def __init__(self, name, mc, step_pin, dir_pin, invert_dir=False, log=None): Axis.__init__(self, name, log=log) = mc self.usbio = mc.usbio if self.usbio.serial is None: raise Exception("USBIO missing serial") self.step_pin = step_pin self.dir_pin = dir_pin self.invert_dir = invert_dir # Set a known output state # Unknown state to force set self.is_forward = None self.forward() self.usbio.set_gpio(self.step_pin, True) self.step_delay_s = None #self.step_delay_s = 0.001 #self.step_delay_s = 5 # Total number of steps = 0 self._stop = threading.Event() self._estop = threading.Event()
class Player(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.image, self.rect = Utility.load_image_file('player.png') grect = Utility.screen.get_rect() self.rect.x = (grect.width - self.rect.width) / 2 self.rect.y = (grect.height - self.rect.height) self.axis = Axis() self.speed = 5 self.speed_slow = 2 def update(self, event, time): self.axis.update(event) v = self.axis.get_vector() if v[0] != 0 and v[1] != 0: v = (v[0] * 0.707, v[1] * 0.707) """Move player character """ if self.axis.get_shift(): print('shift') self.rect.move_ip((v[0] * self.speed_slow, v[1] * self.speed_slow)) else: self.rect.move_ip((v[0] * self.speed, v[1] * self.speed)) #self.rect.move_ip(1,1) grect = Utility.screen.get_rect() self.rect.x = max(0, min(self.rect.x, grect.width - self.rect.width)) self.rect.y = max(0, min(self.rect.y, grect.height - self.rect.height))
def __init__(self, name, mc, step_pin, dir_pin, invert_dir=False, log=None): Axis.__init__(self, name, log=log) # = mc self.usbio = mc.usbio if self.usbio.serial is None: raise Exception("USBIO missing serial") self.step_pin = step_pin self.dir_pin = dir_pin self.invert_dir = invert_dir # Set a known output state # Unknown state to force set self.is_forward = None self.forward() self.usbio.set_gpio(self.step_pin, True) self.step_delay_s = None # self.step_delay_s = 0.001 # self.step_delay_s = 5 # Total number of steps = 0 self._stop = threading.Event() self._estop = threading.Event()
def jog(self, forwards=True): Axis.jog(self, forwards) if forwards: self.current_steps = self.actual_high_lim self.current_pos = self.actual_high_lim else: self.current_steps = self.actual_low_lim self.current_pos = self.actual_low_lim
def send(self, command, *parameters): Axis.send(self, command, *parameters) if command is TELL_SWITCHES: return self._mock_switches() if command is MOTOR_TYPE: return 2.5 if command is CONFIGURE_ENCODER: return 14
def CreateCenter( self, vector, colour ): # Create the axis, add the geometry and collision axis = Axis(, vector, colour, default=True ) axis.AddGeometry( Box( 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, origin=Point3(0.05, 0.05, 0.05) ), sizeStyle=NONE ) axis.AddCollisionSolid( CollisionSphere( 0, 0.1 ), sizeStyle=NONE ) axis.reparentTo( self ) return axis
def __init__(self): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.image, self.rect = Utility.load_image_file('player.png') grect = Utility.screen.get_rect() self.rect.x = (grect.width - self.rect.width) / 2 self.rect.y = (grect.height - self.rect.height) self.axis = Axis() self.speed = 5 self.speed_slow = 2
def __init__(self): ''' connect to midi device and set up ros ''' self.sp = SmartPAD('SmartPAD') self.axis = Axis() self.axis.init() self.web = pages.Pages() rospy.loginfo("Using input device %s" % self.sp.device) os.environ['PORT'] = '8081'
def CreateSquare( self, vector, colour ): # Create the geometry and collision self.square = Square( 0.2, 0.2, Vec3(0, 1, 0), origin=Point3(0.1, 0.1, 0) ) self.square.setBillboardPointEye() collSphere = CollisionSphere( 0, 0.125 ) # Create the axis, add the geometry and collision axis = Axis(, CAMERA_VECTOR, colour, planar=True, default=True ) axis.AddGeometry( self.square, sizeStyle=NONE ) axis.AddCollisionSolid( collSphere, sizeStyle=NONE ) axis.reparentTo( self ) return axis
def __init__(self, name, indexer, config=None): Axis.__init__(self, name, steps_per_um=config['cnc']['steps_per_um']) self.indexer = indexer if self.indexer.serial is None: raise Exception("Indexer missing serial") self.movement_notify = lambda: None # Ensure stopped self.indexer.step(, 0) self._stop = threading.Event() self._estop = threading.Event()
def CreateArrow( self, vector, colour ): # Create the geometry and collision line = Line( (0, 0, 0), vector ) cone = Cone( 0.05, 0.25, axis=vector, origin=vector * 0.25 ) collTube = CollisionTube( (0,0,0), Point3( vector ) * 0.95, 0.05 ) # Create the axis, add the geometry and collision axis = Axis(, vector, colour ) axis.AddGeometry( line, sizeStyle=SCALE ) axis.AddGeometry( cone, vector, colour ) axis.AddCollisionSolid( collTube, sizeStyle=TRANSLATE_POINT_B ) axis.reparentTo( self ) return axis
def CreateCamCircle( self, colour, radius ): # Create the geometry and collision circle = self.CreateCircle( colour, radius ) collPoly = CollisionPolygon( Point3(-1.2, 0, -1.2), Point3(-1.25, 0, 1.25), Point3(1.25, 0, 1.25), Point3(1.25, 0, -1.25) ) # Create the axis, add the geometry and collision self.camAxis = Axis(, CAMERA_VECTOR, colour, planar=True, default=True ) self.camAxis.AddGeometry( circle, sizeStyle=SCALE ) self.camAxis.AddCollisionSolid( collPoly, sizeStyle=SCALE ) self.camAxis.reparentTo( self ) return self.camAxis
def print_axis_and_parabola(original, threshold, stepRho=1, stepTheta=np.pi / 180): """ Prints axis and parabola in the original image """ # original image image = cv2.cvtColor(original.copy(), cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) # axis axis = Axis(original, threshold) original_axis = axis.get_axis() rotate_angle, axis_90degree = axis.get_axis_in_90degree() axis.draw_axis(image) axis.draw_axis_origin(image) # parabola parabola = Parabola(original, rotate_angle, original_axis, axis.axis_origin) a, b, c = parabola.get_parabola() parabola.draw_parabola(image) return image
