Exemplo n.º 1
def test_shapefile_db():
        import osgeo
    except ImportError:

    from awrams.utils import config_manager

    sys_profile = config_manager.get_system_profile().get_settings()


    sdb = gis.ShapefileDB(CATCHMENT_SHAPEFILE)

    e = extents.get_default_extent()

    df = sdb.get_records_df()
    df = df.set_index('StationID')
    rec = df.loc['003303']

    extent = sdb.get_extent_by_field('StationID', '003303', e)

    area_diff = np.abs(extent.areas.sum() - (rec['AlbersArea'] * 1e6))

    assert (area_diff / extent.areas.sum() < 1.0001)

    br = extent.bounding_rect()

    assert (between(rec['CentrLat'], br[0], br[1]))
    assert (between(rec['CentrLon'], br[2], br[3]))
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_sites_by_ids(site_ids, site_id_type, site_ref_type, site_set_name=None, extent=None):
    cross reference site ids with site meta contained is BENCHMARK_SITES csv

    :param site_ids: list of site ids
    :param site_id_type: id type for ids in site_ids (one of column names in BENCHMARK_SITES csv)
    :param site_ref_type: column name to use for id reference name
    :param site_set_name: name of set id belongs to, only required if id appears more than once in BENCHMARK_SITES csv
    :param extent: reference extent from which to return site locations; will use default if none specified
    :return: map of extents, map of site name

    if extent is None:
        extent = extents.get_default_extent()

    site_idx = get_obs_sites()
    site_extents = {}
    site_name_map = {}

    for site_id in site_ids:
        ixs = [k for k in list(site_idx.keys()) if site_idx[k][site_id_type] == site_id]
        if site_set_name is not None:
            ixs = [k for k in ixs if site_idx[k]['set'] in site_set_name]
        if len(ixs) == 0: # site_id not found in SiteLocationsWithIndex.csv
        # use the first occurrence of pred_index
        ref = site_idx[ixs[0]]
        site_name = ref[site_ref_type]
        site_name_map[site_name] = site_id
        #site_extents[site_name] = extents.from_cell_coords(*sanitize_cell((float(ref['Y']), float(ref['X']))))
        site_extents[site_name] = extent.icoords[float(ref['Y']), float(ref['X'])]

    return site_extents, site_name_map
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_multiextent():
    gsd = extents.Extent.from_file(MASK_FILE)

    full = extents.ExtentFactory(extents.get_default_extent())

    m = dict(a=full.get_by_cell_offset(250, 250),
             b=gsd.extent_from_cell_offset(275, 275),
             c=gsd.extent_from_cell_offset(300, 300),
             d=gsd.extent_from_boundary_offset(200, 290, 202, 292))
    e = gsd.extent_from_multiple(m)
    # print(e.mask.shape)
    # print(e.mask[49:52,:2])
    # print(e.mask[:4,40:44])

    for k, cell in m.items():
        # print(k,cell)
        assert (e.contains(cell))

    # for cell in e:
    #     print("LLL",cell)
    assert e.x_min == 250
    assert e.x_max == 300
    assert e.y_min == 200
    assert e.y_max == 300

    assert e.cell_count == 12
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_initial_states_point():
    import numpy as np

    from awrams.utils import extents
    from awrams.utils import datetools as dt

    from awrams.utils.nodegraph import nodes, graph
    from awrams.simulation.ondemand import OnDemandSimulator
    #from awrams.models import awral

    period = dt.dates('dec 2010')

    ### test a single cell
    extent = extents.get_default_extent()
    extent = extent.icoords[-30, 120.5]

    ### simulation with default initial states
    sim = OnDemandSimulator(awral, input_map)
    r, i = sim.run(period, extent, return_inputs=True)
    outputs_default = r['final_states']

    ### simulation with initial states read from nc files
    sim = OnDemandSimulator(awral, input_map)
    r, i = sim.run(period, extent, return_inputs=True)
    outputs_init = r['final_states']

