Exemplo n.º 1
    def execRemoteCommand(self,
        Executes the command on the remove machine.
        @param command: The command to execute on the remote host. Must not be None.
        @param asynch: A boolean flag, whether to run the command asynchrounously or not.
        @param recoverFromFailure: A boolean flag, whether to try to recover if the connection had staled or failed.
        @return the output of the command (a list of text lines), if it was run synchrounously.
        @raise SSHException: if a connection could not be established, or the command gave an error. 
        assert command is not None, "Command is None"
        assert asynch is not None, "Asynch is None"
        assert recoverFromFailure is not None, "recoverFromFailure is None"

            _, stdout, stderr = self.getSSHClient().exec_command(command)
            output = []
            if not asynch:
                output = stdout.readlines()
                errors = stderr.readlines()
                if errors:
                        "Error messages encountered when connecting to %s, messages: %s",
                        self.address, formatOutput(errors))
            return output
        except (SSHException, socket.error) as e:
            if recoverFromFailure:
                # Mark the connection for re-instantiation and try again
                self.client = None
                return self.execRemoteCommand(command, asynch, False)
                raise e
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _launchVM(self, hardwareId, numVMs=1):
        startVMCommand = ("java -jar %s provision " + \
        "-providerId %s " + \
        "-accessKeyId %s " + \
        "-secretKey %s " + \
        "-imageOwnerId %s " + \
        "-locationId %s " + \
        "-imageId %s " + \
        "-hardwareId %s " + \
        "-secGroup %s " + \
        "-keyPair %s " + \
        "-groupName %s " + \
        "-endPoint %s " + \
        "-numVMs %s") \
        %(self.vmManagerJar, self.providerId, self.accesskeyid, self.secretkey, self.imageOwnerId, self.locationId, self.imageId, hardwareId, self.securityGroupName, \
          self.keyPairName, self.groupName, self.endPoint, numVMs)

        log.debug("VMManager command " + startVMCommand)

        out = execLocal(startVMCommand)