def CreateBox( self, vector, colour ): # Create the geometry and collision line = Line( (0, 0, 0), vector ) box = Box( 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, origin=Point3(0.05, 0.05, 0.05) + vector * 0.05 ) collSphere = CollisionSphere( Point3( vector * -0.05 ), 0.1 ) # Create the axis, add the geometry and collision axis = Axis(, vector, colour ) axis.AddGeometry( line, colour=GREY, highlight=False, sizeStyle=SCALE ) axis.AddGeometry( box, vector, colour ) axis.AddCollisionSolid( collSphere, vector ) axis.reparentTo( self ) return axis
def __determine_y_axes(self): lowest_primary_y_value = None highest_primary_y_value = None lowest_secondary_y_value = None highest_secondary_y_value = None for data_set in self.data_sets: lowest_y_value = data_set.get_lowest_value() highest_y_value = data_set.get_highest_value() if self.additional_axis_meta_data.get_axis_meta_data_item( == AxisType.PRIMARY: if lowest_primary_y_value is None: lowest_primary_y_value = lowest_y_value else: if lowest_y_value < lowest_primary_y_value: lowest_primary_y_value = lowest_y_value if highest_primary_y_value is None: highest_primary_y_value = highest_y_value else: if highest_y_value > highest_primary_y_value: highest_primary_y_value = highest_y_value elif self.additional_axis_meta_data.get_axis_meta_data_item( == AxisType.SECONDARY: if lowest_secondary_y_value is None: lowest_secondary_y_value = lowest_y_value else: if lowest_y_value < lowest_secondary_y_value: lowest_secondary_y_value = lowest_y_value if highest_secondary_y_value is None: highest_secondary_y_value = highest_y_value else: if highest_y_value > highest_secondary_y_value: highest_secondary_y_value = highest_y_value y_data_type, y_low, y_high = self.__evaluate_axis_data_by_type( lowest_primary_y_value, highest_primary_y_value) self.y_primary_axis = Axis(y_low, y_high, y_data_type) y_data_type, y_low, y_high = self.__evaluate_axis_data_by_type( lowest_secondary_y_value, highest_secondary_y_value) self.y_secondary_axis = Axis(y_low, y_high, y_data_type)
def CreateArrow(self, vec, colour): # Create the geometry and collision vec.normalize() line = pm.NodePath(Line((0, 0, 0), vec)) cone = pm.NodePath(Cone(0.05, 0.25, axis=vec, origin=vec * 0.125)) collTube = pm.CollisionTube((0, 0, 0), pm.Point3(vec) * 0.95, 0.05) # Create the axis, add the geometry and collision axis = Axis(, vec, colour) axis.AddGeometry(line, sizeStyle=SCALE) axis.AddGeometry(cone, vec, colour) axis.AddCollisionSolid(collTube, sizeStyle=TRANSLATE_POINT_B) axis.reparentTo(self) return axis
def __init__(self, address): super().__init__(address) self.about = About(self) self.access = Access(self) self.adjustment = Adjustment(self) self.axis = Axis(self) self.displacement = Displacement(self) self.ecu = Ecu(self) self.functions = Functions(self) self.manual = Manual(self) = Network(self) self.nlc = Nlc(self) self.pilotlaser = Pilotlaser(self) self.realtime = Realtime(self) self.system = System(self) self.system_service = System_service(self) self.update = Update(self) try: self.streaming = Streaming(self) except NameError as e: if "Streaming" in str(e): print("Warning: Streaming is not supported on your platform") else: raise e
def demo1(): theta = Axis('th', unit=u'deg') theta2 = Axis('tth', unit=u'deg') theta.position = 5. theta.speed = 10. theta2.position = 24 theta2.speed = 5 move(theta2, 30, theta, 40)
def CreateRing( self, vector, colour, lookAt ): # Create the billboard effect bbe = BillboardEffect.make( vector, False, True, 0, lookAt, (0, 0, 0) ) # Create an arc arc = Arc( numSegs=32, degrees=180, axis=Vec3(0, 0, 1) ) arc.setH( 180 ) arc.setEffect( bbe ) # Create the axis from the arc axis = Axis(, vector, colour ) axis.AddGeometry( arc, sizeStyle=SCALE ) axis.AddCollisionSolid( self.collSphere, sizeStyle=SCALE ) axis.reparentTo( self ) return axis
def __init__(self, labels, screen_width, screen_height): self.screen_width = screen_width / 2 self.screen_height = screen_height self.screen = pygame.Surface((self.screen_width, self.screen_height)) self.xliftoff = 50 self.yliftoff = 50 self.bar_width = 17 self.labels = labels self.axes = Axis(self.screen, self.screen_width, self.screen_height, self.xliftoff, self.yliftoff, self.bar_width) self.movement = 0 self.profile = 0 self.power = 0 self.charts = 0 pub.subscribe(self.movement_handler, "gamepad.movement") pub.subscribe(self.profile_handler, "gamepad.profile") pub.subscribe(self.power_handler, "Thruster.Power")
def __determine_x_axis(self): lowest_x_value, highest_x_value = self.data_sets.get_lowest_and_highest_key( ) x_data_type, x_low, x_high = self.__evaluate_axis_data_by_type( lowest_x_value, highest_x_value) # x_low = lowest_x_value # x_high = highest_x_value # #self.x_axis = Axis(x_low, x_high, x_data_type, self.x_axis_format) self.x_axis = Axis(lowest_x_value, highest_x_value, x_data_type, self.x_axis_format)
def CreateRing( self, vector, colour, lookAt ): # Create the billboard effect bbe = BillboardEffect.make( vector, False, True, 0, lookAt, (0, 0, 0) ) # Create an arc arc = Arc( numSegs=32, degrees=180, axis=Vec3(0, 0, 1) ) #line = Line(start=Vec3(0,0,0), end=Vec3(0, 0, 1)) arc.setH( 180 ) arc.setEffect( bbe ) # Create the axis from the arc axis = Axis(, vector, colour ) axis.AddGeometry( arc, sizeStyle=SCALE , vector=str(vector)) #axis.AddGeometry( line, sizeStyle=SCALE ) axis.AddCollisionSolid( self.collSphere, sizeStyle=SCALE, vector=str(vector)) axis.reparentTo( self ) #== line = Line( (0, 0, 0), vector ) cone = Cone( 0.05, 0.25, axis=vector, origin=vector * 0.25 ) axis.AddGeometry( line, sizeStyle=SCALE ) axis.AddGeometry( cone, vector, colour ) #== return axis
