Exemplo n.º 1
def test_getModuleConfig():
    '''Test for module getModuleConfig'''

    avalancheDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    # test with both a default and local .ini file
    cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(test_logUtils)
    sections = cfg.sections()

    assert sections == ['GENERAL', 'FLAGS', 'GOODSECTION1', 'GOODSECTION2', 'BADSECTION1']
    assert cfg['GENERAL']['inputDir'] == 'path/to/avalanche'
    assert cfg['GENERAL']['fullLog'] == 'True'
    assert cfg['GOODSECTION1']['goodKey1'] == '1'
    assert cfg['GOODSECTION1']['goodKey2'] == 'False'
    hasKey = cfg.has_option('GOODSECTION1', 'badKey1')
    assert hasKey == False

    # test reading a different file
    filename = os.path.join(avalancheDir, 'local_test_logUtilsCfg.ini')
    cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(test_logUtils, fileOverride=filename)
    sections = cfg.sections()
    assert sections == ['GENERAL', 'FLAGS', 'GOODSECTION1', 'GOODSECTION2', 'BADSECTION1']
    assert sections != ['GENERAL', 'FLAGS', 'GOODSECTION1', 'BADSECTION1']
    assert cfg['GENERAL']['inputDir'] == 'path/to/avalanche'
    assert cfg['GENERAL']['fullLog'] == 'True'
    assert cfg['GOODSECTION1']['goodKey1'] == '1'
    assert cfg['GOODSECTION1']['goodKey2'] == 'False'
    assert cfg['GOODSECTION2']['goodKey3'] == '0'
    assert cfg['GOODSECTION2']['goodKey4'] == 'False'
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_com1DFAMain(tmp_path, testName):
    """ test call to com1DFA module """

    # get path to executable
    cfgCom1DFA = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com1DFA)
    com1Exe = cfgCom1DFA['GENERAL']['com1Exe']

    # load all benchmark info as dictionaries from description files
    testDictList = tU.readAllBenchmarkDesDicts(info=False)
    for test in testDictList:
        if test['NAME'] == testName:
            testAva = test

    avaTestName = testAva['NAME']
    avaName = testAva['AVANAME']

    # get input data
    dirPath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    avaDir = os.path.join(tmp_path, avaName)
    avaInputs = os.path.join(avaDir, 'Inputs')
    avaData = os.path.join(dirPath, '..', 'data', avaName, 'Inputs')

    testCfg = os.path.join(dirPath, '..', '..', 'benchmarks', avaTestName, '%s_com1DFACfg.ini' % avaName)
    shutil.copytree(avaData, avaInputs)

    # get configuration
    cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com1DFA, testCfg)
    cfg['GENERAL']['com1Exe'] = com1Exe

    # Run Standalone DFA
    reportDictList = com1DFA.com1DFAMain(cfg, avaDir)
    reportD = reportDictList[0]
    pprCom1DFA = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(avaDir, 'Outputs', 'com1DFA', 'peakFiles',
                                         reportD['simName']['name'] + '_ppr.asc'), skiprows=6)

    # Fetch simulation info from benchmark results
    benchDict = simParametersDict.fetchBenchParameters(avaTestName)
    simBench = benchDict['simName']['name'].replace('dfa', 'ref')
    pprBench = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(dirPath, '..', '..', 'benchmarks', avaTestName,
                                       simBench + '_ppr.asc'), skiprows=6)

    # Compare result to reference solution
    testRes = np.allclose(pprCom1DFA, pprBench, atol=1.e-12)

    # Test module
    assert reportD['simName']['name'] == benchDict['simName']['name']
    assert reportD['Simulation Parameters']['Release Area'] == benchDict['Simulation Parameters']['Release Area']
    assert reportD['Simulation Parameters']['Entrainment'] == benchDict['Simulation Parameters']['Entrainment']
    assert reportD['Simulation Parameters']['Resistance'] == benchDict['Simulation Parameters']['Resistance']
    assert reportD['Simulation Parameters']['Mu'] == benchDict['Simulation Parameters']['Mu']
    assert reportD['Simulation Parameters']['Parameter value'] == ''
    assert reportD['Simulation Parameters']['Release thickness [m]'] == benchDict['Simulation Parameters']['Release thickness [m]']
    assert testRes == True
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_com2ABMain(capfd):
    '''Simple test for function com2ABMain'''
    # load and prepare Inputs
    listNames = ['avaHockeySmall', 'avaHockeyChannel', 'avaBowl']
    dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    for name in listNames:
        avalancheDir = os.path.join(dirname, '..', 'data', name)
        saveOutPathRef = os.path.join(dirname, '..', '..', 'benchmarks',
                                      name + 'ABPytest')
        cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com2AB)
        flags = cfg['FLAGS']
        # run main routine
        resAB = com2AB.com2ABMain(cfg, avalancheDir)
        eqParams = resAB['eqParams']
        eqOut = resAB[name]