    ### compare final states with default states simulation
    ### should be different
    for k, o in outputs_init.items():
        assert not o == outputs_default[k]

    ### save initial states to compare
    ini_states = {}
    for k in i:
            if k.startswith('init'):
                ini_states[k] = i[k]

    ### simulation with initial states read from dict
    get_initial_states_dict(input_map, period, extent)
    sim = OnDemandSimulator(awral, input_map)
    r, i = sim.run(period, extent, return_inputs=True)
    outputs_init_dict = r['final_states']

    ### compare final states with other ini states simulation
    ### should be same
    for k, o in outputs_init_dict.items():
        assert o == outputs_init[k]

    ### compare initial states from both methods
    ### should be same
    for k in i:
            if k.startswith('init'):
                assert ini_states[k] == i[k]
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_ondemand_region_v5():
    ### test region
    extent = extents.get_default_extent()
    extent = extent.icoords[-32:-34,115:118]
    from awrams.simulation.ondemand import OnDemandSimulator
    sim = OnDemandSimulator(awral,input_map,omapping=output_map)
    r = sim.run(period,extent)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_ondemand_point():
    ### test point
    extent = extents.get_default_extent()
    extent = extent.icoords[-32.1,115.1]
    from awrams.simulation.ondemand import OnDemandSimulator
    sim = OnDemandSimulator(awral,input_map,omapping=output_map)
    r = sim.run(period,extent)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_extraction():
    from awrams.utils import gis

    from awrams.utils import config_manager

    sys_settings = config_manager.get_system_profile().get_settings()

    CATCHMENT_SHAPEFILE = os.path.join(sys_settings['DATA_PATHS']['SHAPEFILES'], \

    catchments = gis.ShapefileDB(CATCHMENT_SHAPEFILE)

    e_all = extents.get_default_extent()

    e = catchments.get_extent_by_field('StationID', '421103', e_all)

    period = dt.dates('jun 1990 - jan 1995')

    var_name = 'rain_day'

    path, _ = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))

    data_path = os.path.join(sys_settings['DATA_PATHS']['TEST_DATA'],

    pattern = data_path + '/%s*' % var_name

    df = extract(data_path, pattern, var_name, {
        '241': e,
        '512': e_all.ioffset[400, 400]
    }, period)

    assert ((df.index == period).all())
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_output_graph_processing_splitfm_B():
    from awrams.utils import extents
    from awrams.utils import datetools as dt

    e_all = extents.get_default_extent()

    from awrams.utils.nodegraph import nodes, graph
    from awrams.simulation.ondemand import OnDemandSimulator

    input_map = awral.get_default_mapping()
    output_map = awral.get_output_mapping()
    output_map['s0_save'] = nodes.write_to_annual_ncfile(
        os.path.dirname(__file__), 's0', mode='w')

    runner = OnDemandSimulator(awral, input_map, omapping=output_map)

    print("RUNNER NEW (FILES EXISTING): multiple cells, multiple years")
    period = dt.dates('2010-2011')
    extent = e_all.ioffset[200:202, 200:202]
    r = runner.run(period, extent)


    print("RUNNER OLD (FILES EXISTING): single cell, single year")
    period = dt.dates('2015')
    extent = e_all.ioffset[202, 202]
    r = runner.run(period, extent)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_server():
    extent = extents.get_default_extent()
    extent = extent.icoords[-32:-35,115:118]

    from awrams.simulation.server import SimulationServer

    sim = SimulationServer(awral)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_climatology_region():
    ### test region
    period = dt.dates('dec 2010')
    extent = extents.get_default_extent()
    extent = extent.icoords[-32:-35,115:118]

    from awrams.simulation.ondemand import OnDemandSimulator
    sim = OnDemandSimulator(awral,input_map)
    r,i = sim.run(period,extent,return_inputs=True)
    assert not np.isnan(i['solar_f']).any()
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_ondemand_with_mask():
    # Make output map with daily frequency
    output_map['mleaf_hrudr_state'] = nodes.write_to_ncfile_snapshot(outpath,'mleaf_hrudr', freq='D')

    period = dt.dates('25 dec 2010', '26 dec 2010')
    from awrams.simulation.ondemand import OnDemandSimulator
    sim = OnDemandSimulator(awral, input_map, omapping=output_map)
    r = sim.run(period, extents.get_default_extent())

