Exemplo n.º 1
def main(argv):
    """Standard main routine.

    @param argv  Command line arguments including `sys.argv[0]`.

    def balancer(i, board):
        """Balance the specified board.

      @param i The index of the board.
      @param board The board name.
        if i > 0:
        _balance_board(arguments, afe, board, start_time, end_time)

    arguments = _parse_command(argv)
    end_time = time.time()
    start_time = end_time - 24 * 60 * 60
    afe = frontend.AFE(server=None)
    boards = arguments.boards
    if arguments.all_boards:
        boards = host_label_utils.get_all_boards(
            labels=[_POOL_PREFIX + arguments.pool])
    board_args = list(enumerate(boards))
        parallel.RunTasksInProcessPool(balancer, board_args, processes=8)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
Exemplo n.º 2
def _install_dut(arguments, host_attr_dict, hostname):
    """Deploy or repair a single DUT.

    Implementation note: This function is expected to run in a
    subprocess created by a multiprocessing Pool object.  As such,
    it can't (shouldn't) write to shared files like `sys.stdout`.

    @param hostname        Host name of the DUT to install on.
    @param arguments       Command line arguments with options.
    @param host_attr_dict  Dict of host attributes to store in the AFE.

    @return On success, return `None`.  On failure, return a string
            with an error message.
    logpath = os.path.join(arguments.logdir, hostname + '.log')
    logfile = open(logpath, 'w')

    # In some cases, autotest code that we call during install may
    # put stuff onto stdout with 'print' statements.  Most notably,
    # the AFE frontend may print 'FAILED RPC CALL' (boo, hiss).  We
    # want nothing from this subprocess going to the output we
    # inherited from our parent, so redirect stdout and stderr here,
    # before we make any AFE calls.  Note that this does what we
    # want only because we're in a subprocess.
    sys.stderr = sys.stdout = logfile

    afe = frontend.AFE(server=arguments.web)
        _install_and_update_afe(afe, hostname, arguments, host_attr_dict)
    except Exception as e:
        logging.exception('Original exception: %s', e)
        return str(e)
    return None
Exemplo n.º 3
def allocate_packet_capturer(lock_manager, hostname, prefix):
    """Allocates a machine to capture packets.

    Locks the allocated machine if the machine was discovered via AFE
    to prevent tests stomping on each other.

    @param lock_manager HostLockManager object.
    @param hostname string optional hostname of a packet capture machine.
    @param prefix string chamber location (ex. chromeos3, chromeos5, chromeos7)

    @return: An SSHHost object representing a locked packet_capture machine.
    if hostname is not None:
        return hosts.SSHHost(hostname)

    afe = frontend.AFE(debug=True, server=site_utils.get_global_afe_hostname())
    available_pcaps = afe.get_hosts(label='packet_capture')
    for pcap in available_pcaps:
        pcap_prefix = pcap.hostname.split('-')[0]
        # Ensure the pcap and dut are in the same subnet
        if pcap_prefix == prefix:
            if lock_manager.lock([pcap.hostname]):
                return hosts.SSHHost(pcap.hostname + '.cros')
                logging.info('Unable to lock %s', pcap.hostname)
    raise error.TestError(
        'Unable to lock any pcaps - check in cautotest if '
        'pcaps in %s are locked.', prefix)
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():
    jobdirs = get_job_dirs(options.resultsdir)

    afe = frontend.AFE()
    # the way AFE API is right now is to give a whole list of jobs and can't
    # get specific jobs so minimize the queries caching the result
    finished_jobs = afe.get_jobs(finished=True)

    if options.jobname_pattern:
        jobname_pattern = re.compile(options.jobname_pattern)
        jobname_pattern = None

    # for each unpublished possible jobdir find it in the database and see
    # if it is completed
    for jobdir in jobdirs:
        job_id = int(os.path.basename(jobdir).split('-')[0])
        job = [job for job in finished_jobs if job.id == job_id]

        if len(job) != 1:

        if jobname_pattern:
            # does it match the jobname pattern?
            if not jobname_pattern.match(job[0].name):