        # open ref data
        flags['fullOut'] = 'True'
        eqParamsRef, eqOutRef = outAB.readABresults(saveOutPathRef, name,

        for key in eqParamsRef.keys():
            assert eqParamsRef[key] == eqParams[key]

        atol = 1e-10
        assert (np.allclose(
            eqOutRef['x'], eqOut['x'], atol=atol)) and (np.allclose(
                eqOutRef['y'], eqOut['y'], atol=atol)) and (np.allclose(
                    eqOutRef['z'], eqOut['z'], atol=atol)) and (np.allclose(
                        eqOutRef['s'], eqOut['s'], atol=atol))
        assert (np.allclose(
            eqOutRef['alpha'], eqOut['alpha'], atol=atol)) and (np.allclose(
                eqOutRef['alphaSD'], eqOut['alphaSD'], atol=atol))
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_getModuleConfig(capfd):
    '''Simple test for module getModuleConfig'''
    dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    avalancheDir = dirname
    cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(test_logUtils)
    assert cfg['DICT1']['parameter1'] == '600'
    assert cfg['DICT1']['parameter2'] == 'None'
    assert cfg['DICT2']['parameter5'] == 'False'
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_tmp1ExMain(capfd):
    '''Simple test for module template main'''

    cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(tmp1Ex)

    out, err = capfd.readouterr()
    assert out == 'In tmp1Example\n'
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_calcAB(capfd):
    '''Simple test for function calcAB'''

    cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com2AB)
    # Make a reference quadratic profile
    B = -np.tan(np.deg2rad(45))
    A = -B / 4000
    C = 1000
    N = 1000
    s = np.linspace(0.0, -B / (2 * A), num=N)
    z = np.empty(np.shape(s))
    for i in range(N):
        if (s[i] < (-B / (2 * A))):
            z[i] = 1 * (A * s[i] * s[i] + B * s[i] + C)
            z[i] = 1 * (-B * B / (4 * A) + C)

    thetaBeta = 10
    xBeta = (-np.tan(np.deg2rad(thetaBeta)) - B) / (2 * A)
    yBeta = A * xBeta * xBeta + B * xBeta + C
    beta = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2((C - yBeta), xBeta))
    # use standard coeef
    k1 = 1.05
    k2 = -3130.0
    k3 = 0.0
    k4 = -2.38
    SD = 1.25
    alpharef = k1 * beta + k2 * 2 * A + k3 * B * B / (2 * A) + k4
    SDs = [SD, -1 * SD, -2 * SD]
    alphaSDref = k1 * beta + k2 * 2 * A + k3 * B * B / (2 * A) + k4 + SDs

    # Using com2AB.calcAB to get the solution
    eqIn = {}
    eqIn['s'] = s  # curvilinear coordinate (of the x, y path)
    eqIn['x'] = []  # x coordinate of the path
    eqIn['y'] = []  # y coordinate of the path
    eqIn['z'] = z  # z coordinate of the path (projection of x,y on the raster)
    eqIn['indSplit'] = 2  # index of split point
    eqParams = com2AB.setEqParameters(cfg, smallAva=False)
    eqOut = com2AB.calcAB(eqIn, eqParams, 30)
    alpha = eqOut['alpha']
    alphaSD = eqOut['alphaSD']

    # compare results with a relative tolerance of tol
    tol = 0.002  # here 0.1% relative diff
    assert (alpha == pytest.approx(
        alpharef, rel=tol)) and (alphaSD[0] == pytest.approx(
            alphaSDref[0], rel=tol)) and (alphaSD[1] == pytest.approx(
                alphaSDref[1], rel=tol)) and (alphaSD[2] == pytest.approx(
                    alphaSDref[2], rel=tol))
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_QGISAB(capfd):
    '''Compare com2ABMain results to QGIS AB results for avaSlide'''
    # load and prepare Inputs
    avaName = 'avaSlide'
    dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    avalancheDir = os.path.join(dirname, '..', 'data', avaName)
    cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com2AB)
    # run main routine
    resAB = com2AB.com2ABMain(cfg, avalancheDir)
    # process data to get results
    AvaPath = resAB['AvaPath']
    NameAva = AvaPath['Name']
    for i in range(len(NameAva)):
        name = NameAva[i]
        resAB = outAB.processABresults(resAB, name)
        beta = resAB[name]['beta']
        alpha = resAB[name]['alpha']
        alphaSD = resAB[name]['alphaSD']
        s = resAB[name]['s']
        ids_alpha = resAB[name]['ids_alpha']
        ids10Point = resAB[name]['ids10Point']
        ids_alphaP1SD = resAB[name]['ids_alphaP1SD']
        ids_alphaM1SD = resAB[name]['ids_alphaM1SD']
        ids_alphaM2SD = resAB[name]['ids_alphaM2SD']
        # get ref results
        nameRef = name + '_AB_QGIS.txt'
        nameRefpath = os.path.join(dirname, '..', '..', 'benchmarks',
                                   avaName + 'ABPytest', nameRef)
        data = np.loadtxt(nameRefpath, skiprows=4, delimiter=',')
        tolDist = 10
        tolAngle = 0.12
        assert (alpha == pytest.approx(
            data[0, 4], abs=tolAngle)) and (beta == pytest.approx(
                data[1, 4], rel=tolAngle)) and (alphaSD[1] == pytest.approx(
                         4], rel=tolAngle)) and (alphaSD[2] == pytest.approx(
                             data[3, 4],
                             rel=tolAngle)) and (alphaSD[0] == pytest.approx(
                                 data[4, 4], rel=tolAngle))
        assert (s[ids_alpha] == pytest.approx(
            data[0, 3], abs=tolDist)) and (s[ids10Point] == pytest.approx(
                data[1, 3],
                rel=tolDist)) and (s[ids_alphaM1SD] == pytest.approx(
                    data[2, 3],
                    rel=tolDist)) and (s[ids_alphaM2SD] == pytest.approx(
                        data[3, 3],
                        rel=tolDist)) and (s[ids_alphaP1SD] == pytest.approx(
                            data[4, 3], rel=tolDist))
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_writeCfg2Log(tmp_path):
    '''Simple test for module writeCfg2Log'''
    dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    avalancheDir = dirname
    logName = 'testCFG'
    logUtils.initiateLogger(tmp_path, logName)
    cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(test_logUtils)