    # Grab a new copy of the default extent in case the simulator mutated it
    default_mask = extents.get_default_extent().mask

    # Check that the results are masked arrays, using the first results and the final states
    # as examples. Then check the masks are the default mask - masked arrays ensure that masked
    # values are not used in computations.
    assert all(type(r[key] == np.ma.core.MaskedArray) for key in r.keys())
    assert all(type(r['final_states'][key] == np.ma.core.MaskedArray) for key in r['final_states'].keys())
    assert all(np.array_equal(r[key].mask[0], default_mask) for key in r.keys() if key != 'final_states')
    assert all(np.array_equal(r['final_states'][key].mask, default_mask) for key in r['final_states'].keys())
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_extents_geoarray():
	e = extents.get_default_extent()
	lats,lons = e.to_coords()

	lats_geo = geo.GeoArray.from_degrees(lats.index)
	lons_geo = geo.GeoArray.from_degrees(lons.index)

	print(lats.index - lats_geo.to_degrees())

	assert((lats.index == lats_geo.to_degrees()).all())
	assert((lons.index == lons_geo.to_degrees()).all())
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_server():
    from awrams.utils import extents
    from awrams.simulation.server import SimulationServer
    #from awrams.models import awral

    extent = extents.get_default_extent()
    extent = extent.icoords[-32:-35, 115:118]

    get_initial_states_dict(input_map, period, extent)

    sim = SimulationServer(awral)
    sim.run(input_map, output_map, period, extent)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, model, imapping, omapping=None, extent=None):

        if extent is None:
            extent = extents.get_default_extent()

        imapping = graph.get_input_tree(model.get_input_keys(), imapping)
        #Document the use of this manually, don't just change the graph behind the scenes...
        #imapping = graph.map_rescaling_nodes(imapping,extent)

        self.input_runner = graph.ExecutionGraph(imapping)
        self.model_runner = model.get_runner(

        self.outputs = None
        if omapping is not None:
            self.outputs = graph.OutputGraph(omapping)
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_output_graph_processing_snapshotfm_A():
    from awrams.utils import extents
    from awrams.utils import datetools as dt

    e_all = extents.get_default_extent()

    from awrams.utils.nodegraph import nodes,graph
    from awrams.simulation.ondemand import OnDemandSimulator

    #input_map = awral.get_default_mapping()
    output_map = awral.get_output_mapping()
    output_map['s0_save'] = nodes.write_to_ncfile_snapshot(
                            os.path.dirname(__file__), 's0')

    runner = OnDemandSimulator(awral, input_map, omapping=output_map)

    print("RUNNER NEW: multiple cells, multiple years")
    period = dt.dates('2010-2011')
    extent = e_all.ioffset[200, 200:202]
    r = runner.run(period,extent)
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_output_graph_processing_splitfm_G():
    from awrams.utils import extents
    from awrams.utils import datetools as dt

    e_all = extents.get_default_extent()

    from awrams.utils.nodegraph import nodes,graph
    from awrams.simulation.ondemand import OnDemandSimulator

    print("RUNNER NEW: single cell ncf, multiple years")
    period = dt.dates('2010-2011')
    extent = e_all.ioffset[202,202]

    #input_map = awral.get_default_mapping()
    output_map = awral.get_output_mapping()
    output_map['s0_save'] = nodes.write_to_annual_ncfile(os.path.dirname(__file__),'s0')
    # outputs = graph.OutputGraph(output_map)
    runner = OnDemandSimulator(awral,input_map,omapping=output_map)
    r = runner.run(period,extent)
Exemplo n.º 17
def get_catchments_by_ids(ids,extent=None):
    get catchment extents for ids

