Exemplo n.º 1
def _coulomb_matrix(geo):
    """ Calculate the Coulomb matrix wich describes the
        electrostatic interactions between nuclei:

        M[i,j] = 0.5Z_i^2.4 (i=j), Z_iZ_j/R_ij (i!=j

        :param geo: molecular geometry
        :type geo: automol molecular geometry data structure
        :rtype: tuple(tuple(float))

    nums = numpy.array(list(map(ptab.to_number, geom_base.symbols(geo))))
    xyzs = numpy.array(geom_base.coordinates(geo))

    _ = numpy.newaxis
    natms = len(nums)
    diag_idxs = numpy.diag_indices(natms)
    tril_idxs = numpy.tril_indices(natms, -1)
    triu_idxs = numpy.triu_indices(natms, 1)

    zxz = numpy.outer(nums, nums)
    rmr = numpy.linalg.norm(xyzs[:, _, :] - xyzs[_, :, :], axis=2)

    mat = numpy.zeros((natms, natms))
    mat[diag_idxs] = nums**2.4 / 2.
    mat[tril_idxs] = zxz[tril_idxs] / rmr[tril_idxs]
    mat[triu_idxs] = zxz[triu_idxs] / rmr[triu_idxs]

    return mat
Exemplo n.º 2
def permutation(geo, ref_geo, thresh=1e-4):
    """ Determine the permutation of one geometry that reproduces another
        (if there isn't one -- the geometries are not aligned, return None).

        :param geo: molecular geometry
        :type geo: automol molecular geometry data structure
        :param ref_geo: molecular geometry
        :type ref_geo: automol molecular geometry data structure
        :param thresh: theshold for assessing if permutation exists
        :type thresh: float
        :rtype: tuple(int)

    natms = geom_base.count(geo)
    symbs = geom_base.symbols(geo)
    xyzs = geom_base.coordinates(geo)

    perm_idxs = [None] * natms
    for idx, (symb, xyz) in enumerate(zip(symbs, xyzs)):
        # Loop over atoms in the reference geometry with the same symbol
        ref_idxs = geom_base.atom_indices(ref_geo, symb=symb)
        ref_xyzs = geom_base.coordinates(ref_geo, idxs=ref_idxs)
        perm_idx = next(
            (ref_idx for ref_idx, ref_xyz in zip(ref_idxs, ref_xyzs)
             if util.vec.distance(xyz, ref_xyz) < thresh), None)
        perm_idxs[idx] = perm_idx

    perm_idxs = tuple(perm_idxs)

    if any(perm_idx is None for perm_idx in perm_idxs):
        perm_idxs = None

    return perm_idxs
Exemplo n.º 3
def almost_equal(geo1, geo2, rtol=2e-3):
    """ Assess if the coordinates of two molecular geometries
        are numerically equal.

        :param geo1: molecular geometry 1
        :type geo1: automol molecular geometry data structure
        :param geo2: molecular geometry 2
        :type geo2: automol molecular geometry data structure
        :param rtol: Relative tolerance for the distances
        :type rtol: float
        :rtype: tuple(tuple(float))

    ret = False
    if geom_base.symbols(geo1) == geom_base.symbols(geo2):
        ret = numpy.allclose(geom_base.coordinates(geo1),

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 4
def displace(geo, xyzs):
    """ Displace the coordinates of a geometry along a vector.

        :param geo: molecular geometry
        :type geo: automol molecular geometry data structure
        :param xyzs: vector to displace along
        :type xyzs: tuple(float)
        :rtype: automol molecular geometry data structure

    symbs = geom_base.symbols(geo)
    orig_xyzs = geom_base.coordinates(geo)
    xyzs = numpy.add(orig_xyzs, xyzs)

    return automol.create.geom.from_data(symbs, xyzs)
Exemplo n.º 5
def transform_by_matrix(geo, mat):
    """ Transform the coordinates of a molecular geometry by multiplying
        it by some input transfomration matrix.

        :param geo: molecular geometry
        :type geo: automol molecular geometry data structure
        :param mat: transformation matrix
        :type mat: tuple(tuple(float))
        :rtype: automol moleculer geometry data structure

    symbs = geom_base.symbols(geo)
    xyzs = geom_base.coordinates(geo)
    xyzs = numpy.dot(xyzs, numpy.transpose(mat))

    return automol.create.geom.from_data(symbs, xyzs)
Exemplo n.º 6
def move_atom(geo, idx1, idx2):
    """ Move an atom to a different position in the geometry

        :param geo: molecular geometry
        :type geo: automol molecular geometry data structure
        :param idx1: index of the atom to be moved
        :type idx1: int
        :param idx2: new position that the atom should be moved to
        :type idx2: int
        :returns: the transformed geometry
        :rtype: molecular geometry
    symbs = list(geom_base.symbols(geo))
    xyzs = list(geom_base.coordinates(geo))
    symbs.insert(idx2, symbs.pop(idx1))
    xyzs.insert(idx2, xyzs.pop(idx1))
    return automol.create.geom.from_data(symbs, xyzs)
Exemplo n.º 7
def transform(geo, func, idxs=None):
    """ Transform the coordinates of a geometry by a function.
        A set of `idxs` can be supplied to transform a subset of coordinates.