    logFileName = os.path.join(tmp_path, 'testCFG.log')
    logFileNameRef = os.path.join(avalancheDir, 'data', 'testCFGRef.tog')
    f = open(logFileName).readlines()
    for i in range(3):
        firstLine = f.pop(0)

    fref = open(logFileNameRef).readlines()
    assert f == fref
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_setEqParameters(capfd):
    '''Simple test for module setEqParameters'''
    cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com2AB)
    # small avalanche
    eqParamRef = {}
    eqParamRef['ParameterSet'] = 'Small avalanches'
    eqParamRef['k1'] = 0.933
    eqParamRef['k2'] = 0.0
    eqParamRef['k3'] = 0.0088
    eqParamRef['k4'] = -5.02
    eqParamRef['SD'] = 2.36

    eqParams = com2AB.setEqParameters(cfg, smallAva=True)
    for key in eqParamRef.keys():
        assert eqParamRef[key] == eqParams[key]

    eqParamRef = {}
    eqParamRef['ParameterSet'] = 'Standard'
    eqParamRef['k1'] = 1.05
    eqParamRef['k2'] = -3130.0
    eqParamRef['k3'] = 0.0
    eqParamRef['k4'] = -2.38
    eqParamRef['SD'] = 1.25

    eqParams = com2AB.setEqParameters(cfg, smallAva=False)
    for key in eqParamRef.keys():
        assert eqParamRef[key] == eqParams[key]

    cfg['ABSETUP']['customParam'] = 'True'
    cfg['ABSETUP']['k1'] = '1'
    cfg['ABSETUP']['k2'] = '2'
    cfg['ABSETUP']['k3'] = '3'
    cfg['ABSETUP']['k4'] = '4'
    cfg['ABSETUP']['SD'] = '5'

    eqParamRef = {}
    eqParamRef['ParameterSet'] = 'Custom'
    eqParamRef['k1'] = cfg.getfloat('ABSETUP', 'k1')
    eqParamRef['k2'] = cfg.getfloat('ABSETUP', 'k2')
    eqParamRef['k3'] = cfg.getfloat('ABSETUP', 'k3')
    eqParamRef['k4'] = cfg.getfloat('ABSETUP', 'k4')
    eqParamRef['SD'] = cfg.getfloat('ABSETUP', 'SD')

    eqParams = com2AB.setEqParameters(cfg, smallAva=False)
    for key in eqParamRef.keys():
        assert eqParamRef[key] == eqParams[key]
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_cfgHash():
    '''Test for the uid hash generation '''

    avalancheDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

    filename = os.path.join(avalancheDir, 'local_test_logUtilsCfg.ini')
    cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(test_logUtils, fileOverride=filename)

    uid = cfgUtils.cfgHash(cfg)

    # test for the correct uid
    assert uid == 'bcc6c69699'

    # change and test again
    cfg['GOODSECTION1']['goodKey1'] = '1.5'
    uid = cfgUtils.cfgHash(cfg)
    # make sure it is not the same hash
    assert uid != 'bcc6c69699'
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_probAna(tmp_path):
    """ test probAna function to compute mask for parameter exceeding threshold """

    # set input directory
    avaName = 'avaParabola'
    avaTestDir = 'avaParabolaStatsTest'
    dirPath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    avaDir = os.path.join(dirPath, '..', '..', 'benchmarks', avaTestDir)
    avaDir2 = os.path.join(dirPath, '..', '..', 'benchmarks', avaName)
    avaDirtmp = os.path.join(tmp_path, avaName)
    inputDir = os.path.join(tmp_path, avaName, 'ana4Stats')
    inputDir1 = os.path.join(avaDir, 'ana4Stats')
    shutil.copytree(inputDir1, inputDir)

    # set configurations
    testCfg = os.path.join(inputDir, '%sProbAna_com1DFACfg.ini' % avaName)
    cfgMain = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com1DFA, testCfg)

    # Initialise input in correct format
    cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
    cfg['GENERAL'] = {'peakLim': 10.0, 'peakVar': 'ppr'}

    # call function to test
    pA.probAnalysis(avaDirtmp, cfg, cfgMain, inputDir)
    probTest = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(avaDirtmp, 'Outputs', 'ana4Stats',

    # Load reference solution
    probSol = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(inputDir1,

    # Compare result to reference solution
    testRes = np.allclose(probTest, probSol, atol=1.e-6)

    # Test
    assert (testRes == True)
Exemplo n.º 12
# Initialize project

logOrigin = os.path.join('.', logName + '.log')

logDest = os.path.join(avalancheDir, logName + '.log')

shutil.move(logOrigin, logDest)

# Start logging
log = logUtils.initiateLogger(avalancheDir, logName)
log.info('MAIN SCRIPT')

# Load input parameters from configuration file
cfgT = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(gT)
cfgR = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(gR)

# Call main function to generate DEMs
[z, name_ext, outDir] = gT.generateTopo(cfgT, avalancheDir)

# Plot new topogrpahy
oT.plotDEM(z, name_ext, cfgT, outDir)

# Initialise DEM_type
DEM_type = cfgT['TOPO']['DEM_type']

if DEM_type == 'HX' or DEM_type == 'BL':
    log.warning('There is no release area available for this DEM type')
    # Make release area
Exemplo n.º 13
from avaframe.in3Utils import logUtils

# log file name; leave empty to use default runLog.log
logName = 'runSampleFromDist'

# Load avalanche directory from general configuration file
cfgAva = cfgUtils.getGeneralConfig()
avalancheDir = cfgAva['MAIN']['avalancheDir']

