def __init__( self, fig, rect, nrows_ncols, ngrids=None, direction="row", axes_pad=0.02, add_all=True, share_all=False, aspect=True, label_mode="L", cbar_mode=None, cbar_location="right", cbar_pad=None, cbar_size="5%", cbar_set_cax=True, axes_class=None, ): """ Build an :class:`ImageGrid` instance with a grid nrows*ncols :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` in :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` *fig* with *rect=[left, bottom, width, height]* (in :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` coordinates) or the subplot position code (e.g., "121"). Optional keyword arguments: ================ ======== ========================================= Keyword Default Description ================ ======== ========================================= direction "row" [ "row" | "column" ] axes_pad 0.02 float| pad between axes given in inches add_all True [ True | False ] share_all False [ True | False ] aspect True [ True | False ] label_mode "L" [ "L" | "1" | "all" ] cbar_mode None [ "each" | "single" ] cbar_location "right" [ "right" | "top" ] cbar_pad None cbar_size "5%" cbar_set_cax True [ True | False ] axes_class None a type object which must be a subclass of :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` ================ ======== ========================================= *cbar_set_cax* : if True, each axes in the grid has a cax attribute that is bind to associated cbar_axes. """ self._nrows, self._ncols = nrows_ncols if ngrids is None: ngrids = self._nrows * self._ncols else: if (ngrids > self._nrows * self._ncols) or (ngrids <= 0): raise Exception("") self.ngrids = ngrids self._axes_pad = axes_pad self._colorbar_mode = cbar_mode self._colorbar_location = cbar_location if cbar_pad is None: self._colorbar_pad = axes_pad else: self._colorbar_pad = cbar_pad self._colorbar_size = cbar_size self._init_axes_pad(axes_pad) if direction not in ["column", "row"]: raise Exception("") self._direction = direction if axes_class is None: axes_class = self._defaultLocatableAxesClass axes_class_args = {} else: if isinstance(axes_class, maxes.Axes): axes_class_args = {} else: axes_class, axes_class_args = axes_class self.axes_all = [] self.axes_column = [[] for i in range(self._ncols)] self.axes_row = [[] for i in range(self._nrows)] self.cbar_axes = [] h = [] v = [] if cbook.is_string_like(rect) or cbook.is_numlike(rect): self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=aspect) elif len(rect) == 3: kw = dict(horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=aspect) self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, *rect, **kw) elif len(rect) == 4: self._divider = Divider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=aspect) else: raise Exception("") rect = self._divider.get_position() # reference axes self._column_refax = [None for i in range(self._ncols)] self._row_refax = [None for i in range(self._nrows)] self._refax = None for i in range(self.ngrids): col, row = self._get_col_row(i) if share_all: sharex = self._refax sharey = self._refax else: sharex = self._column_refax[col] sharey = self._row_refax[row] ax = axes_class(fig, rect, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, **axes_class_args) if share_all: if self._refax is None: self._refax = ax else: if sharex is None: self._column_refax[col] = ax if sharey is None: self._row_refax[row] = ax self.axes_all.append(ax) self.axes_column[col].append(ax) self.axes_row[row].append(ax) cax = self._defaultCbarAxesClass(fig, rect, orientation=self._colorbar_location) self.cbar_axes.append(cax) self.axes_llc = self.axes_column[0][-1] self._update_locators() if add_all: for ax in self.axes_all + self.cbar_axes: fig.add_axes(ax) if cbar_set_cax: if self._colorbar_mode == "single": for ax in self.axes_all: ax.cax = self.cbar_axes[0] else: for ax, cax in zip(self.axes_all, self.cbar_axes): ax.cax = cax self.set_label_mode(label_mode)
def __init__( self, fig, rect, nrows_ncols, ngrids=None, direction="row", axes_pad=0.02, add_all=True, share_all=False, share_x=True, share_y=True, # aspect=True, label_mode="L", axes_class=None, ): """ Build an :class:`Grid` instance with a grid nrows*ncols :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` in :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` *fig* with *rect=[left, bottom, width, height]* (in :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` coordinates) or the subplot position code (e.g., "121"). Optional keyword arguments: ================ ======== ========================================= Keyword Default Description ================ ======== ========================================= direction "row" [ "row" | "column" ] axes_pad 0.02 float| pad between axes given in inches add_all True [ True | False ] share_all False [ True | False ] share_x True [ True | False ] share_y True [ True | False ] label_mode "L" [ "L" | "1" | "all" ] axes_class None a type object which must be a subclass of :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` ================ ======== ========================================= """ self._nrows, self._ncols = nrows_ncols if ngrids is None: ngrids = self._nrows * self._ncols else: if (ngrids > self._nrows * self._ncols) or (ngrids <= 0): raise Exception("") self.ngrids = ngrids self._init_axes_pad(axes_pad) if direction not in ["column", "row"]: raise Exception("") self._direction = direction if axes_class is None: axes_class = self._defaultLocatableAxesClass axes_class_args = {} else: if (type(axes_class)) == type and issubclass(axes_class, self._defaultLocatableAxesClass.Axes): axes_class_args = {} else: axes_class, axes_class_args = axes_class self.axes_all = [] self.axes_column = [[] for i in range(self._ncols)] self.axes_row = [[] for i in range(self._nrows)] h = [] v = [] if cbook.is_string_like(rect) or cbook.is_numlike(rect): self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=False) elif len(rect) == 3: kw = dict(horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=False) self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, *rect, **kw) elif len(rect) == 4: self._divider = Divider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=False) else: raise Exception("") rect = self._divider.get_position() # reference axes self._column_refax = [None for i in range(self._ncols)] self._row_refax = [None for i in range(self._nrows)] self._refax = None for i in range(self.ngrids): col, row = self._get_col_row(i) if share_all: sharex = self._refax sharey = self._refax else: if share_x: sharex = self._column_refax[col] else: sharex = None if share_y: sharey = self._row_refax[row] else: sharey = None ax = axes_class(fig, rect, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, **axes_class_args) if share_all: if self._refax is None: self._refax = ax else: if sharex is None: self._column_refax[col] = ax if sharey is None: self._row_refax[row] = ax self.axes_all.append(ax) self.axes_column[col].append(ax) self.axes_row[row].append(ax) self.axes_llc = self.axes_column[0][-1] self._update_locators() if add_all: for ax in self.axes_all: fig.add_axes(ax) self.set_label_mode(label_mode)
class ImageGrid(Grid): """ A class that creates a grid of Axes. In matplotlib, the axes location (and size) is specified in the normalized figure coordinates. This may not be ideal for images that needs to be displayed with a given aspect ratio. For example, displaying images of a same size with some fixed padding between them cannot be easily done in matplotlib. ImageGrid is used in such case. """ _defaultCbarAxesClass = CbarAxes def __init__( self, fig, rect, nrows_ncols, ngrids=None, direction="row", axes_pad=0.02, add_all=True, share_all=False, aspect=True, label_mode="L", cbar_mode=None, cbar_location="right", cbar_pad=None, cbar_size="5%", cbar_set_cax=True, axes_class=None, ): """ Build an :class:`ImageGrid` instance with a grid nrows*ncols :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` in :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` *fig* with *rect=[left, bottom, width, height]* (in :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` coordinates) or the subplot position code (e.g., "121"). Optional keyword arguments: ================ ======== ========================================= Keyword Default Description ================ ======== ========================================= direction "row" [ "row" | "column" ] axes_pad 0.02 float| pad between axes given in inches add_all True [ True | False ] share_all False [ True | False ] aspect True [ True | False ] label_mode "L" [ "L" | "1" | "all" ] cbar_mode None [ "each" | "single" ] cbar_location "right" [ "right" | "top" ] cbar_pad None cbar_size "5%" cbar_set_cax True [ True | False ] axes_class None a type object which must be a subclass of :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` ================ ======== ========================================= *cbar_set_cax* : if True, each axes in the grid has a cax attribute that is bind to associated cbar_axes. """ self._nrows, self._ncols = nrows_ncols if ngrids is None: ngrids = self._nrows * self._ncols else: if (ngrids > self._nrows * self._ncols) or (ngrids <= 0): raise Exception("") self.ngrids = ngrids self._axes_pad = axes_pad self._colorbar_mode = cbar_mode self._colorbar_location = cbar_location if cbar_pad is None: self._colorbar_pad = axes_pad else: self._colorbar_pad = cbar_pad self._colorbar_size = cbar_size self._init_axes_pad(axes_pad) if direction not in ["column", "row"]: raise Exception("") self._direction = direction if axes_class is None: axes_class = self._defaultLocatableAxesClass axes_class_args = {} else: if isinstance(axes_class, maxes.Axes): axes_class_args = {} else: axes_class, axes_class_args = axes_class self.axes_all = [] self.axes_column = [[] for i in range(self._ncols)] self.axes_row = [[] for i in range(self._nrows)] self.cbar_axes = [] h = [] v = [] if cbook.is_string_like(rect) or cbook.is_numlike(rect): self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=aspect) elif len(rect) == 3: kw = dict(horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=aspect) self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, *rect, **kw) elif len(rect) == 4: self._divider = Divider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=aspect) else: raise Exception("") rect = self._divider.get_position() # reference axes self._column_refax = [None for i in range(self._ncols)] self._row_refax = [None for i in range(self._nrows)] self._refax = None for i in range(self.ngrids): col, row = self._get_col_row(i) if share_all: sharex = self._refax sharey = self._refax else: sharex = self._column_refax[col] sharey = self._row_refax[row] ax = axes_class(fig, rect, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, **axes_class_args) if share_all: if self._refax is None: self._refax = ax else: if sharex is None: self._column_refax[col] = ax if sharey is None: self._row_refax[row] = ax