Exemplo n.º 1
def problem_A16(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ("""(define (square x) (* x x))
                 (define (f x y)
                  (let ((a (+ 1 (* x y)))
                        (b (- 1 y)))
                    (+ (* x (square a))
                       (* y b)
                       (* a b))))
                 (f 3 4)""",
    tests2 = [
        ("""(define x 3)
                 (define y 4)

                 (let ((x (+ y 2))
                      (y (+ x 1)))
                  (cons x y))""",
            Pair(6, 4)),
        ("""(let ((x 'hello)) x)""",
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 2
def problem4():
    if check_doctest('analyze_tweet_sentiment', trends):
        return True

    # Change the representation of sentiments to validate abstraction barrier.
    original_make_sentiment = trends.make_sentiment
    original_sentiment_value = trends.sentiment_value
    original_has_sentiment = trends.has_sentiment
    trends.make_sentiment = lambda s: lambda : s
    trends.sentiment_value = lambda s: s()
    trends.has_sentiment = lambda s: s() != None

    sentiment_tests = (
        ((trends.make_tweet('Help, I\'m trapped in an autograder factory and I can\'t get out!'.lower(), None, 0, 0),), -0.416666667),
        ((trends.make_tweet('The thing that I love about hating things that I love is that I hate loving that I hate doing it.'.lower(), None, 0, 0),), 0.075),
    no_sentiment_tests = (
        ((trends.make_tweet('Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers'.lower(), None, 0, 0),), None),

    def analyze(tweet):
        return trends.sentiment_value(trends.analyze_tweet_sentiment(tweet))

    if check_func(analyze, sentiment_tests, comp=comp_float):
        return True
    if check_func(analyze, no_sentiment_tests):
        return True

    trends.make_sentiment = original_make_sentiment
    trends.sentiment_value = original_sentiment_value
    trends.has_sentiment = original_has_sentiment
Exemplo n.º 3
def problem_A16(grades):
    tests1 = [
            """(define (square x) (* x x))
                 (define (f x y)
                  (let ((a (+ 1 (* x y)))
                        (b (- 1 y)))
                    (+ (* x (square a))
                       (* y b)
                       (* a b))))
                 (f 3 4)""",
    tests2 = [
            """(define x 3)
                 (define y 4)

                 (let ((x (+ y 2))
                      (y (+ x 1)))
                  (cons x y))""",
            Pair(6, 4),
        ("""(let ((x 'hello)) x)""", "hello"),
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 4
def problem_12(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ('(define (square x) (* x x)) (square 21)',
        ('(define square (lambda (x) (* x x))) (square (square 21))',
    tests2 = [
        ("""(define square (lambda (x) (* x x)))
                 (define (sum-of-squares x y)
                   (+ (square x) (square y)))
                 (sum-of-squares 3 4)""",
            25) ,
        ("""(define double (lambda (x) (* 2 x)))
                 (define compose (lambda (f g) (lambda (x) (f (g x)))))
                 (define apply-twice (lambda (f) (compose f f)))
                 ((apply-twice double) 5)""",
        ("""(define (outer x y)
                  (define (inner z x)
                    (list x y z))
                  (inner x 10))
                 (outer 1 2)""",
            pairify([10, 2, 1])),
        ("""(define (outer-func x y)
                  (define (inner z x)
                    (list x y z))
                 ((outer-func 1 2)  1 10)""",
            pairify([10, 2, 1])),
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
def problem4():
    if check_doctest('analyze_tweet_sentiment', trends):
        return True

    # Change the representation of sentiments to validate abstraction barrier.
    original_make_sentiment = trends.make_sentiment
    original_sentiment_value = trends.sentiment_value
    original_has_sentiment = trends.has_sentiment
    trends.make_sentiment = lambda s: lambda: s
    trends.sentiment_value = lambda s: s()
    trends.has_sentiment = lambda s: s() != None

    sentiment_tests = (
            'Help, I\'m trapped in an autograder factory and I can\'t get out!'
            .lower(), None, 0, 0), ), -0.416666667),
            'The thing that I love about hating things that I love is that I hate loving that I hate doing it.'
            .lower(), None, 0, 0), ), 0.075),
    no_sentiment_tests = (((trends.make_tweet(
        'Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers'.lower(), None, 0,
        0), ), None), )

    def analyze(tweet):
        return trends.sentiment_value(trends.analyze_tweet_sentiment(tweet))

    if check_func(analyze, sentiment_tests, comp=comp_float):
        return True
    if check_func(analyze, no_sentiment_tests):
        return True

