Exemplo n.º 1
def _decompose_ring_system_atom_keys(rsy):
    """ decompose a ring system into a ring and a series of arcs
    # sort from smallest to largest
    rngs_pool = sorted(
        rings(rsy), key=lambda x: atom_count(x, with_implicit=False))

    decomp = ()
    decomp_bnd_keys = set({})

    rng = rngs_pool.pop(0)
    bnd_keys = bond_keys(rng)
    atm_keys = sorted_ring_atom_keys_from_bond_keys(bnd_keys)

    decomp += (atm_keys,)

    while rngs_pool:
        decomp_rsy = bond_induced_subgraph(rsy, decomp_bnd_keys)
        for idx, rng in enumerate(rngs_pool):
            arcs = ring_arc_complement_atom_keys(decomp_rsy, rng)
            if arcs:
                decomp += arcs

    return decomp
Exemplo n.º 2
def bond_equivalence_class_reps(gra, bnd_keys=None, stereo=True, dummy=True):
    """ Identify isomorphically unique bonds, which do not transform into each
    other by an automorphism

    Optionally, a subset of bonds can be passed in to consider class
    representatives from within that list.

    :param gra: A graph
    :param bnd_keys: An optional list of bond keys from which to determine
        equivalence class representatives. If None, the full set of bond keys
        will be used.
    :param stereo: Consider stereo?
    :type stereo: bool
    :param dummy: Consider dummy atoms?
    :type dummy: bool
    :returns: The list of equivalence class reprentatives/unique bonds.
    :rtype: frozenset[int]
    bnd_keys = bond_keys(gra) if bnd_keys is None else bnd_keys

    def _equiv(bnd1_key, bnd2_key):
        return are_equivalent_bonds(gra, bnd1_key, bnd2_key, stereo=stereo,

    eq_classes = util.equivalence_partition(bnd_keys, _equiv)
    class_reps = frozenset(next(iter(c)) for c in eq_classes)
    return class_reps
Exemplo n.º 3
def ring_system_decomposed_atom_keys(rsy, rng_keys=None, check=True):
    """ decomposed atom keys for a polycyclic ring system in a graph

    The ring system is decomposed into a ring and a series of arcs that can
    be used to successively construct the system

    :param rsy: the ring system
    :param rng_keys: keys for the first ring in the decomposition; if None, the
        smallest ring in the system will be chosen
    if rng_keys is None:
        rng = sorted(rings(rsy), key=atom_count)[0]
        rng_keys = sorted_ring_atom_keys(rng)

    # check the arguments, if requested
    if check:
        # check that the graph is connected
        assert is_connected(rsy), "Ring system can't be disconnected."

        # check that the graph is actually a ring system
        assert is_ring_system(rsy), (
            f"This is not a ring system graph:\n{string(rsy):s}")

        # check that rng is a subgraph of rsy
        assert set(rng_keys) <= atom_keys(rsy), (
            f"{string(rsy, one_indexed=False)}\n^ "
            "Rings system doesn't contain ring as subgraph:\n"

    bnd_keys = list(mit.windowed(rng_keys + rng_keys[:1], 2))

    # Remove bonds for the ring
    rsy = remove_bonds(rsy, bnd_keys)
    keys_lst = [rng_keys]
    done_keys = set(rng_keys)

    while bond_keys(rsy):

        # Determine shortest paths for the graph with one more ring/arc deleted
        sp_dct = atom_shortest_paths(rsy)

        # The shortest path will be the next shortest arc in the system
        arc_keys = min(
            (sp_dct[i][j] for i, j in itertools.combinations(done_keys, 2)
             if j in sp_dct[i]), key=len)

        # Add this arc to the list

        # Add these keys to the list of done keys
        done_keys |= set(arc_keys)

        # Delete tbond keys for the new arc and continue to the next iteration
        bnd_keys = list(map(frozenset, mit.windowed(arc_keys, 2)))
        rsy = remove_bonds(rsy, bnd_keys)

    keys_lst = tuple(map(tuple, keys_lst))
    return keys_lst
Exemplo n.º 4
def radical_dissociation_prods(gra, pgra1):
    """ given a dissociation product, determine the other product
    gra = without_fractional_bonds(gra)

    pgra2 = None
    rads = sing_res_dom_radical_atom_keys(gra)
    adj_atms = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(gra)
    # adj_idxs = tuple(adj_atms[rad] for rad in rads)
    for rad in rads:
        for adj in adj_atms[rad]:
            for group in atom_groups(gra, adj, stereo=False):
                if isomorphism(group, pgra1, backbone_only=True):
                    pgra2 = remove_atoms(gra, atom_keys(group))
                    # pgra2 = remove_bonds(pgra2, bond_keys(group))
                    if bond_keys(group) in pgra2:
                        pgra2 = remove_bonds(pgra2, bond_keys(group))
    return (pgra1, pgra2)
Exemplo n.º 5
def rotational_bond_keys(gra, lin_keys=None, with_h_rotors=True):
    """ get all rotational bonds for a graph