def addAxis(self, key, **kwprops): """ Add a new axis to the plot, with its name given by key. If key already exists, do nothing. Return the axis, regardless of whether it already exists or was just created. """ if key not in self._axes.keys(): self._axes[key] = Axis(self._figure.canvas(), self, **kwprops) self.addChild(self._axes[key]) return self._axes[key]
def __init__(self, parent, index, onoff='on', hidden='false', type='XY', stacked='false', bar_hgap=0.00, **kwargs): GraceObject.__init__(self, parent, locals()) self.legend = Legend(self) self.frame = Frame(self) self.xaxis = Axis(self, 'x') self.yaxis = Axis(self, 'y') self.altxaxis = Axis(self, 'x', 'alt', 'off') self.altyaxis = Axis(self, 'y', 'alt', 'off') self.title = Title(self) self.subtitle = Subtitle(self) self.view = View(self) = World(self) self.datasets = [] self._datasetIndex = INDEX_ORIGIN self.drawing_objects = []
class Smartie(object): ''' Class to connect to and publish the Korg NanoKontrol midi device as a ros joystick ''' def __init__(self): ''' connect to midi device and set up ros ''' self.sp = SmartPAD('SmartPAD') self.axis = Axis() self.axis.init() self.web = pages.Pages() rospy.loginfo("Using input device %s" % self.sp.device) os.environ['PORT'] = '8081' def finish(self): self.sp.finish() self.axis.fini() self.web.finish() #del self.sp #del self.axis def run(self): try: thread.start_new_thread(, ()) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): done, data = self.sp.readin() if done: rospy.signal_shutdown("Smartie Done") self.axis.process_keys(data) finally: rospy.loginfo("Smartie Died") self.finish()
def test_sig(vhdl_output_path=None): axis_y = Axis(32) axis_x = Axis(32) y_pow, y_fac, y_exp = [Signal(intbv(0)[32:]) for i in range(3)] clk = Signal(bool(0)) clk_gen_1 = clk_gen(clk, period=10) reset = ResetSignal(0, active=1, async=False) # power_1 = power(clk, reset, y_pow, x, prec, end, start) # factorial_1 = factorial(clk, reset, y_fac, prec, end, start) # exponential_1 = exponential(clk, reset, y_exp, x, prec, end, start) sigmoid_1 = sigmoid(clk, reset, axis_y, axis_x, 4, fraction=16) @instance def reset_gen(): = 0 yield delay(4000) yield clk.negedge = 1 @instance def stimulus(): = 0 yield delay(1000) print("sig z", axis_x.tdata, "o prec 4 =", axis_y.tdata) = 2 yield delay(1500) print("sig z", axis_x.tdata, "o prec 4 =", axis_y.tdata) = 8 yield delay(1500) print("sig z", axis_x.tdata, "o prec 4 =", axis_y.tdata) raise StopSimulation() if vhdl_output_path is not None: sigmoid_1.convert(hdl='VHDL', path=vhdl_output_path) return instances()
def CreateCenter(self, vector, colour): # Create the axis, add the geometry and collision axis = Axis(, vector, colour, default=True) axis.AddGeometry(NodePath(Box(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)), sizeStyle=NONE) axis.AddCollisionSolid(CollisionSphere(0, 0.1), sizeStyle=NONE) axis.reparentTo(self) return axis
def __init__(self): self.axis = Axis(verbose=0) self.axis.init() self.poser = ArmPos() self.csvf = open('kin.csv', 'wb') self.csv = csv.writer(self.csvf) #complicated reset just for fun with Python comprehensions self.angles = [0.2, 1.4, 0.2, 1.5] self.rtinvert = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] self.lfinvert = [ 1.0,-1.0, 1.0,-1.0] self.lch = ['la0', 'la1', 'la2', 'la3'] self.rch = ['ra0', 'ra1', 'ra2', 'ra3'] data = [ Datum(j[0],j[1]*j[2]) for j in zip(self.rch,self.angles,self.rtinvert)] self.axis.process_keys(data) rospy.sleep(0.5) data = [ Datum(j[0],j[1]*j[2]) for j in zip(self.lch,self.angles,self.lfinvert)] self.axis.process_keys(data) self.pose = [0.2, 1.4, 0.2, 1.5, 0.2,-1.4, 0.2,-1.5] self.tfBuffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() self.tfListener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tfBuffer) self.poser.subscribe(Kinemate.leftandright)
def __init__(self, parent, index, onoff='on', hidden='false', type='XY', stacked = 'false', bar_hgap=0.00, **kwargs ): GraceObject.__init__(self, parent, locals()) self.legend = Legend(self) self.frame = Frame(self) self.xaxis = Axis(self, 'x') self.yaxis = Axis(self, 'y') self.altxaxis = Axis(self, 'x', 'alt', 'off') self.altyaxis = Axis(self, 'y', 'alt', 'off') self.title = Title(self) self.subtitle = Subtitle(self) self.view = View(self) = World(self) self.datasets = [] self._datasetIndex = INDEX_ORIGIN self.drawing_objects = []
def __init__(self, name, puzzle_string): = name # string of 81 digits representing the original puzzle self.puzzle_string = puzzle_string # string of 81 digits representing valid, unique solution self.solution = "" # list of strings representing valid but not necessarily unique solutions self.valid_completion_list = [] # string representing the end of an attempt to solve an invalid puzzle self.final_string = "" # dictionary of the 81 boxes in the puzzle self.box_map = {} # dictionary of the 27 row/column/square axes self.axis_map = {} self.solved = False # All valid puzzles have at least 17 clues initially self.too_few_clues = False self.no_solution = False self.multiple_solution = False self.error_description = "" # List of functions applied to solve puzzle and whether progress made self.method_log = [] # Difficulty level self.difficulty = "" # initialize axis map for i in range(0, 27): self.axis_map[i] = Axis(i) # initialize box map for i in range(0, 81): self.box_map[i] = Box(i) # put the known box values into the box map for i in range(0, 81): value = int(puzzle_string[i]) if value != 0: self.box_map[i].given = True # make sure value can legally be put in this box if value in self.box_map[i].tally: self.update_new_known(i, value) else: self.no_solution = True self.error_description = f'Unable to initialize: ' \ f'{value} cannot be placed in row {self.box_map[i].row +1}, ' \ f'column {self.box_map[i].col + 1}' break