    trends.make_sentiment = original_make_sentiment
    trends.sentiment_value = original_sentiment_value
    trends.has_sentiment = original_has_sentiment
Exemplo n.º 6
def problem_B17(grades):
    tests1 = [
            """(define f (mu (x) (+ x y)))
                 (define g (lambda (x y) (f (+ x x))))
                 (g 3 7)""",
            """(define g (mu () x))
                 (define (high f x)
                 (high g 2)""",
    tests2 = [
            """(define (f x) (mu () (lambda (y) (+ x y))))
                 (define (g x) (((f (+ x 1))) (+ x 2)))
                 (g 3)""",
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 7
def problem_19(grades):
    tests1 = [
            """(sol-same-lols (list-partitions 5 2 4)
         '((4 1) (3 2)))""",
            """(sol-same-lols (list-partitions 7 3 5)
         '((5 1 1) (4 2 1) (3 3 1) (3 2 2) (5 2) (4 3)))""",
    tests2 = [
            """(sol-same-lols (list-partitions 7 2 4)
         '((4 3)))""",
            """(sol-same-lols (list-partitions 7 7 1)
         '((1 1 1 1 1 1 1)))""",
    check = lambda snippet: check_scheme(snippet, problem_19_preamble)
    if check_func(check, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(check, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 8
def problem_22(grades):
    scheme.scheme_eval = scheme.scheme_optimized_eval
    tests1 = [
            """(define (sum n total)
                   (if (zero? n) total
                     (sum (- n 1) (+ n total))))
                 (sum 1001 0)""",
    tests2 = [
            """(define (sum n total)
                   (if (zero? n) total
                     (if #f 42 (sum (- n 1) (+ n total)))))
                 (sum 1001 0)""",
    tests3 = [
            """(define (sum n total)
                   (cond ((zero? n) total)
                         ((zero? 0) (sum (- n 1) (+ n total)))
                         (else 42)))
                 (sum 1001 0)""",
    tests4 = [
            """(define (sum n total)
                   (if (zero? n) total
                     (add n (+ n total))))
                 (define add (lambda (x+1 y) (sum (- x+1 1) y)))
                 (sum 1001 0)""",
    tests5 = [
            """(define (sum n total)
                   (if (zero? n) total
                     (let ((n-1 (- n 1)))
                       (sum n-1 (+ n total)))))
                 (sum 1001 0)""",
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests3, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests4, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests5, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 9
def problem_12(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ('(define (square x) (* x x)) (square 21)', 441),
        ('(define square (lambda (x) (* x x))) (square (square 21))', 194481),
    tests2 = [
        ("""(define square (lambda (x) (* x x)))
                 (define (sum-of-squares x y)
                   (+ (square x) (square y)))
                 (sum-of-squares 3 4)""", 25),
        ("""(define double (lambda (x) (* 2 x)))
                 (define compose (lambda (f g) (lambda (x) (f (g x)))))
                 (define apply-twice (lambda (f) (compose f f)))
                 ((apply-twice double) 5)""", 20),
        ("""(define (outer x y)
                  (define (inner z x)
                    (list x y z))
                  (inner x 10))
                 (outer 1 2)""", pairify([10, 2, 1])),
        ("""(define (outer-func x y)
                  (define (inner z x)
                    (list x y z))
                 ((outer-func 1 2)  1 10)""", pairify([10, 2, 1])),
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 10
def problem_18(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ("(merge < '(1 5 7 9) '(4 8 10))", read_line('(1 4 5 7 8 9 10)')),
        ("(merge > '(9 7 5 1) '(10 8 4 3))", read_line('(10 9 8 7 5 4 3 1)')),
    tests2 = [
        ("(merge < '(1 2 3) '(4))", read_line('(1 2 3 4)')),
        ("(merge < () '(1 2))", read_line('(1 2)')),
    if check_func(check_scheme, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(check_scheme, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 11
def problem1(grades):
    """Test roll_dice."""
    counted_dice = make_test_dice(4, 1, 2)
    test_suite1 = [((2, make_test_dice(4, 6, 1)), 10),
                   ((3, make_test_dice(4, 6, 1)), 1),
                   ((3, make_test_dice(1, 2, 3)), 1), ((3, counted_dice), 1),
                   ((1, counted_dice), 4)]
    test_suite2 = [((5, make_test_dice(4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1)), 16),
                   ((2, make_test_dice(1)), 1)]