    :param gra: the graph
    :param lin_keys: keys to linear atoms in the graph
    gra = explicit(gra)
    sym_dct = atom_symbols(gra)
    ngb_keys_dct = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(gra)
    bnd_ord_dct = resonance_dominant_bond_orders(gra)
    rng_bnd_keys = list(itertools.chain(*rings_bond_keys(gra)))

    def _is_rotational_bond(bnd_key):
        ngb_keys_lst = [ngb_keys_dct[k] - bnd_key for k in bnd_key]

        is_single = max(bnd_ord_dct[bnd_key]) <= 1
        has_neighbors = all(ngb_keys_lst)
        not_in_ring = bnd_key not in rng_bnd_keys

        is_h_rotor = any(
            set(map(sym_dct.__getitem__, ks)) == {'H'} for ks in ngb_keys_lst)

        return is_single and has_neighbors and not_in_ring and (
            not is_h_rotor or with_h_rotors)

    rot_bnd_keys = frozenset(filter(_is_rotational_bond, bond_keys(gra)))

    lin_keys_lst = linear_segments_atom_keys(gra, lin_keys=lin_keys)
    dum_keys = tuple(atom_keys(gra, sym='X'))
    for keys in lin_keys_lst:
        bnd_keys = sorted((k for k in rot_bnd_keys if k & set(keys)),

        # Check whether there are neighboring atoms on either side of the
        # linear segment
        excl_keys = set(keys) | set(dum_keys)

        end_key1 = atom_neighbor_atom_key(gra,

        excl_keys |= {end_key1}
        end_key2 = atom_neighbor_atom_key(gra,

        end_keys = {end_key1, end_key2}
        ngb_keys_lst = [ngb_keys_dct[k] - excl_keys for k in end_keys]
        has_neighbors = all(ngb_keys_lst)

        if not has_neighbors:
            rot_bnd_keys -= set(bnd_keys)
            rot_bnd_keys -= set(bnd_keys[:-1])

    return rot_bnd_keys
Exemplo n.º 6
def resonance_dominant_bond_orders(rgr):
    """ resonance-dominant bond orders, by bond
    rgr = without_fractional_bonds(rgr)
    bnd_keys = list(bond_keys(rgr))
    bnd_ords_by_res = [
        dict_.values_by_key(bond_orders(dom_rgr), bnd_keys)
        for dom_rgr in dominant_resonances(rgr)
    bnd_ords_lst = list(map(frozenset, zip(*bnd_ords_by_res)))
    bnd_dom_res_ords_dct = dict(zip(bnd_keys, bnd_ords_lst))
    return bnd_dom_res_ords_dct
Exemplo n.º 7
def rings_bond_keys(gra):
    """ bond keys for each ring in the graph (minimal basis)
    bnd_keys = bond_keys(gra)

    def _ring_bond_keys(rng_atm_keys):
        return frozenset(filter(lambda x: x <= rng_atm_keys, bnd_keys))

    nxg = _networkx.from_graph(gra)
    rng_atm_keys_lst = _networkx.minimum_cycle_basis(nxg)
    rng_bnd_keys_lst = frozenset(map(_ring_bond_keys, rng_atm_keys_lst))
    return rng_bnd_keys_lst
Exemplo n.º 8
def ring_arc_complement_atom_keys(gra, rng):
    """ non-intersecting arcs from a ring that shares segments with a graph
    gra_atm_bnd_dct = atoms_bond_keys(gra)
    rng_atm_bnd_dct = atoms_bond_keys(rng)

    # 1. find divergence points, given by the atom at which the divergence
    # occurs and the bond followed by the ring as it diverges
    div_dct = {}

    for atm_key in atom_keys(gra) & atom_keys(rng):
        div = rng_atm_bnd_dct[atm_key] - gra_atm_bnd_dct[atm_key]
        if div:
            bnd_key, = div
            div_dct[atm_key] = bnd_key