        # does it match the wanted job owner
        if options.job_owner and options.job_owner != job[0].owner:

Exemplo n.º 5
def main():
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options]\n\n' +
                      help='Hostname of the autotest frontend RPC server.')
                      help='A label to restrict the set of hosts reverified.')
    options, unused_args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv)

    afe_client = frontend.AFE(debug=False, server=options.server)
    hostnames = afe_client.reverify_hosts(status='Repair Failed',
    # The old RPC interface didn't return anything.
    # A more recent one returns a list of hostnames to make this message useful.
    if hostnames:
        print 'The following Repair Failed hosts on', options.server,
        print 'will be reverified:'
        print ' '.join(hostnames)
        print 'Repair Failed hosts on', options.server, 'will be reverified.'
    def run_once(self):
        """ Tests the moblab's connected DUTs to see if the current
        configuration is valid for storage qual

        afe = frontend.AFE(server='localhost', user='******')

        # get autotest statuses that indicate a live host
        live_statuses = afe.host_statuses(live=True)

        # get the hosts connected to autotest, find the live ones
        hosts = []
        for host in afe.get_hosts():
            if host.status in live_statuses:
                logging.info('Host %s is live, status %s' %
                             (host.hostname, host.status))
                logging.info('Host %s is not live, status %s' %
                             (host.hostname, host.status))

        pools = self._group_hosts_into_pools(hosts)

        # verify that each pool is set up to run storage qual
        # err on the side of caution by requiring all pools to have the correct
        # setup, so it is clear to partners that they could run storage qual
        # with any configuration on RunSuite page
        required_set = set(self.REQUIRED_LABELS)
        for pool_name, pool_hosts in pools.iteritems():
            provided_set = set()
            logging.info('Pool %s' % pool_name)
            for host in pool_hosts:
                host_provided_labels = set(host['labels']) & required_set
                # check that each DUT has at most 1 storage qual label
                if len(host_provided_labels) > 1:
                    raise error.TestFail(
                        ('Host %s is assigned more than '
                         'one storage qual label %s') %
                        (host['host'], str(host_provided_labels)))
                if len(host_provided_labels) == 0:

                # check that each label is only on one DUT in the pool
                provided_label = host_provided_labels.pop()
                if provided_label in provided_set:
                    raise error.TestFail(
                        ('Host %s is assigned label %s, which is already '
                         'assigned to another DUT in pool %s') %
                        (host['host'], provided_label, pool_name))

                logging.info(' - %s %s' % (host['host'], provided_label))

            # check that all storage qual labels are accounted for in the pool
            missing_labels = required_set - provided_set
            if len(missing_labels) > 0:
                raise error.TestFail('Pool %s is missing required labels %s' %
                                     (pool_name, str(missing_labels)))

Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_result_notify(self):
        class fake_job(object):
            result = True
            name = 'nameFoo'
            id = 'idFoo'
            results_platform_map = {'NORAD': {'Seeking_Joshua': ['WOPR']}}

        GLOBAL_CONFIG.override_config_value('SERVER', 'hostname', 'chess')
            'david', 'http://chess').and_return({'AUTHORIZATION': 'david'})
            'http://chess/afe/server/rpc/', headers={'AUTHORIZATION': 'david'})
        self.god.stub_function(utils, 'send_email')

        my_afe = frontend.AFE(user='******')

        fake_stdout = StringIO()
        self.god.stub_with(sys, 'stdout', fake_stdout)
        my_afe.result_notify(fake_job, 'userA', 'userB')
        self.god.unstub(sys, 'stdout')
        fake_stdout = fake_stdout.getvalue()


        self.assert_('PASSED' in fake_stdout)
        self.assert_('WOPR' in fake_stdout)
        self.assert_('http://chess/tko/compose_query.cgi?' in fake_stdout)
        self.assert_('columns=test' in fake_stdout)
        self.assert_('rows=machine_group' in fake_stdout)
        self.assert_("condition=tag~'idFoo-%25'" in fake_stdout)
        self.assert_('title=Report' in fake_stdout)
        self.assert_('Sending email' in fake_stdout)
Exemplo n.º 8
def _install_dut(arguments, host_attr_dict, hostname):
    """Deploy or repair a single DUT.

