def SaveMatchStatusFile(w_vec_dict, match_set, file_name):
    """Save the matched record identifiers into a CVS file.

     This function saves the record identifiers of all record pairs that are in
     the given match set into a CSV file with four columns:
     - First record identifier
     - Second record identifier
     - Summed matching weight from the corresponding weight vector
     - A unique match identifier (generated in the same way as the ones in the
       function SaveMatchDataSet below).

    auxiliary.check_is_dictionary('w_vec_dict', w_vec_dict)
    auxiliary.check_is_set('match_set', match_set)
    auxiliary.check_is_string('file_name', file_name)

    match_rec_id_list = list(match_set)  # Make a list so it can be sorted

    if (len(match_set) > 0):
        num_digit = max(1, int(math.ceil(math.log(len(match_set), 10))))
        num_digit = 1
    mid_count = 1  # Counter for match identifiers

    # Try to open the file for writing
        f = open(file_name, 'w')
        logging.exception('Cannot open file "%s" for writing' %
        raise IOError

    for rec_id_tuple in match_rec_id_list:
        w_vec = w_vec_dict[rec_id_tuple]
        w_sum = sum(w_vec)

        mid_count_str = '%s' % (mid_count)
        this_mid = 'mid%s' % (mid_count_str.zfill(num_digit))

        rec_id1 = rec_id_tuple[0]
        rec_id2 = rec_id_tuple[1]

        f.write('%s,%s,%f,%s' % (rec_id1, rec_id2, w_sum, this_mid) +

        mid_count += 1

Exemplo n.º 2
def SaveMatchStatusFile(w_vec_dict, match_set, file_name):
  """Save the matched record identifiers into a CVS file.

     This function saves the record identifiers of all record pairs that are in
     the given match set into a CSV file with four columns:
     - First record identifier
     - Second record identifier
     - Summed matching weight from the corresponding weight vector
     - A unique match identifier (generated in the same way as the ones in the
       function SaveMatchDataSet below).

  auxiliary.check_is_dictionary('w_vec_dict', w_vec_dict)
  auxiliary.check_is_set('match_set', match_set)
  auxiliary.check_is_string('file_name', file_name)

  match_rec_id_list = list(match_set)  # Make a list so it can be sorted

  if (len(match_set) > 0):
    num_digit = max(1,int(math.ceil(math.log(len(match_set), 10))))
    num_digit = 1
  mid_count = 1  # Counter for match identifiers

  # Try to open the file for writing
    f = open(file_name, 'w')
    logging.exception('Cannot open file "%s" for writing' % (str(file_name)))
    raise IOError

  for rec_id_tuple in match_rec_id_list:
    w_vec = w_vec_dict[rec_id_tuple]
    w_sum = sum(w_vec)

    mid_count_str = '%s' % (mid_count)
    this_mid = 'mid%s' % (mid_count_str.zfill(num_digit))

    rec_id1 = rec_id_tuple[0]
    rec_id2 = rec_id_tuple[1]

    f.write('%s,%s,%f,%s' % (rec_id1, rec_id2, w_sum, this_mid) + os.linesep)

    mid_count += 1

Exemplo n.º 3
  def testIsSet(self):  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    """Test 'check_is_set' function."""

    assert (auxiliary.check_is_set('TestArgument',sets.Set())          == None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_set('TestArgument',sets.Set([1,2,3]))   == None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_set('TestArgument',sets.Set(['a','a'])) == None)

    assert (auxiliary.check_is_set('TestArgument',set())          == None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_set('TestArgument',set([1,2,3]))   == None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_set('TestArgument',set(['a','a'])) == None)
Exemplo n.º 4
  def testIsSet(self):  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    """Test 'check_is_set' function."""

    assert (auxiliary.check_is_set('TestArgument',sets.Set())          == None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_set('TestArgument',sets.Set([1,2,3]))   == None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_set('TestArgument',sets.Set(['a','a'])) == None)

    assert (auxiliary.check_is_set('TestArgument',set())          == None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_set('TestArgument',set([1,2,3]))   == None)
    assert (auxiliary.check_is_set('TestArgument',set(['a','a'])) == None)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def testIsSet(self):  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        """Test 'check_is_set' function."""