    if check_func(hog.roll_dice, test_suite1):
        return True
    if check_func(hog.roll_dice, test_suite2):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 12
def problem_22(grades):
    scheme.scheme_eval = scheme.scheme_optimized_eval
    tests1 = [
        ("""(define (sum n total)
                   (if (zero? n) total
                     (sum (- n 1) (+ n total))))
                 (sum 1001 0)""",
    tests2 = [
        ("""(define (sum n total)
                   (if (zero? n) total
                     (if #f 42 (sum (- n 1) (+ n total)))))
                 (sum 1001 0)""",
    tests3 = [
        ("""(define (sum n total)
                   (cond ((zero? n) total)
                         ((zero? 0) (sum (- n 1) (+ n total)))
                         (else 42)))
                 (sum 1001 0)""",
    tests4 = [
        ("""(define (sum n total)
                   (if (zero? n) total
                     (add n (+ n total))))
                 (define add (lambda (x+1 y) (sum (- x+1 1) y)))
                 (sum 1001 0)""",
    tests5 = [
        ("""(define (sum n total)
                   (if (zero? n) total
                     (let ((n-1 (- n 1)))
                       (sum n-1 (+ n total)))))
                 (sum 1001 0)""",
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests3, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests4, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests5, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 13
def problem_20(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ('(tree-sums (make-tree 3 nil))', read_line('(3)')),
        ('(tree-sums tree)', read_line('(20 19 13 16 11)')),
    tests2 = [
        ("(tree-sums '(9 (4 (3 (8)) (2)) (5) (1 (2 (6)) (5))))",
         read_line('(24 15 14 18 15)')),
        ("(tree-sums '(-3 (-2) (-4)))", read_line('(-5 -7)')),
    if check_func(check_scheme, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(check_scheme, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 14
def problem_7(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ('(begin (+ 2 3) (+ 5 6))', 11),
        ('(begin (display 3) (newline) (+ 2 3))', 5),
    tests2 = [
        ('(begin (define x 3) x)', 3),
        ('(define 0 1)', 'SchemeError'),
        ("(begin 30 'hello)", 'hello'),
        ("(begin (define x 3) (cons x '(y z)))", pairify([3, 'y', 'z'])),
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 15
def problem2(grades):
    """Test take_turn."""
    test_suite1 = [
        ((2, 0, make_test_dice(4, 6, 1)), 10),
        ((3, 20, make_test_dice(4, 6, 1)), 1),
        ((2, 0, make_test_dice(6)), 12),
        ((0, 34), 5),  # Free bacon
        ((0, 71), 8),
        ((0, 7), 8)
    test_suite2 = [((0, 99), 10), ((0, 0), 1), ((0, 50), 6)]
    if check_func(hog.take_turn, test_suite1):
        return True
    if check_func(hog.take_turn, test_suite2):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 16
def problem2(grades):
    """Test take_turn."""
    test_suite1 = [((2,  0, make_test_dice(4, 6, 1)), 10),
                   ((3, 20, make_test_dice(4, 6, 1)),  1),
                   ((2,  0, make_test_dice(6)),       12),
                   ((0, 34),                           5),# Free bacon
                   ((0, 71),                           8),
                   ((0,  7),                           8)]
    test_suite2 = [((0, 99),                          10),
                   ((0,  0),                           1),
                   ((0,  50),                          6)]
    if check_func(hog.take_turn, test_suite1):
        return True
    if check_func(hog.take_turn, test_suite2):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 17
def problem_7(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ("(begin (+ 2 3) (+ 5 6))", 11),
        ("(begin (display 3) (newline) (+ 2 3))", 5),
    tests2 = [
        ("(begin (define x 3) x)", 3),
        ("(define 0 1)", "SchemeError"),
        ("(begin 30 'hello)", "hello"),
        ("(begin (define x 3) (cons x '(y z)))", pairify([3, "y", "z"])),
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 18
def problem1(grades):
    """Test roll_dice."""
    counted_dice = make_test_dice(4, 1, 2)
    test_suite1 = [((2, make_test_dice(4, 6, 1)),           10),
                   ((3, make_test_dice(4, 6, 1)),            1),
                   ((3, make_test_dice(1, 2, 3)),            1),
                   ((3, counted_dice),                       1),
                   ((1, counted_dice),                       2)]
    test_suite2 = [((5, make_test_dice(4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1)),  16),
                   ((2, make_test_dice(1)),                  1)]

    if check_func(hog.roll_dice, test_suite1):
        return True
    if check_func(hog.roll_dice, test_suite2):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 19
def problem_7(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ('(begin (+ 2 3) (+ 5 6))', 11),
        ('(begin (display 3) (newline) (+ 2 3))', 5),
    tests2 = [
        ('(begin (define x 3) x)', 3),
        ('(define 0 1)', 'SchemeError'),
        ("(begin 30 'hello)", 'hello'),
        ("(begin (define x 3) (cons x '(y z)))", pairify([3, 'y', 'z'])),
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 20
def problem_A15(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ("""(cond ((> 2 3) 5)
                  ((> 2 4) 6)
                  ((< 2 5) 7)
                  (else 8))""",
        ("""(cond ((> 2 3) 5)
                  ((> 2 4) 6)
                  ((< 2 5) 7))""",
        ("""(cond ((> 2 3) 5)
                  ((> 2 4) 6)
                  (else 8))""",
        ("""(cond ((> 2 3) 4 5)
                  ((> 2 4) 5 6)
                  ((< 2 5) 6 7)
                  (else 7 8))""",
        ("""(cond ((> 2 3) (display 'oops) (newline))
                  (else 9))""",
        ("""(cond ((< 2 1))
                   ((> 3 2))
                   (else 5))""",
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 21
def problem_A15(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ("""(cond ((> 2 3) 5)
                  ((> 2 4) 6)
                  ((< 2 5) 7)
                  (else 8))""",
        ("""(cond ((> 2 3) 5)
                  ((> 2 4) 6)
                  ((< 2 5) 7))""",
        ("""(cond ((> 2 3) 5)
                  ((> 2 4) 6)
                  (else 8))""",
        ("""(cond ((> 2 3) 4 5)
                  ((> 2 4) 5 6)
                  ((< 2 5) 6 7)
                  (else 7 8))""",
        ("""(cond ((> 2 3) (display 'oops) (newline))
                  (else 9))""",
        ("""(cond ((< 2 1))
                   ((> 3 2))
                   (else 5))""",
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 22
def problem2(grades):
    """Test extract_words."""
    if check_doctest('extract_words', trends):
        return True

    import string
    tests = [
            'You! Shall! Not!...Pass!',
            ['You', 'Shall', 'Not', 'Pass'],
        ('This.is`separated!by@only#non$letter%characters^so&you*need(to)use-white+listing{instead}of\\black/listing:or"else<you\'ll>get~the  wrong answer',
             'This', 'is', 'separated', 'by', 'only', 'non', 'letter',
             'characters', 'so', 'you', 'need', 'to', 'use', 'white',
             'listing', 'instead', 'of', 'black', 'listing', 'or', 'else',
             'you', 'll', 'get', 'the', 'wrong', 'answer'
        ['', []],  # This test is constructed below.