    @param arguments       Command line arguments with options.
    @param host_attr_dict  Dict mapping hostnames to attributes to be
                           stored in the AFE.
    @param hostname        Host name of the DUT to install on.

    @return On success, return `None`.  On failure, return a string
            with an error message.
    # In some cases, autotest code that we call during install may
    # put stuff onto stdout with 'print' statements.  Most notably,
    # the AFE frontend may print 'FAILED RPC CALL' (boo, hiss).  We
    # want nothing from this subprocess going to the output we
    # inherited from our parent, so redirect stdout and stderr, before
    # we make any AFE calls.  Note that this is reasonable because we're
    # in a subprocess.

    logpath = os.path.join(arguments.logdir, hostname + '.log')
    logfile = open(logpath, 'w')
    sys.stderr = sys.stdout = logfile

    afe = frontend.AFE(server=arguments.web)
        _install_and_update_afe(afe, hostname,
                                host_attr_dict.get(hostname, {}), arguments)
    except Exception as e:
        logging.exception('Original exception: %s', e)
        return str(e)
    return None
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, rf_switch_host):
        """Constructor for RF Switch Controller.

        @param rf_switch_host: An AFE Host object of RF Switch.
        self.rf_switch_host = rf_switch_host
        self.rf_switch_labels = rf_switch_host.labels
        # RF Switches are named as rf_switch_1, rf_switch_2 using labels.
        # To find the rf_switch, find label starting with 'rf_switch_'
        labels = [
            s for s in self.rf_switch_labels if s.startswith(RF_SWITCH_STR)
        afe = frontend.AFE(debug=True,
        self.hosts = afe.get_hosts(label=labels[0])
        self.ap_boxes = []
        self.client_boxes = []
        for host in self.hosts:
            if RF_SWITCH_APS in host.labels:
            elif RF_SWITCH_CLIENT in host.labels:
        if not self.ap_boxes:
            logging.error('No AP boxes available for the RF Switch.')
        if not self.client_boxes:
            logging.error('No Client boxes available for the RF Switch.')
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self, hostname):
     @param hostname: hostname of server to monitor, string
     self._hostname = hostname
     self._afe = frontend.AFE(server=self._hostname)
     self._metric_fields = {'target_hostname': self._hostname}
Exemplo n.º 11
def install_duts(argv, full_deploy):
    """Install a test image on DUTs, and deploy them.

    This handles command line parsing for both the repair and
    deployment commands.  The two operations are largely identical;
    the main difference is that full deployment includes flashing
    dev-signed firmware on the DUT prior to installing the test

    @param argv         Command line arguments to be parsed.
    @param full_deploy  If true, do the full deployment that includes
                        flashing dev-signed RO firmware onto the DUT.
    # Override tempfile.tempdir.  Some of the autotest code we call
    # will create temporary files that don't get cleaned up.  So, we
    # put the temp files in our results directory, so that we can
    # clean up everything in one fell swoop.
    tempfile.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    # MALCOLM:
    #   Be comforted.
    #   Let's make us med'cines of our great revenge,
    #   To cure this deadly grief.
    atexit.register(shutil.rmtree, tempfile.tempdir)

    arguments = commandline.parse_command(argv, full_deploy)
    if not arguments:
    sys.stderr.write('Installation output logs in %s\n' % arguments.logdir)