        assert auxiliary.check_is_set("TestArgument", sets.Set()) == None
        assert auxiliary.check_is_set("TestArgument", sets.Set([1, 2, 3])) == None
        assert auxiliary.check_is_set("TestArgument", sets.Set(["a", "a"])) == None

        assert auxiliary.check_is_set("TestArgument", set()) == None
        assert auxiliary.check_is_set("TestArgument", set([1, 2, 3])) == None
        assert auxiliary.check_is_set("TestArgument", set(["a", "a"])) == None
Exemplo n.º 6
    def testIsSet(
            self):  # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        """Test 'check_is_set' function."""

        assert auxiliary.check_is_set("TestArgument", set())
        assert auxiliary.check_is_set("TestArgument", {1, 2, 3})
        assert auxiliary.check_is_set("TestArgument", {"a", "a"})

        assert auxiliary.check_is_set("TestArgument", set())
        assert auxiliary.check_is_set("TestArgument", {1, 2, 3})
        assert auxiliary.check_is_set("TestArgument", {"a", "a"})
Exemplo n.º 7
def GenerateHistogram(w_vec_dict, bin_width, file_name=None, match_sets=None):
  """Print and/or save a histogram of the weight vectors stored in the given
     dictionary, and according to the match sets (if given).

     The histogram is rotated 90 degrees clockwise, i.e. up to down instead of
     left to right.

     This function sums up the number of weight vectors with a matching weight
     in a given bin (according to the given bin width).

     If given, the match sets must be a tuple containing three sets, the first
     being a set with matches, the second with non-matches, and the third with
     possible matches, as generated by classifiers in the
     Febrl module.

     For each bin, the number of weight vectors in this bin is printed as well,
     and if the match sets are given the number of matches, non-matches and
     possible matches in this bin.

     If a file name is given, the output will be written into this text file.

     This function returns a list of containing the histogram as text strings.

  MAX_HISTO_WIDTH = 80  # maximum width in characters

  auxiliary.check_is_dictionary('w_vec_dict', w_vec_dict)
  auxiliary.check_is_number('bin_width', bin_width)
  auxiliary.check_is_positive('bin_width', bin_width)
  if (file_name != None):
    auxiliary.check_is_string('file_name', file_name)
  if (match_sets != None):
    auxiliary.check_is_tuple('match_sets', match_sets)
    if (len(match_sets) != 3):
      logging.exception('Match sets must be a tuple containing three sets.')
      raise Exception
    auxiliary.check_is_set('match_sets[0]', match_sets[0])
    auxiliary.check_is_set('match_sets[1]', match_sets[1])
    auxiliary.check_is_set('match_sets[2]', match_sets[2])
    if (len(w_vec_dict) != (len(match_sets[0]) + len(match_sets[1]) + \
      logging.exception('Lengths of weight vector dictionary differs from' + \
                        'summed lengths of match sets.')
      raise Exception

  # Check if weight vector dictionary is empty, if so return empty list
  if (w_vec_dict == {}):
    logging.warn('Empty weight vector dictionary given for histogram ' + \
    return []

  # Get a random vector dictionary element to get dimensionality of vectors
  (rec_id_tuple, w_vec) = w_vec_dict.popitem()
  v_dim = len(w_vec)
  w_vec_dict[rec_id_tuple] = w_vec  # Put back in

  histo_dict = {}  # A combined histogram dictionary

  if (match_sets != None):  #  Also matches, non-matches and possible matches
    match_histo_dict =      {}
    non_match_histo_dict =  {}
    poss_match_histo_dict = {}

  max_bin_w_count = -1 # Maximal count for one binned weight entry

  # Loop over weight vectors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  for (rec_id_tuple, w_vec) in w_vec_dict.iteritems():

    w_sum = sum(w_vec)  # Sum all weight vector elements
    binned_w = w_sum - (w_sum % bin_width)

    binned_w_count = histo_dict.get(binned_w,0) + 1  # Increase count by one
    histo_dict[binned_w] = binned_w_count

    if (binned_w_count > max_bin_w_count): # Check if this is new maximum count
      max_bin_w_count = binned_w_count

    if (match_sets != None):
      if (rec_id_tuple in match_sets[0]):
        binned_w_count = match_histo_dict.get(binned_w,0) + 1
        match_histo_dict[binned_w] = binned_w_count
      elif (rec_id_tuple in match_sets[1]):
        binned_w_count = non_match_histo_dict.get(binned_w,0) + 1
        non_match_histo_dict[binned_w] = binned_w_count
      else: # A possible match
        binned_w_count = poss_match_histo_dict.get(binned_w,0) + 1
        poss_match_histo_dict[binned_w] = binned_w_count

