def test_file_path():
    Test S3IterableDataset for existing and nonexistent path
    # existing path
    s3_path = 's3://pt-s3plugin-test-data-west2/images/test'
    s3_dataset = S3IterableDataset(s3_path)
    assert s3_dataset

    # non-existent path
    s3_path_none = 's3://pt-s3plugin-test-data-west2/non_existent_path/test'
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as excinfo:
        s3_dataset = S3IterableDataset(s3_path_none)
    assert 'does not contain any objects' in str(excinfo.value)
def test_urls_list():
    Test whether urls_list input for S3IterableDataset works properly
    os.environ['AWS_REGION'] = 'us-west-2'
    # provide url prefix (path within bucket)
    prefix_to_directory = 'images/test'
    prefix_to_file = 'test_1.JPEG'
    prefix_list = [prefix_to_directory, prefix_to_file]

    # set up boto3
    s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
    bucket_name = 'pt-s3plugin-test-data-west2'
    test_bucket = s3.Bucket(bucket_name)

    # try individual valid urls and collect url_list and all_boto3_files to test url list input
    urls_list = list()
    all_boto3_files = list()
    for prefix in prefix_list:
        # collect list of all file names using S3IterableDataset
        url = os.path.join('s3://', bucket_name, prefix)
        s3_dataset = S3IterableDataset(url)
        s3_files = [item[0] for item in s3_dataset]

        # collect list of all file names using boto3
        boto3_files = [os.path.join('s3://', url.bucket_name, url.key) \
            for url in test_bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=prefix)]

        assert s3_files == boto3_files

    # test list of two valid urls as input
    s3_dataset = S3IterableDataset(urls_list)
    s3_files = [item[0] for item in s3_dataset]

    assert s3_files == all_boto3_files

    # add an non-existent url to list of urls
    url_to_non_existent = 's3://pt-s3plugin-test-data-west2/non_existent_directory'
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as excinfo:
        s3_dataset = S3IterableDataset(urls_list)
    assert 'does not contain any objects' in str(excinfo.value)

    del os.environ['AWS_REGION']
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_zip_file_s3iterabledataset():
    s3_dataset_path = 's3://pt-s3plugin-test-data-west2/'
    dataset = S3IterableDataset(s3_dataset_path)
    list_of_files = []
    for files in dataset:
    result1 = len(list_of_files)
    result2 = get_zip(s3_dataset_path)
    assert result1 == len(result2)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_csv_file_s3iterabledataset():
    os.environ['AWS_REGION'] = 'us-east-1'
    s3_dataset_path = 's3://pt-s3plugin-test-data-east1/genome-scores.csv'
    dataset = S3IterableDataset(s3_dataset_path)
    import pandas as pd
    for files in dataset:
        result1 = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(files[1]))
    s3 = boto3.client('s3')
    obj = s3.get_object(Bucket=s3_dataset_path.split('/')[2],
    result2 = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(obj['Body'].read()))
    assert result1.equals(result2)
    del os.environ['AWS_REGION']
def test_shuffle_true():
    Tests shuffle_urls parameter, len and  set_epoch functions
    os.environ['AWS_REGION'] = 'us-west-2'

    # create two datasets, one shuffled with self.epoch
    s3_dataset_path = 's3://pt-s3plugin-test-data-west2/images/test'
    s3_dataset0 = S3IterableDataset(s3_dataset_path)
    s3_dataset1 = S3IterableDataset(s3_dataset_path, shuffle_urls=True)