    :param ids: list of ids
    :return: map of extents
    from awrams.utils.gis import ShapefileDB
    from awrams.utils.settings import CATCHMENT_SHAPEFILE
    extent_map = {}

    if extent is None:
        extent = extents.get_default_extent()

    for idx in ids:
            extent_map[str(idx)] = ShapefileDB(CATCHMENT_SHAPEFILE).get_extent_by_field('StationID',idx,extent.geospatial_reference())
        except Exception as e:
    return extent_map
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_climatology_region():
    import numpy as np
    from awrams.utils import extents
    from awrams.utils import datetools as dt
    from awrams.simulation.ondemand import OnDemandSimulator
    #from awrams.models import awral

    ### test region
    period = dt.dates('dec 2010')
    extent = extents.get_default_extent()
    extent = extent.icoords[-32:-35, 115:118]

    sim = OnDemandSimulator(awral, input_map)  #,omapping=output_map.mapping)
    r, i = sim.run(period, extent, return_inputs=True)
    ### this should be true
    assert np.isnan(i['solar_f']).any()

    sim = OnDemandSimulator(awral, input_map)  #,omapping=output_map.mapping)
    r, i = sim.run(period, extent, return_inputs=True)
    assert not np.isnan(i['solar_f']).any()
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_shapefile_db():
        import osgeo
    except ImportError:

    sdb = gis.ShapefileDB(CATCHMENT_SHAPEFILE)

    e = extents.get_default_extent()

    df = sdb.get_records_df()
    df = df.set_index('StationID')
    rec = df.loc['003303']

    extent = sdb.get_extent_by_field('StationID', '003303', e)

    area_diff = np.abs(extent.areas.sum() - (rec['AlbersArea'] * 1e6))

    assert (area_diff / extent.areas.sum() < 1.0001)

    br = extent.bounding_rect()

    assert (between(rec['CentrLat'], br[0], br[1]))
    assert (between(rec['CentrLon'], br[2], br[3]))
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_SplitFileWriterNode():
    from awrams.utils import extents
    from awrams.utils import datetools as dt

    extent = extents.get_default_extent()

    from awrams.utils.nodegraph import nodes
    from awrams.simulation.ondemand import OnDemandSimulator

    input_map = awral.get_default_mapping()

    from awrams.utils.nodegraph import nodes
    from awrams.utils.metatypes import ObjectDict

    # output_path = './'
    output_map = awral.get_output_mapping()
    output_map['qtot_save'] = nodes.write_to_annual_ncfile('./', 'qtot')

    runner = OnDemandSimulator(awral, input_map, omapping=output_map)

    period = dt.dates('2010-2011')
    extent = extent.ioffset[200, 200:202]
    r = runner.run(period, extent)
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_sim():
    Required inputs
    mortons: tmin,tmax,solar,vapour pressure ### apparently not albedo
    fao56:   tmin,tmax,solar,vapour pressure,wind
    penpan:  tmin2da,tmax,solar,vapour pressure,wind
    penman:  tmin,tmax,solar,vapour pressure,wind,veg,albedo

    from awrams.utils import extents
    from awrams.simulation.server import SimulationServer