# set working directory
workingDir = os.path.join(avalancheDir, 'Outputs', 'in1Data')

# Load input parameters from configuration file
cfgMain = cfgUtils.getGeneralConfig()
cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(cF)
cfgGen = cfg['GENERAL']

# log file name; leave empty to use default runLog.log
logName = 'runSampleFromDist%s' % cfgGen['distType']

# Start logging
log = logUtils.initiateLogger(workingDir, logName)
log.info('MAIN SCRIPT')

# load parameters required to compute specific distribution
a = float(cfgGen['a'])
b = float(cfgGen['b'])
c = float(cfgGen['c'])
steps = int(cfgGen['support'])
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_makeDomainTransfo(capfd):
    '''Simple test for module makeDomainTransfo'''
    # Extract input file locations
    cfgPath = {}
    dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    dirname = os.path.join(dir, 'data', 'testAna3Aimec')
    pathData = os.path.join(dirname, 'data')

    profileLayer = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname, 'LINES', '*aimec*.shp'))
    cfgPath['profileLayer'] = ''.join(profileLayer)

    splitPointLayer = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname, 'POINTS', '*.shp'))
    cfgPath['splitPointSource'] = ''.join(splitPointLayer)

    demSource = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname, '*.asc'))
    cfgPath['demSource'] = ''.join(demSource)

    cfgPath['ppr'] = [
        os.path.join(pathData, 'testAimec_0.asc'),
        os.path.join(pathData, 'testAimec_1.asc'),
        os.path.join(pathData, 'testAimec_2.asc'),
        os.path.join(pathData, 'testAimec_3.asc'),
        os.path.join(pathData, 'testAimec_4.asc')
    cfgPath['pfd'] = [
        os.path.join(pathData, 'testAimec_0.asc'),
        os.path.join(pathData, 'testAimec_1.asc'),
        os.path.join(pathData, 'testAimec_2.asc'),
        os.path.join(pathData, 'testAimec_3.asc'),
        os.path.join(pathData, 'testAimec_4.asc')
    cfgPath['pfv'] = [
        os.path.join(pathData, 'testAimec_0.asc'),
        os.path.join(pathData, 'testAimec_1.asc'),
        os.path.join(pathData, 'testAimec_2.asc'),
        os.path.join(pathData, 'testAimec_3.asc'),
        os.path.join(pathData, 'testAimec_4.asc')

    cfgPath['massBal'] = [os.path.join(dirname, '000001.txt')] * 5

    cfgPath['contCmap'] = True

    pathResult = os.path.join(dirname, 'results')
    cfgPath['pathResult'] = pathResult

    cfgPath['projectName'] = 'testAna3Aimec'
    pathName = os.path.basename(profileLayer[0])
    cfgPath['pathName'] = pathName
    cfgPath['dirName'] = 'com1DFA'
    cfgPath['referenceFile'] = 0
    cfgPath['compType'] = ['singleModule', 'com1DFA']

    cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(ana3AIMEC)
    cfgSetup = cfg['AIMECSETUP']
    cfgFlags = cfg['FLAGS']
    cfgFlags['savePlot'] = 'False'
    cfgSetup['startOfRunoutAreaAngle'] = '0'
    cfgSetup['domainWidth'] = '160'
    cfgSetup['resType'] = 'ppr'
    cfgSetup['thresholdValue'] = '0.9'
    cfgSetup['contourLevels'] = '0.1|0.5|1'
    cfgPath['numSim'] = 5

    rasterTransfo = aT.makeDomainTransfo(cfgPath, cfgSetup)

    assert rasterTransfo['gridx'][-1, 0] == 60
    assert rasterTransfo['gridx'][-1, -1] == 220
    assert rasterTransfo['gridy'][0, 0] == 180
    assert rasterTransfo['gridy'][0, -1] == 20
    assert rasterTransfo['gridy'][-1, -1] == 258

    # transform pressure_data, depth_data and speed_data in new raster
    newRasters = {}
    # assign pressure data
    interpMethod = cfgSetup['interpMethod']
    newRasters['newRasterPPR'] = aT.assignData(cfgPath['ppr'], rasterTransfo,
    newRasters['newRasterPFD'] = newRasters['newRasterPPR']
    newRasters['newRasterPFV'] = newRasters['newRasterPPR']
    newRasterDEM = aT.assignData([cfgPath['demSource']], rasterTransfo,
    newRasters['newRasterDEM'] = newRasterDEM[0]

    # Analyze data
    resAnalysis = ana3AIMEC.postProcessAIMEC(rasterTransfo, newRasters,
                                             cfgSetup, cfgPath, cfgFlags)

    for i in range(5):
        rasterSource = cfgPath['ppr'][i]
        sourceData = IOf.readRaster(rasterSource)
        rasterdata = sourceData['rasterData']
        error = (resAnalysis['TP'][i] + resAnalysis['FP'][i] -
                 np.nansum(rasterdata)) / (np.nansum(rasterdata) * 100)
        assert error < 0.4
        assert np.abs(resAnalysis['runout'][0, i] - (240 + 10 * (i + 1))) < 5
Exemplo n.º 15
def runCom1DFA(avaDir='', cfgFile='', relThField='', variationDict=''):
    """ run com1DFA module """

    # +++++++++SETUP CONFIGURATION++++++++++++++++++++++++
    # log file name; leave empty to use default runLog.log
    logName = 'runCom1DFA'

    # Load avalanche directory from general configuration file
    cfgMain = cfgUtils.getGeneralConfig()
    if avaDir != '':
        avalancheDir = avaDir
        avalancheDir = cfgMain['MAIN']['avalancheDir']
    # set module name, reqiured as long we are in dev phase
    # - because need to create e.g. Output folder for com1DFA to distinguish from
    # current com1DFA
    modName = 'com1DFA'