    pathological_test = tests[-1]
    for i in range(32, 128):
        c = chr(i)
        if (c in string.ascii_letters or not c in string.printable): continue
        pathological_test[0] += chr(i) + 'a'

    if check_func(trends.extract_words, tests):
        print('Failed test(s) in extract_words.')
        return True
Exemplo n.º 23
def problem_A9(grades):
    tests1 = [
            "(begin (define (f x y) (+ x y)) f)",
            LambdaProcedure(pairify(["x", "y"]), pairify(["+", "x", "y"]),
            "(begin (define (f) (+ 2 2)) f)",
            LambdaProcedure(nil, pairify(["+", 2, 2]), create_global_frame()),
            "(begin (define (f x) (* x x)) f)",
            LambdaProcedure(pairify(["x"]), pairify(["*", "x", "x"]),
            "(begin (define (f x) 1 2) f)",
            LambdaProcedure(pairify(["x"]), pairify(["begin", 1, 2]),
        ("(define (0 x) (* x x))", "SchemeError"),
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 24
def problem4(grades):
    """Test play using fixed dice."""
    always = hog.always_roll
    hog.four_sided = make_test_dice(1)
    hog.six_sided = make_test_dice(3)

    test_suite = [
        ((always(5), always(5)), (92, 106)),
        ((always(2), always(2)), (17, 102)),
        ((always(2), always(10)), (19, 120)),
        ((always(0), always(0)), (91, 103)),  # always roll 0
        ((always(0), always(2)), (106, 56))

        failure = False
        if check_func(hog.play, test_suite):
            failure = True
        # Revert dice
        hog.four_sided = four_sided
        hog.six_sided = six_sided
    print('Note: Not all tests have been released for problem4.',
          'Submit your project to the actual autograder to get more results!',
    return failure
Exemplo n.º 25
def problem_8(grades):
    tests1 = [('(lambda (x y) (+ x y))',
               LambdaProcedure(pairify(['x', 'y']), pairify(['+', 'x', 'y']),
    tests2 = [
        ('(lambda (x) (+ x) (+ x x))',
                         pairify(['begin', ['+', 'x'], ['+', 'x', 'x']]),
        ('(begin (define x (lambda () 2)) x)',
         LambdaProcedure(nil, 2, create_global_frame())),
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 26
def problem_2(grades):
    tests1 = [('(a . b)', Pair('a', 'b')), ('(a)', Pair('a', nil)),
              ('(a b . c)', Pair('a', Pair('b', 'c')))]
    tests2 = [
        ('(a b . c d)', 'Error'),
        ('((a b) (c (d (e f))))',
         pairify([['a', 'b'], ['c', ['d', ['e', 'f']]]])),
        ('(a . (b . (c . (d . ()))))', pairify(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])),
        ('(. . 2)', 'Error'),
        ('(2 . 3 4 . 5)', 'Error'),
        ('(2 (3 . 4) 5)', Pair(2, Pair(Pair(3, 4), Pair(5, nil)))),
    if check_func(catch_syntax_error(read_line), tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(catch_syntax_error(read_line), tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 27
def problem_18(grades):
    tests1 = [
         ("(merge < '(1 5 7 9) '(4 8 10))",
          read_line('(1 4 5 7 8 9 10)')),
         ("(merge > '(9 7 5 1) '(10 8 4 3))",
          read_line('(10 9 8 7 5 4 3 1)')),
    tests2 = [
        ("(merge < '(1 2 3) '(4))",
         read_line('(1 2 3 4)')),
        ("(merge < () '(1 2))",
         read_line('(1 2)')),
    if check_func(check_scheme, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(check_scheme, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 28
def problem_20(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ('(tree-sums (make-tree 3 nil))',
        ('(tree-sums tree)',
         read_line('(20 19 13 16 11)')),
    tests2 = [
        ("(tree-sums '(9 (4 (3 (8)) (2)) (5) (1 (2 (6)) (5))))",
         read_line('(24 15 14 18 15)')),
        ("(tree-sums '(-3 (-2) (-4)))",
         read_line('(-5 -7)')),
    if check_func(check_scheme, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(check_scheme, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 29
def problem6(grades):
    """Test find_state_center."""
    if check_doctest('find_state_center', trends):
        return True

    from geo import make_position as mp
    import geo

    def center_as_tuple(state):
        center = trends.find_state_center(state)
        return (geo.latitude(center), geo.longitude(center))

