Exemplo n.º 1
 def testXXXSubtler(self):
     """test more subtle stuff. This must come last, hence the XXX"""
     import os, cPickle
     array = numpy.array
     # simple strings:
     assert (mlab._do("''"), mlab._do("'foobar'")) == ('', 'foobar')
     self.assertEqual(mlab.sort(1), numpy.array([[1.]]))
     self.assertEqual(mlab.sort([3,1,2]), numpy.array([[1.], [2.], [3.]]))
     self.assertEqual(mlab.sort(numpy.array([3,1,2])), numpy.array([[1.], [2.], [3.]]))
     sct = mlab._do("struct('type',{'big','little'},'color','red','x',{3 4})")
     bct = mlab._do("struct('type',{'BIG','little'},'color','red')")
     self.assertEqual(sct[1].x, numpy.array([[4]]))
     self.assertEqual(sct[0].x, numpy.array([[3]]))
     #FIXME sct[:].x wouldn't work, but currently I'm not sure that's my fault
     sct[1].x  = 'New Value'
     assert sct[1].x == 'New Value'
     assert bct[0].type == 'BIG' and sct[0].type == 'big'
     mlab._set('foo', 1)
     assert mlab._get('foo') == numpy.array([1.])
     assert (mlab._do("{'A', 'b', {3,4, {5,6}}}") !=
             ['A', 'b', [array([[ 3.]]), array([[ 4.]]),
                         [array([[ 5.]]), array([[ 6.]])]]])
     mlab._dont_proxy['cell'] = True
     self.assertEquals(mlab._do("{'a', 'b', {3,4, {5,6}}}"),
                       ['a', 'b', [array([ 3.]), array([ 4.]),
                                   [array([ 5.]), array([ 6.])]]])
     mlab._dont_proxy['cell'] = False
     self.assertRaises(MlabError, mlab._get, 'foo')
     # XXX: note to self: ``format compact`` in startup.m will cause this
     # test to fail, but should otherwise be harmless.
                       "<MlabObjectProxy of matlab-class: 'struct'; "
                       "internal name: 'PROXY_VAL__'; has parent: no>\n"
                       "1x2 struct array with fields:\n"
                       "    type\n    color\n    x\n\n")
     #FIXME: add tests for assigning and nesting proxies
     ## ensure proxies work OK as arguments
     self.assertEqual(mlab.size(sct), array([[1., 2.]]))
     self.assertEqual(mlab.size(sct, 1), array([[1]]))
     # test that exceptions on calls with proxy arguments don't result in
     # trouble
     self.assertRaises(MlabError, mlab.svd, sct)
     self.assertEqual(mlab.size(sct, [2]), array([[2]]))
     mlab._dont_proxy['cell'] = True
     assert map(degensym_proxy,without(mlab.who(), WHO_AT_STARTUP)) == (
         ['PROXY_VAL__', 'PROXY_VAL__'])
     # test pickling
     pickleFilename = mktemp()
     f = open(pickleFilename, 'wb')
         cPickle.dump({'sct': sct, 'bct': bct},f,1)
         f = open(pickleFilename, 'rb')
         namespace = cPickle.load(f)
     assert len(mlab._proxies) == 4, "%d proxies!" % len(mlab._proxies)
     assert namespace['sct'][1].x == 'New Value'
     namespace['sct'][1].x = 'Even Newer Value'
     assert namespace['sct'][1].x ==  'Even Newer Value'
     assert sct[1].x == 'New Value'
     del sct
     del bct
     del namespace['sct']
     del namespace['bct']
     mlab._set('bar', '1234')
     x = []
     mlab._do("disp 'hallo'" ,nout=0, handle_out=x.append)
     assert x[0] == 'hallo\n'
     mlab._dont_proxy['cell'] = False
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, getattr, mlab, "buggy('ipython lookup')")
Exemplo n.º 2
 def testXXXSubtler(self):
     """test more subtle stuff. This must come last, hence the XXX"""
     import os, cPickle
     array = numpy.array
     # simple strings:
     assert (mlab._do("''"), mlab._do("'foobar'")) == ('', 'foobar')
     self.assertEqual(mlab.sort(1), numpy.array([[1.]]))
     self.assertEqual(mlab.sort([3, 1, 2]), numpy.array([[1.], [2.], [3.]]))
     self.assertEqual(mlab.sort(numpy.array([3, 1, 2])),
                      numpy.array([[1.], [2.], [3.]]))
     sct = mlab._do(
         "struct('type',{'big','little'},'color','red','x',{3 4})")
     bct = mlab._do("struct('type',{'BIG','little'},'color','red')")
     self.assertEqual(sct[1].x, numpy.array([[4]]))
     self.assertEqual(sct[0].x, numpy.array([[3]]))
     #FIXME sct[:].x wouldn't work, but currently I'm not sure that's my fault
     sct[1].x = 'New Value'
     assert sct[1].x == 'New Value'
     assert bct[0].type == 'BIG' and sct[0].type == 'big'
     mlab._set('foo', 1)
     assert mlab._get('foo') == numpy.array([1.])
     assert (mlab._do("{'A', 'b', {3,4, {5,6}}}") != [
         'A', 'b',
          array([[4.]]), [array([[5.]]), array([[6.]])]]
     mlab._dont_proxy['cell'] = True
         mlab._do("{'a', 'b', {3,4, {5,6}}}"),
         ['a', 'b', [array([3.]),
                     array([4.]), [array([5.]), array([6.])]]])
     mlab._dont_proxy['cell'] = False
     self.assertRaises(MlabError, mlab._get, 'foo')
     # XXX: note to self: ``format compact`` in startup.m will cause this
     # test to fail, but should otherwise be harmless.
         "<MlabObjectProxy of matlab-class: 'struct'; "
         "internal name: 'PROXY_VAL__'; has parent: no>\n"
         "1x2 struct array with fields:\n"
         "    type\n    color\n    x\n\n")
     #FIXME: add tests for assigning and nesting proxies
     ## ensure proxies work OK as arguments
     self.assertEqual(mlab.size(sct), array([[1., 2.]]))
     self.assertEqual(mlab.size(sct, 1), array([[1]]))
     # test that exceptions on calls with proxy arguments don't result in
     # trouble
     self.assertRaises(MlabError, mlab.svd, sct)
     self.assertEqual(mlab.size(sct, [2]), array([[2]]))
     mlab._dont_proxy['cell'] = True
     assert map(degensym_proxy,
                        WHO_AT_STARTUP)) == (['PROXY_VAL__', 'PROXY_VAL__'])
     # test pickling
     pickleFilename = mktemp()
     f = open(pickleFilename, 'wb')
         cPickle.dump({'sct': sct, 'bct': bct}, f, 1)
         f = open(pickleFilename, 'rb')
         namespace = cPickle.load(f)
     assert len(mlab._proxies) == 4, "%d proxies!" % len(mlab._proxies)
     assert namespace['sct'][1].x == 'New Value'
     namespace['sct'][1].x = 'Even Newer Value'
     assert namespace['sct'][1].x == 'Even Newer Value'
     assert sct[1].x == 'New Value'
     del sct
     del bct
     del namespace['sct']
     del namespace['bct']
     mlab._set('bar', '1234')
     x = []
     mlab._do("disp 'hallo'", nout=0, handle_out=x.append)
     assert x[0] == 'hallo\n'
     mlab._dont_proxy['cell'] = False
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, getattr, mlab, "buggy('ipython lookup')")
Exemplo n.º 3
    TestCase = awmstest.PermeableTestCase2
    TestSuite = awmstest.RotatingTestSuite
except ImportError: pass

