Exemplo n.º 1
def test_broken():
    ex = awkward1.Array([[1, 2, 3], [], [4, 5]])
    p4 = awkward1.zip({"x": ex})
    p4c = awkward1.cartesian({"a": p4, "b": p4})
    df = awkward1.to_pandas(p4c)
    assert df["a", "x"].values.tolist() == [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5]
    assert df["b", "x"].values.tolist() == [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5]
Exemplo n.º 2
def match_with_pt(first, second, deltaRCut=0.4, ptCut=0.5):
    match based on deltaR between first and second, and impose that second.pt > first.pt*ptCut
    drCut2 = deltaRCut**2
    combs = ak.cartesian([first, second], nested=True)
    return ak.any((delta_r2(combs['0'], combs['1']) < drCut2) &
                  (combs['1'].pt > ptCut * combs['0'].pt),
Exemplo n.º 3
    def nearest(self, other, metric=lambda a, b: a.delta_r(b), return_metric=False):
        """Return nearest object to this one

        Only works for first axis (i.e. top-level ListArrays)
        a, b = awkward1.unzip(awkward1.cartesian([self, other], nested=True))
        mval = metric(a, b)
        mmin = awkward1.argmin(mval, axis=-1)
        if return_metric:
            return b[mmin], mval[mmin]
        return b[mmin]
def test_axis2():
    one = awkward1.Array([[[0, 1, 2], [], [3, 4]], [[0, 1, 2], [], [3, 4]]])
    two = awkward1.Array([[[100, 200], [300], [400, 500]],
                          [[100, 200], [300], [400, 500]]])

    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian(
        [one, two], axis=2)) == [[[(0, 100), (0, 200), (1, 100), (1, 200),
                                   (2, 100), (2, 200)], [],
                                  [(3, 400), (3, 500), (4, 400), (4, 500)]],
                                 [[(0, 100), (0, 200), (1, 100), (1, 200),
                                   (2, 100), (2, 200)], [],
                                  [(3, 400), (3, 500), (4, 400), (4, 500)]]]
Exemplo n.º 5
    def nearest(self,
                metric=lambda a, b: a.delta_r(b),
        """Return nearest object to this one

        The default metric is `delta_r`.
        a, b = awkward1.unzip(awkward1.cartesian([self, other], nested=True))
        mval = metric(a, b)
        mmin = awkward1.argmin(mval, axis=-1)
        if return_metric:
            return b[mmin], mval[mmin]
        return b[mmin]
Exemplo n.º 6
    def matchJets(self, obj, jet, deltaRCut=0.4):

        combs = ak.cartesian([obj, jet], nested=True)

        jet_index = ak.local_index(delta_r(
            combs['0'], combs['1']))[delta_r(combs['0'], combs['1']) < 0.4]
        jet_index_pad = ak.flatten(ak.fill_none(
            ak.pad_none(jet_index, target=1, clip=True, axis=2), 0),

        mask = ak.num(jet_index,
                      axis=2) > 0  # a mask for obj with a matched jet
        mask_match = mask * 1 + ~mask * 0
        mask_nomatch = mask * 0 + ~mask * 1

        return jet_index_pad, mask_match, mask_nomatch
Exemplo n.º 7
    def nearest(
        metric=lambda a, b: a.delta_r(b),
        """Return nearest object to this one

        Finds item in ``other`` satisfying ``min(metric(self, other))``.
        The two arrays should be broadcast-compatible on all axes other than the specified
        axis, which will be used to form a cartesian product. If axis=None, broadcast arrays directly.
        The return shape will be that of ``self``.