    def make_tests():
        return (
            (([[mp(49, -17), mp(83, -18), mp(-33, -54), mp(27, 82), mp(15, -97),
                mp(10, 97), mp(-37, -68), mp(26, 66), mp(49, -17)],
               [mp(-98, 55), mp(84, 27), mp(-81, 4), mp(94, -25), mp(-26, 42), mp(-98, 55)],
               [mp(60, -90), mp(59.5117046837911, -96.9829483518188), mp(59.3721917363029, -98.9780764523384),
                mp(60.2790258949765, -86.0097437989607), mp(60.4185388424647, -84.014615698441), mp(60, -90)],
              ],), (18.65154401154401, -14.746118326118323)),
            (([[mp(-53, 68), mp(-52, -23), mp(-74, -65), mp(-44, 46), mp(-61, 68), mp(-14, 12), mp(33, 58), mp(-53, 68)],
               [mp(-30, -70), mp(-91, 40), mp(46, -93), mp(-4, -35), mp(29, 28), mp(-30,-70)],
               [mp(90, 50), mp(88, 46.5358983848623), mp(83.5, 38.7416697508023), mp(86, 43.0717967697245),
                mp(87, 44.8038475772934), mp(84.5, 40.4737205583712), mp(90, 50)],
              ],), (-29.056049940231105, 26.2892371718245)),
    tests = make_tests()

    if check_func(center_as_tuple, tests, comp=comp_tuple):
        return True

    print("Testing abstraction barriers.")
        original_geo = trends.make_position, trends.latitude, trends.longitude
        trends.make_position = geo.make_position = lambda lat,long: lambda z: z*lat+(1-z)*long
        trends.latitude      = geo.latitude      = lambda p: p(1)
        trends.longitude     = geo.longitude     = lambda p: p(0)
        mp = geo.make_position
        tests = make_tests()
        if check_func(center_as_tuple, tests, comp=comp_tuple):
            return True
        geo.make_position = trends.make_position = original_geo[0]
        geo.latitude      = trends.latitude      = original_geo[1]
        geo.longitude     = trends.longitude     = original_geo[2]
Exemplo n.º 30
def problem_B6(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ("(list 'a 'b)", pairify(['a', 'b'])),
        ("(define a 1) (list a 'b)", pairify([1, 'b'])),
        ("(car '(a b c))", 'a'),
        ("(car (car '((a))))", 'a'),
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 31
def problem_A5(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ('(define size 2) size', 2),
        ('(define size 2) (* 5 size)', 10),
        ('(define pi 3.14159) (define radius 10) (* pi (* radius radius))',
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 32
def problem_A5(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ('(define size 2) size', 2),
        ('(define size 2) (* 5 size)', 10),
        ('(define pi 3.14159) (define radius 10) (* pi (* radius radius))',
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 33
def problem_B6(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ("(list 'a 'b)", pairify(['a', 'b'])),
        ("(define a 1) (list a 'b)", pairify([1, 'b'])),
        ("(car '(a b c))", 'a'),
        ("(car (car '((a))))", 'a'),
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 34
def problem_19(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ("""(sol-same-lols (list-partitions 5 2 4)
         '((4 1) (3 2)))""", True),
        ("""(sol-same-lols (list-partitions 7 3 5)
         '((5 1 1) (4 2 1) (3 3 1) (3 2 2) (5 2) (4 3)))""", True),
    tests2 = [
        ("""(sol-same-lols (list-partitions 7 2 4)
         '((4 3)))""", True),
        ("""(sol-same-lols (list-partitions 7 7 1)
         '((1 1 1 1 1 1 1)))""", True),
    check = lambda snippet: check_scheme(snippet, problem_19_preamble)
    if check_func(check, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(check, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 35
def problem_2(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ("(a . b)", Pair("a", "b")),
        ("(a)", Pair("a", nil)),
        ("(a b . c)", Pair("a", Pair("b", "c"))),
    tests2 = [
        ("(a b . c d)", "Error"),
        ("((a b) (c (d (e f))))",
         pairify([["a", "b"], ["c", ["d", ["e", "f"]]]])),
        ("(a . (b . (c . (d . ()))))", pairify(["a", "b", "c", "d"])),
        ("(. . 2)", "Error"),
        ("(2 . 3 4 . 5)", "Error"),
        ("(2 (3 . 4) 5)", Pair(2, Pair(Pair(3, 4), Pair(5, nil)))),
    if check_func(catch_syntax_error(read_line), tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(catch_syntax_error(read_line), tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
def problem_2(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ('(a . b)', Pair('a', 'b')),
        ('(a)', Pair('a', nil)),
        ('(a b . c)', Pair('a', Pair('b', 'c')))
    tests2 = [
        ('(a b . c d)', 'Error'),
        ('((a b) (c (d (e f))))',
            pairify([['a', 'b'], ['c', ['d', ['e', 'f']]]])),
        ('(a . (b . (c . (d . ()))))',
            pairify(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])),
        ('(. . 2)', 'Error'),
        ('(2 . 3 4 . 5)', 'Error'),
    if check_func(catch_syntax_error(read_line), tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(catch_syntax_error(read_line), tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 37
def problem3():
    if check_doctest('get_word_sentiment', trends):
        return True

    has_sentiment_tests = (
        ((trends.make_sentiment(0.3),), True),
        ((trends.make_sentiment(None),), False),
        ((trends.make_sentiment(-1),), True),
    sentiment_value_tests = (
        ((trends.make_sentiment(-0.3),), -0.3),
        ((trends.make_sentiment(1),), 1),
        ((trends.make_sentiment(-1),), -1),