  # Sort histogram according to X axis values - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  x_vals = histo_dict.keys()

  assert sum(histo_dict.values()) == len(w_vec_dict)

  if (match_sets == None):  # Can use 68 characters for histogram
    scale_factor_y = float(MAX_HISTO_WIDTH-19) / max_bin_w_count
  elif (len(poss_match_histo_dict) == 0):  # No possible matches
    scale_factor_y = float(MAX_HISTO_WIDTH-30) / max_bin_w_count
  else:  # All three set non-empty
    scale_factor_y = float(MAX_HISTO_WIDTH-41) / max_bin_w_count

  # Generate the histogram as a list of strings - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  histo_list = []
  histo_list.append('Weight histogram:')

  if (match_sets == None):
    histo_list.append('  Counts  | w_sum |')
  elif (len(poss_match_histo_dict) == 0):  # No possible matches
    histo_list.append('       Counts        |')
    histo_list.append('  Match   | Non-Match| w_sum |')
    histo_list.append('              Counts            |')
    histo_list.append('  Match   | Non-Match|Poss-Match| w_sum |')
  for x_val in x_vals:
    this_count = histo_dict[x_val]

    if (match_sets == None):
      line_str = '%9d | %5.2f |' % (this_count, x_val)
    elif (len(poss_match_histo_dict) == 0):  # No possible matches
      this_match_count =     match_histo_dict.get(x_val, 0)
      this_non_match_count = non_match_histo_dict.get(x_val, 0)

      line_str = '%9d |%9d | %5.2f |' % (this_match_count,
                                          this_non_match_count, x_val)
      this_match_count =      match_histo_dict.get(x_val, 0)
      this_non_match_count =  non_match_histo_dict.get(x_val, 0)
      this_poss_match_count = poss_match_histo_dict.get(x_val, 0)

      line_str = '%9d |%9d |%9d | %5.2f |' % (this_match_count,
                                                this_poss_match_count, x_val)

    line_str += '*'*int(this_count*scale_factor_y)


  # If a file name is given open it for writing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  if (file_name != None):
      f = open(file_name, 'w')
      logging.exception('Cannot open file "%s" for writing' % (str(file_name)))
      raise IOError

    for line in histo_list:
      f.write(line + os.linesep)

    f.close()'Histogram written to file: %s' % (file_name))

  if (match_sets != None):
    print match_histo_dict.items()
    print non_match_histo_dict.items()

  return histo_list
Exemplo n.º 8
def SaveMatchDataSet(match_set, dataset1, id_field1, new_dataset_name1,
                     dataset2=None, id_field2=None, new_dataset_name2=None):
  """Save the original data set(s) with an additional field (attribute) that
     contains match identifiers.

     This functions creates unique match identifiers (one for each matched pair
     of record identifiers in the given match set), and inserts them into a new
     attribute (field) of a data set(s) which will be written.

     If the record identifier field is not one of the fields in the input data
     set, then additionally such a field will be added to the output data set
     (with the name of the record identifier from the input data set).

     Currently the output data set(s) to be written will be CSV type data sets.

     Match identifiers as or the form 'mid00001', 'mid0002', etc. with the
     number of digits depending upon the total number of matches in the match
     set. If a record is involved in several matches, then the match
     identifiers will be separated by a semi-colon (;).

     Only one new data set will be created for deduplication, and two new data
     sets for linkage.

     For a deduplication, it is assumed that the second data set is set to

  auxiliary.check_is_set('match_set', match_set)
  auxiliary.check_is_not_none('dataset1', dataset1)
  auxiliary.check_is_string('id_field1', id_field1)
  auxiliary.check_is_string('new_dataset_name1', new_dataset_name1)

  if (dataset2 != None):  # A linkage, check second set of parameters
    auxiliary.check_is_not_none('dataset2', dataset2)
    auxiliary.check_is_string('id_field2', id_field2)
    auxiliary.check_is_string('new_dataset_name2', new_dataset_name2)
    do_link = True
    do_link = False

  match_rec_id_list = list(match_set)  # Make a list so it can be sorted

  if (len(match_set) > 0):
    num_digit = max(1,int(math.ceil(math.log(len(match_set), 10))))
    num_digit = 1
  mid_count = 1  # Counter for match identifiers