from awmstools import indexme, without
from mlabwrap import *
BUFSIZE=4096 # must be the same as in mlabraw.cpp

#XXX for testing in running session with existing mlab
## mlab
## mlab = MlabWrap()
mlab._dont_proxy['cell'] = True
WHO_AT_STARTUP = mlab.who()
mlab._dont_proxy['cell'] = False
# FIXME should do this differentlya
funnies = without(WHO_AT_STARTUP, ['HOME', 'V', 'WLVERBOSE', 'MLABRAW_ERROR_'])
if funnies:
    print >> sys.stderr, "Hmm, got some funny stuff in matlab env: %s" % funnies

#FIXME both below untested
def fitString(s, maxCol=79, newlineReplacement="\\n"):
    if newlineReplacement or isinstance(newlineReplacement, basestring):
        s = s.replace("\n", newlineReplacement)
    if maxCol is not None and len(s) > maxCol:
        s = "%s..." % s[:maxCol-3]
    return s
class NumericTestCase(TestCase):
    """Simple extensio to TestCase to handle array equality tests 'correctly'
       (i.e. work around rich comparisons). Since array repr's can also be
       very large, the printing of large reprs is controlled by
       ``maxReprLength`` (None to print everything) and
Exemplo n.º 4
except ImportError:

from awmstools import indexme, without
from mlabwrap import *

BUFSIZE = 4096  # must be the same as in mlabraw.cpp

#XXX for testing in running session with existing mlab
## mlab
## mlab = MlabWrap()
mlab._dont_proxy['cell'] = True
WHO_AT_STARTUP = mlab.who()
mlab._dont_proxy['cell'] = False
# FIXME should do this differentlya
funnies = without(WHO_AT_STARTUP, ['HOME', 'V', 'WLVERBOSE', 'MLABRAW_ERROR_'])
if funnies:
    print >> sys.stderr, "Hmm, got some funny stuff in matlab env: %s" % funnies

#FIXME both below untested
def fitString(s, maxCol=79, newlineReplacement="\\n"):
    if newlineReplacement or isinstance(newlineReplacement, basestring):
        s = s.replace("\n", newlineReplacement)
    if maxCol is not None and len(s) > maxCol:
        s = "%s..." % s[:maxCol - 3]
    return s

class NumericTestCase(TestCase):
    """Simple extensio to TestCase to handle array equality tests 'correctly'