def __new__(self, name, base, dic): cls = type.__new__(container_mateclass, name, base, dic) cls.register(_np.ndarray) for type_ in [ float, _np.float64, _np.float32, _np.float16, complex, _np.complex64, _np.complex128 ]: cls.register(type_) for method_name in nondiff_methods + diff_methods: setattr(cls, method_name, anp.__dict__[method_name]) setattr(cls, 'flatten', anp.__dict__['ravel']) defvjp(func(cls.__getitem__), lambda ans, A, idx: lambda g: untake(g, idx, vspace(A))) defjvp(func(cls.__getitem__), 'same') defjvp(untake, 'same') setattr(cls, 'reshape', wrapped_reshape) return cls
def _is_vspace_add(node): return ( is ag_util.func(ag_extend.VSpace.add) or is ag_util.func(ag_extend.VSpace.mut_add))
@primitive def __call__(self, x): return sum( [a * self.kernel(x, x_repr) for x_repr, a in self.alphas.items()], 0.0) def __add__(self, f): return self.vs.add(self, f) def __mul__(self, a): return self.vs.scalar_mul(self, a) # TODO: add vjp of __call__ wrt x (and show it in action) defvjp(func(RKHSFun.__call__), lambda ans, f, x: lambda g: RKHSFun(f.kernel, {x: 1}) * g) class RKHSFunBox(Box, RKHSFun): @property def kernel(self): return self._value.kernel RKHSFunBox.register(RKHSFun) class RKHSFunVSpace(VSpace): def __init__(self, value): self.kernel = value.kernel
else: return lambda g: g defvjp( acp._array_from_scalar_or_array, array_from_scalar_or_array_gradmaker, argnums=(2, 3), ) @primitive def untake(x, idx, vs): def mut_add(A): # in numpy codebase, this used to be: #, idx, x) # according to, # scatter_add is the correct function to use. # TODO: PR into cupy codebase the ability to use scatter_add with float64? ocpx.scatter_add(A, idx, x) return A return SparseObject(vs, mut_add) defvjp( func(container.__getitem__), lambda ans, A, idx: lambda g: untake(g, idx, vspace(A)), # noqa: E501 ) defvjp(untake, lambda ans, x, idx, _: lambda g: g[idx])
def recast(op): def new_op(*args): return op(*map(partial(tf.cast, dtype=tf.float32), args)) return new_op np2tf = { np.add: recast(operator.add), np.subtract: recast(operator.sub), np.multiply: recast(operator.mul), np.divide: recast(operator.div), np.true_divide: recast(operator.div), np.einsum: einsum, func(VSpace.add_not_none): lambda unused_vs, x, y: x + y, cast: tf.cast, np.power: tf.pow, np.log: tf.log, one_hot: tf.one_hot, np.sum: tf.reduce_sum, special.gammaln: tf.lgamma, special.psi: tf.digamma, np.reshape: tf.reshape, misc.logsumexp: tf.reduce_logsumexp, np.exp: tf.exp, np.negative: tf.negative, } class TFNode(Node):
else: return lambda g: g defvjp( acp._array_from_scalar_or_array, array_from_scalar_or_array_gradmaker, argnums=(2, 3), ) @primitive def untake(x, idx, vs): def mut_add(A): # in numpy codebase, this used to be: #, idx, x) # according to, # scatter_add is the correct function to use. # TODO: PR into cupy codebase the ability to use scatter_add with float64? ocpx.scatter_add(A, idx, x) return A return SparseObject(vs, mut_add) defvjp( func(ArrayBox.__getitem__), lambda ans, A, idx: lambda g: untake(g, idx, vspace(A)), # noqa: E501 ) defvjp(untake, lambda ans, x, idx, _: lambda g: g[idx])