  # Generate a dictionary with record identifiers as keys and lists of match
  # identifiers as values
  match_id_dict1 = {}  # For first data set
  match_id_dict2 = {}  # For second data set, not required for deduplication

  for rec_id_tuple in match_rec_id_list:
    rec_id1, rec_id2 = rec_id_tuple

    mid_count_str = '%s' % (mid_count)
    this_mid = 'mid%s' % (mid_count_str.zfill(num_digit))

    rec_id1_mid_list = match_id_dict1.get(rec_id1, [])
    match_id_dict1[rec_id1] = rec_id1_mid_list

    if (do_link == True):  # Do the same for second data set
      rec_id2_mid_list = match_id_dict2.get(rec_id2, [])
      match_id_dict2[rec_id2] = rec_id2_mid_list

    else:  # Same dicionary for deduplication
      rec_id2_mid_list = match_id_dict1.get(rec_id2, [])
      match_id_dict1[rec_id2] = rec_id2_mid_list

    mid_count += 1

  # Now initialise new data set(s) for output based on input data set(s) - - -

  # First need to generate field list from input data set
  if (dataset1.dataset_type == 'CSV'):
    new_dataset1_field_list = dataset1.field_list[:]  # Make a copy of list
    last_col_index = new_dataset1_field_list[-1][1]+1

  elif (dataset1.dataset_type == 'COL'):
    new_dataset1_field_list = []
    col_index = 0
    for (field, col_width) in dataset1.field_list:
      new_dataset1_field_list.append((field, col_index))
      col_index += 1
    last_col_index = col_index

  # Check if the record identifier is not a normal input field (in which case
  # it has to be written into the output data set as well)
  rec_ident_name = dataset1.rec_ident

  add_rec_ident = True
  for (field_name, field_data) in dataset1.field_list:
    if (field_name == rec_ident_name):
      add_rec_ident = False

  if (add_rec_ident == True):  # Put record identifier into first column
    new_dataset1_field_list.append((rec_ident_name, last_col_index))
    last_col_index += 1

  # Append match id field
  new_dataset1_field_list.append((id_field1, last_col_index))

  new_dataset1_description =  dataset1.description+' with match identifiers'

  new_dataset1 = dataset.DataSetCSV(description=new_dataset1_description,
                                    strip_fields = dataset1.strip_fields,
                                    miss_val = dataset1.miss_val,
                                    field_list = new_dataset1_field_list,
                                    delimiter = dataset1.delimiter,
                                    file_name = new_dataset_name1)

  # Read all records, add match identifiers and write into new data set
  for (rec_id, rec_list) in dataset1.readall():
    if (add_rec_ident == True):  # Add record identifier

    mid_list = match_id_dict1.get(rec_id, [])
    mid_str = ';'.join(mid_list)


  if (do_link == True):  # Second data set for linkage only - - - - - - - - - -

    if (dataset2.dataset_type == 'CSV'):
      new_dataset2_field_list = dataset2.field_list[:]  # Make a copy of list
      last_col_index = new_dataset2_field_list[-1][1]+1

    elif (dataset2.dataset_type == 'COL'):
      new_dataset2_field_list = []
      col_index = 0
      for (field, col_width) in dataset2.field_list:
        new_dataset2_field_list.append((field, col_index))
        col_index += 1
      last_col_index = col_index

    # Check if the record identifier is not an normal input field (in which
    # case it has to be written into the output data set as well)
    rec_ident_name = dataset2.rec_ident

    add_rec_ident = True
    for (field_name, field_data) in dataset2.field_list:
      if (field_name == rec_ident_name):
        add_rec_ident = False

    if (add_rec_ident == True):  # Put record identifier into first column
      new_dataset2_field_list.append((rec_ident_name, last_col_index))
      last_col_index += 1

    # Append match id field
    new_dataset2_field_list.append((id_field2, last_col_index))

    new_dataset2_description =  dataset2.description+' with match identifiers'

    new_dataset2 = dataset.DataSetCSV(description=new_dataset2_description,
                                      strip_fields = dataset2.strip_fields,
                                      miss_val = dataset2.miss_val,
                                      field_list = new_dataset2_field_list,
                                      file_name = new_dataset_name2)

    # Read all records, add match identifiers and write into new data set
    for (rec_id, rec_list) in dataset2.readall():

      if (add_rec_ident == True):  # Add record identifier

      mid_list = match_id_dict2.get(rec_id, [])
      mid_str = ';'.join(mid_list)

def GenerateHistogram(w_vec_dict, bin_width, file_name=None, match_sets=None):
    """Print and/or save a histogram of the weight vectors stored in the given
     dictionary, and according to the match sets (if given).