    # We don't want to distract the user with logging output, so we catch
    # logging output in a file.
    logging_file_path = os.path.join(arguments.logdir, 'debug.log')
    logfile = open(logging_file_path, 'w')

    report_log_path = os.path.join(arguments.logdir, 'report.log')
    with open(report_log_path, 'w') as report_log_file:
        report_log = _MultiFileWriter([report_log_file, sys.stdout])
        afe = frontend.AFE(server=arguments.web)
        current_build = _update_build(afe, report_log, arguments)
        host_attr_dict = _get_host_attributes(arguments.host_info_list, afe)
        install_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(len(arguments.hostnames))
        install_function = functools.partial(_install_dut, arguments,
        results_list = install_pool.map(install_function, arguments.hostnames)
        _report_results(afe, report_log, arguments.hostnames, results_list)

        gspath = _get_upload_log_path(arguments)
        report_log.write('Logs will be uploaded to %s\n' % (gspath, ))

        _upload_logs(arguments.logdir, gspath)
    except Exception as e:
        upload_failure_log_path = os.path.join(arguments.logdir,
        with open(upload_failure_log_path, 'w') as file:
            traceback.print_exc(limit=None, file=file)
        sys.stderr.write('Failed to upload logs;'
                         ' failure details are stored in {}.\n'.format(
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _allocate_dut(self, host_name=None, board_name=None):
        """Allocates a machine to the DUT pool for running the test.

        Locks the allocated machine if the machine was discovered via AFE
        to prevent tests stomping on each other.

        @param host_name: Host name for the DUT.
        @param board_name: Board name Label to use for finding the DUT.

        @return: hostname of the device locked in AFE.
        hostname = None
        if host_name:
            if self.lock_manager.lock([host_name]):
                logging.info('Locked device %s.', host_name)
                hostname = host_name
                logging.error('Unable to lock device %s.', host_name)
            afe = frontend.AFE(debug=True,
            labels = []
            labels.append(constants.BOARD_PREFIX + board_name)
                hostname = site_utils.lock_host_with_labels(
                        afe, self.lock_manager, labels=labels) + '.cros'
            except error.NoEligibleHostException as e:
                raise error.TestError("Unable to find a suitable device.")
            except error.TestError as e:
        return hostname
Exemplo n.º 13
def _is_conductive(hostname):
    if utils.host_could_be_in_afe(hostname):
        conductive = site_utils.get_label_from_afe(hostname.split('.')[0],
        if conductive and conductive.lower() == 'true':
            return True
    return False
def is_primary_server():
    """Check if this server's status is primary

    @return: True if primary, False otherwise.
    server = frontend.AFE(server=GLOBAL_AFE).run(
            'get_servers', hostname=socket.getfqdn())
    if server and server[0]['status'] == 'primary':
        return True
    return False
Exemplo n.º 15
def update_allowed_networks(project, instance, afe=None, extra_servers=None):
    """Update the "Allowed Networks" list of the given CloudSQL instance.

    @param project: Name of the Google Cloud project.
    @param instance: Name of the CloudSQL instance.
    @param afe: Server of the frontend RPC, default to None to use the server
                specified in global config.
    @param extra_servers: Extra servers to be included in the "Allowed Networks"
                          list. Default is None.
    # Get the IP address of all servers need access to CloudSQL instance.
    rpc = frontend.AFE(server=afe)
    servers = [
        s['hostname'] for s in rpc.run('get_servers')
        if s['status'] != 'repair_required'
        and ROLES_REQUIRE_TKO_ACCESS.intersection(s['roles'])
    if extra_servers:
    # Extra servers can be listed in CLOUD/tko_access_servers shadow config.
    tko_servers = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
        'CLOUD', 'tko_access_servers', default='')
    if tko_servers:
    print 'Adding servers %s to access list for projects %s' % (servers,
    print 'Fetching their IP addresses...'
    ips = []
    for name in servers:
        except socket.gaierror:
            print 'Failed to resolve IP address for name %s' % name
    print '...Done: %s' % ips

    cidr_ips = [str(ip) + '/32' for ip in ips]

    login = False
    while True:
            utils.run('gcloud config set project %s -q' % project)
            cmd = ('gcloud sql instances patch %s --authorized-networks %s '
                   '-q' % (instance, ','.join(cidr_ips)))
            print 'Running command to update whitelists: "%s"' % cmd
            utils.run(cmd, stdout_tee=sys.stdout, stderr_tee=sys.stderr)
        except error.CmdError:
            if login:

            # Try to login and retry if the command failed.
            login = True
Exemplo n.º 16
def deallocate_rf_switch(rf_switch_host):
    """Unlocks a RF Switch.

