Exemplo n.º 1
def simulate(vx, vy, num_time_steps, occlusion, ax=None, render=False):
    occlusion = sigmoid(occlusion)

    # Disallow occlusion outside a certain area.
    mask = np.zeros((rows, cols))
    mask[10:30, 10:30] = 1.0
    occlusion = occlusion * mask

    # Initialize smoke bands.
    red_smoke = np.zeros((rows, cols))
    red_smoke[rows/4:rows/2] = 1
    blue_smoke = np.zeros((rows, cols))
    blue_smoke[rows/2:3*rows/4] = 1

    print("Running simulation...")
    vx, vy = project(vx, vy, occlusion)
    for t in range(num_time_steps):
        plot_matrix(ax, red_smoke, occlusion, blue_smoke, t, render)
        vx_updated = advect(vx, vx, vy)
        vy_updated = advect(vy, vx, vy)
        vx, vy = project(vx_updated, vy_updated, occlusion)
        red_smoke = advect(red_smoke, vx, vy)
        red_smoke = occlude(red_smoke, occlusion)
        blue_smoke = advect(blue_smoke, vx, vy)
        blue_smoke = occlude(blue_smoke, occlusion)
    plot_matrix(ax, red_smoke, occlusion, blue_smoke, num_time_steps, render)
    return vx, vy
Exemplo n.º 2
def adam(grad, x, callback=None, num_iters=100,
         step_size=0.001, b1=0.9, b2=0.999, eps=10**-8):
    """Adam as described in http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6980.pdf.
    It's basically RMSprop with momentum and some correction terms."""
    m = np.zeros(len(x))
    v = np.zeros(len(x))
    for i in range(num_iters):
        g = grad(x, i)
        if callback: callback(x, i, g)
        m = (1 - b1) * g      + b1 * m  # First  moment estimate.
        v = (1 - b2) * (g**2) + b2 * v  # Second moment estimate.
        mhat = m / (1 - b1**(i + 1))    # Bias correction.
        vhat = v / (1 - b2**(i + 1))
        x -= step_size*mhat/(np.sqrt(vhat) + eps)
    return x
Exemplo n.º 3
def sgd(grad, x, callback=None, num_iters=200, step_size=0.1, mass=0.9):
    """Stochastic gradient descent with momentum.
    grad() must have signature grad(x, i), where i is the iteration number."""
    velocity = np.zeros(len(x))
    for i in range(num_iters):
        g = grad(x, i)
        if callback: callback(x, i, g)
        velocity = mass * velocity - (1.0 - mass) * g
        x += step_size * velocity
    return x
Exemplo n.º 4
def build_dataset(filename, sequence_length, alphabet_size, max_lines=-1):
    """Loads a text file, and turns each line into an encoded sequence."""
    with open(filename) as f:
        content = f.readlines()
    content = content[:max_lines]
    content = [line for line in content if len(line) > 2]   # Remove blank lines
    seqs = np.zeros((sequence_length, len(content), alphabet_size))
    for ix, line in enumerate(content):
        padded_line = (line + " " * sequence_length)[:sequence_length]
        seqs[:, ix, :] = string_to_one_hot(padded_line, alphabet_size)
    return seqs
Exemplo n.º 5
def project(vx, vy):
    """Project the velocity field to be approximately mass-conserving,
       using a few iterations of Gauss-Seidel."""
    p = np.zeros(vx.shape)
    h = 1.0/vx.shape[0]
    div = -0.5 * h * (np.roll(vx, -1, axis=0) - np.roll(vx, 1, axis=0)
                    + np.roll(vy, -1, axis=1) - np.roll(vy, 1, axis=1))

    for k in range(10):
        p = (div + np.roll(p, 1, axis=0) + np.roll(p, -1, axis=0)
                 + np.roll(p, 1, axis=1) + np.roll(p, -1, axis=1))/4.0

    vx -= 0.5*(np.roll(p, -1, axis=0) - np.roll(p, 1, axis=0))/h
    vy -= 0.5*(np.roll(p, -1, axis=1) - np.roll(p, 1, axis=1))/h
    return vx, vy
Exemplo n.º 6
def unary_nd(f, x, eps=EPS):
    if isinstance(x, array_types):
        if np.iscomplexobj(x):
            nd_grad = np.zeros(x.shape) + 0j
        elif isinstance(x, garray_obj):
            nd_grad = np.array(np.zeros(x.shape), dtype=np.gpu_float32)
            nd_grad = np.zeros(x.shape)
        for dims in it.product(*list(map(range, x.shape))):
            nd_grad[dims] = unary_nd(indexed_function(f, x, dims), x[dims])
        return nd_grad
    elif isinstance(x, tuple):
        return tuple([unary_nd(indexed_function(f, tuple(x), i), x[i])
                      for i in range(len(x))])
    elif isinstance(x, dict):
        return {k : unary_nd(indexed_function(f, x, k), v) for k, v in iteritems(x)}
    elif isinstance(x, list):
        return [unary_nd(indexed_function(f, x, i), v) for i, v in enumerate(x)]
    elif np.iscomplexobj(x):
        result = (f(x +    eps/2) - f(x -    eps/2)) / eps \
            - 1j*(f(x + 1j*eps/2) - f(x - 1j*eps/2)) / eps
        return type(safe_type(x))(result)
        return type(safe_type(x))((f(x + eps/2) - f(x - eps/2)) / eps)
Exemplo n.º 7
def project(vx, vy, occlusion):
    """Project the velocity field to be approximately mass-conserving,
       using a few iterations of Gauss-Seidel."""
    p = np.zeros(vx.shape)
    div = -0.5 * (np.roll(vx, -1, axis=1) - np.roll(vx, 1, axis=1)
                + np.roll(vy, -1, axis=0) - np.roll(vy, 1, axis=0))
    div = make_continuous(div, occlusion)