class Plot: def __init__(self, labels, screen_width, screen_height): self.screen_width = screen_width / 2 self.screen_height = screen_height self.screen = pygame.Surface((self.screen_width, self.screen_height)) self.xliftoff = 50 self.yliftoff = 50 self.bar_width = 17 self.labels = labels self.axes = Axis(self.screen, self.screen_width, self.screen_height, self.xliftoff, self.yliftoff, self.bar_width) self.movement = 0 self.profile = 0 self.power = 0 self.charts = 0 pub.subscribe(self.movement_handler, "gamepad.movement") pub.subscribe(self.profile_handler, "gamepad.profile") pub.subscribe(self.power_handler, "Thruster.Power") def update(self, order): self.update_charts() values = self.charts[order] directions = [ Bar(i, self.screen, self.screen_width, self.screen_height, self.xliftoff, self.yliftoff, self.bar_width) for i in range(6) ] self.screen.fill((200, 200, 255)) self.screen = self.axes.draw() for i in range(6): self.screen = directions[i].draw(self.screen, values[i], self.labels[i]) return self.screen def movement_handler(self, message): self.movement = message["gamepad_message"] def profile_handler(self, message): self.profile = message def power_handler(self, message): self.power = message["Thruster_message"] def update_charts(self): self.charts = [self.movement, self.power[0]]
def CreateBox(self, vector, colour): # Create the geometry and collision line = NodePath(Line((0, 0, 0), vector)) box = NodePath(Box(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, vector * 0.05)) collSphere = CollisionSphere(Point3(vector * -0.05), 0.1) # Create the axis, add the geometry and collision axis = Axis(, vector, colour) axis.AddGeometry(line, colour=GREY, highlight=False, sizeStyle=SCALE) axis.AddGeometry(box, vector, colour) axis.AddCollisionSolid(collSphere, vector) axis.reparentTo(self) return axis
def CreateArrow( self, vec, colour ): # Create the geometry and collision vec.normalize() line = pm.NodePath( Line( (0, 0, 0), vec ) ) cone = pm.NodePath( Cone( 0.05, 0.25, axis=vec, origin=vec * 0.125 ) ) collTube = pm.CollisionTube( (0,0,0), pm.Point3( vec ) * 0.95, 0.05 ) # Create the axis, add the geometry and collision axis = Axis(, vec, colour ) axis.AddGeometry( line, sizeStyle=SCALE ) axis.AddGeometry( cone, vec, colour ) axis.AddCollisionSolid( collTube, sizeStyle=TRANSLATE_POINT_B ) axis.reparentTo( self ) return axis
def CreateSquare( self, vec, colour ): # Create the geometry and collision self.square = pm.NodePath( Square( 0.2, 0.2, pm.Vec3(0, 1, 0) ) ) self.square.setBillboardPointEye() collSphere = pm.CollisionSphere( 0, 0.125 ) # Create the axis, add the geometry and collision axis = Axis(, CAMERA_VECTOR, colour, planar=True, default=True ) axis.AddGeometry( self.square, sizeStyle=NONE ) axis.AddCollisionSolid( collSphere, sizeStyle=NONE ) axis.reparentTo( self ) return axis
def CreateRing( self, vector, colour, rot ): # Create an arc arc = Arc( numSegs=32, degrees=180, axis=Vec3(0, 0, 1) ) arc.setH( 180 ) # Create the axis from the arc axis = Axis(, vector, colour ) axis.AddGeometry( arc, sizeStyle=SCALE ) axis.AddCollisionSolid( self.collSphere, sizeStyle=SCALE ) axis.reparentTo( self ) # Create the billboard effect and apply it to the arc. We need an # extra NodePath to help the billboard effect so it orients properly. hlpr = NodePath( 'helper' ) hlpr.setHpr( rot ) hlpr.reparentTo( self ) arc.reparentTo( hlpr ) bbe = BillboardEffect.make( Vec3(0, 0, 1), False, True, 0,, (0, 0, 0) ) arc.setEffect( bbe ) return axis
from cothread import catools as ca from axis import Axis from coordsys import CoordSys from controller import make_controller from trajectory import Trajectory # number of decimals to use in verifying positions # cant be very high on a clipper since it seems to # set 'in position' a little early DECIMALS = 2 brick_pv_root = bpr = 'BRICK1:' brick_axes = { 'm1': Axis(bpr, 'PMAC_BRICK_TEST:MOTOR1', 1, 0), 'm2': Axis(bpr, 'PMAC_BRICK_TEST:MOTOR2', 2, 0), 'm3': Axis(bpr, 'PMAC_BRICK_TEST:MOTOR3', 3, 0), 'm4': Axis(bpr, 'PMAC_BRICK_TEST:MOTOR4', 4, 0), 'm5': Axis(bpr, 'PMAC_BRICK_TEST:MOTOR5', 5, 0), 'm6': Axis(bpr, 'PMAC_BRICK_TEST:MOTOR6', 6, 0), 'm7': Axis(bpr, 'PMAC_BRICK_TEST:MOTOR7', 7, 0), 'm8': Axis(bpr, 'PMAC_BRICK_TEST:MOTOR8', 8, 0), 'A2': Axis(bpr, 'BRICK1CS2:A', 1, 2), 'B2': Axis(bpr, 'BRICK1CS2:B', 2, 2), 'A3': Axis(bpr, 'BRICK1CS3:A', 1, 3), 'B3': Axis(bpr, 'BRICK1CS3:B', 2, 3), 'X3': Axis(bpr, 'BRICK1CS3:X', 7, 3), 'Y3': Axis(bpr, 'BRICK1CS3:Y', 8, 3) } brick_groups = {
class Rotation( Base ): def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ): Base.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs ) # Create the camera helper self.cameraHelper = self.rootNp.attachNewNode( 'cameraHelper' ) # Create the 'ball' border self.border = self.CreateCircle( GREY, 1 ) # Create the collision sphere - except for the camera normal, all axes # will use this single collision object self.collSphere = CollisionSphere( 0, 1 ) # Create x, y, z and camera normal axes self.axes.append( self.CreateRing( Vec3(1, 0, 0), RED, ) ) self.axes.append( self.CreateRing( Vec3(0, 1, 0), GREEN, self.cameraHelper ) ) self.axes.append( self.CreateRing( Vec3(0, 0, 1), BLUE, ) ) # DEBUG self.foobar = self.CreateCamCircle( TEAL, 1.2 ) self.axes.append( self.foobar ) def CreateRing( self, vector, colour, lookAt ): # Create the billboard effect bbe = BillboardEffect.make( vector, False, True, 0, lookAt, (0, 0, 0) ) # Create an arc arc = Arc( numSegs=32, degrees=180, axis=Vec3(0, 0, 1) ) arc.setH( 180 ) arc.setEffect( bbe ) # Create the axis from the arc axis = Axis(, vector, colour ) axis.AddGeometry( arc, sizeStyle=SCALE ) axis.AddCollisionSolid( self.collSphere, sizeStyle=SCALE ) axis.reparentTo( self ) return axis def CreateCircle( self, colour, radius ): # Create a circle arc = Arc( radius, numSegs=64, axis=Vec3(0, 1, 0) ) arc.setColorScale( colour ) arc.setLightOff() arc.reparentTo( self ) # Set the billboard effect arc.setBillboardPointEye() return arc def