Exemplo n.º 1
def test_cmd_convert(update, context):
    with patch.object(update.message, "reply_text") as m:
        context.args = ["10", "EUR", "BRL"]
        currency.cmd_convert(update, context)
        m.assert_called_with("10.00 EUR is equals to 42.22 BRL")
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_cmd_convert_with_invalid_currency_value(update, context):
    with patch.object(update.message, "reply_text") as m:
        context.args = ["10", "EUR", "LLL"]
        currency.cmd_convert(update, context)
        m.assert_called_with("Ta inventando moeda?!")
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_cmd_convert_with_non_eur(update, context):
    with patch.object(update.message, "reply_text") as m:
        context.args = ["10", "USD", "BRL"]
        currency.cmd_convert(update, context)
        m.assert_called_with("10.00 USD is equals to 34.22 BRL")
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_cmd_convert_with_invalid_amount_value(update, context):
    with patch.object(update.message, "reply_text") as m:
        context.args = ["XX", "USD", "BRL"]
        currency.cmd_convert(update, context)
        m.assert_called_with("Errooou! Tenta assim: 10 EUR BRL")
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_cmd_convert_with_eur_as_target(update, context):
    with patch.object(update.message, "reply_text") as m:
        context.args = ["10", "BRL", "EUR"]
        currency.cmd_convert(update, context)
        m.assert_called_with("10.00 BRL is equals to 2.37 EUR")