from .tracers import remake_expr from .tracers import toposort from .tracers import env_lookup from .util import Enum ## canonicalization rule sets eager_simplifications = { rewrites.dot_as_einsum, np.multiply: rewrites.maybe_multiply, np.divide: rewrites.maybe_divide, np.true_divide: rewrites.maybe_divide, np.add: rewrites.maybe_add, np.subtract: rewrites.maybe_subtract, np.einsum: rewrites.maybe_einsum, ag_util.func(ag_extend.VSpace.add): rewrites.maybe_vspace_add, ag_util.func(ag_extend.VSpace.mut_add): rewrites.maybe_vspace_add, np.reciprocal: lambda x: x**-1, np.square: lambda x: x**2, np.sqrt: lambda x: x**0.5, np.power: rewrites.maybe_power, np.swapaxes: rewrites.swapaxes, add_n: lambda *args: args[0] if len(args) == 0 else add_n(*args), } simplification_rules = [ rewrites.transpose_inside_einsum, rewrites.replace_sum, rewrites.combine_einsum_compositions, rewrites.distribute_einsum, rewrites.einsum_repeated_one_hot, rewrites.log_behind_onehot_einsum, rewrites.log_addn_behind_onehot_einsum, rewrites.replace_log_einsum, rewrites.fold_power, rewrites.add_powers_within_einsum,
input_dimension = Nx * Ny output_dimension = Nx_interp * Ny_interp interp_weights = np.zeros(4 * output_dimension) row_ind = np.zeros(4 * output_dimension, dtype=np.int64) col_ind = np.zeros(4 * output_dimension, dtype=np.int64) ri = 0 for rx in rho_x_interp: for ry in rho_y_interp: # get weights weights, interp_idx = self.get_bilinear_row( rx, ry, rho_x, rho_y) # populate sparse matrix vectors interp_weights[4 * ri:4 * (ri + 1)] = weights row_ind[4 * ri:4 * (ri + 1)] = np.array([ri, ri, ri, ri], dtype=np.int64) col_ind[4 * ri:4 * (ri + 1)] = interp_idx ri += 1 # From matrix vectors, populate the sparse matrix A = sparse.coo_matrix((interp_weights, (row_ind, col_ind)), shape=(output_dimension, input_dimension)) return A defvjp(func(BilinearInterpolationBasis.__call__), None, lambda ans, f, p, eps: lambda a: f.gradient(p, eps), None)
class RKHSFun(object): def __init__(self, kernel, alphas={}): self.alphas = alphas self.kernel = kernel self.vs = RKHSFunVSpace(self) @primitive def __call__(self, x): return sum([a * self.kernel(x, x_repr) for x_repr, a in self.alphas.items()], 0.0) def __add__(self, f): return self.vs.add(self, f) def __mul__(self, a): return self.vs.scalar_mul(self, a) # TODO: add vjp of __call__ wrt x (and show it in action) defvjp(func(RKHSFun.__call__), lambda ans, f, x: lambda g: RKHSFun(f.kernel, {x : 1}) * g) class RKHSFunBox(Box, RKHSFun): @property def kernel(self): return self._value.kernel RKHSFunBox.register(RKHSFun) class RKHSFunVSpace(VSpace): def __init__(self, value): self.kernel = value.kernel def zeros(self): return RKHSFun(self.kernel) def randn(self): # These arbitrary vectors are not analogous to randn in any meaningful way N = npr.randint(1,3)
) from autograd.extend import ( defjvp, defjvp_argnum, def_linear, vspace, JVPNode, register_notrace, ) from autograd.util import func from .cupy_boxes import ArrayBox for fun in nograd_functions: register_notrace(JVPNode, fun) defjvp(func(ArrayBox.__getitem__), "same") defjvp(untake, "same") defjvp_argnum( acp.array_from_args, lambda argnum, g, ans, args, kwargs: untake(g, argnum - 2, vspace(ans)), ) defjvp( acp._array_from_scalar_or_array, None, None, lambda g, ans, args, kwargs, _: acp._array_from_scalar_or_array( args, kwargs, g), ) # ----- Functions that are constant w.r.t. continuous inputs -----
) from autograd.extend import ( defjvp, defjvp_argnum, def_linear, vspace, JVPNode, register_notrace, ) from autograd.util import func from .cupy_containers import container for fun in nograd_functions: register_notrace(JVPNode, fun) defjvp(func(container.__getitem__), "same") defjvp(untake, "same") defjvp_argnum( acp.array_from_args, lambda argnum, g, ans, args, kwargs: untake(g, argnum - 2, vspace(ans)), ) defjvp( acp._array_from_scalar_or_array, None, None, lambda g, ans, args, kwargs, _: acp._array_from_scalar_or_array( args, kwargs, g), ) # ----- Functions that are constant w.r.t. continuous inputs -----