            other : awkward1.Array
                Another array with same shape in all but ``axis``
            axis : int, optional
                The axis to form the cartesian product (default 1). If None, the metric
                is directly evaluated on the input arrays (i.e. they should broadcast)
            metric : callable
                A function of two arguments, returning a scalar. The default metric is `delta_r`.
            return_metric : bool, optional
                If true, return both the closest object and its metric (default false)
            threshold : Number, optional
                If set, any objects with ``metric > threshold`` will be masked from the result
        if axis is None:
            a, b = self, other
            # NotImplementedError: ak.firsts with axis=-1
            axis = other.layout.purelist_depth - 2
            a, b = awkward1.unzip(
                awkward1.cartesian([self, other], axis=axis, nested=True)
        mval = metric(a, b)
        # prefer keepdims=True: awkward-1.0 #434
        mmin = awkward1.singletons(awkward1.argmin(mval, axis=axis + 1))
        out = awkward1.firsts(b[mmin], axis=axis + 1)
        metric = awkward1.firsts(mval[mmin], axis=axis + 1)
        if threshold is not None:
            out = out.mask[metric <= threshold]
        if return_metric:
            return out, metric
        return out
Exemplo n.º 8
def cross(first, second):
    tmp = ak.cartesian([first, second])
    combs = (tmp['0'] + tmp['1'])
    combs['0'] = tmp['0']
    combs['1'] = tmp['1']
    return combs
Exemplo n.º 9
def match2(first, second, deltaRCut=0.4):
    drCut2 = deltaRCut**2
    combs = ak.cartesian([first, second], nested=True)
    return ak.any((combs['0'].delta_r2(combs['1']) < drCut2), axis=2)
Exemplo n.º 10
def delta_r_v2(first, second):
    combs = ak.cartesian([first, second], nested=True)
    return np.sqrt(delta_r2(combs['0'], combs['1']))
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_axis1():
    one = awkward1.Array([[0, 1, 2], [], [3, 4]])
    two = awkward1.Array([[100, 200], [300], [400, 500]])
    three = awkward1.Array([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"], ["e"]])

    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one])) == [[(0,), (1,), (2,)], [], [(3,), (4,)]]
    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian({"x": one})) == [[{"x": 0}, {"x": 1}, {"x": 2}], [], [{"x": 3}, {"x": 4}]]

    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two])) == [[(0, 100), (0, 200), (1, 100), (1, 200), (2, 100), (2, 200)], [], [(3, 400), (3, 500), (4, 400), (4, 500)]]
    if not py27 and not py35:
        assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian({"x": one, "y": two})) == [[{"x": 0, "y": 100}, {"x": 0, "y": 200}, {"x": 1, "y": 100}, {"x": 1, "y": 200}, {"x": 2, "y": 100}, {"x": 2, "y": 200}], [], [{"x": 3, "y": 400}, {"x": 3, "y": 500}, {"x": 4, "y": 400}, {"x": 4, "y": 500}]]

    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three])) == [[(0, 100, "a"), (0, 100, "b"), (0, 200, "a"), (0, 200, "b"), (1, 100, "a"), (1, 100, "b"), (1, 200, "a"), (1, 200, "b"), (2, 100, "a"), (2, 100, "b"), (2, 200, "a"), (2, 200, "b")], [], [(3, 400, "e"), (3, 500, "e"), (4, 400, "e"), (4, 500, "e")]]

    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three], nested=[0])) == [[[(0, 100, "a"), (0, 100, "b"), (0, 200, "a"), (0, 200, "b")], [(1, 100, "a"), (1, 100, "b"), (1, 200, "a"), (1, 200, "b")], [(2, 100, "a"), (2, 100, "b"), (2, 200, "a"), (2, 200, "b")]], [], [[(3, 400, "e"), (3, 500, "e")], [(4, 400, "e"), (4, 500, "e")]]]
    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three], nested=[1])) == [[[(0, 100, "a"), (0, 100, "b")], [(0, 200, "a"), (0, 200, "b")], [(1, 100, "a"), (1, 100, "b")], [(1, 200, "a"), (1, 200, "b")], [(2, 100, "a"), (2, 100, "b")], [(2, 200, "a"), (2, 200, "b")]], [], [[(3, 400, "e")], [(3, 500, "e")], [(4, 400, "e")], [(4, 500, "e")]]]
    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three], nested=[0, 1])) == [[[[(0, 100, "a"), (0, 100, "b")], [(0, 200, "a"), (0, 200, "b")]], [[(1, 100, "a"), (1, 100, "b")], [(1, 200, "a"), (1, 200, "b")]], [[(2, 100, "a"), (2, 100, "b")], [(2, 200, "a"), (2, 200, "b")]]], [], [[[(3, 400, "e")], [(3, 500, "e")]], [[(4, 400, "e")], [(4, 500, "e")]]]]

    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three], nested=[])) == awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three], nested=False))
    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three], nested=[])) == awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three], nested=None))
    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three], nested=[0, 1])) == awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three], nested=True))
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_axis0():
    one = awkward1.Array([1.1, 2.2, 3.3])
    two = awkward1.Array([100, 200, 300, 400, 500])
    three = awkward1.Array(["a", "b"])

    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one], axis=0)) == [(1.1,), (2.2,), (3.3,)]
    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian({"x": one}, axis=0)) == [{"x": 1.1}, {"x": 2.2}, {"x": 3.3}]