CreateCamCircle( self, colour, radius ): # Create the geometry and collision circle = self.CreateCircle( colour, radius ) collPoly = CollisionPolygon( Point3(-1.2, 0, -1.2), Point3(-1.25, 0, 1.25), Point3(1.25, 0, 1.25), Point3(1.25, 0, -1.25) ) # Create the axis, add the geometry and collision self.camAxis = Axis(, CAMERA_VECTOR, colour, planar=True, default=True ) self.camAxis.AddGeometry( circle, sizeStyle=SCALE ) self.camAxis.AddCollisionSolid( collPoly, sizeStyle=SCALE ) self.camAxis.reparentTo( self ) return self.camAxis def SetSize( self, factor ): Base.SetSize( self, factor ) # Scale up any additional geo self.border.setScale( self.size ) def GetAxis( self, collEntry ): axis = Base.GetAxis( self, collEntry ) # Return None if the axis is None if axis is None: return None if axis.vector != CAMERA_VECTOR: # Return the axis from the specified normal within a tolerance of # degrees normal = collEntry.getSurfaceNormal( self ) normal.normalize() for axis in self.axes: if math.fabs( normal.angleDeg( axis.vector ) - 90 ) < ( 2.5 / self.size ): return axis else: # Get the collision point on the poly, return the axis if the # mouse is within tolerance of the circle point = collEntry.getSurfacePoint( collEntry.getIntoNodePath() ) length = Vec3( point / 1.25 ).length() if length > 0.9 and length < 1: return axis def Update( self, task ): Base.Update( self, task ) # Update the position of the camera helper based on the position of # the camera finalMat = self ) * Mat4().scaleMat( 1, 1, -1 ) self.cameraHelper.setMat( self, finalMat ) # DEBUG - make the camera normal collision plane look at the camera. # Probably should be a better way to do this. self.camAxis.collNodePaths[0].lookAt( ) return task.cont def Transform( self ): startVec = self.startVec axis = self.GetSelectedAxis() if axis is not None and axis.vector == CAMERA_VECTOR: endVec = self.getRelativeVector( self.rootNp, self.GetAxisPoint( axis ) - self.getPos() ) cross = startVec.cross( endVec ) direction = self.getRelativeVector(, Vec3(0, -1, 0) ).dot( cross ) sign = math.copysign( 1, direction ) # Get the rotation axis rotAxis = self.getRelativeVector(, Vec3(0, -1, 0) ) * sign else: if self.collEntry.getIntoNode() == self.initCollEntry.getIntoNode(): endVec = self.collEntry.getSurfaceNormal( self ) else: endVec = self.getRelativeVector( self.rootNp, self.GetAxisPoint( self.foobar ) - self.getPos() ) # If an axis is selected then constrain the vectors by projecting # them onto a plane whose normal is the axis vector if axis is not None: plane = Plane( axis.vector, Point3( 0 ) ) startVec = Vec3( plane.project( Point3( startVec ) ) ) endVec = Vec3( plane.project( Point3( endVec ) ) ) # Get the rotation axis rotAxis = endVec.cross( startVec ) * -1 # Return if the rotation vector is not valid, ie it does not have any # length if not rotAxis.length(): return # Normalize all vectors startVec.normalize() endVec.normalize() rotAxis.normalize() # Get the amount of degrees to rotate degs = startVec.angleDeg( endVec ) # Transform the gizmo if in local rotation mode newRotMat = Mat4().rotateMat( degs, rotAxis ) if self.local: self.setMat( newRotMat * self.getMat() ) # Transform all attached node paths for i, np in enumerate( self.attachedNps ): # Split the transform into scale, rotation and translation # matrices transMat, rotMat, scaleMat = commonUtils.GetTrsMatrices( np.getTransform() ) # Perform transforms in local or world space if self.local: np.setMat( scaleMat * newRotMat * rotMat * transMat ) else: self.initNpXforms[i].getQuat().extractToMatrix( rotMat ) np.setMat( scaleMat * rotMat * newRotMat * transMat ) def OnNodeMouse1Down( self, planar, collEntry ): Base.OnNodeMouse1Down( self, planar, collEntry ) # Store the initial collision entry self.initCollEntry = collEntry # If the selected axis is the camera vector then use a point on the # plane whose normal is the camera vector as the starting vector, # otherwise use the surface normal from the collision with the sphere axis = self.GetSelectedAxis() if axis is not None and axis.vector == CAMERA_VECTOR: self.startVec = self.getRelativeVector( self.rootNp, self.initMousePoint - self.getPos() ) else: self.startVec = self.initCollEntry.getSurfaceNormal( self ) def OnMouse2Down( self ): Base.OnMouse2Down( self ) axis = self.GetSelectedAxis() if ( hasattr( self, 'collEntry' ) and hasattr( self, 'initCollEntry' ) and self.collEntry.getIntoNode() != self.initCollEntry.getIntoNode() ): self.startVec = self.getRelativeVector( self.rootNp, self.GetAxisPoint( self.foobar ) - self.getPos() ) else: self.startVec = self.getRelativeVector( self.rootNp, self.initMousePoint - self.getPos() ) def OnNodeMouseOver( self, collEntry ): Base.OnNodeMouseOver( self, collEntry ) # Store the collision entry self.collEntry = collEntry
bri=bai.brad[ri] for rj in range(len(baj.brad)): if li==lj and ri<rj: continue # skip symmetric part of the basis brj=baj.brad[rj] addHmatSmat(Hmat,Smat,bai,baj,bri,brj) if self.xsym!=0: # exchange symmetric terms addHmatSmat(Hmat,Smat,bai,baj.x12(),bri,brj.x12(),self.xsym) return Hmat,Smat lmax=8 gaunt=GauntCoeffTable(lmax) gaunt.test() charg1=2 charg2=2 ax=Axis('r',20,0.,5.,order=2) print 'axis length',ax.len() bas=BasTwo(0,ax,0,0,2) #print bas set_printoptions(precision=4,suppress=False,linewidth=132) Hmat,Smat=bas.hamiltonian() plt.matshow(Hmat) print 'solving eigenproblem...' val=la.eigvals(Hmat,Smat) ls = argsort(val.real) print 'eig',val[ls[:20]].real