    # 2. cycle through the ring atoms; if you meet a starting divergence, start
    # an arc; extend the arc until you meet an ending divergence; repeat until
    # all divergences are accounted for
    atm_keys = sorted_ring_atom_keys_from_bond_keys(bond_keys(rng))

    arcs = []
    arc = []
    for atm_key, next_atm_key in mit.windowed(itertools.cycle(atm_keys), 2):
        bnd_key = frozenset({atm_key, next_atm_key})

        # if we haven't started an arc, see if we are at a starting divergence;
        # if so, start the arc now and cross the divergence from our list
        if not arc:
            if atm_key in div_dct and div_dct[atm_key] == bnd_key:

        # if we've started an arc, extend it; then, check if we are at an
        # ending divergence; if so, end the arc and cross the divergence from
        # our list; add it to our list of arcs

            if next_atm_key in div_dct and div_dct[next_atm_key] == bnd_key:

                arc = []

        # if no divergences are left, break out of the loop
        if not div_dct:

    arcs = tuple(map(tuple, arcs))
    return arcs
Exemplo n.º 9
def _bond_capacities(rgr):
    """ the number of electron pairs available for further pi-bonding, by bond
    rgr = without_dummy_bonds(rgr)
    atm_unsat_vlc_dct = atom_unsaturated_valences(rgr)

    def _pi_capacities(bnd_key):
        return min(map(atm_unsat_vlc_dct.__getitem__, bnd_key))

    bnd_keys = list(bond_keys(rgr))
    bnd_caps = tuple(map(_pi_capacities, bnd_keys))
    bnd_cap_dct = dict(zip(bnd_keys, bnd_caps))
    return bnd_cap_dct
Exemplo n.º 10
def _add_pi_bonds(rgr, bnd_ord_inc_dct):
    """ add pi bonds to this graph
    bnd_keys = bond_keys(rgr)
    assert set(bnd_ord_inc_dct.keys()) <= bnd_keys

    bnd_keys = list(bnd_keys)
    bnd_ords = dict_.values_by_key(bond_orders(rgr), bnd_keys)
    bnd_ord_incs = dict_.values_by_key(bnd_ord_inc_dct, bnd_keys, fill_val=0)
    new_bnd_ords = numpy.add(bnd_ords, bnd_ord_incs)
    bnd_ord_dct = dict(zip(bnd_keys, new_bnd_ords))
    rgr = set_bond_orders(rgr, bnd_ord_dct)
    return rgr
Exemplo n.º 11
def equivalent_bonds(gra, bnd_key, stereo=True, dummy=True):
    """ Identify sets of isomorphically equivalent bonds

    Two bonds are equivalent if they transform into each other under an

    :param gra: A graph
    :param bnd_key: An bond key for the graph, which may be sorted or unsorted
    :param backbone_only: Compare backbone atoms only?
    :type stereo: bool
    :param dummy: Consider dummy atoms?
    :type dummy: bool
    :returns: Keys to equivalent bonds
    :rtype: frozenset
    bnd_key = tuple(bnd_key)
    bnd_keys = list(map(tuple, map(sorted, bond_keys(gra))))
    bnd_keys += list(map(tuple, map(reversed, bnd_keys)))
    assert bnd_key in bnd_keys, f"{bnd_key} not in {bnd_keys}"

    atm_symb_dct = atom_symbols(gra)
    atm_ngbs_dct = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(gra)

    def _symbols(bnd_key):
        return list(map(atm_symb_dct.__getitem__, bnd_key))

    def _neighbor_symbols(bnd_key):
        key1, key2 = bnd_key
        nsymbs1 = sorted(map(atm_symb_dct.__getitem__, atm_ngbs_dct[key1]))
        nsymbs2 = sorted(map(atm_symb_dct.__getitem__, atm_ngbs_dct[key2]))
        return nsymbs1, nsymbs2

    # 1. Find bonds with the same atom types
    bnd_symbs = _symbols(bnd_key)
    cand_keys = [k for k in bnd_keys if _symbols(k) == bnd_symbs]

    # 2. Of those, find bonds with the same neighboring atom types
    bnd_ngb_symbs = _neighbor_symbols(bnd_key)
    cand_keys = [k for k in cand_keys
                 if _neighbor_symbols(k) == bnd_ngb_symbs]