    # Clean input directory(ies) of old work and output files
    # initProj.cleanSingleAvaDir(avalancheDir, keep=logName, deleteOutput=False)
    initProj.cleanModuleFiles(avalancheDir, com1DFA, modName)

    # Start logging
    log = logUtils.initiateLogger(avalancheDir, logName)
    log.info('MAIN SCRIPT')
    log.info('Current avalanche: %s', avalancheDir)

    # Create output and work directories
    # - because need to create e.g. Output folder for com1DFA to distinguish from
    workDir, outDir = inDirs.initialiseRunDirs(avalancheDir, modName)

    # generate list of simulations from desired configuration
    if variationDict == '':
        # Load full configuration
        modCfg, modInfo = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com1DFA,
        variationDict = dP.getVariationDict(avalancheDir, modCfg, modInfo)
        # check if variationDict items exist and are provided in correct format
        # Load standard/ default configuration
        modCfg = cfgUtils.getDefaultModuleConfig(com1DFA)
        variationDict = dP.validateVarDict(variationDict, modCfg)
        log.info('Variations are performed for:')
        for key in variationDict:
            log.info('%s: %s' % (key, variationDict[key]))

    # add avalanche directory info to cfg
    modCfg['GENERAL']['avalancheDir'] = avalancheDir

    # fetch input data - dem, release-, entrainment- and resistance areas
    inputSimFiles = gI.getInputDataCom1DFAPy(avalancheDir, modCfg['FLAGS'])

    # write full configuration file to file

    # create a list of simulations
    # if need to reproduce exactely the hash - need to be strings with exactely the same number of digits!!
    simDict = com1DFA.prepareVarSimDict(modCfg, inputSimFiles, variationDict)

    log.info('The following simulations will be performed')
    for key in simDict:
        log.info('Simulation: %s' % key)

    reportDictList = []
    # loop over all simulations
    for cuSim in simDict:

        # load configuration dictionary for cuSim
        cfg = simDict[cuSim]['cfgSim']

        # save configuration settings for each simulation
        simHash = simDict[cuSim]['simHash']
        cfgUtils.writeCfgFile(avalancheDir, com1DFA, cfg, fileName=cuSim)

        # log simulation name
        log.info('Run simulation: %s' % cuSim)

        # set release area scenario
        inputSimFiles['releaseScenario'] = simDict[cuSim]['relFile']

        # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        # ------------------------
        particlesList, fieldsList, Tsave, dem, reportDict, cfgFinal = com1DFA.com1DFAMain(
            cfg, avalancheDir, cuSim, inputSimFiles, outDir, relThField)

        # +++++++++EXPORT RESULTS AND PLOTS++++++++++++++++++++++++
        # Generate plots for all peakFiles
        plotDict = oP.plotAllPeakFields(avalancheDir, cfg, cfgMain['FLAGS'],


        # export for visulation
        if cfg['VISUALISATION'].getboolean('writePartToCSV'):
            outDir = os.path.join(avalancheDir, 'Outputs', modName)
                                  particlesList, outDir)

        # create hash to check if config didnt change
        simHashFinal = cfgUtils.cfgHash(cfgFinal)
        if simHashFinal != simHash:
                'simulation configuration has been changed since start')
                                  fileName='%s_butModified' % simHash)

    # Set directory for report
    reportDir = os.path.join(avalancheDir, 'Outputs', 'com1DFA', 'reports')
    # write report
    gR.writeReport(reportDir, reportDictList, cfgMain['FLAGS'], plotDict)

    # read all simulation configuration files and return dataFrame and write to csv
    standardCfg = cfgUtils.getDefaultModuleConfig(com1DFA)
    simDF = cfgUtils.createConfigurationInfo(avalancheDir,

    return particlesList, fieldsList, Tsave, dem, plotDict, reportDictList
Exemplo n.º 16
from avaframe.log2Report import generateReport as gR
from avaframe.out1Peak import outPlotAllPeak as oP
from avaframe.out3Plot import plotUtils
from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgUtils
from avaframe.in3Utils import logUtils

# log file name; leave empty to use default runLog.log
logName = 'runGetStats'
modName = 'com1DFAOrig'

# Load general configuration filee
cfgMain = cfgUtils.getGeneralConfig()
flagShow = cfgMain['FLAGS'].getboolean('showPlot')
# get path to executable
cfgCom1DFA = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com1DFAOrig)
com1Exe = cfgCom1DFA['GENERAL']['com1Exe']

peakDictList = []
avalancheDirs = ['data/avaHockeyChannel','data/avaHockeyChannel']
cfgFull = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(getStats)
cfg = cfgFull['GENERAL']
# set output directory, first ava in list
outDir = os.path.join(avalancheDirs[0], 'Outputs', 'ana4Stats')
cfg['outDir'] = outDir
# Specify where you want the results to be stored