    for k in range(50):
        p = (div + np.roll(p, 1, axis=1) + np.roll(p, -1, axis=1)
                 + np.roll(p, 1, axis=0) + np.roll(p, -1, axis=0))/4.0
        p = make_continuous(p, occlusion)

    vx = vx - 0.5*(np.roll(p, -1, axis=1) - np.roll(p, 1, axis=1))
    vy = vy - 0.5*(np.roll(p, -1, axis=0) - np.roll(p, 1, axis=0))

    vx = occlude(vx, occlusion)
    vy = occlude(vy, occlusion)
    return vx, vy
Exemplo n.º 8
        ax.imshow(np.concatenate((r[...,np.newaxis], g[...,np.newaxis], b[...,np.newaxis]), axis=2))
        if render:
            plt.savefig('step{0:03d}.png'.format(t), bbox_inches='tight')

if __name__ == '__main__':

    simulation_timesteps = 20

    print("Loading initial and target states...")
    init_vx = np.ones((rows, cols))
    init_vy = np.zeros((rows, cols))

    # Initialize the occlusion to be a block.
    init_occlusion = -np.ones((rows, cols))
    init_occlusion[15:25, 15:25] = 0.0
    init_occlusion = init_occlusion.ravel()

    def drag(vx): return np.mean(init_vx - vx)
    def lift(vy): return np.mean(vy - init_vy)

    def objective(params):
        cur_occlusion = np.reshape(params, (rows, cols))
        final_vx, final_vy = simulate(init_vx, init_vy, simulation_timesteps, cur_occlusion)
        return -lift(final_vy) / drag(final_vx)

    # Specify gradient of objective function using autogradwithbay.
Exemplo n.º 9
    test_labels = one_hot(test_labels, 10)
    N_data = train_images.shape[0]

    # Make neural net functions
    N_weights, pred_fun, loss_fun, frac_err = make_nn_funs(input_shape, layer_specs, L2_reg)
    loss_grad = grad(loss_fun)

    # Initialize weights
    rs = npr.RandomState()
    W = rs.randn(N_weights) * param_scale

    # Check the gradients numerically, just to be safe
    # quick_grad_check(loss_fun, W, (train_images[:50], train_labels[:50]))

    print("    Epoch      |    Train err  |   Test error  ")
    def print_perf(epoch, W):
        test_perf  = frac_err(W, test_images, test_labels)
        train_perf = frac_err(W, train_images, train_labels)
        print("{0:15}|{1:15}|{2:15}".format(epoch, train_perf, test_perf))

    # Train with sgd
    batch_idxs = make_batches(N_data, batch_size)
    cur_dir = np.zeros(N_weights)

    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        print_perf(epoch, W)
        for idxs in batch_idxs:
            grad_W = loss_grad(W, train_images[idxs], train_labels[idxs])
            cur_dir = momentum * cur_dir + (1.0 - momentum) * grad_W
            W -= learning_rate * cur_dir
Exemplo n.º 10
    if render:
        matplotlib.image.imsave('step{0:03d}.png'.format(t), mat)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    simulation_timesteps = 100

    print("Loading initial and target states...")
    init_smoke = imread('init_smoke.png')[:,:,0]
    #target = imread('peace.png')[::2,::2,3]
    target = imread('skull.png')[::2,::2]
    rows, cols = target.shape

    init_dx_and_dy = np.zeros((2, rows, cols)).ravel()

    def distance_from_target_image(smoke):
        return np.mean((target - smoke)**2)

    def convert_param_vector_to_matrices(params):
        vx = np.reshape(params[:(rows*cols)], (rows, cols))
        vy = np.reshape(params[(rows*cols):], (rows, cols))
        return vx, vy

    def objective(params):
        init_vx, init_vy = convert_param_vector_to_matrices(params)
        final_smoke = simulate(init_vx, init_vy, init_smoke, simulation_timesteps)
        return distance_from_target_image(final_smoke)

    # Specify gradient of objective function using autogradwithbay.