Exemplo n.º 1
    def generator(self, z, y=None, share_params=False, reuse=False, name=""):
        x = t.dense(z, self.fc_g_unit, reuse=share_params, name='gen-fc-1')
        x = t.batch_norm(x, reuse=share_params, name='gen-bn-1')
        x = t.prelu(x, reuse=share_params, name='gen-prelu-1')

        x = t.dense(x, self.gf_dim * 8 * 7 * 7, reuse=share_params, name='gen-fc-2')
        x = t.batch_norm(x, reuse=share_params, name='gen-bn-2')
        x = t.prelu(x, reuse=share_params, name='gen-prelu-2')

        x = tf.reshape(x, (-1, 7, 7, self.gf_dim * 8))

        for i in range(1, 3):
            x = t.deconv2d(x, f=self.gf_dim * 4 // i, k=3, s=2, reuse=share_params, name='gen-deconv2d-%d' % i)
            x = t.batch_norm(x, reuse=share_params, name="gen-bn-%d" % (i + 2))
            x = t.prelu(x, reuse=share_params, name='gen-prelu-%d' % (i + 2))

        x = z  # tf.concat([z, y], axis=1)

        loop = 5
        for i in range(1, loop):
            x = t.dense(x, self.fc_g_unit, reuse=share_params, name='gen-fc-%d' % i)
            x = t.batch_norm(x, reuse=share_params, name='gen-bn-%d' % i)
            x = t.prelu(x, reuse=share_params, name='gen-prelu-%d' % i)

        with tf.variable_scope("generator-%s" % name, reuse=reuse):
            x = t.deconv2d(x, f=self.channel, k=6, s=1, reuse=False, name='gen-' + name + '-deconv2d-3')
            x = tf.nn.sigmoid(x, name='gen' + name + '-sigmoid-1')
            x = t.dense(x, self.n_input, reuse=False, name='gen-' + name + '-fc-%d' % loop)
            x = tf.nn.sigmoid(x)

        return x
Exemplo n.º 2
    def generator(self, z, y, reuse=None, is_train=True):
        # Following a G Network, CiFar-like-hood, referred in the paper
        :param z: noise
        :param y: image label
        :param reuse: re-usable
        :param is_train: trainable
        :return: prob
        with tf.variable_scope("generator", reuse=reuse):
            x = tf.concat([z, y], axis=1)  # (-1, 110)

            x = t.dense(x, self.gf_dim, name='gen-fc-1')
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = tf.reshape(x, (-1, 4, 4, 24))

            for i in range(1, 3):
                x = t.deconv2d(x, self.gf_dim // (2 ** i), 5, 2, name='gen-deconv2d-%d' % (i + 1))
                x = t.batch_norm(x, is_train=is_train, reuse=reuse, name="gen-bn-%d" % i)
                x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = t.deconv2d(x, self.channel, 5, 2, name='gen-deconv2d-4')
            x = tf.nn.tanh(x)  # scaling to [-1, 1]

            return x
Exemplo n.º 3
    def generator(self, z, y=None, reuse=None, is_train=True):
        :param z: embeddings
        :param y: labels
        :param reuse: re-usable
        :param is_train: en/disable batch_norm, default True
        :return: prob
        with tf.variable_scope("generator", reuse=reuse):
            if y:
                raise NotImplementedError("[-] Not Implemented Yet...")

            x = t.dense(z, f=self.fc_unit, name='gen-fc-1')
            x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x)

            x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 8, 8, self.fc_unit // (8 * 8)])

            for i in range(1, 4):
                x = t.deconv2d(x,
                               f=self.gf_dim * (2**i),
                               name="gen-conv2d-%d" % i)
                x = t.batch_norm(x, is_train=is_train, name='gen-bn-%d' % i)
                x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x)

            x = t.deconv2d(x, f=3, s=1, name="gen-conv2d-4")  # (-1, 64, 64, 3)
            x = tf.sigmoid(x)  # [0, 1]
            return x
Exemplo n.º 4
    def generator(self, z, c, reuse=None, is_train=True):
        :param z: 139 z-noise
        :param c: 10 categories * 10 dimensions
        :param reuse: re-usable
        :param is_train: trainable
        :return: prob
        with tf.variable_scope("generator", reuse=reuse):
            x = tf.concat([z, c], axis=1)  # (-1, 128 + 1 + 10)