# Start logging
log = logUtils.initiateLogger(outDir, logName)
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_analyzeArea(capfd):
    '''Simple test for module analyzeArea'''
    # get input data
    dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    dataRef = os.path.join(dirname, 'data', 'refTestAimecTopo.asc')
    dataSim = os.path.join(dirname, 'data', 'simTestAimecTopo.asc')
    dataMass = os.path.join(dirname, 'data', '000000.txt')
    dataMass1 = os.path.join(dirname, 'data', '000001.txt')
    cfgPath = {}
    cfgPath['projectName'] = 'NameOfAvalanche'
    cfgPath['ppr'] = [dataRef, dataSim]
    cfgPath['massBal'] = [dataMass, dataMass1]
    pathResult = os.path.join(dirname, 'data')
    cfgPath['pathResult'] = pathResult
    cfgPath['dirName'] = 'testAIMEC'
    cfgPath['referenceFile'] = 0
    cfgPath['compType'] = ['singleModule', 'com1DFA']
    cfgPath['numSim'] = 2
    cfgPath['contCmap'] = True

    cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(ana3AIMEC)
    cfgSetup = cfg['AIMECSETUP']
    cfgFlags = cfg['FLAGS']
    cfgFlags['savePlot'] = 'True'
    cfgSetup['resType'] = 'ppr'
    cfgSetup['thresholdValue'] = '0.9'
    cfgSetup['contourLevels'] = '0.1|0.5|1'
    cfgSetup['domainWidth'] = '600'
    cfgSetup['startOfRunoutAreaAngle'] = '10'

    avalData = np.array(([None] * 2))
    data = IOf.readRaster(dataRef)
    avalData[0] = np.transpose(data['rasterData'])
    data = IOf.readRaster(dataSim)
    avalData[1] = np.transpose(data['rasterData'])

    newRasters = {}
    newRasters['newRasterPPR'] = avalData
    newRasters['newRasterPFD'] = avalData
    newRasters['newRasterPFV'] = avalData
    newRasters['newRasterDEM'] = np.transpose(data['rasterData'])
    rasterTransfo = {}
    rasterTransfo['s'] = np.linspace(0, 499, 500)
    rasterTransfo['l'] = np.linspace(0, 99, 100)
    rasterTransfo['x'] = rasterTransfo['s']
    rasterTransfo['y'] = 50 * np.ones(np.shape(rasterTransfo['s']))
    rasterTransfo['rasterArea'] = np.ones((500, 100))
    rasterTransfo['indStartOfRunout'] = 400
    rasterTransfo['startOfRunoutAreaAngle'] = 10

    # testing analyzeFields function
    resAnalysis = ana3AIMEC.postProcessAIMEC(rasterTransfo, newRasters,
                                             cfgSetup, cfgPath, cfgFlags)

    assert (resAnalysis['runout'][0][0]
            == 449) and (resAnalysis['runout'][1][1]
                         == 419) and (resAnalysis['runout'][2][0]
                                      == 50) and (resAnalysis['MMPPR'][1] == 1)

    assert (resAnalysis['TP'][1]
            == 800) and (resAnalysis['FN'][1] == 1700) and (
                resAnalysis['FP'][1] == 200) and (resAnalysis['TN'][1] == 7300)
Exemplo n.º 18
            log.error('more than one matching simulation found for criteria! ')
            simNameRef = simNameRef[0]

        for dict in reportDictList:
            if simNameComp in dict['simName']['name']:
                reportD = dict

        log.info('Reference simulation %s and comparison simulation %s ' %
                 (simNameRef, simNameComp))

        # +++++++Aimec analysis
        # load configuration
        aimecCfg = os.path.join('..', 'benchmarks', test['NAME'],
                                '%s_AIMECPyCfg.ini' % test['AVANAME'])
        cfgAimec = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(ana3AIMEC, aimecCfg)
        cfgAimec['AIMECSETUP']['resType'] = 'ppr'
        cfgAimec['AIMECSETUP']['thresholdValue'] = '1'
        cfgAimec['AIMECSETUP']['diffLim'] = '5'
        cfgAimec['AIMECSETUP']['contourLevels'] = '1|3|5|10'
        cfgAimec['FLAGS']['flagMass'] = 'False'
        cfgAimec['AIMECSETUP']['comModules'] = 'benchmarkReference|com1DFAPy'
        cfgAimec['AIMECSETUP']['testName'] = test['NAME']

        # Setup input from com1DFA and reference
        pathDict = []
        pathDict = dfa2Aimec.dfaBench2Aimec(avaDir, cfgAimec, simNameRef,
        pathDict['numSim'] = len(pathDict['ppr'])
        log.info('reference file comes from: %s' % pathDict['compType'][1])
Exemplo n.º 19
# Load avalanche directory from general configuration file
cfgMain = cfgUtils.getGeneralConfig()
avalancheDir = 'data/avaFPtest'
modName = 'com1DFA'

# Clean input directory(ies) of old work and output files
initProj.cleanModuleFiles(avalancheDir, com1DFA, modName)

# Start logging
log = logUtils.initiateLogger(avalancheDir, logName)
log.info('MAIN SCRIPT')
log.info('Current avalanche: %s', avalancheDir)

# Load configuration
FPCfg = os.path.join(avalancheDir, 'Inputs', 'FlatPlane_com1DFACfg.ini')
cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com1DFA, FPCfg)
cfgGen = cfg['GENERAL']
cfgFP = cfg['FPSOL']

# for timing the sims
startTime = time.time()
# create output directory for test result plots
outDirTest = os.path.join(avalancheDir, 'Outputs', 'ana1Tests')

# Define release thickness distribution
demFile, relFiles, entFiles, resFile, flagEntRes = gI.getInputData(
    avalancheDir, cfg['FLAGS'])
relDict = FPtest.getReleaseThickness(avalancheDir, cfg, demFile)
relTh = relDict['relTh']
Exemplo n.º 20
    # Start logging
    avaDir = test['AVADIR']

    # Fetch benchmark test info
    benchDict = simParametersVar.fetchBenchParameters(test['NAME'])
    simNameRef = test['simNameRef']
    simNameRefTest = simNameRef.replace('ref', 'dfa')
    refDir = pathlib.Path('..', 'benchmarks', test['NAME'])
    simType = benchDict['simType']
    rel = benchDict['Simulation Parameters']['Release Area Scenario']