    @param rf_switch_host: an instance of AFE Host object to unlock.

    @return True if rf_switch is unlocked, False otherwise.
    afe = frontend.AFE(debug=True, server=site_utils.get_global_afe_hostname())
    rf_switch = afe.get_hosts(hostnames=(rf_switch_host.hostname, ))
    return not rf_switch[0].locked
Exemplo n.º 17
def main(argv):
    """Standard main routine.

    @param argv  Command line arguments including `sys.argv[0]`.
    arguments = _parse_args(argv)
    afe = frontend.AFE(server=arguments.web)
        _dispatch_command(afe, arguments)
    except _CommandError as exc:
        print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: %s' % str(exc)
    def run_once(self, required_duts=1, required_labels=[]):
        """ Tests the moblab's connected DUTs to see if the current
        configuration is valid for a specific test.

        @param required_duts [int] number of _live_ DUTs required to run
            the test in question. A DUT is not live if it is in a failed
            repair state
        @param required_labels [list<string>] list of labels that are
            required to be on at least one _live_ DUT for this test.
        logging.info('required_duts=%d required_labels=%s' %
                     (required_duts, str(required_labels)))

        # creating a client to connect to autotest rpc interface
        # all available rpc calls are defined in
        # src/third_party/autotest/files/server/frontend.py
        afe = frontend.AFE(server='localhost', user='******')

        # get autotest statuses that indicate a live host
        live_statuses = afe.host_statuses(live=True)
        hosts = []
        # get the hosts connected to autotest, find the live ones
        for host in afe.get_hosts():
            if host.status in live_statuses:
                logging.info('Host %s is live, status %s' %
                             (host.hostname, host.status))
                logging.info('Host %s is not live, status %s' %
                             (host.hostname, host.status))

        # check that we have the required number of live duts
        if len(hosts) < required_duts:
            raise error.TestFail(('Suite requires %d DUTs, only %d connected' %
                                  (required_duts, len(hosts))))

        required_labels_found = {}
        for label in required_labels:
            required_labels_found[label] = False

        # check that at least one DUT has each required label
        for host in hosts:
            for label in host.get_labels():
                if label.name in required_labels_found:
                    required_labels_found[label.name] = True
        # note: pools are stored as specially formatted labels
        # to find if a DUT is in a pool,
        # check if it has the label pool:mypoolname
        for key in required_labels_found:
            if not required_labels_found[key]:
                raise error.TestFail('No DUT with required label %s' % key)

 def initialize(self, host):
     if utils.host_could_be_in_afe(host.hostname):
         # There are some DUTs that have different types of wifi modules.
         # In order to generate separate performance graphs, a variant
         # name is needed.  Writing this key will generate results with
         # the name of <board>-<variant>.
         afe = frontend.AFE(debug=True)
         variant_name = site_utils.get_label_from_afe(
             host.hostname, 'variant:', afe)
         if variant_name:
             self.write_test_keyval({constants.VARIANT_KEY: variant_name})
Exemplo n.º 20
def main(argv):
    """Standard main() for command line processing.

    @param argv Command line arguments (normally sys.argv).

    arguments = _parse_command(argv)
    afe = frontend.AFE(server=arguments.web)
    history_list = _validate_command(afe, arguments)
    if arguments.oneline:
        _print_host_summaries(history_list, arguments)
        _print_hosts(history_list, arguments)
Exemplo n.º 21
def main(argv):
    parser = GetParser()
    options = parser.parse_args(argv)

    afe = None
    if options.afe:
        afe = frontend.AFE(server=options.afe)
    tko = frontend.TKO()

    special_tasks = []
    builds = []