def inverse_kinematics(x,y,z,alpha,beta,gamma,**frame_file): angles = {} frames = [] pos = [x,y,z] filename = frame_file.pop('input', 'serial_manipulator_6.json') with open(filename) as input: data = json.load(input) dof = data.pop('dof',6) #6 dof by default frames_prototype = data['frames'] if not frames_prototype: raise Exception('No frames in file') convention = data.pop('convention','xyz') for prototype in frames_prototype: frames.append(Frame(prototype['displacement'],prototype['previous_relation'])) T = Axis.invert_zyz(alpha,beta,gamma) T[0].append(x) T[1].append(y) T[2].append(z) T.append([0,0,0,1]) result = Tree(0) #compute teta1 result.add_child('teta1_a',atan2( -pos[0],pos[1] )) result.add_child('teta1_b',atan2( pos[0],-pos[1] )) #compute teta2,teta3 #rotate plane around z to zy for each teta1 for branch, teta1 in result.childs.items(): ang = teta1.value p = [pos] #rotate plane to zy np = Utils.multiply_matrix(p,[[cos(ang),-sin(ang),0], [sin(ang), cos(ang), 0], [0, 0, 1]]) new_p = [np[0][0],np[0][1],np[0][2] - 99] #we got a plane p_mag = Utils.magnitude(new_p) #intersect circunference with radius c centered in new_p #with one centered in [0,99] (due to the displacement from frame 1 to frame 2 ) #and with radius of 120 c = 155 p2 = Utils.intersect_circunference(new_p[1],new_p[2],c,0,0,120) teta2_a = atan2(-p2[0][0],p2[0][1]) teta2_b = atan2(-p2[1][0],p2[1][1]) teta1.add_child('teta2_a',teta2_a) teta1.add_child('teta2_b',teta2_b) i = 0 for branch2, teta2 in teta1.childs.items(): p2_mag = Utils.magnitude(p2[i]) cosalpha = -(p_mag**2 - c**2 - p2_mag**2) / (2*c*p2_mag) alpha = acos(cosalpha) if i == 0: teta3 = alpha - pi/2 else: teta3 = alpha + pi/2 -2 *pi t3_branch = teta2.add_child('teta3',teta3) i+=1 frames[0].rotate_joint_z(teta1.value) frames[1].rotate_joint_z(teta2.value) frames[2].rotate_joint_z(teta3) T03 = [[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]] for frame in frames[0:3]: T03 = Utils.multiply_matrix(T03,frame.position_m) T30 = Utils.inv_4x4_matrix(T03) T36 = Utils.multiply_matrix(T30,T) costeta5 = T36[1][2] #two possible teta5 values teta5 = [0,0] teta5[0] = acos(costeta5) teta5[1]= -teta5[0] enum = ['a','b'] j = 0 for t5 in teta5: if round(sin(t5),4) == 0: t3_branch.add_child('error','Configuration singularity sin(teta5) = 0') continue else: sinTeta6 = round(- T36[1][1] / sin(t5),4) cosTeta6 = round(T36[1][0] / sin(t5),4) cosTeta4 = round(- T36[0][2] / sin(t5),4) sinTeta4 = round(- T36[2][2] / sin(t5),4) teta4 = acos(cosTeta4) if sinTeta4 < 0: teta4 = - teta4 teta6 = acos(cosTeta6) if sinTeta6 < 0 : teta6 = - teta6 t4_branch = t3_branch.add_child('teta4' + enum[j],teta4) t5_branch = t4_branch.add_child('teta5',t5) t5_branch.add_child('teta6',teta6) j+=1 return result
class Kinemate(object): ''' Class to connect to and publish the Korg NanoKontrol midi device as a ros joystick ''' #ROS joint names leftandright = ['leftShoulderPitch', 'leftShoulderRoll', 'leftShoulderYaw', 'leftElbowPitch', 'rightShoulderPitch', 'rightShoulderRoll', 'rightShoulderYaw', 'rightElbowPitch' ] #Axis joint names lalr = ['la0','la1','la2','la3','ra0','ra1','ra2','ra3'] def __init__(self): self.axis = Axis(verbose=0) self.axis.init() self.poser = ArmPos() self.csvf = open('kin.csv', 'wb') self.csv = csv.writer(self.csvf) #complicated reset just for fun with Python comprehensions self.angles = [0.2, 1.4, 0.2, 1.5] self.rtinvert = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] self.lfinvert = [ 1.0,-1.0, 1.0,-1.0] self.lch = ['la0', 'la1', 'la2', 'la3'] self.rch = ['ra0', 'ra1', 'ra2', 'ra3'] data = [ Datum(j[0],j[1]*j[2]) for j in zip(self.rch,self.angles,self.rtinvert)] self.axis.process_keys(data) rospy.sleep(0.5) data = [ Datum(j[0],j[1]*j[2]) for j in zip(self.lch,self.angles,self.lfinvert)] self.axis.process_keys(data) self.pose = [0.2, 1.4, 0.2, 1.5, 0.2,-1.4, 0.2,-1.5] self.tfBuffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() self.tfListener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tfBuffer) self.poser.subscribe(Kinemate.leftandright) def finish(self): self.axis.fini() self.csvf.close() def setPose(self,joint,val): self.pose[Kinemate.lalr.index(joint)] = val self.axis.process_keys([Datum(joint,val)]) rospy.sleep(0.05) pass def delta(self,Euc): lpalmtf = self.tfBuffer.lookup_transform('torso', 'leftPalm', rospy.Time()) lp = lpalmtf.transform.translation rpalmtf = self.tfBuffer.lookup_transform('torso', 'rightPalm', rospy.Time()) rp = rpalmtf.transform.translation pos = [lp.x,lp.y,lp.z,rp.x,rp.y,rp.z] return [ pos[i]-Euc[i] for i in range(len(Euc)) ] def derivative(self): palm =[0,0,0,0,0,0]) pose = self.pose for j in range(4): ljoint = Kinemate.lalr[j] lcurval = pose[j] self.axis.process_keys([Datum(ljoint,lcurval+0.1)]) rospy.sleep(0.05) rjoint = Kinemate.lalr[j+4] rcurval = pose[j+4] self.axis.process_keys([Datum(rjoint,rcurval+0.1)]) print "Derivative %d:" % j self.savePose(start=palm) self.axis.process_keys([Datum(ljoint,lcurval)]) rospy.sleep(0.05) self.axis.process_keys([Datum(rjoint,rcurval)]) def savePose(self,start=[0,0,0,0,0,0]): rospy.sleep(1.0) palm = requested = [ "%.3f" % v for v in self.pose] actual = [ "%.3f" % v for v in self.poser.val()] xyz = [ "%.3f" % v for v in palm] print "Req: %s" % requested print "Act: %s" % actual #print "(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)" % (palm.x,palm.y,palm.z) print "Result: %s" % xyz self.writePose(,self.pose,self.poser.val(),palm) def writePose(self,ts,req,act,xyz): row = [ts] row.extend(req) row.extend(act) row.extend(xyz) ans = [ round(v,4) for v in row] self.csv.writerow(ans) print ans def run(self): rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz time.sleep(1) rtShoulderPitch = [-0.2,-0.7] rtShoulderRoll = [ 1.4, 0.9] rtShoulderYaw = [ 0.2, 0.0] rtElbowPitch = [ 1.5, 1.0] try: while not rospy.is_shutdown(): for j0 in rtShoulderPitch: self.setPose('ra0',j0) self.setPose('la0',j0) for j1 in rtShoulderRoll: self.setPose('ra1',j1) self.setPose('la1',-j1) for j2 in rtShoulderYaw: self.setPose('ra2',j2) self.setPose('la2',-0.5-j2) for j3 in rtElbowPitch: self.setPose('ra3',j3) self.setPose('la3',-j3) print " " print "===Test Position===" self.savePose() self.derivative() rospy.signal_shutdown("Kinemate Done") finally: rospy.loginfo("Kinemate Died") self.finish()