            x = t.dense(x, 2 * 2 * 512, name='gen-fc-1')
            x = t.batch_norm(x, is_train=is_train, name='gen-bn-1')
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = tf.reshape(x, (-1, 2, 2, 512))

            x = t.deconv2d(x, self.gf_dim * 8, 4, 2, name='gen-deconv2d-1')
            x = t.batch_norm(x, is_train=is_train, name='gen-bn-2')
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = t.deconv2d(x, self.gf_dim * 4, 4, 2, name='gen-deconv2d-2')
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = t.deconv2d(x, self.gf_dim * 2, 4, 2, name='gen-deconv2d-3')
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = t.deconv2d(x, self.gf_dim * 1, 4, 2, name='gen-deconv2d-4')
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = t.deconv2d(x, 3, 4, 2, name='gen-deconv2d-5')
            x = tf.nn.tanh(x)
            return x
Exemplo n.º 5
    def generator(self, z, reuse=None, is_train=True):
        # referred architecture in the paper
        : (1024)4c - (512)4c2s - (256)4c2s - (128)4c2s - (3)4c2s
        :param z: embeddings
        :param reuse: re-usable
        :param is_train: trainable
        :return: prob
        with tf.variable_scope("generator", reuse=reuse):
            x = t.dense(z, self.gf_dim * 8 * 4 * 4, name='gen-fc-1')

            x = tf.reshape(x, (-1, 4, 4, self.gf_dim * 8))
            x = t.batch_norm(x, is_train=is_train, name='gen-bn-1')
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = t.deconv2d(x, self.gf_dim * 4, 4, 2, name='gen-deconv2d-1')
            x = t.batch_norm(x, is_train=is_train, name='gen-bn-2')
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = t.deconv2d(x, self.gf_dim * 2, 4, 2, name='gen-deconv2d-2')
            x = t.batch_norm(x, is_train=is_train, name='gen-bn-3')
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = t.deconv2d(x, self.gf_dim * 1, 4, 2, name='gen-deconv2d-3')
            x = t.batch_norm(x, is_train=is_train, name='gen-bn-4')
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = t.deconv2d(x, self.channel, 4, 2, name='gen-deconv2d-4')
            x = tf.nn.tanh(x)

            return x
Exemplo n.º 6
    def generator(self, z, reuse=None):
        with tf.variable_scope('generator', reuse=reuse):
            x = t.dense(z, self.gf_dim * 4 * 4 * 4, name='gen-fc-1')
            x = t.batch_norm(x, reuse=reuse, name='gen-bn-1')
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = tf.reshape(x, (-1, 4, 4, self.gf_dim * 4))

            for i in range(1, 4):
                x = t.deconv2d(x, self.gf_dim * 4 // (2 ** (i - 1)), 5, 2, name='gen-deconv2d-%d' % i)
                x = t.batch_norm(x, reuse=reuse, name='gen-bn-%d' % (i + 1))
                x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = t.deconv2d(x, self.channel, 5, 1, name='gen-deconv2d-5')
            x = tf.nn.tanh(x)
            return x
Exemplo n.º 7
    def decoder(self, z, reuse=None):
        :param z: embeddings
        :param reuse: re-usable
        :return: prob
        with tf.variable_scope('decoder', reuse=reuse):
            x = z
            for i in range(1, 4):
                x = t.deconv2d(x, self.df_dim * 8 // (2 ** i), 4, 2, name='dec-deconv2d-%d' % i)
                x = t.batch_norm(x, name='dec-bn-%d' % i)
                x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x)

            x = t.deconv2d(x, self.channel, 4, 2, name='enc-deconv2d-4')
            x = tf.nn.tanh(x)
            return x
Exemplo n.º 8
    def generator(self, x, reuse=None):
        with tf.variable_scope('generator', reuse=reuse):

            def residual_block(x, f, name=""):
                with tf.variable_scope(name, reuse=reuse):
                    skip_connection = tf.identity(x,