self.axes_all.append(ax) self.axes_column[col].append(ax) self.axes_row[row].append(ax) cax = self._defaultCbarAxesClass(fig, rect, orientation=self._colorbar_location) self.cbar_axes.append(cax) self.axes_llc = self.axes_column[0][-1] self._update_locators() if add_all: for ax in self.axes_all + self.cbar_axes: fig.add_axes(ax) if cbar_set_cax: if self._colorbar_mode == "single": for ax in self.axes_all: ax.cax = self.cbar_axes[0] else: for ax, cax in zip(self.axes_all, self.cbar_axes): ax.cax = cax self.set_label_mode(label_mode) def _update_locators(self): h = [] h_ax_pos = [] h_cb_pos = [] for ax in self._column_refax: if h: h.append(self._horiz_pad_size) # Size.Fixed(self._axes_pad)) h_ax_pos.append(len(h)) if ax: sz = Size.AxesX(ax) else: sz = Size.AxesX(self.axes_llc) h.append(sz) if self._colorbar_mode == "each" and self._colorbar_location == "right": h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz)) h_cb_pos.append(len(h)) h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz)) v = [] v_ax_pos = [] v_cb_pos = [] for ax in self._row_refax[::-1]: if v: v.append(self._horiz_pad_size) # Size.Fixed(self._axes_pad)) v_ax_pos.append(len(v)) if ax: sz = Size.AxesY(ax) else: sz = Size.AxesY(self.axes_llc) v.append(sz) if self._colorbar_mode == "each" and self._colorbar_location == "top": v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz)) v_cb_pos.append(len(v)) v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz)) for i in range(self.ngrids): col, row = self._get_col_row(i) # locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=4*col, ny=2*(self._nrows - row - 1)) locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=h_ax_pos[col], ny=v_ax_pos[self._nrows - 1 - row]) self.axes_all[i].set_axes_locator(locator) if self._colorbar_mode == "each": if self._colorbar_location == "right": locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=h_cb_pos[col], ny=v_ax_pos[self._nrows - 1 - row]) elif self._colorbar_location == "top": locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=h_ax_pos[col], ny=v_cb_pos[self._nrows - 1 - row]) self.cbar_axes[i].set_axes_locator(locator) if self._colorbar_mode == "single": if self._colorbar_location == "right": # sz = Size.Fraction(Size.AxesX(self.axes_llc), self._nrows) sz = Size.Fraction(self._nrows, Size.AxesX(self.axes_llc)) h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz)) h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz)) locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=-2, ny=0, ny1=-1) elif self._colorbar_location == "top": # sz = Size.Fraction(Size.AxesY(self.axes_llc), self._ncols) sz = Size.Fraction(self._ncols, Size.AxesY(self.axes_llc)) v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz)) v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz)) locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=0, nx1=-1, ny=-2) for i in range(self.ngrids): self.cbar_axes[i].set_visible(False) self.cbar_axes[0].set_axes_locator(locator) self.cbar_axes[0].set_visible(True) elif self._colorbar_mode == "each": for i in range(self.ngrids): self.cbar_axes[i].set_visible(True) else: for i in range(self.ngrids): self.cbar_axes[i].set_visible(False) self.cbar_axes[i].set_position([1.0, 1.0, 0.001, 0.001], which="active") self._divider.set_horizontal(h) self._divider.set_vertical(v)
class Grid(object): """ A class that creates a grid of Axes. In matplotlib, the axes location (and size) is specified in the normalized figure coordinates. This may not be ideal for images that needs to be displayed with a given aspect ratio. For example, displaying images of a same size with some fixed padding between them cannot be easily done in matplotlib. AxesGrid is used in such case. """ _defaultLocatableAxesClass = LocatableAxes def __init__( self, fig, rect, nrows_ncols, ngrids=None, direction="row", axes_pad=0.02, add_all=True, share_all=False, share_x=True, share_y=True, # aspect=True, label_mode="L", axes_class=None, ): """ Build an :class:`Grid` instance with a grid nrows*ncols :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` in :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` *fig* with *rect=[left, bottom, width, height]* (in :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` coordinates) or the subplot position code (e.g., "121"). Optional keyword arguments: ================ ======== ========================================= Keyword Default Description ================ ======== ========================================= direction "row" [ "row" | "column" ] axes_pad 0.02 float| pad between axes given in inches add_all True [ True | False ] share_all False [ True | False ] share_x True [ True | False ] share_y True [ True | False ] label_mode "L" [ "L" | "1" | "all" ] axes_class None a type object which must be a subclass of :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` ================ ======== ========================================= """ self._nrows, self._ncols = nrows_ncols if ngrids is None: ngrids = self._nrows * self._ncols else: if (ngrids > self._nrows * self._ncols) or (ngrids <= 0): raise Exception("") self.ngrids = ngrids self._init_axes_pad(axes_pad) if direction not in ["column", "row"]: raise Exception("") self._direction = direction if axes_class is None: axes_class = self._defaultLocatableAxesClass axes_class_args = {} else: if (type(axes_class)) == type and issubclass(axes_class, self._defaultLocatableAxesClass.Axes): axes_class_args = {} else: axes_class, axes_class_args = axes_class self.axes_all = [] self.axes_column = [[] for i in range(self._ncols)] self.axes_row = [[] for i in range(self._nrows)] h = [] v = [] if cbook.is_string_like(rect) or cbook.is_numlike(rect): self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=False) elif len(rect) == 3: kw = dict(horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=False) self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, *rect, **kw) elif len(rect) == 4: self._divider = Divider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=False) else: raise Exception("") rect = self._divider.get_position() # reference axes self._column_refax = [None for i in range(self._ncols)] self._row_refax = [None for i in range(self._nrows)] self._refax = None for i in range(self.ngrids): col, row = self._get_col_row(i) if share_all: sharex = self._refax sharey = self._refax else: if share_x: sharex = self._column_refax[col] else: sharex = None if share_y: sharey = self._row_refax[row] else: sharey = None ax = axes_class(fig, rect, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, **axes_class_args) if share_all: if self._refax is None: self._refax = ax else: if sharex is None: self._column_refax[col] = ax if sharey is None: self._row_refax[row] = ax self.axes_all.append(ax) self.axes_column[col].append(ax) self.axes_row[row].append(ax) self.axes_llc = self.axes_column[0][-1] self._update_locators() if add_all: for ax in self.axes_all: fig.add_axes(ax) self.set_label_mode(label_mode) def _init_axes_pad(self, axes_pad): self._axes_pad = axes_pad self._horiz_pad_size = Size.Fixed(axes_pad) self._vert_pad_size = Size.Fixed(axes_pad) def _update_locators(self): h = [] h_ax_pos = [] h_cb_pos = [] for ax in self._column_refax: # if h: h.append(Size.Fixed(self._axes_pad)) if h: h.append(self._horiz_pad_size) h_ax_pos.append(len(h)) sz = Size.Scaled(1) h.append(sz) v = [] v_ax_pos = [] v_cb_pos = [] for ax in self._row_refax[::-1]: # if v: v.append(Size.Fixed(self._axes_pad)) if v: v.append(self._vert_pad_size) v_ax_pos.append(len(v)) sz = Size.Scaled(1) v.append(sz) for i in range(self.ngrids): col, row = self._get_col_row(i) locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=h_ax_pos[col], ny=v_ax_pos[self._nrows - 1 - row]) self.axes_all[i].set_axes_locator(locator) self._divider.set_horizontal(h) self._divider.set_vertical(v) def _get_col_row(self, n): if self._direction == "column": col, row = divmod(n, self._nrows) else: row, col = divmod(n, self._ncols) return col, row def __getitem__(self, i): return self.axes_all[i] def get_geometry(self): """ get geometry of the grid. Returns a tuple of two integer, representing number of rows and number of columns. """ return self._nrows, self._ncols def set_axes_pad(self, axes_pad): "set axes_pad" self._axes_pad = axes_pad self._horiz_pad_size.fixed_size = axes_pad self._vert_pad_size.fixed_size = axes_pad def get_axes_pad(self): "get axes_pad" return self._axes_pad def set_aspect(self, aspect): "set aspect" self._divider.set_aspect(aspect) def get_aspect(self): "get aspect" return self._divider.get_aspect() def set_label_mode(self, mode): "set label_mode" if mode == "all": for ax in self.axes_all: _tick_only(ax, False, False) elif mode == "L": # left-most axes for ax in self.axes_column[0][:-1]: _tick_only(ax, bottom_on=True, left_on=False) # lower-left axes ax = self.axes_column[0][-1] _tick_only(ax, bottom_on=False, left_on=False) for col in self.axes_column[1:]: # axes with no labels for ax in col[:-1]: _tick_only(ax, bottom_on=True, left_on=True) # bottom ax = col[-1] _tick_only(ax, bottom_on=False, left_on=True) elif mode == "1": for ax in self.axes_all: _tick_only(ax, bottom_on=True, left_on=True) ax = self.axes_llc _tick_only(ax, bottom_on=False, left_on=False) def set_axes_locator(self, locator): self._divider.set_locator(locator) def get_axes_locator(self): return self._divider.get_locator() def get_vsize_hsize(self): return self._divider.get_vsize_hsize()
def __init__(self, fig, rect, nrows_ncols, ngrids = None, direction="row", axes_pad = 0.02, add_all=True, share_all=False, aspect=True, label_mode="L", cbar_mode=None, cbar_location="right", cbar_pad=None, cbar_size="5%", cbar_set_cax=True, axes_class=None, ): """ Build an :class:`ImageGrid` instance with a grid nrows*ncols :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` in :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` *fig* with *rect=[left, bottom, width, height]* (in :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` coordinates) or the subplot position code (e.g., "121"). Optional keyword arguments: ================ ======== ========================================= Keyword Default Description ================ ======== ========================================= direction "row" [ "row" | "column" ] axes_pad 0.02 float| pad between axes given in inches add_all True [ True | False ] share_all False [ True | False ] aspect True [ True | False ] label_mode "L" [ "L" | "1" | "all" ] cbar_mode None [ "each" | "single" | "edge" ] cbar_location "right" [ "left" | "right" | "bottom" | "top" ] cbar_pad None cbar_size "5%" cbar_set_cax True [ True | False ] axes_class None a type object which must be a subclass of :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` ================ ======== ========================================= *cbar_set_cax* : if True, each axes in the grid has a cax attribute that is bind to associated cbar_axes. """ self._nrows, self._ncols = nrows_ncols if ngrids is None: ngrids = self._nrows * self._ncols else: if (ngrids > self._nrows * self._ncols) or (ngrids <= 0): raise Exception("") self.ngrids = ngrids self._axes_pad = axes_pad self._colorbar_mode = cbar_mode self._colorbar_location = cbar_location if cbar_pad is None: self._colorbar_pad = axes_pad else: self._colorbar_pad = cbar_pad self._colorbar_size = cbar_size self._init_axes_pad(axes_pad) if direction not in ["column", "row"]: raise Exception("") self._direction = direction if axes_class is None: axes_class = self._defaultLocatableAxesClass axes_class_args = {} else: if isinstance(axes_class, maxes.Axes): axes_class_args = {} else: axes_class, axes_class_args = axes_class self.axes_all = [] self.axes_column = [[] for i in range(self._ncols)] self.axes_row = [[] for i in range(self._nrows)] self.cbar_axes = [] h = [] v = [] if cbook.is_string_like(rect) or cbook.is_numlike(rect): self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=aspect) elif isinstance(rect, SubplotSpec): self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=aspect) elif len(rect) == 3: kw = dict(horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=aspect) self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, *rect, **kw) elif len(rect) == 4: self._divider = Divider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=aspect) else: raise Exception("") rect = self._divider.get_position() # reference axes self._column_refax = [None for i in range(self._ncols)] self._row_refax = [None for i in range(self._nrows)] self._refax = None for i in range(self.ngrids): col, row = self._get_col_row(i) if share_all: sharex = self._refax sharey = self._refax else: sharex = self._column_refax[col] sharey = self._row_refax[row] ax = axes_class(fig, rect, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, **axes_class_args) if share_all: if self._refax is None: self._refax = ax else: if sharex is None: self._column_refax[col] = ax if sharey is None: self._row_refax[row] = ax self.axes_all.append(ax) self.axes_column[col].append(ax) self.axes_row[row].append(ax) cax = self._defaultCbarAxesClass(fig, rect, orientation=self._colorbar_location) self.cbar_axes.append(cax) self.axes_llc = self.axes_column[0][-1] self._update_locators() if add_all: for ax in self.axes_all+self.cbar_axes: fig.add_axes(ax) if cbar_set_cax: if self._colorbar_mode == "single": for ax in self.axes_all: ax.cax = self.cbar_axes[0] else: for ax, cax in zip(self.axes_all, self.cbar_axes): ax.cax = cax self.set_label_mode(label_mode)
class ImageGrid(Grid): """ A class that creates a grid of Axes. In matplotlib, the axes location (and size) is specified in the normalized figure coordinates. This may not be ideal for images that needs to be displayed with a given aspect ratio. For example, displaying images of a same size with some fixed padding between them cannot be easily done in matplotlib. ImageGrid is used in such case. """ _defaultCbarAxesClass = CbarAxes def __init__(self, fig, rect, nrows_ncols, ngrids = None, direction="row", axes_pad = 0.02, add_all=True, share_all=False, aspect=True, label_mode="L", cbar_mode=None, cbar_location="right", cbar_pad=None, cbar_size="5%", cbar_set_cax=True, axes_class=None, ): """ Build an :class:`ImageGrid` instance with a grid nrows*ncols :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` in :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` *fig* with *rect=[left, bottom, width, height]* (in :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` coordinates) or the subplot position code (e.g., "121"). Optional keyword arguments: ================ ======== ========================================= Keyword Default Description ================ ======== ========================================= direction "row" [ "row" | "column" ] axes_pad 0.02 float| pad between axes given in inches add_all True [ True | False ] share_all False [ True | False ] aspect True [ True | False ] label_mode "L" [ "L" | "1" | "all" ] cbar_mode None [ "each" | "single" | "edge" ] cbar_location "right" [ "left" | "right" | "bottom" | "top" ] cbar_pad None cbar_size "5%" cbar_set_cax True [ True | False ] axes_class None a type object which must be a subclass of :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` ================ ======== ========================================= *cbar_set_cax* : if True, each axes in the grid has a cax attribute that is bind to associated cbar_axes. """ self._nrows, self._ncols = nrows_ncols if ngrids is None: ngrids = self._nrows * self._ncols else: if (ngrids > self._nrows * self._ncols) or (ngrids <= 0): raise Exception("") self.ngrids = ngrids self._axes_pad = axes_pad self._colorbar_mode = cbar_mode self._colorbar_location = cbar_location if cbar_pad is None: self._colorbar_pad = axes_pad else: self._colorbar_pad = cbar_pad self._colorbar_size = cbar_size self._init_axes_pad(axes_pad) if direction not in ["column", "row"]: raise Exception("") self._direction = direction if axes_class is None: axes_class = self._defaultLocatableAxesClass axes_class_args = {} else: if isinstance(axes_class, maxes.Axes): axes_class_args = {} else: axes_class, axes_class_args = axes_class self.axes_all = [] self.axes_column = [[] for i in range(self._ncols)] self.axes_row = [[] for i in range(self._nrows)] self.cbar_axes = [] h = [] v = [] if cbook.is_string_like(rect) or cbook.is_numlike(rect): self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=aspect) elif