    # len is defined as the length of the urls_list created by the path
    assert len(s3_dataset0) == len(s3_dataset1)

    # check to make sure shuffling works
    filenames0 = [item[0] for item in s3_dataset0]
    filenames1 = [item[0] for item in s3_dataset1]

    assert len(filenames0) == len(filenames1)
    assert filenames0 != filenames1
    del os.environ['AWS_REGION']
def test_disable_multi_download():
    s3_dataset_path = 's3://pt-s3plugin-test-data-east1/genome-scores.csv'
    os.environ['S3_DISABLE_MULTI_PART_DOWNLOAD'] = "ON"
    os.environ['AWS_REGION'] = 'us-east-1'
    dataset = S3IterableDataset(s3_dataset_path)
    import pandas as pd
    for files in dataset:
        result1 = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(files[1]))
    s3 = boto3.client('s3')
    obj = s3.get_object(Bucket=s3_dataset_path.split('/')[2],
    result2 = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(obj['Body'].read()))
    assert result1.equals(result2)
    del os.environ['S3_DISABLE_MULTI_PART_DOWNLOAD'], os.environ['AWS_REGION']
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_ShuffleDataset():
            bucket: name of the bucket
            tarfiles_list: list of all tarfiles with the prefix
            buffer_size: number of files the ShuffleDataset object caches
            Loop over the ShuffleDataset Dataloader twice
            For the runs, the corresponding batches returned should not be the same
                - ensures that shuffling is happening within tarfile constituents
            After both the runs, the overall dataloaded should be the same
            If either of these conditions fails, then test fails
    bucket = "pt-s3plugin-test-data-west2"
    tarfiles_list = [

    url_list = ["s3://" + bucket + "/" + tarfile for tarfile in tarfiles_list]
    batch_size = 32

    buffer_size = 300
    for num_workers in [0, 16]:
        for buffer_size in [30, 300, 3000]:
            dataset = ShuffleDataset(S3IterableDataset(url_list),
            dataloader = DataLoader(dataset,
            batch_list1 = get_batches(dataloader)
            batch_list2 = get_batches(dataloader)

            assert batches_shuffled(
                batch_list2), "ShuffleDataset Test fails: batches not shuffled"
            assert batches_congruent(
                batch_list2), "ShuffleDataset Test fails: data mismatch"
                "ShuffleDataset test passes for {} buffer_size & {} workers ".
                format(buffer_size, num_workers))
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_shuffleurls():
        bucket : name of the bucket
        files_prefix : prefix of the location where files stored
        Loop over dataloader twice, once with shuffle_urls as True and once as False
        After both runs, 
            the dataloaded should be the same, the loading order should be different
        Maintains a dictionary each of sets and lists. 
        The keys of the dictionary is the state of shuffle_urls(True/False)
        Values are the set/list of the samples 
        Test passes if the set of samples loaded in both cases is same and the list of 
        samples is diffrent(loading order different - data being shuffled)
    bucket = "pt-s3plugin-test-data-west2"
    files_prefix = "integration_tests/files"
    assert files_prefix[
        -1] != "/", "Enter Prefix without trailing \"/\" else error"

    prefix_list = get_file_list(bucket, files_prefix)
    url_list = ["s3://" + bucket + "/" + prefix for prefix in prefix_list]
    batch_size = 32
    shuffled_sets = defaultdict(set)
    shuffled_lists = defaultdict(list)

    for shuffle_urls in [True, False]:
        dataset = S3IterableDataset(url_list, shuffle_urls=shuffle_urls)
        dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size)

        for fname, fobj in dataloader:
            fname = [x.split("/")[-1] for x in fname]
            batch_set = set(map(tuple, zip(fname, fobj)))
            batch_list = list(map(tuple, zip(fname, fobj)))
    assert shuffled_sets['True'] == shuffled_sets['False'] and shuffled_lists['True'] != shuffled_lists['False'], \
            "Shuffling not working correctly"
    print("Shuffle test passed for S3IterableDataset")
 def __init__(self, url_list, shuffle_urls=False, transform=None):
     self.s3_iter_dataset = S3IterableDataset(url_list,
     self.transform = transform
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self, s3_directory):
     self.s3_directory = s3_directory
     self.dataset = S3IterableDataset(self.s3_directory, shuffle_urls=True)