Exemplo n.º 1
def tf_box_4c_to_box_3d(boxes_4c, ground_plane):
    """Vectorized box_4c to box_3d conversion

        boxes_4c: Tensor of boxes_4c (N, 10)
        ground_plane: Tensor of ground plane coefficients (4,)

        Tensor of boxes_3d (N, 7)

    # Extract corners
    corners = tf.reshape(boxes_4c[:, 0:8], [-1, 2, 4])

    p1 = corners[:, :, 0]
    p2 = corners[:, :, 1]
    p3 = corners[:, :, 2]
    p4 = corners[:, :, 3]

    # Get line midpoints
    midpoint_12 = (p1 + p2) / 2.0
    midpoint_23 = (p2 + p3) / 2.0
    midpoint_34 = (p3 + p4) / 2.0
    midpoint_14 = (p1 + p4) / 2.0

    # Check which direction is longer
    vec_34_12 = midpoint_12 - midpoint_34
    vec_34_12_mag = tf.norm(vec_34_12, axis=1)

    vec_23_14 = midpoint_14 - midpoint_23
    vec_23_14_mag = tf.norm(vec_23_14, axis=1)

    # Calculate both possibilities (vec_34_12_mag or vec_23_14_mag),
    # then mask out the values from the shorter direction

    # vec_34_12_mag longer
    vec_34_12_centroid, vec_34_12_length, vec_34_12_width, vec_34_12_ry = \
        calculate_box_3d_info(vec_34_12, vec_34_12_mag,
                              p1, p2, p3, p4, midpoint=midpoint_34)

    # vec_23_14_mag longer
    vec_23_14_centroid, vec_23_14_length, vec_23_14_width, vec_23_14_ry = \
        calculate_box_3d_info(vec_23_14, vec_23_14_mag,
                              p1, p2, p3, p4, midpoint=midpoint_23)

    vec_34_12_mask = tf.greater(vec_34_12_mag, vec_23_14_mag)
    vec_23_14_mask = tf.logical_not(vec_34_12_mask)

    vec_34_12_float_mask = tf.reshape(
        tf.cast(vec_34_12_mask, tf.float32), [-1, 1])
    vec_23_14_float_mask = tf.reshape(
        tf.cast(vec_23_14_mask, tf.float32), [-1, 1])

    centroid_xz = vec_34_12_centroid * vec_34_12_float_mask + \
        vec_23_14_centroid * vec_23_14_float_mask
    length_out = vec_34_12_length * vec_34_12_float_mask + \
        vec_23_14_length * vec_23_14_float_mask
    width_out = vec_34_12_width * vec_34_12_float_mask + \
        vec_23_14_width * vec_23_14_float_mask
    ry_out = vec_34_12_ry * vec_34_12_float_mask + \
        vec_23_14_ry * vec_23_14_float_mask

    # Find new centroid y
    a = ground_plane[0]
    b = ground_plane[1]
    c = ground_plane[2]
    d = ground_plane[3]

    h1 = boxes_4c[:, 8]
    h2 = boxes_4c[:, 9]

    centroid_x = centroid_xz[:, 0]
    centroid_z = centroid_xz[:, 1]

    # Squeeze to single dimension for stacking
    length_out = tf.squeeze(length_out)
    width_out = tf.squeeze(width_out)
    ry_out = tf.squeeze(ry_out)

    ground_y = -(a * centroid_x + c * centroid_z + d) / b

    # h1 and h2 are along the -y axis
    centroid_y = ground_y - h1
    height_out = h2 - h1

    box_3d_out = tf.stack([centroid_x, centroid_y, centroid_z,
                           length_out, width_out, height_out, ry_out], axis=1)

    return box_3d_out
Exemplo n.º 2
def np_box_4c_to_box_3d(box_4c, ground_plane):
    """Converts a single box_4c to box_3d. The longest midpoint-midpoint
    length is used to calculate orientation. Points are projected onto the
    orientation vector and the orthogonal vector to get the bounding box_3d.
    The centroid is calculated by adding a vector of half the projected length
    along the midpoint-midpoint vector, and a vector of the width
    differences along the normal.

        box_4c: box_4c to convert (10,)
        ground_plane: ground plane coefficients (4,)

        box_3d (7,)

    # Extract corners
    corners = box_4c[0:8].reshape(2, 4)

    p1 = corners[:, 0]
    p2 = corners[:, 1]
    p3 = corners[:, 2]
    p4 = corners[:, 3]