isinstance(rect, SubplotSpec): self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=aspect) elif len(rect) == 3: kw = dict(horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=aspect) self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, *rect, **kw) elif len(rect) == 4: self._divider = Divider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=aspect) else: raise Exception("") rect = self._divider.get_position() # reference axes self._column_refax = [None for i in range(self._ncols)] self._row_refax = [None for i in range(self._nrows)] self._refax = None for i in range(self.ngrids): col, row = self._get_col_row(i) if share_all: sharex = self._refax sharey = self._refax else: sharex = self._column_refax[col] sharey = self._row_refax[row] ax = axes_class(fig, rect, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, **axes_class_args) if share_all: if self._refax is None: self._refax = ax else: if sharex is None: self._column_refax[col] = ax if sharey is None: self._row_refax[row] = ax self.axes_all.append(ax) self.axes_column[col].append(ax) self.axes_row[row].append(ax) cax = self._defaultCbarAxesClass(fig, rect, orientation=self._colorbar_location) self.cbar_axes.append(cax) self.axes_llc = self.axes_column[0][-1] self._update_locators() if add_all: for ax in self.axes_all+self.cbar_axes: fig.add_axes(ax) if cbar_set_cax: if self._colorbar_mode == "single": for ax in self.axes_all: ax.cax = self.cbar_axes[0] else: for ax, cax in zip(self.axes_all, self.cbar_axes): ax.cax = cax self.set_label_mode(label_mode) def _update_locators(self): h = [] v = [] h_ax_pos = [] h_cb_pos = [] if self._colorbar_mode == "single" and self._colorbar_location in ('left', 'bottom'): if self._colorbar_location == "left": #sz = Size.Fraction(Size.AxesX(self.axes_llc), self._nrows) sz = Size.Fraction(self._nrows, Size.AxesX(self.axes_llc)) h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz)) h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz)) locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=0, ny=0, ny1=-1) elif self._colorbar_location == "bottom": #sz = Size.Fraction(Size.AxesY(self.axes_llc), self._ncols) sz = Size.Fraction(self._ncols, Size.AxesY(self.axes_llc)) v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz)) v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz)) locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=0, nx1=-1, ny=0) for i in range(self.ngrids): self.cbar_axes[i].set_visible(False) self.cbar_axes[0].set_axes_locator(locator) self.cbar_axes[0].set_visible(True) for col,ax in enumerate(self._column_refax): if h: h.append(self._horiz_pad_size) #Size.Fixed(self._axes_pad)) if ax: sz = Size.AxesX(ax) else: sz = Size.AxesX(self.axes_llc) if (self._colorbar_mode == "each" or (self._colorbar_mode == 'edge' and col == 0)) and self._colorbar_location == "left": h_cb_pos.append(len(h)) h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz)) h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz)) h_ax_pos.append(len(h)) h.append(sz) if (self._colorbar_mode == "each" or (self._colorbar_mode == 'edge' and col == self._ncols - 1)) and self._colorbar_location == "right": h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz)) h_cb_pos.append(len(h)) h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz)) v_ax_pos = [] v_cb_pos = [] for row,ax in enumerate(self._row_refax[::-1]): if v: v.append(self._horiz_pad_size) #Size.Fixed(self._axes_pad)) if ax: sz = Size.AxesY(ax) else: sz = Size.AxesY(self.axes_llc) if (self._colorbar_mode == "each" or (self._colorbar_mode == 'edge' and row == 0)) and self._colorbar_location == "bottom": v_cb_pos.append(len(v)) v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz)) v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz)) v_ax_pos.append(len(v)) v.append(sz) if (self._colorbar_mode == "each" or (self._colorbar_mode == 'edge' and row == self._nrows - 1)) and self._colorbar_location == "top": v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz)) v_cb_pos.append(len(v)) v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz)) for i in range(self.ngrids): col, row = self._get_col_row(i) #locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=4*col, ny=2*(self._nrows - row - 1)) locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=h_ax_pos[col], ny=v_ax_pos[self._nrows -1 - row]) self.axes_all[i].set_axes_locator(locator) if self._colorbar_mode == "each": if self._colorbar_location in ("right", "left"): locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=h_cb_pos[col], ny=v_ax_pos[self._nrows -1 - row]) elif self._colorbar_location in ("top", "bottom"): locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=h_ax_pos[col], ny=v_cb_pos[self._nrows -1 - row]) self.cbar_axes[i].set_axes_locator(locator) elif self._colorbar_mode == 'edge': if ((self._colorbar_location == 'left' and col == 0) or (self._colorbar_location == 'right' and col == self._ncols-1)): locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=h_cb_pos[0], ny=v_ax_pos[self._nrows -1 - row]) self.cbar_axes[row].set_axes_locator(locator) elif ((self._colorbar_location == 'bottom' and row == self._nrows - 1) or (self._colorbar_location == 'top' and row == 0)): locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=h_ax_pos[col], ny=v_cb_pos[0]) self.cbar_axes[col].set_axes_locator(locator) if self._colorbar_mode == "single": if self._colorbar_location == "right": #sz = Size.Fraction(Size.AxesX(self.axes_llc), self._nrows) sz = Size.Fraction(self._nrows, Size.AxesX(self.axes_llc)) h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz)) h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz)) locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=-2, ny=0, ny1=-1) elif self._colorbar_location == "top": #sz = Size.Fraction(Size.AxesY(self.axes_llc), self._ncols) sz = Size.Fraction(self._ncols, Size.AxesY(self.axes_llc)) v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz)) v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz)) locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=0, nx1=-1, ny=-2) if self._colorbar_location in ("right", "top"): for i in range(self.ngrids): self.cbar_axes[i].set_visible(False) self.cbar_axes[0].set_axes_locator(locator) self.cbar_axes[0].set_visible(True) elif self._colorbar_mode == "each": for i in range(self.ngrids): self.cbar_axes[i].set_visible(True) elif self._colorbar_mode == "edge": if self._colorbar_location in ('right', 'left'): count = self._nrows else: count = self._ncols for i in range(count): self.cbar_axes[i].set_visible(True) for j in range(i + 1, self.ngrids): self.cbar_axes[j].set_visible(False) else: for i in range(self.ngrids): self.cbar_axes[i].set_visible(False) self.cbar_axes[i].set_position([1., 1., 0.001, 0.001], which="active") self._divider.set_horizontal(h) self._divider.set_vertical(v)
def __init__(self, fig, rect, nrows_ncols, ngrids = None, direction="row", axes_pad = 0.02, add_all=True, share_all=False, share_x=True, share_y=True, #aspect=True, label_mode="L", axes_class=None, ): """ Build an :class:`Grid` instance with a grid nrows*ncols :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` in :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` *fig* with *rect=[left, bottom, width, height]* (in :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` coordinates) or the subplot position code (e.g., "121"). Optional keyword arguments: ================ ======== ========================================= Keyword Default Description ================ ======== ========================================= direction "row" [ "row" | "column" ] axes_pad 0.02 float| pad between axes given in inches add_all True [ True | False ] share_all False [ True | False ] share_x True [ True | False ] share_y True [ True | False ] label_mode "L" [ "L" | "1" | "all" ] axes_class None a type object which must be a subclass of :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` ================ ======== ========================================= """ self._nrows, self._ncols = nrows_ncols if ngrids is None: ngrids = self._nrows * self._ncols else: if (ngrids > self._nrows * self._ncols) or (ngrids <= 0): raise Exception("") self.ngrids = ngrids self._init_axes_pad(axes_pad) if direction not in ["column", "row"]: raise Exception("") self._direction = direction if axes_class is None: axes_class = self._defaultLocatableAxesClass axes_class_args = {} else: if (type(axes_class)) == type and \ issubclass(axes_class, self._defaultLocatableAxesClass.Axes): axes_class_args = {} else: axes_class, axes_class_args = axes_class self.axes_all = [] self.axes_column = [[] for i in range(self._ncols)] self.axes_row = [[] for i in range(self._nrows)] h = [] v = [] if cbook.is_string_like(rect) or cbook.is_numlike(rect): self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=False) elif isinstance(rect, SubplotSpec): self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=False) elif len(rect) == 3: kw = dict(horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=False) self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, *rect, **kw) elif len(rect) == 4: self._divider = Divider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=False) else: raise Exception("") rect = self._divider.get_position() # reference axes self._column_refax = [None for i in range(self._ncols)] self._row_refax = [None for i in range(self._nrows)] self._refax = None for i in range(self.ngrids): col, row = self._get_col_row(i) if share_all: sharex = self._refax sharey = self._refax else: if share_x: sharex = self._column_refax[col] else: sharex = None if share_y: sharey = self._row_refax[row] else: sharey = None ax = axes_class(fig, rect, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, **axes_class_args) if share_all: if self._refax is None: self._refax = ax else: if sharex is None: self._column_refax[col] = ax if sharey is None: self._row_refax[row] = ax self.axes_all.append(ax) self.axes_column[col].append(ax) self.axes_row[row].append(ax) self.axes_llc = self.axes_column[0][-1] self._update_locators() if add_all: for ax in self.axes_all: fig.add_axes(ax) self.set_label_mode(label_mode)