        assert numVMs == len(
            out), "Output should be just %s addresses, but it is:%s" % (
                numVMs, format(formatOutput(out)))
        return out
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _reload(self):
     rrBalanceParam = self._balanceParam()
     command = ". ~/functions.sh; resetLoadBalancer " + rrBalanceParam + "; sudo service haproxy reload"
         "Resetting the load balancer with the following servers and ratios: "
         + rrBalanceParam)
     output = self.execRemoteCommand(command)
     log.info("Load balancer output: " + formatOutput(output))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def runWorkload(self, loadScale = 50, rampUp = 90, steadyState = 600, rampDown = 10):
     Runs the CloudStone Faban Client asynchrounously. Modifies the Run script.
     @param loadScale: the CloudStone load scale in seconds. Must not be None, 0 or negative.
     @param rampUp: the CloudStone ramp up in seconds. Must not be None, 0 or negative.
     @param steadyState: the CloudStone steady state in seconds. Must not be None, 0 or negative. 
     @param rampDown: the CloudStone ramp down in seconds. Must not be None, 0 or negative.
     assert loadScale is not None and loadScale > 0, "loadScale %s is invalid" % loadScale
     assert rampUp is not None and rampUp > 0, "rampUp %s is invalid" % rampUp
     assert steadyState is not None and steadyState > 0, "steadyState %s is invalid" % steadyState
     assert rampDown is not None and rampDown > 0, "rampDown %s is invalid" % rampDown
     log.info("Prepare run config file:%s", self.runConfig)
     # Read the file line by line and modify the appropriate sections
     inputFile = None
         inputFile = fileinput.input(self.runConfig, inplace=True)
         for line in inputFile:
             newLine = line
             faScaleRegEx = r'(\s*<fa:scale>\s*)\d+(\s*</fa:scale>\s*)'
             rampUpRegEx = r'(\s*<fa:rampUp>\s*)\d+(\s*</fa:rampUp>\s*)'
             steadyStateRegEx  = r'(\s*<fa:steadyState>\s*)\d+(\s*</fa:steadyState>\s*)' 
             rampDownRegEx = r'(\s*<fa:rampDown>\s*)\d+(\s*</fa:rampDown>\s*)' 
             xmlRegExToValues = {faScaleRegEx : loadScale, rampUpRegEx:rampUp, steadyStateRegEx:steadyState, rampDownRegEx:rampDown}
             for htmlRegEx in xmlRegExToValues:
                 match = re.match(htmlRegEx, line)
                 if match is not None:
                     newLine = match.group(1) + str(xmlRegExToValues[htmlRegEx]) + match.group(2)
         if inputFile is not None: inputFile.close()
     # Start the remote monitoring
     remotePath = os.path.join("/cloudstone/faban", os.path.os.path.basename(self.runConfig))
     log.info("Copying Test/Run Config File: %s to %s:%s", self.runConfig, self.readableName, remotePath)
     sftp = self.getSSHClient().open_sftp()
     sftp.put(self.runConfig, remotePath)
     # Start the CloudStone client
     command = "cd /cloudstone/faban ; ./bin/fabancli submit OlioDriver test " + remotePath
     log.info("Starting workload with loadscale=%d rampUp=%d steadyState=%d rampDown=%d", loadScale, rampUp, steadyState, rampDown)
     output = self.execRemoteCommand(command)
     log.info("Workload initiated, output:%s", formatOutput(output))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _launchVM(self, hardwareId, numVMs=1):
     startVMCommand = ("java -jar %s provision " + \
     "-providerId %s " + \
     "-accessKeyId %s " + \
     "-secretKey %s " + \
     "-imageOwnerId %s " + \
     "-locationId %s " + \
     "-imageId %s " + \
     "-hardwareId %s " + \
     "-secGroup %s " + \
     "-keyPair %s " + \
     "-groupName %s " + \
     "-endPoint %s " + \
     "-numVMs %s") \
     %(self.vmManagerJar, self.providerId, self.accesskeyid, self.secretkey, self.imageOwnerId, self.locationId, self.imageId, hardwareId, self.securityGroupName, \
       self.keyPairName, self.groupName, self.endPoint, numVMs)
     log.debug("VMManager command " + startVMCommand)
     out = execLocal(startVMCommand)
     assert numVMs == len(out), "Output should be just %s addresses, but it is:%s" % (numVMs, format(formatOutput(out)))
     return out
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _reload(self):
     rrBalanceParam = self._balanceParam()
     command = ". ~/functions.sh; resetLoadBalancer " + rrBalanceParam + "; sudo service haproxy reload"
     log.info("Resetting the load balancer with the following servers and ratios: " + rrBalanceParam)
     output = self.execRemoteCommand(command)
     log.info( "Load balancer output: " + formatOutput(output))
Exemplo n.º 7
 def execRemoteCommand(self, command, asynch=False, recoverFromFailure=True):
     Executes the command on the remove machine.
     @param command: The command to execute on the remote host. Must not be None.
     @param asynch: A boolean flag, whether to run the command asynchrounously or not.
     @param recoverFromFailure: A boolean flag, whether to try to recover if the connection had staled or failed.
     @return the output of the command (a list of text lines), if it was run synchrounously.
     @raise SSHException: if a connection could not be established, or the command gave an error. 
     assert command is not None, "Command is None"
     assert asynch is not None, "Asynch is None"
     assert recoverFromFailure is not None, "recoverFromFailure is None"
         _, stdout, stderr = self.getSSHClient().exec_command(command)
         output = []
         if not asynch:
             output = stdout.readlines()
             errors = stderr.readlines()
             if errors:
                 log.warning("Error messages encountered when connecting to %s, messages: %s", self.address, formatOutput(errors))
         return output
     except (SSHException, socket.error) as e:
         if recoverFromFailure:
             # Mark the connection for re-instantiation and try again
             self.client = None
             return self.execRemoteCommand(command, asynch, False)
         else :
             raise e