    # 3. Find the equivalent bonds from the list of candidates.
    # Strategy: Change the atom symbols to 'Lv' and 'Ts' and check for
    # isomorphism.  Assumes none of the compounds have element 116 or 117.
    bnd_keys = []
    for key in cand_keys:
        if are_equivalent_bonds(gra, bnd_key, key, stereo=stereo, dummy=dummy):

    return frozenset(bnd_keys)
Exemplo n.º 12
def resonance_avg_bond_orders(rgr):
    """ resonance-dominant bond orders, by bond
    rgr = without_fractional_bonds(rgr)
    bnd_keys = list(bond_keys(rgr))
    bnd_ords_by_res = [
        dict_.values_by_key(bond_orders(dom_rgr), bnd_keys)
        for dom_rgr in dominant_resonances(rgr)
    nres = len(bnd_ords_by_res)
    bnd_ords_lst = zip(*bnd_ords_by_res)
    avg_bnd_ord_lst = [sum(bnd_ords) / nres for bnd_ords in bnd_ords_lst]
    avg_bnd_ord_dct = dict(zip(bnd_keys, avg_bnd_ord_lst))
    return avg_bnd_ord_dct
Exemplo n.º 13
def stereo_priority_vector(gra, atm_key, atm_ngb_key):
    """ generates a sortable one-to-one representation of the branch extending
    from `atm_key` through its bonded neighbor `atm_ngb_key`
    bbn_keys = backbone_keys(gra)
    exp_hyd_keys = explicit_hydrogen_keys(gra)

    if atm_ngb_key not in bbn_keys:
        assert atm_ngb_key in exp_hyd_keys
        assert frozenset({atm_key, atm_ngb_key}) in bond_keys(gra)
        pri_vec = ()
        gra = implicit(gra)
        atm_dct = atoms(gra)
        bnd_dct = bonds(gra)
        assert atm_key in bbn_keys
        assert frozenset({atm_key, atm_ngb_key}) in bnd_dct

        # here, switch to an implicit graph
        atm_ngb_keys_dct = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(gra)

        def _priority_vector(atm1_key, atm2_key, seen_keys):
            # we keep a list of seen keys to cut off cycles, avoiding infinite
            # loops

            bnd_val = bnd_dct[frozenset({atm1_key, atm2_key})]
            atm_val = atm_dct[atm2_key]

            bnd_val = _replace_nones_with_negative_infinity(bnd_val)
            atm_val = _replace_nones_with_negative_infinity(atm_val)

            if atm2_key in seen_keys:
                ret = (bnd_val, )
                seen_keys.update({atm1_key, atm2_key})
                atm3_keys = atm_ngb_keys_dct[atm2_key] - {atm1_key}
                if atm3_keys:
                    next_vals, seen_keys = zip(*[
                        _priority_vector(atm2_key, atm3_key, seen_keys)
                        for atm3_key in atm3_keys
                    ret = (bnd_val, atm_val) + next_vals
                    ret = (bnd_val, atm_val)

            return ret, seen_keys

        pri_vec, _ = _priority_vector(atm_key, atm_ngb_key, set())

    return pri_vec
Exemplo n.º 14
def radical_dissociation_products(gra, pgra1):
    """ For a given species, determine the products of a dissociation
        occuring around a radical site. We assume one of the
        dissociation products is known, and we attempt to find the
        corresponding product.

        Currently, we assume that the input pgra1 is appropriately

        :param gra: species undergoing dissociation
        :type gra: automol.graph object
        :param pgra1: one of the known products of dissociation
        :type pgra1: automol.graph object
        :rtype: tuple(automol.graph.object)

    # Remove gractional bonds for functions to work
    gra = without_fractional_bonds(gra)

    # Attempt to find a graph of product corresponding to pgra1
    pgra2 = None
    for rad in sing_res_dom_radical_atom_keys(gra):
        for adj in atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(gra)[rad]:
            for group in atom_groups(gra, adj, stereo=False):
                if isomorphism(group, pgra1, backbone_only=True):
                    pgra2 = remove_atoms(gra, atom_keys(group))
                    if bond_keys(group) in pgra2:
                        pgra2 = remove_bonds(pgra2, bond_keys(group))