     The histogram is rotated 90 degrees clockwise, i.e. up to down instead of
     left to right.

     This function sums up the number of weight vectors with a matching weight
     in a given bin (according to the given bin width).

     If given, the match sets must be a tuple containing three sets, the first
     being a set with matches, the second with non-matches, and the third with
     possible matches, as generated by classifiers in the
     Febrl module.

     For each bin, the number of weight vectors in this bin is printed as well,
     and if the match sets are given the number of matches, non-matches and
     possible matches in this bin.

     If a file name is given, the output will be written into this text file.

     This function returns a list of containing the histogram as text strings.

    MAX_HISTO_WIDTH = 80  # maximum width in characters

    auxiliary.check_is_dictionary('w_vec_dict', w_vec_dict)
    auxiliary.check_is_number('bin_width', bin_width)
    auxiliary.check_is_positive('bin_width', bin_width)
    if (file_name != None):
        auxiliary.check_is_string('file_name', file_name)
    if (match_sets != None):
        auxiliary.check_is_tuple('match_sets', match_sets)
        if (len(match_sets) != 3):
                'Match sets must be a tuple containing three sets.')
            raise Exception
        auxiliary.check_is_set('match_sets[0]', match_sets[0])
        auxiliary.check_is_set('match_sets[1]', match_sets[1])
        auxiliary.check_is_set('match_sets[2]', match_sets[2])
        if (len(w_vec_dict) != (len(match_sets[0]) + len(match_sets[1]) + \
            logging.exception('Lengths of weight vector dictionary differs from' + \
                              'summed lengths of match sets.')
            raise Exception

    # Check if weight vector dictionary is empty, if so return empty list
    if (w_vec_dict == {}):
        logging.warn('Empty weight vector dictionary given for histogram ' + \
        return []

    # Get a random vector dictionary element to get dimensionality of vectors
    (rec_id_tuple, w_vec) = w_vec_dict.popitem()
    v_dim = len(w_vec)
    w_vec_dict[rec_id_tuple] = w_vec  # Put back in

    histo_dict = {}  # A combined histogram dictionary

    if (match_sets != None):  #  Also matches, non-matches and possible matches
        match_histo_dict = {}
        non_match_histo_dict = {}
        poss_match_histo_dict = {}

    max_bin_w_count = -1  # Maximal count for one binned weight entry

    # Loop over weight vectors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    for (rec_id_tuple, w_vec) in w_vec_dict.iteritems():

        w_sum = sum(w_vec)  # Sum all weight vector elements
        binned_w = w_sum - (w_sum % bin_width)

        binned_w_count = histo_dict.get(binned_w,
                                        0) + 1  # Increase count by one
        histo_dict[binned_w] = binned_w_count

        if (binned_w_count >
                max_bin_w_count):  # Check if this is new maximum count
            max_bin_w_count = binned_w_count

        if (match_sets != None):
            if (rec_id_tuple in match_sets[0]):
                binned_w_count = match_histo_dict.get(binned_w, 0) + 1
                match_histo_dict[binned_w] = binned_w_count
            elif (rec_id_tuple in match_sets[1]):
                binned_w_count = non_match_histo_dict.get(binned_w, 0) + 1
                non_match_histo_dict[binned_w] = binned_w_count
            else:  # A possible match
                binned_w_count = poss_match_histo_dict.get(binned_w, 0) + 1
                poss_match_histo_dict[binned_w] = binned_w_count

    # Sort histogram according to X axis values - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    x_vals = histo_dict.keys()

    assert sum(histo_dict.values()) == len(w_vec_dict)

    if (match_sets == None):  # Can use 68 characters for histogram
        scale_factor_y = float(MAX_HISTO_WIDTH - 19) / max_bin_w_count
    elif (len(poss_match_histo_dict) == 0):  # No possible matches
        scale_factor_y = float(MAX_HISTO_WIDTH - 30) / max_bin_w_count
    else:  # All three set non-empty
        scale_factor_y = float(MAX_HISTO_WIDTH - 41) / max_bin_w_count