                    x = t.conv2d(x, f, 3, 1, name='gen-conv2d-1')
                    x = t.instance_norm(x, reuse=reuse, name='gen-inst_norm-1')
                    x = tf.nn.relu(x)
                    x = t.conv2d(x, f, 3, 1, name='gen-conv2d-2')
                    x = tf.nn.relu(x)

                    return skip_connection + x

            shortcut = tf.identity(x, name='shortcut-init')

            x = t.conv2d(x, self.gf_dim * 1, 7, 1, name='gen-conv2d-1')
            x = t.instance_norm(x,
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            for i in range(1, 3):
                x = t.conv2d(x,
                             self.gf_dim * (2**i),
                             name='gen-conv2d-%d' % (i + 1))
                x = t.instance_norm(x,
                                    name='gen-inst_norm-%d' % (i + 1))
                x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            # 9 Residual Blocks
            for i in range(9):
                x = residual_block(x,
                                   self.gf_dim * 4,
                                   name='gen-residual_block-%d' % (i + 1))

            for i in range(1, 3):
                x = t.deconv2d(x,
                               self.gf_dim * (2**i),
                               name='gen-deconv2d-%d' % i)
                x = t.instance_norm(x,
                                    name='gen-inst_norm-%d' % (i + 3))
                x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = t.conv2d(x, self.gf_dim * 1, 7, 1, name='gen-conv2d-4')
            x = tf.nn.tanh(x)
            return shortcut + x
Exemplo n.º 9
            def conv_in_relu(x, f, k, s, de=False, name=""):
                if not de:
                    x = t.conv2d(x, f=f, k=k, s=s)
                    x = t.deconv2d(x, f=f, k=k, s=s)

                x = t.instance_norm(x, name=name)
                x = tf.nn.relu(x)
                return x
Exemplo n.º 10
 def u(x, f, name=''):
     x = t.deconv2d(x,
                    name='gen-u-deconv2d-%s' % name)
     x = t.instance_norm(x, name='gen-u-ins_norm-%s' % name)
     x = tf.nn.relu(x)
     return x
Exemplo n.º 11
    def decoder(self, x, reuse=None):
        (128)4c2s - (64)4c2s - (3)4c2s
        :param x: embeddings
        :param reuse: re-usable
        :return: prob
        with tf.variable_scope('decoder', reuse=reuse):
            x = t.deconv2d(x, self.df_dim * 2, 4, 2, name='dec-deconv2d-1')
            x = t.batch_norm(x, name='dec-bn-1')
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = t.deconv2d(x, self.df_dim * 1, 4, 2, name='dec-deconv2d-2')
            x = t.batch_norm(x, name='dec-bn-2')
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = t.deconv2d(x, self.channel, 4, 2, name='dec-deconv2d-3')
            x = tf.nn.tanh(x)
            return x
Exemplo n.º 12
    def generator(self, z, reuse=None, is_train=True):
        """ Same as DCGAN Gen Net """
        with tf.variable_scope('generator', reuse=reuse):
            x = t.dense(z, self.gf_dim * 4 * 4 * 4, name='gen-fc-1')

            x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 4, 4, self.gf_dim * 4])
            x = t.batch_norm(x, is_train=is_train, name='gen-bn-1')
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = t.deconv2d(x, self.gf_dim * 2, 5, 2, name='gen-deconv2d-1')
            x = t.batch_norm(x, is_train=is_train, name='gen-bn-2')
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = t.deconv2d(x, self.gf_dim * 1, 5, 2, name='gen-deconv2d-2')
            x = t.batch_norm(x, is_train=is_train, name='gen-bn-3')
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = t.deconv2d(x, self.channel, 5, 2, name='gen-deconv2d-3')
            x = tf.nn.tanh(x)

            return x
Exemplo n.º 13
    def generator(self, z, reuse=None, is_train=True):
        :param z: embeddings
        :param reuse: re-usable
        :param is_train: trainable
        :return: prob
        with tf.variable_scope("generator", reuse=reuse):
            x = tf.reshape(z, (-1, 1, 1, self.z_dim))