    # Clean input directory(ies) of old work and output files
    initProj.cleanSingleAvaDir(avaDir, keep=logName)

    # get path to executable
    cfgCom1DFA = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com1DFA)
    com1Exe = cfgCom1DFA['GENERAL']['com1Exe']

    # Load input parameters from configuration file for standard tests
    # write config to log file
    avaName = os.path.basename(avaDir)
    standardCfg = os.path.join('..', 'benchmarks', test['NAME'],
                               '%sVarPar_com1DFACfg.ini' % test['AVANAME'])
    cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com1DFA, standardCfg)
    cfg['GENERAL']['com1Exe'] = com1Exe

    # Set timing
    startTime = time.time()
    # Run Standalone DFA
    reportDictList = com1DFA.com1DFAMain(cfg, avaDir)
Exemplo n.º 21
# Load settings from general configuration file
cfgMain = cfgUtils.getGeneralConfig()
avaDir = 'data/avaDamBreak'
cfgMain['MAIN']['avalancheDir'] = avaDir

# Clean input directory(ies) of old work and output files
initProj.cleanModuleFiles(avaDir, com1DFA, 'com1DFA')

# Start logging
log = logUtils.initiateLogger(avaDir, logName)
log.info('MAIN SCRIPT')
log.info('Current avalanche: %s', avaDir)

# Load configuration
damBreakCfg = os.path.join(avaDir, 'Inputs', 'damBreak_com1DFACfg.ini')
cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com1DFA, damBreakCfg)
cfgGen = cfg['GENERAL']

# Load flow depth from analytical solution
hL, hR, uR, phi, xR = damBreak.damBreakSol(avaDir, cfgMain, cfg)
xR = xR * np.cos(phi)  # projected on the horizontal plane
dtAnalysis = cfg['DAMBREAK'].getfloat('dtStep')

# call com1DFAPy to perform simulation - provide configuration file and release thickness function
Particles, Fields, Tsave, dem, plotDict, reportDictList = runCom1DFA.runCom1DFA(
    avaDir=avaDir, cfgFile=damBreakCfg)

# create simDict of results
inputDir = pathlib.Path(avaDir, 'Outputs', 'com1DFA', 'peakFiles', 'timeSteps')
dataComSol = fU.makeSimDict(inputDir, avaDir=avaDir)
Exemplo n.º 22
# Start logging
log = logUtils.initiateLogger(avalancheDir, logName)
log.info('MAIN SCRIPT')
log.info('Current avalanche: %s', avalancheDir)

# ----------------
# Load input parameters from configuration files

# ----------------
# Clean input directory(ies) of old work and output files
initProj.cleanSingleAvaDir(avalancheDir, keep=logName)

# ----------------
# Run dense flow
cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com1DFA)
reportDictList = com1DFA.com1DFAMain(cfg, avalancheDir)

# ----------------
# Run Alpha Beta
cfgAB = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com2AB)
resAB = com2AB.com2ABMain(cfgAB, avalancheDir)

# ----------------
# Collect results/plots/report  to a single directory
# make simple plots (com1DFA, com2AB)
# peak file plot

# Generata plots for all peakFiles
plotDict = oP.plotAllPeakFields(avalancheDir, cfg, cfgMain['FLAGS'])
reportDictList, _, _ = outAB.writeABpostOut(resAB, cfgAB, reportDictList)
Exemplo n.º 23
import numpy as np
import time
import os
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Local imports
import avaframe.in2Trans.ascUtils as IOf
import avaframe.out3Plot.plotUtils as pU
import avaframe.com1DFA.DFAtools as DFAtls
import avaframe.com1DFA.com1DFA as com1DFA
# import avaframe.com1DFA.SPHfunctions as SPH
from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgUtils
import avaframe.com1DFA.DFAfunctionsCython as DFAfunC

cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com1DFA)['GENERAL']
cfgFull = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com1DFA)

# Choose the snow depth you want to use (h function)

def Hfunction(x, y, z):
    h = np.ones(np.shape(x))
    GHx = np.zeros(np.shape(x))
    GHy = np.zeros(np.shape(x))
    # h = x*x*y/10000 + 1
    GHx = -4 / (Lx * Lx) * (2 * x - Lx) * np.sin(math.pi * y / Lx)
    GHy = -4 / (Lx * Lx) * (x - Lx) * x * np.cos(
Exemplo n.º 24
import pathlib
from matplotlib.image import NonUniformImage
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import cmocean
import logging

from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgUtils
from avaframe.out3Plot import makePalette
from avaframe.out3Plot import plotUtils

# create local logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Load all input Parameters from config file
# get the configuration of an already imported module
cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(plotUtils)
cfgPlotUtils = cfg['UNITS']
cfg = cfg['MAIN']

# define seaborn style and color maps
    "ticks", {
        'axes.linewidth': 1,
        'axes.edgecolor': 'black',
        'font.family': [cfg['fontFamily']]

# define figure dimentions
figW = float(cfg['figW'])
figH = float(cfg['figH'])
Exemplo n.º 25
logName = 'runAna3AIMEC'

# ---------------------------------------------
# Load avalanche directory from general configuration file
cfgMain = cfgUtils.getGeneralConfig()
avalancheDir = cfgMain['MAIN']['avalancheDir']

# Start logging
log = logUtils.initiateLogger(avalancheDir, logName)
log.info('MAIN SCRIPT')
log.info('Current avalanche: %s', avalancheDir)

# Load all input Parameters from config file
# get the configuration of an already imported module
# write config to log file
cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(ana3AIMEC)

iP.cleanModuleFiles(avalancheDir, ana3AIMEC)