        "fao56", "asce", "morton_shallow_lake", "morton_areal", "penpan",

    extent = extents.get_default_extent()
    extent = extent.icoords[-32:-35, 115:118]

    period = pd.date_range("1 dec 2010", "31 jan 2011", freq='D')

    sim = SimulationServer(et)
    sim.run(imap, omap, period, extent)
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_extraction():
    from awrams.utils import gis
    catchments = gis.ShapefileDB(gis.CATCHMENT_SHAPEFILE)

    e_all = extents.get_default_extent()

    e = catchments.get_extent_by_field('StationID', '421103', e_all)

    period = dt.dates('jun 1990 - jan 1995')

    var_name = 'rain_day'

    path, _ = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))

    data_path = os.path.join(path, '../../test_data/calibration/')

    pattern = data_path + '/%s*' % var_name

    df = extract(data_path, pattern, var_name, {
        '241': e,
        '512': e_all.ioffset[400, 400]
    }, period)

    assert ((df.index == period).all())
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_initial_states_region():
    period = dt.dates('dec 2010')
    ### test a region
    extent = extents.get_default_extent()
    extent = extent.ioffset[400:408,170:178]

    ### simulation with default initial states
    from awrams.simulation.ondemand import OnDemandSimulator
    sim = OnDemandSimulator(awral,input_map)
    r,i = sim.run(period,extent,return_inputs=True)
    outputs_default = r['final_states']

    ### simulation with initial states read from nc files
    sim = OnDemandSimulator(awral,input_map)
    r,i = sim.run(period,extent,return_inputs=True)
    outputs_init = r['final_states']

    ### compare final states with default states simulation
    ### should be different
    for k,o in outputs_init.items():
        assert not (o == outputs_default[k]).any()

    ### save initial states to compare
    ini_states = {}
    for k in i:
            if k.startswith('init'):
                ini_states[k] = i[k]

    ### simulation with initial states read from dict
    sim = OnDemandSimulator(awral,input_map)
    r,i = sim.run(period,extent,return_inputs=True)
    outputs_init_dict = r['final_states']

    ### compare final states with other ini states simulation
    ### should be same
    for k,o in outputs_init_dict.items():
        assert (o == outputs_init[k]).any()

    ### compare initial states from both methods
    ### should be same
    for k in i:
            if k.startswith('init'):
                assert ini_states[k] == i[k]

    ### simulation with initial states read from nc files
    sim = OnDemandSimulator(awral,input_map)
    r,i = sim.run(period,extent,return_inputs=True)
    outputs_init = r['final_states']

    ### compare final states with other ini states simulation
    ### should be same
    for k,o in outputs_init_dict.items():
        assert (o == outputs_init[k]).any()

    ### compare initial states from both methods
    ### should be same
    for k in i:
            if k.startswith('init'):
                assert ini_states[k] == i[k]
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_asce():
    import awrams.models.settings
    import awrams.utils.nodegraph.nodes as nodes
    # awrams.models.settings.CLIMATE_DATA = _join(TRAINING_DATA_PATH,'climate/BOM_climate/')

    bom_data_path = '/data/cwd_awra_data/awra_inputs/climate_generated_sdcvd-awrap01/'
    wind_data_path = '/data/cwd_awra_data/awra_inputs/mcvicar_wind/'
    fveg_data_path = '/data/cwd_awra_data/awra_inputs/modis_fveg/8day/pv/'
    albedo_data_path = '/data/cwd_awra_data/awra_inputs/randall_albedo/'
    temp_min_2day_datapath = '/data/cwd_awra_data/awra_inputs/2dayAveTmin/'

    FORCING = {
        ('temp_min*.nc', 'temp_min_day', bom_data_path + 'temp_min_day/'),
        ('temp_min*.nc', 'temp_min_2dayave', temp_min_2day_datapath),
        ('temp_max*.nc', 'temp_max_day', bom_data_path + 'temp_max_day/'),
        'precip': ('rain_day*.nc', 'rain_day', bom_data_path + 'rain_day/'),
        'solar': ('solar*.nc', 'solar_exposure_day',
                  bom_data_path + 'solar_exposure_day/'),  #,
        'vprp': ('vapour_pressure*.nc', 'vapour_pressure',
                 bom_data_path + 'vapour_pressure/'),  #, #h09
        'wind': ('wind*.nc', 'wind', wind_data_path),
        'fveg': ('fveg*.nc', 'fveg', fveg_data_path),
        'alb': ('albedo*.nc', 'albedo', albedo_data_path)
    import awrams.models.et.settings
    awrams.models.et.settings.FORCING = {
        k + "_f": dict(zip(("pattern", "nc_var", "path"), v))
        for k, v in FORCING.items()
    Required inputs
    mortons: tmin,tmax,solar,vapour pressure ### apparently not albedo
    fao56:   tmin,tmax,solar,vapour pressure,wind
    penpan:  tmin2da,tmax,solar,vapour pressure,wind
    penman:  tmin,tmax,solar,vapour pressure,wind,veg,albedo