    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two], axis=0)) == [(1.1, 100), (1.1, 200), (1.1, 300), (1.1, 400), (1.1, 500), (2.2, 100), (2.2, 200), (2.2, 300), (2.2, 400), (2.2, 500), (3.3, 100), (3.3, 200), (3.3, 300), (3.3, 400), (3.3, 500)]
    if not py27 and not py35:
        assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian({"x": one, "y": two}, axis=0)) == [{"x": 1.1, "y": 100}, {"x": 1.1, "y": 200}, {"x": 1.1, "y": 300}, {"x": 1.1, "y": 400}, {"x": 1.1, "y": 500}, {"x": 2.2, "y": 100}, {"x": 2.2, "y": 200}, {"x": 2.2, "y": 300}, {"x": 2.2, "y": 400}, {"x": 2.2, "y": 500}, {"x": 3.3, "y": 100}, {"x": 3.3, "y": 200}, {"x": 3.3, "y": 300}, {"x": 3.3, "y": 400}, {"x": 3.3, "y": 500}]
    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three], axis=0)) == [(1.1, 100, "a"), (1.1, 100, "b"), (1.1, 200, "a"), (1.1, 200, "b"), (1.1, 300, "a"), (1.1, 300, "b"), (1.1, 400, "a"), (1.1, 400, "b"), (1.1, 500, "a"), (1.1, 500, "b"), (2.2, 100, "a"), (2.2, 100, "b"), (2.2, 200, "a"), (2.2, 200, "b"), (2.2, 300, "a"), (2.2, 300, "b"), (2.2, 400, "a"), (2.2, 400, "b"), (2.2, 500, "a"), (2.2, 500, "b"), (3.3, 100, "a"), (3.3, 100, "b"), (3.3, 200, "a"), (3.3, 200, "b"), (3.3, 300, "a"), (3.3, 300, "b"), (3.3, 400, "a"), (3.3, 400, "b"), (3.3, 500, "a"), (3.3, 500, "b")]

    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three], axis=0, nested=[0])) == [[(1.1, 100, "a"), (1.1, 100, "b"), (1.1, 200, "a"), (1.1, 200, "b"), (1.1, 300, "a")], [(1.1, 300, "b"), (1.1, 400, "a"), (1.1, 400, "b"), (1.1, 500, "a"), (1.1, 500, "b")], [(2.2, 100, "a"), (2.2, 100, "b"), (2.2, 200, "a"), (2.2, 200, "b"), (2.2, 300, "a")], [(2.2, 300, "b"), (2.2, 400, "a"), (2.2, 400, "b"), (2.2, 500, "a"), (2.2, 500, "b")], [(3.3, 100, "a"), (3.3, 100, "b"), (3.3, 200, "a"), (3.3, 200, "b"), (3.3, 300, "a")], [(3.3, 300, "b"), (3.3, 400, "a"), (3.3, 400, "b"), (3.3, 500, "a"), (3.3, 500, "b")]]
    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three], axis=0, nested=[1])) == [[(1.1, 100, "a"), (1.1, 100, "b")], [(1.1, 200, "a"), (1.1, 200, "b")], [(1.1, 300, "a"), (1.1, 300, "b")], [(1.1, 400, "a"), (1.1, 400, "b")], [(1.1, 500, "a"), (1.1, 500, "b")], [(2.2, 100, "a"), (2.2, 100, "b")], [(2.2, 200, "a"), (2.2, 200, "b")], [(2.2, 300, "a"), (2.2, 300, "b")], [(2.2, 400, "a"), (2.2, 400, "b")], [(2.2, 500, "a"), (2.2, 500, "b")], [(3.3, 100, "a"), (3.3, 100, "b")], [(3.3, 200, "a"), (3.3, 200, "b")], [(3.3, 300, "a"), (3.3, 300, "b")], [(3.3, 400, "a"), (3.3, 400, "b")], [(3.3, 500, "a"), (3.3, 500, "b")]]
    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three], axis=0, nested=[0, 1])) == [[[(1.1, 100, "a"), (1.1, 100, "b")], [(1.1, 200, "a"), (1.1, 200, "b")], [(1.1, 300, "a"), (1.1, 300, "b")], [(1.1, 400, "a"), (1.1, 400, "b")], [(1.1, 500, "a"), (1.1, 500, "b")]], [[(2.2, 100, "a"), (2.2, 100, "b")], [(2.2, 200, "a"), (2.2, 200, "b")], [(2.2, 300, "a"), (2.2, 300, "b")], [(2.2, 400, "a"), (2.2, 400, "b")], [(2.2, 500, "a"), (2.2, 500, "b")]], [[(3.3, 100, "a"), (3.3, 100, "b")], [(3.3, 200, "a"), (3.3, 200, "b")], [(3.3, 300, "a"), (3.3, 300, "b")], [(3.3, 400, "a"), (3.3, 400, "b")], [(3.3, 500, "a"), (3.3, 500, "b")]]]