    # If pgra2 is ID'd, rebuild the two product graphs with stereo labels
    if pgra2 is not None:
        keys2 = atom_keys(pgra2)
        idx_gra = to_index_based_stereo(gra)
        idx_pgra2 = subgraph(idx_gra, keys2, stereo=True)
        pgra2 = from_index_based_stereo(idx_pgra2)

    return pgra1, pgra2
Exemplo n.º 15
def from_graph(gra):
    """ networkx graph object from a molecular graph
    nxg = networkx.Graph()
    networkx.set_node_attributes(nxg, atom_symbols(gra), 'symbol')
    networkx.set_node_attributes(nxg, atom_implicit_hydrogen_valences(gra),
    networkx.set_node_attributes(nxg, atom_stereo_parities(gra),
    networkx.set_edge_attributes(nxg, bond_orders(gra), 'order')
    networkx.set_edge_attributes(nxg, bond_stereo_parities(gra),

    return nxg
Exemplo n.º 16
def rotational_groups(gra, key1, key2, dummy=False):
    """ get the rotational groups for a given rotational axis

    :param gra: the graph
    :param key1: the first atom key
    :param key2: the second atom key

    if not dummy:
        gra = without_dummy_atoms(gra)

    bnd_key = frozenset({key1, key2})
    assert bnd_key in bond_keys(gra)
    grp1 = branch_atom_keys(gra, key2, bnd_key) - {key1}
    grp2 = branch_atom_keys(gra, key1, bnd_key) - {key2}
    grp1 = tuple(sorted(grp1))
    grp2 = tuple(sorted(grp2))
    return grp1, grp2
Exemplo n.º 17
def from_graph(gra):
    """ igraph object from a molecular graph
    atm_keys = sorted(atom_keys(gra))
    bnd_keys = sorted(bond_keys(gra), key=sorted)

    atm_vals = dict_.values_by_key(atoms(gra), atm_keys)
    bnd_vals = dict_.values_by_key(bonds(gra), bnd_keys)

    atm_colors = list(itertools.starmap(_encode_vertex_attributes, atm_vals))
    bnd_colors = list(itertools.starmap(_encode_edge_attributes, bnd_vals))

    atm_idx_dct = dict(map(reversed, enumerate(atm_keys)))
    bnd_idxs = [sorted(map(atm_idx_dct.__getitem__, k)) for k in bnd_keys]
    igr = igraph.Graph(bnd_idxs)

    igr.vs['keys'] = atm_keys
    igr.vs['color'] = atm_colors
    igr.es['color'] = bnd_colors

    return igr
Exemplo n.º 18
def bond_symmetry_numbers(gra, frm_bnd_key=None, brk_bnd_key=None):
    """ symmetry numbers, by bond

    TODO: DEPRECATE -- I think this function can be replaced with
    rotational_symmetry_number(). Passing in formed and broken keys is
    unnecessary if one passes in a TS graph, which is stored in the reaction

    the (approximate) symmetry number of the torsional potential for this bond,
    based on the hydrogen counts for each atom
    It is reduced to 1 if one of the H atoms in the torsional bond is a
    neighbor to the special bonding atom (the atom that is being transferred)
    imp_gra = implicit(gra)
    atm_imp_hyd_vlc_dct = atom_implicit_hydrogen_valences(imp_gra)

    bnd_keys = bond_keys(imp_gra)

    tfr_atm = None
    if frm_bnd_key and brk_bnd_key:
        for atm_f in list(frm_bnd_key):
            for atm_b in list(brk_bnd_key):
                if atm_f == atm_b:
                    tfr_atm = atm_f

        if tfr_atm:
            neighbor_dct = atoms_neighbor_atom_keys(gra)
            nei_tfr = neighbor_dct[tfr_atm]

            atms = gra[0]
            all_hyds = []
            for atm in atms:
                if atms[atm][0] == 'H':
            nei_tfr = {}

    bnd_symb_num_dct = {}
    bnd_symb_nums = []
    for bnd_key in bnd_keys:
        bnd_sym = 1
        vlc = max(map(atm_imp_hyd_vlc_dct.__getitem__, bnd_key))
        if vlc == 3:
            bnd_sym = 3
            if tfr_atm:
                for atm in nei_tfr:
                    nei_s = neighbor_dct[atm]
                    h_nei = 0
                    for nei in nei_s:
                        if nei in all_hyds:
                            h_nei += 1
                    if h_nei == 3:
                        bnd_sym = 1

    bnd_symb_num_dct = dict(zip(bnd_keys, bnd_symb_nums))

    # fill in the rest of the bonds for completeness
    bnd_symb_num_dct = dict_.by_key(bnd_symb_num_dct,

    return bnd_symb_num_dct
Exemplo n.º 19
def sorted_ring_atom_keys(rng):
    """ get a ring's atom keys, sorted in order of connectivity
    return sorted_ring_atom_keys_from_bond_keys(bond_keys(rng))