    # Generate the histogram as a list of strings - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    histo_list = []
    histo_list.append('Weight histogram:')

    if (match_sets == None):
        histo_list.append('  Counts  | w_sum |')
    elif (len(poss_match_histo_dict) == 0):  # No possible matches
        histo_list.append('       Counts        |')
        histo_list.append('  Match   | Non-Match| w_sum |')
        histo_list.append('              Counts            |')
        histo_list.append('  Match   | Non-Match|Poss-Match| w_sum |')
    for x_val in x_vals:
        this_count = histo_dict[x_val]

        if (match_sets == None):
            line_str = '%9d | %5.2f |' % (this_count, x_val)
        elif (len(poss_match_histo_dict) == 0):  # No possible matches
            this_match_count = match_histo_dict.get(x_val, 0)
            this_non_match_count = non_match_histo_dict.get(x_val, 0)

            line_str = '%9d |%9d | %5.2f |' % (this_match_count,
                                               this_non_match_count, x_val)
            this_match_count = match_histo_dict.get(x_val, 0)
            this_non_match_count = non_match_histo_dict.get(x_val, 0)
            this_poss_match_count = poss_match_histo_dict.get(x_val, 0)

            line_str = '%9d |%9d |%9d | %5.2f |' % (
                this_match_count, this_non_match_count, this_poss_match_count,

        line_str += '*' * int(this_count * scale_factor_y)


    # If a file name is given open it for writing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    if (file_name != None):
            f = open(file_name, 'w')
            logging.exception('Cannot open file "%s" for writing' %
            raise IOError

        for line in histo_list:
            f.write(line + os.linesep)

        f.close()'Histogram written to file: %s' % (file_name))

    if (match_sets != None):
        print match_histo_dict.items()
        print non_match_histo_dict.items()

    return histo_list
Exemplo n.º 10
def SaveMatchDataSet(match_set,
    """Save the original data set(s) with an additional field (attribute) that
     contains match identifiers.

     This functions creates unique match identifiers (one for each matched pair
     of record identifiers in the given match set), and inserts them into a new
     attribute (field) of a data set(s) which will be written.

     If the record identifier field is not one of the fields in the input data
     set, then additionally such a field will be added to the output data set
     (with the name of the record identifier from the input data set).

     Currently the output data set(s) to be written will be CSV type data sets.

     Match identifiers as or the form 'mid00001', 'mid0002', etc. with the
     number of digits depending upon the total number of matches in the match
     set. If a record is involved in several matches, then the match
     identifiers will be separated by a semi-colon (;).

     Only one new data set will be created for deduplication, and two new data
     sets for linkage.

     For a deduplication, it is assumed that the second data set is set to

    auxiliary.check_is_set('match_set', match_set)
    auxiliary.check_is_not_none('dataset1', dataset1)
    auxiliary.check_is_string('id_field1', id_field1)
    auxiliary.check_is_string('new_dataset_name1', new_dataset_name1)

    if (dataset2 != None):  # A linkage, check second set of parameters
        auxiliary.check_is_not_none('dataset2', dataset2)
        auxiliary.check_is_string('id_field2', id_field2)
        auxiliary.check_is_string('new_dataset_name2', new_dataset_name2)
        do_link = True
        do_link = False

    match_rec_id_list = list(match_set)  # Make a list so it can be sorted

    if (len(match_set) > 0):
        num_digit = max(1, int(math.ceil(math.log(len(match_set), 10))))
        num_digit = 1
    mid_count = 1  # Counter for match identifiers

    # Generate a dictionary with record identifiers as keys and lists of match
    # identifiers as values
    match_id_dict1 = {}  # For first data set
    match_id_dict2 = {}  # For second data set, not required for deduplication

    for rec_id_tuple in match_rec_id_list:
        rec_id1, rec_id2 = rec_id_tuple

        mid_count_str = '%s' % (mid_count)
        this_mid = 'mid%s' % (mid_count_str.zfill(num_digit))

        rec_id1_mid_list = match_id_dict1.get(rec_id1, [])
        match_id_dict1[rec_id1] = rec_id1_mid_list

        if (do_link == True):  # Do the same for second data set
            rec_id2_mid_list = match_id_dict2.get(rec_id2, [])
            match_id_dict2[rec_id2] = rec_id2_mid_list

        else:  # Same dicionary for deduplication
            rec_id2_mid_list = match_id_dict1.get(rec_id2, [])
            match_id_dict1[rec_id2] = rec_id2_mid_list

        mid_count += 1

    # Now initialise new data set(s) for output based on input data set(s) - - -

    # First need to generate field list from input data set
    if (dataset1.dataset_type == 'CSV'):
        new_dataset1_field_list = dataset1.field_list[:]  # Make a copy of list
        last_col_index = new_dataset1_field_list[-1][1] + 1

    elif (dataset1.dataset_type == 'COL'):
        new_dataset1_field_list = []
        col_index = 0
        for (field, col_width) in dataset1.field_list:
            new_dataset1_field_list.append((field, col_index))
            col_index += 1
        last_col_index = col_index

