Exemplo n.º 1
    def scale_nodes_in(self, nodes):
        scale down asg by terminating the given node.
        returns a future indicating when the request completes.
        for node in nodes:
                # if we somehow end up in a situation where we have
                # more capacity than desired capacity, and the desired
                # capacity is at asg min size, then when we try to
                # terminate the instance while decrementing the desired
                # capacity, the aws api call will fail
                decrement_capacity = self.desired_capacity > self.min_size
                logger.info('Scaled node %s in', node)
            except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
                if str(e).find("Terminating instance without replacement will "
                               "violate group's min size constraint.") == -1:
                    raise e
                logger.error("Failed to terminate instance: %s", e)

        return utils.CompletedFuture(None)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def scale(self, new_desired_capacity):
        scales the ASG to the new desired capacity.
        returns a future with the result True if desired capacity has been increased.
        desired_capacity = min(self.max_size, new_desired_capacity)
        num_unschedulable = len(self.unschedulable_nodes)
        num_schedulable = self.actual_capacity - num_unschedulable

        logger.info("Desired {}, currently at {}".format(
            desired_capacity, self.desired_capacity))
        logger.info("Kube node: {} schedulable, {} unschedulable".format(
            num_schedulable, num_unschedulable))

        # Try to get the number of schedulable nodes up if we don't have enough, regardless of whether
        # group's capacity is already at the same as the desired.
        if num_schedulable < desired_capacity:
            for node in self.unschedulable_nodes:
                if node.uncordon():
                    num_schedulable += 1
                    # Uncordon only what we need
                    if num_schedulable == desired_capacity:

        if self.desired_capacity != desired_capacity:
            if self.desired_capacity == self.max_size:
                    "Desired same as max, desired: {}, schedulable: {}".format(
                        self.desired_capacity, num_schedulable))
                return utils.CompletedFuture(False)

            scale_up = self.desired_capacity < desired_capacity
            # This should be a rare event
            # note: this micro-optimization is not worth doing as the race condition here is
            #    tricky. when ec2 initializes some nodes in the meantime, asg will shutdown
            #    nodes by its own policy
            # scale_down = self.desired_capacity > desired_capacity >= self.actual_capacity
            if scale_up:
                # should have gotten our num_schedulable to highest value possible
                # actually need to grow.
                return self.set_desired_capacity(desired_capacity)

            "Doing nothing: desired_capacity correctly set: {}, schedulable: {}"
            .format(self.name, num_schedulable))
        return utils.CompletedFuture(False)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def set_desired_capacity(self, new_desired_capacity):
     sets the desired capacity of the underlying ASG directly.
     note that this is for internal control.
     for scaling purposes, please use scale() instead.
     logger.info("ASG: {} new_desired_capacity: {}".format(
         self, new_desired_capacity))
     self.desired_capacity = new_desired_capacity
     return utils.CompletedFuture(True)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_timed_out_group(self):
        with mock.patch('autoscaler.autoscaling_groups.AutoScalingGroup.is_timed_out') as is_timed_out:
            with mock.patch('autoscaler.autoscaling_groups.AutoScalingGroup.scale') as scale:
                is_timed_out.return_value = True
                scale.return_value = utils.CompletedFuture(None)

                pod = KubePod(pykube.Pod(self.api, self.dummy_pod))
                selectors_hash = utils.selectors_to_hash(pod.selectors)
                asgs = self.cluster.autoscaling_groups.get_all_groups([])
                self.cluster.fulfill_pending(asgs, selectors_hash, [pod])


                response = self.asg_client.describe_auto_scaling_groups()
                self.assertEqual(len(response['AutoScalingGroups']), 1)
                self.assertEqual(response['AutoScalingGroups'][0]['DesiredCapacity'], 0)