def __init__(self, name = 'dummy', log=None): Axis.__init__(self, name, log=log) = 0
class Graph(GraceObject): _staticType = 'Graph' def __init__(self, parent, index, onoff='on', hidden='false', type='XY', stacked = 'false', bar_hgap=0.00, **kwargs ): GraceObject.__init__(self, parent, locals()) self.legend = Legend(self) self.frame = Frame(self) self.xaxis = Axis(self, 'x') self.yaxis = Axis(self, 'y') self.altxaxis = Axis(self, 'x', 'alt', 'off') self.altyaxis = Axis(self, 'y', 'alt', 'off') self.title = Title(self) self.subtitle = Subtitle(self) self.view = View(self) = World(self) self.datasets = [] self._datasetIndex = INDEX_ORIGIN self.drawing_objects = [] def __setattr__(self, key, value): # check Graph specific attributes if key == 'type': self._check_type(str, key, value) elif key == 'stacked': self._check_type(str, key, value) self._check_membership(key, value, ('true', 'false')) elif key == 'bar_hgap': self._check_type((float, int), key, value) GraceObject.__setattr__(self, key, value) def __str__(self): graphString = \ """@g%(index)s %(onoff)s @g%(index)s hidden %(hidden)s @g%(index)s type %(type)s @g%(index)s stacked %(stacked)s @g%(index)s bar hgap %(bar_hgap)s @with g%(index)s %(world)s %(view)s %(title)s %(subtitle)s %(legend)s %(frame)s %(xaxis)s %(yaxis)s %(altxaxis)s %(altyaxis)s""" % self datasetString = '\n'.join(str(dataset) for dataset in self.datasets) doString = '\n'.join(str(do) for do in self.drawing_objects) return '\n'.join((doString, graphString, datasetString)) def add_dataset(self, data, cls=DataSet, *args, **kwargs): # make sure that cls is a subclass of Dataset if not issubclass(cls, DataSet): message = '%s is not a subclass of DataSet' % cls.__name__ raise TypeError(message) # make an instance of the dataset class and add to list dataset = cls(parent=self, data=data, index=self._datasetIndex, *args, **kwargs) self.datasets.append(dataset) # increment counter and return the dataset instance self._datasetIndex += 1 return dataset def add_drawing_object(self, cls, *args, **kwargs): # make sure that cls is a subclass of DrawingObject if not issubclass(cls, DrawingObject): message = '%s is not a subclass of DrawingObject' % cls.__name__ raise TypeError(message) # here, the class argument is mandatory, because there are many built # in types of drawing objects drawingObject = cls(self, *args, **kwargs) self.drawing_objects.append(drawingObject) # return the instance of the drawing object return drawingObject def remove_extraworld_drawing_objects(self): """Remove drawing objects that are outside of the world coordinates. Get it, 'extraworld' is like 'extra-terrestrial'. """ new_dos = [] old_dos = [] xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax = self.get_world() for do in self.drawing_objects: if do.loctype=="view": new_dos.append(do) else: do_xmin,do_ymin,do_xmax,do_ymax = do.limits() if (xmin<=do_xmin and do_xmax<=xmax and ymin<=do_ymin and do_ymax<=ymax): new_dos.append(do) else: old_dos.append(do) self.drawing_objects = new_dos for do in old_dos: del do def alldata(self): result = [] for dataset in self.datasets: result.extend( return result def move_dataset_to_front(self, dataset): """Move data set to the front. This emulates the functionality of the xmgrace GUI. """ _dataset = self.datasets.pop(dataset.index-INDEX_ORIGIN) _index = _dataset.index assert _dataset==dataset, "Not the same dataset" self.datasets.append(dataset) for index,dataset in enumerate(self.datasets): dataset.index = index + INDEX_ORIGIN def move_dataset_to_back(self, dataset): """Move data set to the back. This emulates the functionality of the xmgrace GUI. """ _dataset = self.datasets.pop(dataset.index-INDEX_ORIGIN) assert _dataset==dataset, "Not the same dataset" self.datasets.insert(0, dataset) for index,dataset in enumerate(self.datasets): dataset.index = index + INDEX_ORIGIN def move_dataset_forward(self, dataset): """Move data set forward by one dataset. This emulates the functionality of the xmgrace GUI. """ _dataset = self.datasets.pop(dataset.index-INDEX_ORIGIN) _index = _dataset.index assert _dataset==dataset, "Not the same dataset" self.datasets.insert(_index-INDEX_ORIGIN+1, dataset) for index,dataset in enumerate(self.datasets): dataset.index = index + INDEX_ORIGIN def move_dataset_backward(self, dataset): """Move data set backward by one dataset. This emulates the functionality of the xmgrace GUI. """ _dataset = self.datasets.pop(dataset.index-INDEX_ORIGIN) _index = _dataset.index assert _dataset==dataset, "Not the same dataset" _newListIndex = max(0, _index-INDEX_ORIGIN-1) self.datasets.insert(_newListIndex, dataset) for index,dataset in enumerate(self.datasets): dataset.index = index + INDEX_ORIGIN def set_dataset_order(self, datasets): """Specify the order of the data sets. """ # make sure that the lengths of order and datasets are the same assert len(datasets)==len(self.datasets),\ "'datasets' not same length as Graph.datasets." # use the move_dataset_to_back for dataset in datasets: self.move_dataset_to_back(dataset) def logy(self): self.yaxis.set_log() def logx(self): self.xaxis.set_log() def logxy(self): self.xaxis.set_log() self.yaxis.set_log() def liny(self): self.yaxis.set_lin() def linx(self): self.xaxis.set_lin() def linxy(self): self.xaxis.set_lin() self.yaxis.set_lin() def data_smallest_positive(self,only_visible=True): all = [] for dataset in self.datasets: result = dataset.smallest_positive(only_visible=only_visible) all.append(result) if all: xmins, ymins = zip(*all) xmins = [i for i in xmins if not i is None and i > 0] ymins = [i for i in ymins if not i is None and i > 0] return min(xmins), min(ymins) else: return None, None def drawing_object_smallest_positive(self): all = [] for drawing_object in