        :param geo: molecular geometry
        :type geo: automol geometry data structure
        :param func: transformation function
        :type func: function object
        :param idxs: indices representing the subset of atoms
        :type idxs: tuple(int)

    idxs = list(range(geom_base.count(geo))) if idxs is None else idxs
    symbs = geom_base.symbols(geo)
    xyzs = geom_base.coordinates(geo)
    xyzs = [func(xyz) if idx in idxs else xyz for idx, xyz in enumerate(xyzs)]

    return automol.create.geom.from_data(symbs, xyzs)
Exemplo n.º 8
def reorder_coordinates(geo, idx_dct):
    """ Reorder the atoms of a molecular geometry using
        the mapping of an input dictionary.

        :param geo: The geometry
        :param idx_dct: The new order of the atoms, by index
        :type idx_dct: dict
        :rtype: automol geometry data structure

    symbs = geom_base.symbols(geo)
    xyzs = geom_base.coordinates(geo)

    idxs = [idx for idx, _ in sorted(idx_dct.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])]
    assert len(symbs) == len(xyzs) == len(idxs)

    symbs = [symbs[idx] for idx in idxs]
    xyzs = [xyzs[idx] for idx in idxs]

    return automol.create.geom.from_data(symbs, xyzs)
Exemplo n.º 9
def masses(geo, amu=True):
    """ Build a list of the atomic masses that corresponds to the list
        of atomic sybmols of a molecular geometry.

        :param geo: molecular geometry
        :type geo: automol geometry data structure
        :param amu: parameter to control electron mass -> amu conversion
        :type amu: bool
        :rtype: tuple(float)

    symbs = geom_base.symbols(geo)
    amas = list(map(ptab.to_mass, symbs))

    if not amu:
        amas = numpy.multiply(amas, phycon.AMU2EMASS)

    amas = tuple(amas)

    return amas
Exemplo n.º 10
def is_linear(geo, tol=2.*phycon.DEG2RAD):
    """ Determine if the molecular geometry is linear.

        :param geo: molecular geometry
        :type geo: automol geometry data structure
        :param tol: tolerance of bond angle(s) for determing linearity
        :type tol: float
        :rtype: bool

    ret = True

    if len(geo) == 1:
        ret = False
    elif len(geo) == 2:
        ret = True
        keys = range(len(geom_base.symbols(geo)))
        for key1, key2, key3 in mit.windowed(keys, 3):
            cangle = numpy.abs(geom_base.central_angle(geo, key1, key2, key3))
            if not (numpy.abs(cangle) < tol or
                    numpy.abs(cangle - numpy.pi) < tol):
                ret = False
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 11
def join(geo1,
    """ join two geometries based on four of their atoms, two on the first
    and two on the second

    Variables set the coordinates for 1-2...3-4 where 1-2 are bonded atoms in
    geo1 and 3-4 are bonded atoms in geo2.
    key3 = key3 - geom_base.count(geo1)
    a123 *= phycon.DEG2RAD if degree else 1
    a234 *= phycon.DEG2RAD if degree else 1
    d1234 *= phycon.DEG2RAD if degree else 1

    gra1, gra2 = map(automol.convert.geom.connectivity_graph, (geo1, geo2))
    key1 = (automol.graph.atom_neighbor_atom_key(gra1, key2)
            if key1 is None else key1)
    key4 = (automol.graph.atom_neighbor_atom_key(gra2, key3)
            if key4 is None else key4)

    syms1 = geom_base.symbols(geo1)
    syms2 = geom_base.symbols(geo2)
    xyzs1 = geom_base.coordinates(geo1, angstrom=angstrom)
    xyzs2 = geom_base.coordinates(geo2, angstrom=angstrom)

    xyz1 = xyzs1[key1]
    xyz2 = xyzs1[key2]
    orig_xyz3 = xyzs2[key3]
    if key4 is not None:
        orig_xyz4 = xyzs2[key4]
        orig_xyz4 = [1., 1., 1.]

    r34 = vec.distance(orig_xyz3, orig_xyz4)

    # Place xyz3 as far away from the atoms in geo1 as possible by optimizing
    # the undetermined dihedral angle
    xyz0 = vec.arbitrary_unit_perpendicular(xyz2, orig_xyz=xyz1)

    def _distance_norm(dih):  # objective function for minimization
        xyz3 = vec.from_internals(dist=r23,
        dist_norm = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.subtract(xyzs1, xyz3))
        # return the negative norm so that minimum value gives maximum distance
        return -dist_norm

    res = scipy.optimize.basinhopping(_distance_norm, 0.)
    dih = res.x[0]

    # Now, get the next position with the optimized dihedral angle
    xyz3 = vec.from_internals(dist=r23,

    # Don't use the dihedral angle if 1-2-3 are linear
    if numpy.abs(a123 * phycon.RAD2DEG - 180.) > 5.:
        xyz4 = vec.from_internals(dist=r34,
        xyz4 = vec.from_internals(dist=r34, xyz1=xyz3, ang=a234, xyz2=xyz2)

    align_ = vec.aligner(orig_xyz3, orig_xyz4, xyz3, xyz4)
    xyzs2 = tuple(map(align_, xyzs2))

    syms = syms1 + syms2
    xyzs = xyzs1 + xyzs2

    geo = automol.create.geom.from_data(syms, xyzs, angstrom=angstrom)
    return geo