Y[1:-1]
    # Ydecay2 = Ydecay2 + ar_coefs[1] * Y[:-2]
    # print(np.linalg.norm(Ydecay - Ydecay2))
    # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
    Ydff = (Y[p:] - Ydecay) / alpha

    # compute grid of spike counts
    ygrid = np.arange(0, S + 1)

    # Gaussian log-likelihood terms
    log_gauss_grid = -0.5 * (Ydff[:, None] - ygrid[None, :])**2 / (
        sig2 / alpha**2) - 0.5 * np.log(2.0 * np.pi * sig2)

    Xproj = X @ w
    poissConst = gammaln(ygrid + 1)

    # compute neglogli, gradient, and (optionally) Hessian
    f, logf, df, ddf = nlfun(Xproj)
    logPcounts = logf[:, None] * ygrid[None, :] - f[:,
                                                    None] - poissConst[None, :]

    # compute log-likelihood for each time bin
    logjoint = log_gauss_grid + logPcounts
    logli = logsumexp(logjoint, axis=1)  # log likelihood for each time bin
    negL = -np.sum(logli)  # negative log likelihood

    return negL
Exemplo n.º 29
    def log_transition_matrices(self, data, input, mask, tag):
        def bound_func(t, a, ap, lamb, k):
            return a - (1 - np.exp(-(t / lamb)**k)) * (0.0 * a + np.exp(ap))

        T, D = data.shape
        # Previous state effect
        log_Ps = np.tile(self.log_Ps[None, :, :], (T - 1, 1, 1))
        # Input effect
        boundary_input = 1. - bound_func(input[1:], 1.0, self.ap, self.lamb, 2)
        log_Ps = log_Ps + np.dot(boundary_input, self.Ws.T)[:, None, :]
        # Past observations effect
        log_Ps = log_Ps + np.dot(data[:-1], self.Rs.T)[:, None, :]
        return log_Ps - logsumexp(log_Ps, axis=2, keepdims=True)
Exemplo n.º 30
def hmm_filter(log_pi0, log_Ps, ll):
    T, K = ll.shape

    # Make sure everything is C contiguous
    log_pi0 = to_c(log_pi0)
    log_Ps = to_c(log_Ps)
    ll = to_c(ll)

    # Forward pass gets the predicted state at time t given
    # observations up to and including those from time t
    alphas = np.zeros((T, K))
    forward_pass(log_pi0, log_Ps, ll, alphas)

    # Predict forward with the transition matrix
    pz_tt = np.exp(alphas - logsumexp(alphas, axis=1, keepdims=True))
    pz_tp1t = np.matmul(pz_tt[:-1, None, :], np.exp(log_Ps))[:, 0, :]

    # Include the initial state distribution
    pz_tp1t = np.row_stack((np.exp(log_pi0 - logsumexp(log_pi0)), pz_tp1t))

    assert np.allclose(np.sum(pz_tp1t, axis=1), 1.0)
    return pz_tp1t