    from awrams.utils import extents
    from awrams.simulation.ondemand import OnDemandSimulator
    from awrams.simulation.server import SimulationServer
    from awrams.models.et.model import ETModel

    et = ETModel()
    # et.set_models_to_run(["fao56","morton_shallow_lake","morton_areal","penpan","penman"])
    # et.set_models_to_run(["fao56","morton_areal","penpan"])
    # et.set_models_to_run(["morton_areal"])
    # et.set_models_to_run(["fao56"])
    # et.set_models_to_run(["penpan"])
    # et.set_models_to_run(["penman"])
    # et.set_models_to_run(["morton_shallow_lake"])

    imap = et.get_default_mapping()
    # print(imap['fveg'])
    # print(imap['fveg_f'])
    # imap['fveg_f'] = nodes.forcing_from_modis_ncfiles(fveg_data_path,'fveg_filled.nc','fveg')
    # imap['fveg'] = nodes.mul('fveg_f',0.01)
    # print(imap['fveg_f'])
    # exit()
    omap = et.get_output_mapping()
    et.save_outputs(omap, path="./outputs/ss/")
    # et.save_outputs(omap,path="/data/cwd_awra_data/awra_test_outputs/Scheduled_et_sdcvt-awrap01/")
    # print(omap)

    # omap['nc_msl_et'] = nodes.write_to_annual_ncfile("./",'msl_et')

    extent = extents.get_default_extent()
    # extent = extent.icoords[-32:-34,115:118]
    # extent = extent.ioffset[440,95]
    # extent = extent.ioffset[490,90]
    # extent = extent.ioffset[277:304,50]
    # extent = extent.ioffset[256:265,60]
    # extent = extent.ioffset[455,770:791]
    # extent = extent.ioffset[230:240,120]
    # print("Extent",extent)

    # period = pd.date_range("1 jan 2010","31 dec 2011",freq='D')
    # period = pd.date_range("1 jan 2010",periods=1,freq='D')
    period = pd.date_range("1 jan 2011", "31 dec 2011", freq='D')
    # period = pd.date_range("1 jan 2016","31 jan 2016",freq='D')
    # period = pd.date_range("1 jan 1990","30 apr 2018",freq='D')

    # sim = OnDemandSimulator(et,imap,omapping=omap)
    # print(sim.input_runner.input_graph['models']['exe'].get_dataspec())
    # r = sim.run(period,extent)
    # # print(r)

    sim = SimulationServer(et)
    sim.run(imap, omap, period, extent)
Exemplo n.º 25
Simple script to verify that running an OnDemandSimulator
will produce the same results as our cluster sim

from awrams.utils import datetools as dt
from awrams.utils import extents
import numpy as np
from awrams.utils.nodegraph import nodes, graph
from awrams.simulation.ondemand import OnDemandSimulator

full_extent = extents.get_default_extent()

period = dt.dates('dec 2010 - jan 2011')
extent = full_extent.ioffset[200:250, 200:250]

from awrams.models.awral import model

m = model.AWRALModel()
imap = m.get_default_mapping()

ods = OnDemandSimulator(m, imap)

res = ods.run(period, extent)

from awrams.utils.io.data_mapping import SplitFileManager

print("opening comparison results")

sfm = SplitFileManager.open_existing('./test_sim_outputs', 'qtot*', 'qtot')