    # Check for longest axis
    midpoint_12 = (p1 + p2) / 2.0
    midpoint_23 = (p2 + p3) / 2.0
    midpoint_34 = (p3 + p4) / 2.0
    midpoint_14 = (p1 + p4) / 2.0

    vec_34_12 = midpoint_12 - midpoint_34
    vec_34_12_mag = np.linalg.norm(vec_34_12)

    vec_23_14 = midpoint_14 - midpoint_23
    vec_23_14_mag = np.linalg.norm(vec_23_14)

    # Check which midpoint -> midpoint vector is longer
    if vec_34_12_mag > vec_23_14_mag:
        # vec_34_12_mag longer
        vec_34_12_norm = vec_34_12 / vec_34_12_mag

        vec_mid_34_p1 = p1 - midpoint_34
        vec_mid_34_p2 = p2 - midpoint_34
        vec_mid_34_p3 = p3 - midpoint_34
        vec_mid_34_p4 = p4 - midpoint_34

        l1 = np.dot(vec_mid_34_p1, vec_34_12_norm)
        l2 = np.dot(vec_mid_34_p2, vec_34_12_norm)
        l3 = np.dot(vec_mid_34_p3, vec_34_12_norm)
        l4 = np.dot(vec_mid_34_p4, vec_34_12_norm)
        all_lengths = [l1, l2, l3, l4]

        min_l = np.amin(all_lengths)
        max_l = np.amax(all_lengths)
        length_out = max_l - min_l

        ortho_norm = np.asarray([-vec_34_12_norm[1], vec_34_12_norm[0]])
        w1 = np.dot(vec_mid_34_p1, ortho_norm)
        w2 = np.dot(vec_mid_34_p2, ortho_norm)
        w3 = np.dot(vec_mid_34_p3, ortho_norm)
        w4 = np.dot(vec_mid_34_p4, ortho_norm)
        all_widths = [w1, w2, w3, w4]

        min_w = np.amin(all_widths)
        max_w = np.amax(all_widths)
        w_diff = max_w + min_w
        width_out = max_w - min_w

        ry_out = -np.arctan2(vec_34_12[1], vec_34_12[0])

        # New centroid
        centroid = midpoint_34 + vec_34_12_norm * (min_l + max_l) / 2.0 + \
            ortho_norm * w_diff

        # vec_23_14_mag longer
        vec_23_14_norm = vec_23_14 / vec_23_14_mag

        vec_mid_23_p1 = p1 - midpoint_23
        vec_mid_23_p2 = p2 - midpoint_23
        vec_mid_23_p3 = p3 - midpoint_23
        vec_mid_23_p4 = p4 - midpoint_23

        l1 = np.dot(vec_mid_23_p1, vec_23_14_norm)
        l2 = np.dot(vec_mid_23_p2, vec_23_14_norm)
        l3 = np.dot(vec_mid_23_p3, vec_23_14_norm)
        l4 = np.dot(vec_mid_23_p4, vec_23_14_norm)
        all_lengths = [l1, l2, l3, l4]

        min_l = np.amin(all_lengths)
        max_l = np.amax(all_lengths)

        length_out = max_l - min_l

        ortho_norm = np.asarray([-vec_23_14_norm[1], vec_23_14_norm[0]])
        w1 = np.dot(vec_mid_23_p1, ortho_norm)
        w2 = np.dot(vec_mid_23_p2, ortho_norm)
        w3 = np.dot(vec_mid_23_p3, ortho_norm)
        w4 = np.dot(vec_mid_23_p4, ortho_norm)
        all_widths = [w1, w2, w3, w4]

        min_w = np.amin(all_widths)
        max_w = np.amax(all_widths)
        w_diff = max_w + min_w
        width_out = max_w - min_w

        ry_out = -np.arctan2(vec_23_14[1], vec_23_14[0])

        # New centroid
        centroid = midpoint_23 + vec_23_14_norm * (min_l + max_l) / 2.0 + \
            ortho_norm * w_diff

    # Find new centroid y
    a = ground_plane[0]
    b = ground_plane[1]
    c = ground_plane[2]
    d = ground_plane[3]

    h1 = box_4c[8]
    h2 = box_4c[9]

    centroid_x = centroid[0]
    centroid_z = centroid[1]

    ground_y = -(a * centroid_x + c * centroid_z + d) / b

    # h1 and h2 are along the -y axis
    centroid_y = ground_y - h1
    height_out = h2 - h1

    box_3d_out = np.stack([centroid_x, centroid_y, centroid_z,
                           length_out, width_out, height_out, ry_out])

    return box_3d_out