# write configuration to file
cfgUtils.writeCfgFile(avalancheDir, ana3AIMEC, cfg)

cfgSetup = cfg['AIMECSETUP']
anaMod = cfgSetup['anaMod']

# set parameter for standard aimec analysis with mass analysis
cfgSetup['resType'] = 'ppr'
cfgSetup['thresholdValue'] = '1'
cfgSetup['diffLim'] = '5'
cfgSetup['contourLevels'] = '1|3|5|10'
cfg['FLAGS']['flagMass'] = 'True'
Exemplo n.º 26
# Load general configuration
cfgMain = cfgUtils.getGeneralConfig()
avalancheDir = 'data/avaSimilaritySol'

# Clean input directory(ies) of old work and output files
initProj.cleanSingleAvaDir(avalancheDir, keep=logName)

# Start logging
log = logUtils.initiateLogger(avalancheDir, logName)
log.info('MAIN SCRIPT')
log.info('Current avalanche: %s', avalancheDir)

# Load configuration for similarity solution test
simiSolCfg = os.path.join(avalancheDir, 'Inputs', 'simiSol_com1DFACfg.ini')
cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com1DFA, simiSolCfg)

# for timing the sims
startTime = time.time()

# create output directory for test result plots
outDirTest = os.path.join(avalancheDir, 'Outputs', 'ana1Tests')

# Define release thickness distribution
demFile, relFiles, entFiles, resFile, flagEntRes = gI.getInputData(
    avalancheDir, cfg['FLAGS'])
relDict = simiSol.getReleaseThickness(avalancheDir, cfg, demFile)
relTh = relDict['relTh']

# call com1DFA to perform simulation - provide configuration file and release thickness function
Exemplo n.º 27
import os

# Local imports
from avaframe.out3Plot import outQuickPlot
from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgUtils
from avaframe.in3Utils import logUtils

# log file name; leave empty to use default runLog.log
logName = 'runQuickPlotOne'

# Load avalanche directory from general configuration file
cfgMain = cfgUtils.getGeneralConfig()
avalancheDir = cfgMain['MAIN']['avalancheDir']

# load configuration for plot generation
cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(outQuickPlot)
cfgPlot = cfg['ONEPLOT']

# Start logging
log = logUtils.initiateLogger(avalancheDir, logName)
log.info('MAIN SCRIPT')
log.info('Current avalanche: %s', avalancheDir)

# Set directory where input files is located
if cfgPlot.getboolean('flagInput') == True:
    inputDir = cfgPlot['inputDir']
    inputDir = os.path.join(avalancheDir, 'Work', 'simplePlot')

# parameters to be set
location = float(cfgPlot['location'])
Exemplo n.º 28
"""Run script for module template"""

# Local imports
from avaframe.tmp1Ex import tmp1Ex
from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgUtils
from avaframe.in3Utils import logUtils

# log file name; leave empty to use default runLog.log
logName = 'runTmp1Ex'

# Load avalanche directory from general configuration file
cfgMain = cfgUtils.getGeneralConfig()
avalancheDir = cfgMain['MAIN']['avalancheDir']

# Start logging
log = logUtils.initiateLogger(avalancheDir, logName)
log.info('MAIN SCRIPT')
log.info('Current avalanche: %s', avalancheDir)

# Load all input Parameters from config file
# get the configuration of an already imported module
# Write config to log file
cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(tmp1Ex)

# Different ways to call functions
Exemplo n.º 29
# log file name; leave empty to use default runLog.log
logName = 'runCom1DFA'
modName = 'com1DFAOrigOrig'

# Load avalanche directory from general configuration file
cfgMain = cfgUtils.getGeneralConfig()
avalancheDir = cfgMain['MAIN']['avalancheDir']

# Start logging
log = logUtils.initiateLogger(avalancheDir, logName)
log.debug('MAIN SCRIPT')
log.debug('Current avalanche: %s', avalancheDir)

# Load input parameters from configuration file
# write config to log file
cfg = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com1DFAOrig)

startTime = time.time()

# Clean input directory(ies) of old work and output files
initProj.cleanSingleAvaDir(avalancheDir, keep=logName)

# Run Standalone DFA
reportDictList = com1DFAOrig.com1DFAOrigMain(cfg, avalancheDir)

# Print time needed
endTime = time.time()
log.info(('Took %s seconds to calculate.' % (endTime - startTime)))

# append parameters from logFile
for reportD in reportDictList:
Exemplo n.º 30
for avaName in testList:

    avaDir = 'data' + os.sep + avaName

    # Start logging
    log = logUtils.initiateLogger(avaDir, logName)
    log.info('Current avalanche: %s', avaDir)
    outDir = os.path.join(avaDir, 'Outputs')

    # Clean input directory(ies) of old work and output files
    initProj.cleanSingleAvaDir(avaDir, keep=logName)

    # ######################### Run com1DFAOrig ##############################
    # get module configuration (path to executable...)
    cfgCom1DFAOrig = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(com1DFAOrig)
    # Run Standalone DFA
    reportDictListcom1DFAOrig = com1DFAOrig.com1DFAOrigMain(
        cfgCom1DFAOrig, avaDir)

    for reportD1 in reportDictListcom1DFAOrig:
        simName1 = reportD1['simName']['name']
        parameterDict = fU.extractParameterInfo(avaDir, simName1, reportD1)

    # Generata plots for all peakFiles
    modNameOrig = 'com1DFAOrig'
    plotDictcom1DFAOrig = oP.plotAllPeakFields(avaDir, cfgCom1DFAOrig,
                                               cfgMain['FLAGS'], modNameOrig)

    # Set directory for com1DFA report
    reportDirOrig = os.path.join(outDir, 'com1DFAOrig', 'reports')