    if check_func(trends.has_sentiment, has_sentiment_tests):
        return True
    elif check_func(trends.sentiment_value, sentiment_value_tests):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 38
def problem7(grades):
    """Test bacon_strategy."""
    if check_doctest('bacon_strategy', hog):
        return True
    old_bacon = hog.BACON_MARGIN, hog.BASELINE_NUM_ROLLS
    test_suite = [((32, 34), 0), ((20, 23), 4), ((20, 4), 0), ((20, 99), 0)]
    failed = check_func(hog.bacon_strategy, test_suite)
    hog.BACON_MARGIN, hog.BASELINE_NUM_ROLLS = old_bacon
    return failed
Exemplo n.º 39
def problem_4(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ('(+ 2 3)', 5),
        ('(+ 2 3 4 5 6 7)', 27),
        ('(+ 2)', 2),
        ('(+)', 0),
        ('(* (+ 3 2) (+ 1 7))', 40),
        ('(+ (* 3 (+ (* 2 4) (+ 3 5))) (+ (- 10 7) 6))', 57),
    tests2 = [
        ('(odd? 13)', True),
        ('(car (list 1 2 3 4))', 1),
        ('hello', 'SchemeError'),
        ('(car car)', 'SchemeError'),
        ('(odd? 1 2 3)', 'SchemeError'),
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 40
def problem_4(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ('(+ 2 3)', 5),
        ('(+ 2 3 4 5 6 7)', 27),
        ('(+ 2)', 2),
        ('(+)', 0),
        ('(* (+ 3 2) (+ 1 7))', 40),
        ('(+ (* 3 (+ (* 2 4) (+ 3 5))) (+ (- 10 7) 6))', 57),
    tests2 = [
        ('(odd? 13)', True),
        ('(car (list 1 2 3 4))', 1),
        ('hello', 'SchemeError'),
        ('(car car)', 'SchemeError'),
        ('(odd? 1 2 3)', 'SchemeError'),
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 41
 def test_groups():
     tweets = pirate_tweets(trends.make_tweet)
     expected = {
         'MI': [tweets[0], tweets[4]],
         'MT': [tweets[1], tweets[5]],
         'ND': [tweets[2], tweets[6]],
         'FL': [tweets[3], tweets[7]],
     tests = (((tweets, ), expected), )
     if check_func(trends.group_tweets_by_state, tests, comp=comp_group):
         return True
Exemplo n.º 42
def problem_4(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ("(+ 2 3)", 5),
        ("(+ 2 3 4 5 6 7)", 27),
        ("(+ 2)", 2),
        ("(+)", 0),
        ("(* (+ 3 2) (+ 1 7))", 40),
        ("(+ (* 3 (+ (* 2 4) (+ 3 5))) (+ (- 10 7) 6))", 57),
    tests2 = [
        ("(odd? 13)", True),
        ("(car (list 1 2 3 4))", 1),
        ("hello", "SchemeError"),
        ("(car car)", "SchemeError"),
        ("(odd? 1 2 3)", "SchemeError"),
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 43
 def test_groups():
     tweets = pirate_tweets(trends.make_tweet)
     expected = {
       'MI': [tweets[0], tweets[4]],
       'MT': [tweets[1], tweets[5]],
       'ND': [tweets[2], tweets[6]],
       'FL': [tweets[3], tweets[7]],
     tests = ( ((tweets,), expected), )
     if check_func(trends.group_tweets_by_state, tests, comp=comp_group):
         return True
Exemplo n.º 44
def problem_1(grades):
    tests1 = [('3', 3), ('-123', -123), ('1.25', 1.25), ('true', True),
              (')', 'Error'), ("'x", pairify(['quote', 'x'])),
              ('(quote x)', pairify(['quote', 'x'])),
              ("'(a b)", pairify(['quote', ['a', 'b']])),
              ("'(a (b c))", pairify(['quote', ['a', ['b', 'c']]])),
              ("(a (b 'c))", pairify(['a', ['b', ['quote', 'c']]])),
              ("(a (b '(c d)))", pairify(['a', ['b', ['quote', ['c', 'd']]]])),
              ("')", 'Error')]
    if check_func(catch_syntax_error(read_line), tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 45
def problem5(grades):
    """Test find_centroid."""
    if check_doctest('find_centroid', trends):
        return True

    from geo import make_position as mp
    import geo

    def make_tests():
        return (
            ([mp(49, -17), mp(83, -18), mp(-33, -54), mp(27, 82), mp(15, -97),
              mp(10, 97), mp(-37, -68), mp(26, 66), mp(49, -17)], (24.031793687451884, -10.597882986913008, 4330.0)),
            ([mp(-98, 55), mp(84, 27), mp(-81, 4), mp(94, -25), mp(-26, 42), mp(-98, 55)],
              (2.5294117647058822, -27.17647058823529, 1445.0)),
            ([mp(-53, 68), mp(-52, -23), mp(-74, -65), mp(-44, 46), mp(-61, 68), mp(-14, 12), mp(33, 58), mp(-53, 68)],
              (-7.561094365870623, 59.29600432800061, 2156.5)),
            ([mp(60, -90), mp(59.5117046837911, -96.9829483518188), mp(59.3721917363029, -98.9780764523384),
              mp(60.2790258949765, -86.0097437989607), mp(60.4185388424647, -84.014615698441), mp(60, -90)], (60, -90, 0)),
            ([mp(90, 50), mp(88, 46.5358983848623), mp(83.5, 38.7416697508023), mp(86, 43.0717967697245),
              mp(87, 44.8038475772934), mp(84.5, 40.4737205583712), mp(90, 50)], (90, 50, 0)),
    tests = make_tests()

