Exemplo n.º 1
    def append(self, value: tp.Hashable) -> None:
        '''append a value
        if self.__contains__(value):  #type: ignore
            raise KeyError(f'duplicate key append attempted: {value}')

        # we might need to initialize map if not an increment that keeps loc_is_iloc relationship
        initialize_map = False
        if self._map is None:  # loc_is_iloc
            if not (isinstance(value, INT_TYPES)
                    and value == self._positions_mutable_count):
                initialize_map = True

        if self._labels_mutable_dtype is not None:
            self._labels_mutable_dtype = resolve_dtype(
                np.array(value).dtype, self._labels_mutable_dtype)
            self._labels_mutable_dtype = np.array(value).dtype


        if initialize_map:
            self._map = AutoMap(self._labels_mutable)

        self._positions_mutable_count += 1
        self._recache = True
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_auto_map___contains__(keys: FrozenSet[Hashable], others: FrozenSet[Hashable]):
    a = AutoMap(keys)
    for key in keys:
        assert key in a
    others -= keys
    for key in others:
        assert key not in a
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_auto_map___getitem__(keys: FrozenSet[Hashable], others: FrozenSet[Hashable]):
    a = AutoMap(keys)
    for index, key in enumerate(keys):
        assert a[key] == index
    others -= keys
    for key in others:
        with raises(KeyError):
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_auto_map___contains__(keys: FrozenSet[CompositeAtom],
                               others: FrozenSet[CompositeAtom]):
    a = AutoMap(keys)
    for key in keys:
        assert key in a
    others -= keys
    for key in others:
        assert key not in a
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_issue_3(keys: FrozenSet[Hashable], key: Hashable):
    assume(key not in keys)
    a = AutoMap(keys)
    a |= (key,)
    with raises(KeyError):
        a |= (key,)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_auto_map___iter__(keys: FrozenSet[Hashable]):
    assert [*AutoMap(keys)] == [*keys]
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_auto_map___len__(keys: FrozenSet[Hashable]):
    assert len(AutoMap(keys)) == len(keys)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_pickle(keys: FrozenSet[CompositeAtom]):
    assume(loads(dumps(keys)) == keys)
    a = AutoMap(keys)
    assert loads(dumps(a)) == a
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_issue_3(keys: FrozenSet[CompositeAtom], key: CompositeAtom):
    assume(key not in keys)
    a = AutoMap(keys)
    a |= (key, )
    with raises(ValueError):
        a |= (key, )
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_auto_map_add(keys: FrozenSet[CompositeAtom]):
    a = AutoMap()
    for l, key in enumerate(keys):
        assert a.add(key) is None
        assert len(a) == l + 1
        assert a[key] == l
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_auto_map___reversed__(keys: FrozenSet[CompositeAtom]):
    assert [*reversed(AutoMap(keys))] == [*reversed([*keys])]
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_auto_map___iter__(keys: FrozenSet[CompositeAtom]):
    assert [*AutoMap(keys)] == [*keys]
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_auto_map___len__(keys: FrozenSet[CompositeAtom]):
    assert len(AutoMap(keys)) == len(keys)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self,
                 labels: IndexInitializer,
                 loc_is_iloc: bool = False,
                 name: NameType = NAME_DEFAULT,
                 dtype: DtypeSpecifier = None) -> None:

        self._recache: bool = False
        self._map: tp.Optional[FrozenAutoMap] = None

        positions = None
        is_typed = self._DTYPE is not None

        # resolve the targetted labels dtype, by lookin at the class attr _DTYPE and/or the passed dtype argument
        if dtype is None:
            dtype_extract = self._DTYPE  # set in some specialized Index classes
        else:  # passed dtype is not None
            if is_typed and dtype != self._DTYPE:
                # NOTE: should never get to this branch, as derived Index classes that set _DTYPE remove dtype from __init__
                raise ErrorInitIndex('invalid dtype argument for this Index',
                                     dtype, self._DTYPE)  #pragma: no cover
            # self._DTYPE is None, passed dtype is not None, use dtype
            dtype_extract = dtype

        # handle all Index subclasses
        if isinstance(labels, IndexBase):
            if labels._recache:
            if name is NAME_DEFAULT:
                name = labels.name  # immutable, so no copy necessary
            if isinstance(labels, Index):  # not an IndexHierarchy
                if (labels.STATIC and self.STATIC and dtype is None):
                    if not is_typed or (is_typed
                                        and self._DTYPE == labels.dtype):
                        # can take the map if static and if types in the dict are the same as those in the labels (or to become the labels after conversion)
                        self._map = labels._map
                # get a reference to the immutable arrays, even if this is an IndexGO index, we can take the cached arrays, assuming they are up to date; for datetime64 indices, we might need to translate to a different type
                positions = labels._positions
                loc_is_iloc = labels._map is None
                labels = labels._labels
            else:  # IndexHierarchy
                # will be a generator of tuples; already updated caches
                labels = array2d_to_tuples(labels.__iter__())
        elif isinstance(labels, ContainerOperand):
            # it is a Series or similar
            array = labels.values
            if array.ndim == 1:
                labels = array
                labels = array2d_to_tuples(array)
        # else: assume an iterable suitable for labels usage

        if is_typed:
            # do not need to check arrays, as will and checked to match dtype_extract in _extract_labels
            if not isinstance(labels, np.ndarray):
                # for now, assume that if _DTYPE is defined, we have a date
                labels = (to_datetime64(v, dtype_extract) for v in labels)
            # coerce to target type
            elif labels.dtype != dtype_extract:
                labels = labels.astype(dtype_extract)
                labels.flags.writeable = False  #type: ignore

        self._name = None if name is NAME_DEFAULT else name_filter(name)

        if self._map is None:  # if _map not shared from another Index
            if not loc_is_iloc:
                    self._map = FrozenAutoMap(
                        labels) if self.STATIC else AutoMap(labels)
                except ValueError:  # Automap will raise ValueError of non-unique values are encountered
                if self._map is None:
                    raise ErrorInitIndex(
                        f'labels ({len(tuple(labels))}) have non-unique values ({len(set(labels))})'
                size = len(self._map)
            else:  # must assume labels are unique
                # labels must not be a generator, but we assume that internal clients that provided loc_is_iloc will not give a generator
                size = len(labels)  #type: ignore
                if positions is None:
                    positions = PositionsAllocator.get(size)
        else:  # map shared from another Index
            size = len(self._map)

        # this might be NP array, or a list, depending on if static or grow only; if an array, dtype will be compared with passed dtype_extract
        self._labels = self._extract_labels(self._map, labels, dtype_extract)
        self._positions = self._extract_positions(size, positions)

        if self._DTYPE and self._labels.dtype != self._DTYPE:
            raise ErrorInitIndex(
                'invalid label dtype for this Index',  #pragma: no cover