class Grid(object): """ A class that creates a grid of Axes. In matplotlib, the axes location (and size) is specified in the normalized figure coordinates. This may not be ideal for images that needs to be displayed with a given aspect ratio. For example, displaying images of a same size with some fixed padding between them cannot be easily done in matplotlib. AxesGrid is used in such case. """ _defaultLocatableAxesClass = LocatableAxes def __init__(self, fig, rect, nrows_ncols, ngrids = None, direction="row", axes_pad = 0.02, add_all=True, share_all=False, share_x=True, share_y=True, #aspect=True, label_mode="L", axes_class=None, ): """ Build an :class:`Grid` instance with a grid nrows*ncols :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` in :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` *fig* with *rect=[left, bottom, width, height]* (in :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` coordinates) or the subplot position code (e.g., "121"). Optional keyword arguments: ================ ======== ========================================= Keyword Default Description ================ ======== ========================================= direction "row" [ "row" | "column" ] axes_pad 0.02 float| pad between axes given in inches add_all True [ True | False ] share_all False [ True | False ] share_x True [ True | False ] share_y True [ True | False ] label_mode "L" [ "L" | "1" | "all" ] axes_class None a type object which must be a subclass of :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` ================ ======== ========================================= """ self._nrows, self._ncols = nrows_ncols if ngrids is None: ngrids = self._nrows * self._ncols else: if (ngrids > self._nrows * self._ncols) or (ngrids <= 0): raise Exception("") self.ngrids = ngrids self._init_axes_pad(axes_pad) if direction not in ["column", "row"]: raise Exception("") self._direction = direction if axes_class is None: axes_class = self._defaultLocatableAxesClass axes_class_args = {} else: if (type(axes_class)) == type and \ issubclass(axes_class, self._defaultLocatableAxesClass.Axes): axes_class_args = {} else: axes_class, axes_class_args = axes_class self.axes_all = [] self.axes_column = [[] for i in range(self._ncols)] self.axes_row = [[] for i in range(self._nrows)] h = [] v = [] if cbook.is_string_like(rect) or cbook.is_numlike(rect): self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=False) elif isinstance(rect, SubplotSpec): self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=False) elif len(rect) == 3: kw = dict(horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=False) self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, *rect, **kw) elif len(rect) == 4: self._divider = Divider(fig, rect, horizontal=h, vertical=v, aspect=False) else: raise Exception("") rect = self._divider.get_position() # reference axes self._column_refax = [None for i in range(self._ncols)] self._row_refax = [None for i in range(self._nrows)] self._refax = None for i in range(self.ngrids): col, row = self._get_col_row(i) if share_all: sharex = self._refax sharey = self._refax else: if share_x: sharex = self._column_refax[col] else: sharex = None if share_y: sharey = self._row_refax[row] else: sharey = None ax = axes_class(fig, rect, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, **axes_class_args) if share_all: if self._refax is None: self._refax = ax else: if sharex is None: self._column_refax[col] = ax if sharey is None: self._row_refax[row] = ax self.axes_all.append(ax) self.axes_column[col].append(ax) self.axes_row[row].append(ax) self.axes_llc = self.axes_column[0][-1] self._update_locators() if add_all: for ax in self.axes_all: fig.add_axes(ax) self.set_label_mode(label_mode) def _init_axes_pad(self, axes_pad): self._axes_pad = axes_pad self._horiz_pad_size = Size.Fixed(axes_pad) self._vert_pad_size = Size.Fixed(axes_pad) def _update_locators(self): h = [] h_ax_pos = [] h_cb_pos = [] for ax in self._column_refax: #if h: h.append(Size.Fixed(self._axes_pad)) if h: h.append(self._horiz_pad_size) h_ax_pos.append(len(h)) sz = Size.Scaled(1) h.append(sz) v = [] v_ax_pos = [] v_cb_pos = [] for ax in self._row_refax[::-1]: #if v: v.append(Size.Fixed(self._axes_pad)) if v: v.append(self._vert_pad_size) v_ax_pos.append(len(v)) sz = Size.Scaled(1) v.append(sz) for i in range(self.ngrids): col, row = self._get_col_row(i) locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=h_ax_pos[col], ny=v_ax_pos[self._nrows -1 - row]) self.axes_all[i].set_axes_locator(locator) self._divider.set_horizontal(h) self._divider.set_vertical(v) def _get_col_row(self, n): if self._direction == "column": col, row = divmod(n, self._nrows) else: row, col = divmod(n, self._ncols) return col, row def __getitem__(self, i): return self.axes_all[i] def get_geometry(self): """ get geometry of the grid. Returns a tuple of two integer, representing number of rows and number of columns. """ return self._nrows, self._ncols def set_axes_pad(self, axes_pad): "set axes_pad" self._axes_pad = axes_pad self._horiz_pad_size.fixed_size = axes_pad self._vert_pad_size.fixed_size = axes_pad def get_axes_pad(self): "get axes_pad" return self._axes_pad def set_aspect(self, aspect): "set aspect" self._divider.set_aspect(aspect) def get_aspect(self): "get aspect" return self._divider.get_aspect() def set_label_mode(self, mode): "set label_mode" if mode == "all": for ax in self.axes_all: _tick_only(ax, False, False) elif mode == "L": # left-most axes for ax in self.axes_column[0][:-1]: _tick_only(ax, bottom_on=True, left_on=False) # lower-left axes ax = self.axes_column[0][-1] _tick_only(ax, bottom_on=False, left_on=False) for col in self.axes_column[1:]: # axes with no labels for ax in col[:-1]: _tick_only(ax, bottom_on=True, left_on=True) # bottom ax = col[-1] _tick_only(ax, bottom_on=False, left_on=True) elif mode == "1": for ax in self.axes_all: _tick_only(ax, bottom_on=True, left_on=True) ax = self.axes_llc _tick_only(ax, bottom_on=False, left_on=False) def get_divider(self): return self._divider def set_axes_locator(self, locator): self._divider.set_locator(locator) def get_axes_locator(self): return self._divider.get_locator() def get_vsize_hsize(self): return self._divider.get_vsize_hsize()