    # Check if the record identifier is not a normal input field (in which case
    # it has to be written into the output data set as well)
    rec_ident_name = dataset1.rec_ident

    add_rec_ident = True
    for (field_name, field_data) in dataset1.field_list:
        if (field_name == rec_ident_name):
            add_rec_ident = False

    if (add_rec_ident == True):  # Put record identifier into first column
        new_dataset1_field_list.append((rec_ident_name, last_col_index))
        last_col_index += 1

    # Append match id field
    new_dataset1_field_list.append((id_field1, last_col_index))

    new_dataset1_description = dataset1.description + ' with match identifiers'

    new_dataset1 = dataset.DataSetCSV(description=new_dataset1_description,

    # Read all records, add match identifiers and write into new data set
    for (rec_id, rec_list) in dataset1.readall():
        if (add_rec_ident == True):  # Add record identifier

        mid_list = match_id_dict1.get(rec_id, [])
        mid_str = ';'.join(mid_list)
        new_dataset1.write({rec_id: rec_list})


    if (do_link == True
        ):  # Second data set for linkage only - - - - - - - - - -

        if (dataset2.dataset_type == 'CSV'):
            new_dataset2_field_list = dataset2.field_list[:]  # Make a copy of list
            last_col_index = new_dataset2_field_list[-1][1] + 1

        elif (dataset2.dataset_type == 'COL'):
            new_dataset2_field_list = []
            col_index = 0
            for (field, col_width) in dataset2.field_list:
                new_dataset2_field_list.append((field, col_index))
                col_index += 1
            last_col_index = col_index

        # Check if the record identifier is not an normal input field (in which
        # case it has to be written into the output data set as well)
        rec_ident_name = dataset2.rec_ident

        add_rec_ident = True
        for (field_name, field_data) in dataset2.field_list:
            if (field_name == rec_ident_name):
                add_rec_ident = False

        if (add_rec_ident == True):  # Put record identifier into first column
            new_dataset2_field_list.append((rec_ident_name, last_col_index))
            last_col_index += 1

        # Append match id field
        new_dataset2_field_list.append((id_field2, last_col_index))

        new_dataset2_description = dataset2.description + ' with match identifiers'

        new_dataset2 = dataset.DataSetCSV(description=new_dataset2_description,

        # Read all records, add match identifiers and write into new data set
        for (rec_id, rec_list) in dataset2.readall():

            if (add_rec_ident == True):  # Add record identifier

            mid_list = match_id_dict2.get(rec_id, [])
            mid_str = ';'.join(mid_list)
            new_dataset2.write({rec_id: rec_list})

Exemplo n.º 11
def quality_measures(weight_vec_dict, match_set, non_match_set,
    """Calculate several quality measures based on the number of true positives,
     true negatives, false positives and false negatives in the given match
     and non-match sets and weight vector dictionary using the given match
     check function.

     The function calculates and returns:

     - Accuracy:       (|TP|+|TN|)

     - Precision:    |TP|

     - Recall:       |TP|

     - F-Measure:   2 * (Precision * Recall)
                     (Precision + Recall)

     With TP the True Positives, TN the True negatives, FP the False Positives
     and FN the False Negatives.

     For a discussion about measuring data linkage and deduplication quality
     please refer to:

       Quality and Complexity Measures for Data Linkage and Deduplication
       Peter Christen and Karl Goiser

       Book chapter in "Quality Measures in Data Mining"
                       Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 43
                       F. Guillet and H. Hamilton (eds), Springer
                       March 2007.