            x = t.deconv2d(x, self.df_dim * 8, 4, 1, pad='VALID', name='gen-deconv2d-1')
            x = t.batch_norm(x, is_train=is_train, name='gen-bn-1')
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            for i in range(1, 4):
                x = t.deconv2d(x, self.df_dim * 8 // (2 ** i), 4, 2, name='gen-deconv2d-%d' % (i + 1))
                x = t.batch_norm(x, is_train=is_train, name='gen-bn-%d' % (i + 1))
                x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = t.deconv2d(x, self.channel, 4, 2, name='gen-deconv2d-5')
            x = tf.nn.tanh(x)
            return x
Exemplo n.º 14
    def generator(self, z, reuse=None, is_train=True):
        with tf.variable_scope("generator", reuse=reuse):
            x = t.dense(z, self.gf_dim * 7 * 7, name='gen-fc-1')
            x = t.batch_norm(x, name='gen-bn-1')
            x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, alpha=0.3)

            x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 7, 7, self.gf_dim])

            for i in range(1, 3):
                x = t.deconv2d(x,
                               name='gen-deconv2d-%d' % (i + 1))
                x = t.batch_norm(x,
                                 name='gen-bn-%d' % (i + 1))
                x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, alpha=0.3)

            x = t.deconv2d(x, 1, 5, 1, name='gen-deconv2d-3')
            x = tf.nn.sigmoid(x)
            return x
Exemplo n.º 15
    def generator(self, z, scope_name, reuse=None, is_train=True):
        with tf.variable_scope("%s" % scope_name, reuse=reuse):
            x = t.dense(z, 4 * 4 * 8 * self.gf_dim)
            x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x)

            x = tf.layers.flatten(x)
            x = tf.reshape(x, (-1, 4, 4, 8))

            for i in range(np.log2(self.height) - 2):  # 0 ~ 3
                x = t.deconv2d(x, self.gf_dim * (2**(i + 1)), k=4, s=2)
                x = t.batch_norm(x, is_train=is_train)
                x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x)

            x = t.conv2d(x, 3)

            return x
Exemplo n.º 16
    def generator(self, z, reuse=None, is_train=True):
        with tf.variable_scope('generator', reuse=reuse):
            x = t.dense(z, self.gf_dim * 8 * 4 * 4, name='gen-fc-1')

            x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 4, 4, self.gf_dim * 8])
            x = t.batch_norm(x, is_train=is_train, name='gen-bn-1')
            x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            for i in range(1, 4):
                x = t.deconv2d(x,
                               self.gf_dim * 4,
                               name='gen-deconv2d-%d' % i)
                x = t.batch_norm(x,
                                 name='gen-bn-%d' % (i + 1))
                x = tf.nn.relu(x)

            x = t.conv2d(x, self.channel, 3, name='gen-conv2d-1')
            x = tf.nn.sigmoid(x)
            return x
Exemplo n.º 17
    def generator(self, x, reuse=None):
        :param x: images
        :param reuse: re-usable
        :return: logits
        with tf.variable_scope("generator", reuse=reuse):

            def conv_in_relu(x, f, k, s, de=False, name=""):
                if not de:
                    x = t.conv2d(x, f=f, k=k, s=s)
                    x = t.deconv2d(x, f=f, k=k, s=s)

                x = t.instance_norm(x, name=name)
                x = tf.nn.relu(x)
                return x

            x = conv_in_relu(x, f=self.gf_dim * 1, k=7, s=1, name="1")

            # down-sampling
            x = conv_in_relu(x, f=self.gf_dim * 2, k=4, s=2, name="2")
            x = conv_in_relu(x, f=self.gf_dim * 4, k=4, s=2, name="3")

            # bottleneck
            for i in range(6):
                x = residual_block(x, f=self.gf_dim * 4, name=str(i))

            # up-sampling
            x = conv_in_relu(x, self.gf_dim * 2, k=4, s=2, de=True, name="4")
            x = conv_in_relu(x, self.gf_dim * 1, k=4, s=2, de=True, name="5")

            x = t.deconv2d(x, f=3, k=7, s=1)
            x = tf.nn.tanh(x)

            return x