    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three], axis=0, nested=[])) == awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three], axis=0, nested=False))
    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three], axis=0, nested=[])) == awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three], axis=0, nested=None))
    assert awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three], axis=0, nested=[0, 1])) == awkward1.to_list(awkward1.cartesian([one, two, three], axis=0, nested=True))
Exemplo n.º 13
    def run(self, decay, ncpu=5):

        nevents_real = 0
        import time
        start_time = time.time()

        processEvents = {}
        for pr in self.processes:
            fin = self.baseDir + pr + '.root'  #input file
            if not os.path.isfile(fin):
                print('file ', fin, '  does not exist. exit')
            tfin = ROOT.TFile.Open(fin)
            found = False
            for key in tfin.GetListOfKeys():
                if 'eventsProcessed' == key.GetName():
                    events = tfin.eventsProcessed.GetVal()
                    processEvents[pr] = events
                    found = True
            if not found:
                processEvents[pr] = 1

        for pr in self.processes:
            print('   running over process : ', pr)
            fin = self.baseDir + pr + '.root'  #input file
            fout = self.baseDir + pr + '.root'  #output file for tree
            fhisto = self.baseDir + pr + '_histo.root'  #output file for histograms

            file = uproot.open(fin)
            tree = file['events']

            #Number of events to keep and analyse
            n_events = 1000

            #Container for the reco particles
            p_c = 'RP'

            events = tree.arrays(library="ak",
            print('events loaded ', events)
            p = events[p_c]

            print('fin ', fin)
            p_c = 'RP'
            #Number of events to keep and analyse
            n_events = 10000
            file = uproot.open(fin)
            tree = file[self.treename]
            events = tree.arrays(library="ak",

            #Container for the reco particles
            p = events[p_c][:n_events]

            p["p"] = kinematics_flat.calc_p(p)
            p_cut = p["p"] > 1.
            p = p[p_cut]

            pi_cut = abs(p["mass"] - lp.pi_plus.mass / 1000.) < 1e-4
            pi = p[pi_cut]

            k_cut = abs(p["mass"] - lp.K_plus.mass / 1000.) < 1e-4
            k = p[k_cut]

            D = ak.cartesian({"k": k, "pi": pi})
            D_cut = np.sign(D["k", "charge"]) != np.sign(D["pi", "charge"])
            D = D[D_cut]

            PDG_K_m = lp.K_plus.mass / 1000.
            PDG_pi_m = lp.pi_plus.mass / 1000.
            D["mass"] = kinematics_flat.mass([D["k"], D["pi"]],
                                             [PDG_K_m, PDG_pi_m])

            PDG_D_m = lp.D_0.mass / 1000.
            D_window = 0.05
            D_cut = abs(D["mass"] - PDG_D_m) < D_window
            D = D[D_cut]

            B = ak.cartesian({"D_k": D["k"], "D_pi": D["pi"], "pi": pi})
            B_cut = np.sign(B["D_k", "charge"]) == np.sign(B["pi", "charge"])
            B = B[B_cut]
            B["mass"] = kinematics_flat.mass([B["D_k"], B["D_pi"], B["pi"]],
                                             [PDG_K_m, PDG_pi_m, PDG_pi_m])

            data_np = ak.to_numpy(ak.flatten(B["mass"]))

            validfile = self.testfile(fout)
            if not validfile: continue

            nevents_real += df_cut.Count().GetValue()

            tf = ROOT.TFile.Open(fhisto, 'RECREATE')
            for v in self.variables:
                model = ROOT.RDF.TH1DModel(
                    v, ";{};".format(self.variables[v]["title"]),
                    self.variables[v]["bin"], self.variables[v]["xmin"],
                h = snapshot_tdf.Histo1D(model, self.variables[v]["name"])
                    h.Scale(1. * self.procDict[pr]["crossSection"] *
                            self.procDict[pr]["kfactor"] *
                            self.procDict[pr]["matchingEfficiency"] /
                except KeyError:
                    h.Scale(1. / h.Integral(0, -1))

        elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
        print('Elapsed time (H:M:S)     :  ',
              time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(elapsed_time)))
        print('Events Processed/Second  :  ', int(nevents_real / elapsed_time))
        print('Total Events Processed   :  ', nevents_real)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def cartesian(self, other, **kwargs):
     if isinstance(other, AwkwardSeries):
         other = other.data
     return AwkwardSeries(ak.cartesian([self.arr.data, other], **kwargs))