    if check_func(trends.find_centroid, tests, comp=comp_tuple):
        return True

    print("Testing abstraction barriers.")
        original_geo = trends.make_position, trends.latitude, trends.longitude
        trends.make_position = geo.make_position = lambda lat,long: lambda z: z*lat+(1-z)*long
        trends.latitude      = geo.latitude      = lambda p: p(1)
        trends.longitude     = geo.longitude     = lambda p: p(0)
        mp = geo.make_position
        tests = make_tests()

        if check_func(trends.find_centroid, tests, comp=comp_tuple):
            return True
        geo.make_position = trends.make_position = original_geo[0]
        geo.latitude      = trends.latitude      = original_geo[1]
        geo.longitude     = trends.longitude     = original_geo[2]
Exemplo n.º 46
def problem_B11(grades):
    # Note: Doesn't check well-formed but unrequired list matching.
    # E.g., (lambda (a . b) 2) and (lambda x 2)
    tests1 = [
        ('(lambda (x y z) x)',
         LambdaProcedure(pairify(['x', 'y', 'z']), 'x',
        ('(lambda (0 y z) x)', 'SchemeError'),
        ('(lambda (x y nil) x)', 'SchemeError'),
        ('(lambda (x y (and z)) x)', 'SchemeError'),
        ('(lambda (x #t z) x)', 'SchemeError'),
    tests2 = [
        ("(lambda (h e l l o) 'world)", 'SchemeError'),
        ("(lambda (c s 6 1 a) 'yay)", 'SchemeError'),

    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 47
def problem_8(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ('(lambda (x y) (+ x y))',
         LambdaProcedure(pairify(['x', 'y']),
                         pairify(['+', 'x', 'y']),
    tests2 = [
        ('(lambda (x) (+ x) (+ x x))',
                         pairify(['begin', ['+', 'x'], ['+', 'x', 'x']]),
        ('(begin (define x (lambda () 2)) x)',
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 48
def problem_A13(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ('(if #t 1 0)', 1),
        ('(if #f 1 0)', 0),
        ('(if 1 1 0)', 1),
        ("(if 'a 1 0)", 1),
        ('(if (cons 1 2) 1 0)', 1),
        ('(if #t 1)', 1),
        ('(if #f 1)', scheme.okay),
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 49
def problem_A13(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ('(if #t 1 0)', 1),
        ('(if #f 1 0)', 0),
        ('(if 1 1 0)', 1),
        ("(if 'a 1 0)", 1),
        ('(if (cons 1 2) 1 0)', 1),
        ('(if #t 1)', 1),
        ('(if #f 1)', scheme.okay),
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 50
def problem3():
    if check_doctest('make_sentiment', trends):
        return True
    if check_doctest('get_word_sentiment', trends):
        return True

    has_sentiment_tests = (
        ((trends.make_sentiment(0.3), ), True),
        ((trends.make_sentiment(None), ), False),
        ((trends.make_sentiment(-1), ), True),
    sentiment_value_tests = (
        ((trends.make_sentiment(-0.3), ), -0.3),
        ((trends.make_sentiment(1), ), 1),
        ((trends.make_sentiment(-1), ), -1),

    if check_func(trends.has_sentiment, has_sentiment_tests):
        return True
    elif check_func(trends.sentiment_value, sentiment_value_tests):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 51
def problem3(grades):
    """Test sentiment abstract data type."""
    if check_doctest('make_sentiment', trends):
        return True
    if check_doctest('get_word_sentiment', trends):
        return True

    has_sentiment_tests = (
        ((trends.make_sentiment(0.3),), True),
        ((trends.make_sentiment(None),), False),
        ((trends.make_sentiment(-1),), True),
    sentiment_value_tests = (
        ((trends.make_sentiment(-0.3),), -0.3),
        ((trends.make_sentiment(1),), 1),
        ((trends.make_sentiment(-1),), -1),