    # Handle a JSON file being specified.
    if options.input:
        with open(options.input) as f:
            data = json.load(f)
            for build in data.get('builds', []):
                # For each build, amend it to include the list of
                # special tasks for its suite's jobs.
                build.setdefault('special_tasks', {})
                for suite_job_id in build['suite_ids']:
                    suite_tasks = FindSpecialTasks(
                    build['special_tasks'][suite_job_id] = suite_tasks

    # Handle and specifically specified suite IDs.
    for suite_job_id in options.suite_ids:

    # Output a resulting JSON file.
    with open(options.output, 'w') if options.output else sys.stdout as f:
        output = {
            'special_tasks': special_tasks,
            'name_filter': options.name_filter,
            'status_filter': options.status_filter,
        if len(builds):
            output['builds'] = builds
        json.dump(output, f)
Exemplo n.º 22
def main():
    Entry point for add_detected_host_labels script.

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                        help='Suppress all but critical logging messages.')
                        help='Suppress logging messages below INFO priority.')
                        help='Comma separated list of machines to check.')
    options = parser.parse_args()

    if options.silent and options.info_only:
        print 'The -i and -s flags cannot be used together.'
        return 0

    if options.silent:

    if options.info_only:

    threadpool = pool.ThreadPool()
    afe = frontend.AFE()

    if options.machines:
        hostnames = [m.strip() for m in options.machines.split(',')]
        hostnames = afe.get_hostnames()
    successes = sum(
        threadpool.imap_unordered(lambda x: add_missing_labels(afe, x),
    attempts = len(hostnames)

        'Label updating finished. Failed update on %d out of %d '
        'hosts.', attempts - successes, attempts)

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 23
def main(argv):
    """Standard main routine.

    @param argv  Command line arguments including `sys.argv[0]`.

    def balancer(i, board, pool):
      """Balance the specified board.

      @param i The index of the board.
      @param board The board name.
      @param pool The pool to rebalance for the board.
      if i > 0:
      _balance_board(arguments, afe, board, pool, start_time, end_time)

    arguments = _parse_command(argv)
    end_time = time.time()
    start_time = end_time - 24 * 60 * 60
    afe = frontend.AFE(server=None)
    boards = arguments.boards
    pools = (lab_inventory.CRITICAL_POOLS
             if arguments.pool == _ALL_CRITICAL_POOLS
             else [arguments.pool])
    board_info = []
    if arguments.all_boards:
        inventory = lab_inventory.get_inventory(afe)
        for pool in pools:
            if _too_many_broken_boards(inventory, pool, arguments):
                _log_error('Refusing to balance all boards for %s pool, '
                           'too many boards with at least 1 broken DUT '
                           'detected.', pool)
                boards_in_pool = inventory.get_managed_boards(pool=pool)
                current_len_board_info = len(board_info)
                board_info.extend([(i + current_len_board_info, board, pool)
                                   for i, board in enumerate(boards_in_pool)])
        # We have specified boards with a specified pool, setup the args to the
        # balancer properly.
        for pool in pools:
            current_len_board_info = len(board_info)
            board_info.extend([(i + current_len_board_info, board, pool)
                               for i, board in enumerate(boards)])
        parallel.RunTasksInProcessPool(balancer, board_info, processes=8)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    def __init__(self, email_handler=None):
        RPMFrontendServer constructor.

        Initializes instance variables.
        self._dispatcher_minheap = []
        self._entry_dict = {}
        self._lock = threading.Lock()
        self._mapping_last_modified = os.path.getmtime(MAPPING_FILE)
        self._servo_interface = utils.load_servo_interface_mapping()
        self._rpm_dict = {}
        self._afe = frontend.AFE()
        self._rpm_info = utils.LRUCache(size=LRU_SIZE)
        self._email_handler = email_handler
Exemplo n.º 25
def main():
    args = parse_args()

    log_dir = os.path.join(common.autotest_dir, 'logs')
    if not os.path.exists(log_dir):
    log_name = LOG_NAME_TEMPLATE % args.build.replace('/', '_')
    log_name = os.path.join(log_dir, log_name)

    utils.setup_logging(logfile=log_name, prefix=True)

    afe = frontend.AFE()
    name = SUITE_JOB_NAME_TEMPLATE % (args.build, args.name)
    abort_suites(afe, name)
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 26
def _start_servod(machine):
    """Try to start servod in moblab if it's not already running or running with
    different board or port.