    auxiliary.check_is_dictionary('weight_vec_dict', weight_vec_dict)
    auxiliary.check_is_set('match set', match_set)
    auxiliary.check_is_set('non match set', non_match_set)

    if ((len(match_set) + len(non_match_set)) != len(weight_vec_dict)):
        logging.exception('Match and non-match set are not of same length as ' + \
                          'weight vector dictionary: %d, %d / %d' % \
        raise Exception

    tp = 0.0
    fp = 0.0
    tn = 0.0
    fn = 0.0

    for rec_id_tuple in match_set:
        w_vec = weight_vec_dict[rec_id_tuple]

        if (match_check_funct(rec_id_tuple[0], rec_id_tuple[1],
                              w_vec) == True):
            tp += 1
            fp += 1

    for rec_id_tuple in non_match_set:
        w_vec = weight_vec_dict[rec_id_tuple]

        if (match_check_funct(rec_id_tuple[0], rec_id_tuple[1],
                              w_vec) == False):
            tn += 1
            fn += 1'')'Classification results: TP=%d, FP=%d / TN=%d, FN=%d' % \
                 (tp, fp, tn, fn))

    if ((tp != 0) or (fp != 0) or (tn != 0) or (fn != 0)):
        acc = (tp + tn) / (tp + fp + tn + fn)
        acc = 0.0

    if ((tp != 0) or (fp != 0)):
        prec = tp / (tp + fp)
        prec = 0.0

    if ((tp != 0) or (fn != 0)):
        reca = tp / (tp + fn)
        reca = 0.0
    if ((prec != 0.0) or (reca != 0.0)):
        fmeas = 2 * (prec * reca) / (prec + reca)
        fmeas = 0.0'Quality measures:')'  Accuracy: %.6f  Precision:%.4f  Recall: %.4f  ' % \
                 (acc, prec, reca)+'F-measure: %.4f' % (fmeas))

    return acc, prec, reca, fmeas
Exemplo n.º 12
def quality_measures(weight_vec_dict, match_set, non_match_set,
  """Calculate several quality measures based on the number of true positives,
     true negatives, false positives and false negatives in the given match
     and non-match sets and weight vector dictionary using the given match
     check function.

     The function calculates and returns:

     - Accuracy:       (|TP|+|TN|)

     - Precision:    |TP|

     - Recall:       |TP|

     - F-Measure:   2 * (Precision * Recall)
                     (Precision + Recall)

     With TP the True Positives, TN the True negatives, FP the False Positives
     and FN the False Negatives.

     For a discussion about measuring data linkage and deduplication quality
     please refer to:

       Quality and Complexity Measures for Data Linkage and Deduplication
       Peter Christen and Karl Goiser

       Book chapter in "Quality Measures in Data Mining"
                       Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 43
                       F. Guillet and H. Hamilton (eds), Springer
                       March 2007.

  auxiliary.check_is_dictionary('weight_vec_dict', weight_vec_dict)
  auxiliary.check_is_set('match set', match_set)
  auxiliary.check_is_set('non match set', non_match_set)
  auxiliary.check_is_function_or_method('match_check_funct', match_check_funct)

  if ((len(match_set) + len(non_match_set)) != len(weight_vec_dict)):
    logging.exception('Match and non-match set are not of same length as ' + \
                      'weight vector dictionary: %d, %d / %d' % \
    raise Exception

  tp = 0.0
  fp = 0.0
  tn = 0.0
  fn = 0.0

  for rec_id_tuple in match_set:
    w_vec = weight_vec_dict[rec_id_tuple]

    if (match_check_funct(rec_id_tuple[0], rec_id_tuple[1], w_vec) == True):
      tp += 1
      fp += 1

  for rec_id_tuple in non_match_set:
    w_vec = weight_vec_dict[rec_id_tuple]

    if (match_check_funct(rec_id_tuple[0], rec_id_tuple[1], w_vec) == False):
      tn += 1
      fn += 1'')'Classification results: TP=%d, FP=%d / TN=%d, FN=%d' % \
               (tp, fp, tn, fn))

  if ((tp != 0) or (fp != 0) or (tn != 0) or (fn != 0)):
    acc = (tp + tn) / (tp + fp + tn + fn)
    acc = 0.0

  if ((tp != 0) or (fp != 0)):
    prec = tp / (tp + fp)
    prec = 0.0

  if ((tp != 0) or (fn != 0)):
    reca = tp / (tp + fn)
    reca = 0.0
  if ((prec != 0.0) or (reca != 0.0)):
    fmeas = 2*(prec*reca) / (prec+reca)
    fmeas = 0.0'Quality measures:')'  Accuracy: %.6f  Precision:%.4f  Recall: %.4f  ' % \
               (acc, prec, reca)+'F-measure: %.4f' % (fmeas))

  return acc, prec, reca, fmeas