    if check_func(trends.has_sentiment, has_sentiment_tests):
        return True
    elif check_func(trends.sentiment_value, sentiment_value_tests):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 52
def problem8(grades):
    """Test swap_strategy."""
    if check_doctest('swap_strategy', hog):
        return True
    old_bacon = hog.BACON_MARGIN, hog.BASELINE_NUM_ROLLS
    test_suite = [((12, 34), 0),    # beneficial swap
                  ((8, 9),   4),    # harmful swap
                  ((32, 43), 0),    # lots of free bacon
                  ((20, 32), 4)]    # baseline
    failed = check_func(hog.swap_strategy, test_suite)
    hog.BACON_MARGIN, hog.BASELINE_NUM_ROLLS = old_bacon
    return failed
Exemplo n.º 53
def problem_B17(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ("""(define f (mu (x) (+ x y)))
                 (define g (lambda (x y) (f (+ x x))))
                 (g 3 7)""",
        ("""(define g (mu () x))
                 (define (high f x)
                 (high g 2)""",
    tests2 = [
        ("""(define (f x) (mu () (lambda (y) (+ x y))))
                 (define (g x) (((f (+ x 1))) (+ x 2)))
                 (g 3)""",
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 54
def problem8(grades):
    """Test swap_strategy."""
    if check_doctest('swap_strategy', hog):
        return True
    old_bacon = hog.BACON_MARGIN, hog.BASELINE_NUM_ROLLS
    test_suite = [((12, 34), 0),    # beneficial swap
                  ((8, 9),   4),    # harmful swap
                  ((32, 43), 0),    # lots of free bacon
                  ((20, 32), 4)]    # baseline
    failed = check_func(hog.swap_strategy, test_suite)
    hog.BACON_MARGIN, hog.BASELINE_NUM_ROLLS = old_bacon
    return failed
Exemplo n.º 55
def problem7(grades):
    """Test bacon_strategy."""
    if check_doctest('bacon_strategy', hog):
        return True
    old_bacon = hog.BACON_MARGIN, hog.BASELINE_NUM_ROLLS
    test_suite = [((32, 34), 0),
                  ((20, 23), 4),
                  ((20, 4),  0),
                  ((20, 99), 0)]
    failed = check_func(hog.bacon_strategy, test_suite)
    hog.BACON_MARGIN, hog.BASELINE_NUM_ROLLS = old_bacon
    return failed
Exemplo n.º 56
def problem_B11(grades):
    # Note: Doesn't check well-formed but unrequired list matching.
    # E.g., (lambda (a . b) 2) and (lambda x 2)
    tests1 = [
        ('(lambda (x y z) x)',
            LambdaProcedure(pairify(['x', 'y', 'z']),
        ('(lambda (0 y z) x)', 'SchemeError'),
        ('(lambda (x y nil) x)', 'SchemeError'),
        ('(lambda (x y (and z)) x)', 'SchemeError'),
        ('(lambda (x #t z) x)', 'SchemeError'),
    tests2 = [
        ("(lambda (h e l l o) 'world)", 'SchemeError'),
        ("(lambda (c s 6 1 a) 'yay)", 'SchemeError'),

    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 57
def problem_10(grades):
    gf = create_global_frame()

    formals, vals = read_line('(a b c)'), read_line('(1 2 3)')
    call_frame = gf.make_call_frame(formals, vals)
    doctest = [
        (set(call_frame.bindings), {'a', 'b', 'c'}),
        (len(call_frame.bindings), 3),
        (call_frame.bindings['a'], 1),
        (call_frame.bindings['b'], 2),
        (call_frame.bindings['c'], 3),
        (call_frame.parent, gf),
    if check_func(lambda x: x, doctest, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True

    formals = read_line('(a b c)')
    args = read_line('(2 #t a)')
    lf = gf.make_call_frame(formals, args)
    tests1 = [
        (lf.bindings['a'], 2),
        (lf.bindings['b'], True),
        (lf.bindings['c'], 'a'),
        (lf.parent, gf),
    if check_func(lambda x: x, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True

    formals = read_line('(a)')
    args = read_line('(seven)')
    lf2 = lf.make_call_frame(formals, args)
    tests2 = [
        (lf.bindings['a'], 2),
        (lf.parent, gf),
    if check_func(lambda x: x, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 58
def problem_B14(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ('(and)', True),
        ('(and 1 #f)', False),
        ('(and 2 1)', 1),
        ('(and #f 5)', False),
        ('(and 3 2 #f)', False),
        ('(and 3 2 1)', 1),
        ('(and 3 #f 5)', False),
    tests2 = [
        ('(or)', False),
        ('(or 1)', 1),
        ('(or #f)', False),
        ("(or 0 1 2 'a)", 0),
        ('(or #f #f)', False),
        ("(or 'a #f)", 'a'),
        ("(or (< 2 3) (> 2 3) 2 'a)", True),
        ('(or (< 2 3) 2)', True),
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
    if check_func(scheme_eval, tests2, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 59
def problem5(grades):
    """Test make_averaged."""
    # hundred_dice cycle from 1 to 99 repeatedly
    hundred_range = range(1, 100)
    hundred_dice = make_test_dice(*hundred_range)
    averaged_hundred_dice = test_eval(hog.make_averaged,
                                      (hundred_dice, 5 * len(hundred_range)))
    correct_average = sum(range(1, 100)) / len(hundred_range)

    test_suite = [((), correct_average)] * 2

    if check_doctest('make_averaged', hog):
        return True
    if check_func(averaged_hundred_dice, test_suite):
        return True
Exemplo n.º 60
def problem_1(grades):
    tests1 = [
        ('3', 3),
        ('-123', -123),
        ('1.25', 1.25),
        ('true', True),
        (')', 'Error'),
        ("'x", pairify(['quote', 'x'])),
        ('(quote x)', pairify(['quote', 'x'])),
        ("'(a b)", pairify(['quote', ['a', 'b']])),
        ("'(a (b c))", pairify(['quote', ['a', ['b', 'c']]])),
        ("(a (b 'c))", pairify(['a', ['b', ['quote', 'c']]])),
        ("(a (b '(c d)))", pairify(['a', ['b', ['quote', ['c', 'd']]]])),
        ("')", 'Error')
    if check_func(catch_syntax_error(read_line), tests1, comp=scheme_equal):
        return True