    @param machine: Name of the dut used for test.
    if not utils.is_moblab():

    logging.debug('Trying to start servod.')
        afe = frontend.AFE()
        board = server_utils.get_board_from_afe(machine, afe)
        hosts = afe.get_hosts(hostname=machine)
        servo_host = hosts[0].attributes.get('servo_host', None)
        servo_port = hosts[0].attributes.get('servo_port', 9999)
        if not servo_host in ['localhost', '']:
            logging.warn('Starting servod is aborted. The dut\'s servo_host '
                         'attribute is not set to localhost.')
    except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError):
        # Ignore error if RPC failed to get board
        logging.error('Failed to get board name from AFE. Start servod is '

        pid = utils.run('pgrep servod').stdout
        cmd_line = utils.run('ps -fp %s' % pid).stdout
        if ('--board %s' % board in cmd_line
                and '--port %s' % servo_port in cmd_line):
                'Servod is already running with given board and port.'
                ' There is no need to restart servod.')
        logging.debug('Servod is running with different board or port. '
                      'Stopping existing servod.')
        utils.run('sudo stop servod')
    except error.CmdError:
        # servod is not running.

        utils.run(START_SERVOD_CMD % (board, servo_port))
        logging.debug('Servod is started')
    except error.CmdError as e:
        logging.error('Servod failed to be started, error: %s', e)
Exemplo n.º 27
def allocate_packet_capturer(lock_manager, hostname):
    """Allocates a machine to capture packets.

    Locks the allocated machine if the machine was discovered via AFE
    to prevent tests stomping on each other.

    @param lock_manager HostLockManager object.
    @param hostname string optional hostname of a packet capture machine.

    @return: An SSHHost object representing a locked packet_capture machine.
    if hostname is not None:
        return hosts.SSHHost(hostname)

    afe = frontend.AFE(debug=True,
    return hosts.SSHHost(site_utils.lock_host_with_labels(
            afe, lock_manager, labels=['packet_capture']) + '.cros')
Exemplo n.º 28
def main():
    """Stage a build on the devserver."""
    options = parse_args()
    if options.server:
        server = 'http://%s/' % options.server
        ds = dev_server.ImageServer(server)
        ds = dev_server.ImageServer.resolve(options.build)

    print "Downloading %s..." % options.build
        ['full_payload', 'stateful', 'control_files', 'autotest_packages'])
    if options.host:
        print "Poking job_repo_url on %s..." % options.host
        repo_url = tools.get_package_url(ds.url(), options.build)
        AFE = frontend.AFE()
        AFE.set_host_attribute('job_repo_url', repo_url, hostname=options.host)
    def get_devices_using_labels(self, labels):
        """Returns all devices with the passed labels in the Client Box.

        @params labels: List of host labels.

        @returns a list of string containing the hostnames.
        afe = frontend.AFE(debug=True,
        hosts = afe.get_hosts(label=self.client_box_label)
        devices = []
        for host in hosts:
            labels_list = list(
                itertools.ifilter(lambda x: x in host.labels, labels))
            if len(labels) == len(labels_list):
        return devices
Exemplo n.º 30
def allocate_webdriver_instance(lock_manager):
    """Allocates a machine to capture webdriver instance.

    Locks the allocated machine if the machine was discovered via AFE
    to prevent tests stomping on each other.

    @param lock_manager HostLockManager object.

    @return An SSHHost object representing a locked webdriver instance.
    afe = frontend.AFE(debug=True, server=site_utils.get_global_afe_hostname())
    hostname = '%s.cros' % site_utils.lock_host_with_labels(
        afe, lock_manager, labels=['webdriver'])
    webdriver_host = hosts.SSHHost(hostname)
    if webdriver_host is not None:
        return webdriver_host
    logging.error("Unable to allocate VM instance")
    return None