self.drawing_objects: if drawing_object.loctype=="world": result = drawing_object.smallest_positive() all.append(result) if all: xmins, ymins = zip(*all) xmins = [i for i in xmins if not i is None and i > 0] ymins = [i for i in ymins if not i is None and i > 0] return min(xmins), min(ymins) else: return None, None def smallest_positive(self,only_visible=True): data_sp = self.data_smallest_positive(only_visible=only_visible) drawing_object_sp = self.drawing_object_smallest_positive() if None not in drawing_object_sp and None not in data_sp: xmins, ymins = zip(data_sp,drawing_object_sp) return min(xmins), min(ymins) elif None not in drawing_object_sp: return drawing_object_sp elif None not in data_sp: return data_sp else: message=""" In Graph.smallest_positive()... There are no datasets or drawing_objects on which to determine the smallest positive number. """ raise TypeError, message def data_limits(self,only_visible=True): all = [] for dataset in self.datasets: result = dataset.limits(only_visible=only_visible) if not None in result: all.append(result) if len(all): xmins, ymins, xmaxs, ymaxs = zip(*all) return min(xmins), min(ymins), max(xmaxs), max(ymaxs) else: return None, None, None, None def drawing_object_limits(self): all = [] for drawing_object in self.drawing_objects: result = drawing_object.limits() if drawing_object.loctype=="world" and not None in result: all.append(result) if len(all): xmins, ymins, xmaxs, ymaxs = zip(*all) return min(xmins), min(ymins), max(xmaxs), max(ymaxs) else: return None, None, None, None def limits(self,only_visible=True): data_limits = self.data_limits(only_visible=only_visible) drawing_object_limits = self.drawing_object_limits() if None not in drawing_object_limits and None not in data_limits: xmins, ymins, xmaxs, ymaxs = zip(data_limits,drawing_object_limits) return min(xmins), min(ymins), max(xmaxs), max(ymaxs) elif None not in drawing_object_limits: return drawing_object_limits elif None not in data_limits: return data_limits else: message=""" In Graph.limits()... There are no datasets or drawing_objects on which to determine the limits. """ raise TypeError, message def set_world_to_limits(self, epsilon=1e-12): xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.limits() = xmin - epsilon = xmax + epsilon = ymin - epsilon = ymax + epsilon def autoscale_old(self): self.set_world_to_limits() def set_view(self, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax): self.view.xmin = xmin self.view.xmax = xmax self.view.ymin = ymin self.view.ymax = ymax def get_view(self): return (self.view.xmin, self.view.ymin, self.view.xmax, self.view.ymax) def set_labels(self, xLabel, yLabel): self.xaxis.label.text = xLabel self.yaxis.label.text = yLabel def get_dataset(self,num): if num >= len(self.datasets): return None else: return self.datasets[num] def calculate_ticks(self, iMin, iMax, lowTarget=3, highTarget=7, scale=LINEAR_SCALE): # variables n1s = [1,2,10,20] n4s = [5,50] ns = n1s + n4s # trick functionality for log axes if scale == LINEAR_SCALE: domain = iMin, iMax if scale == LOGARITHMIC_SCALE: domain = math.log10(iMin), math.log10(iMax) # determine appropriate scale for ticks iRange = domain[1] - domain[0] if iRange > 0: _scale = int(math.floor(math.log10(iRange) - 1.0)) else: _scale = 0 # find number of major ticks for n in ns: nTry = int(math.floor(iRange / (n * 10**_scale))) if nTry >= lowTarget and nTry <= highTarget: break major = 10**_scale*n if scale == LOGARITHMIC_SCALE: major = 10**math.ceil(major) # determine the number of minor ticks if n in n1s: n_minor_ticks=1 elif n in n4s: n_minor_ticks=4 if scale==LOGARITHMIC_SCALE: n_minor_ticks = 8 return major, n_minor_ticks def set_world(self, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax): = xMin = xMax = yMin = yMax def get_world(self): return (,,, def calculate_sizes(self, printWidth): charSize = 2.3 * printWidth ** -0.4 lineWidth = 3.45 * printWidth ** -0.5 offset = 0.023 * printWidth ** -0.5 return charSize, lineWidth, offset def format_for_print(self, printWidth): charSize, lineWidth, offset = self.calculate_sizes(printWidth) self.set_linewidths(lineWidth) self.set_suffix(charSize * 1.1, 'size', True) self.set_suffix(charSize, '_size', True) self.set_suffix(charSize * 0.67, 'minor_size', True) megaset = [] for dataset in self.datasets: megaset.extend( try: mul = 1.75 * len(megaset)**-.35 mul = 1 * len(megaset)**-.35 except ZeroDivisionError: pass for dataset in self.datasets: dataset.set_suffix(charSize * mul, 'size', True) self.xaxis.ticklabel.offset_loc = 'spec' self.yaxis.ticklabel.offset_loc = 'spec' self.xaxis.ticklabel.offset_tup = (0, offset) self.yaxis.ticklabel.offset_tup = (0, offset) def autoformat(self, printWidth=6.5): self.autoscale() self.format_for_print(printWidth) def autoscalex(self, pad=0, only_visible=True): xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax = self.limits(only_visible=only_visible) if self.xaxis.scale==LINEAR_SCALE: xMajor, nxMinor = self.calculate_ticks(xMin, xMax) xMinor = xMajor / float(nxMinor + 1) if nxMinor == 1: = math.ceil(xMax / float(xMinor)) * xMinor + \ pad*xMinor = math.floor(xMin / float(xMinor)) * xMinor - \ pad*xMinor else: = math.ceil(xMax / float(xMajor)) * xMajor + \ pad*xMajor = math.floor(xMin / float(xMajor)) * xMajor - \ pad*xMajor elif self.xaxis.scale==LOGARITHMIC_SCALE: # if x has a zero value, autoscale with second smallest if xMin <= 0: xMin, dummy = self.smallest_positive(only_visible=only_visible) xMajor, nxMinor = self.calculate_ticks(xMin, xMax, scale=LOGARITHMIC_SCALE) = 10**(math.ceil(math.log10(xMax) / float(math.log10(xMajor))) * math.log10(xMajor) + pad*math.log10(xMajor)) = 10**(math.floor(math.log10(xMin) / float(math.log10(xMajor))) * math.log10(xMajor) - pad*math.log10(xMajor)) else: message = "'%s' is an unknown x-axis scale"%self.xaxis.scale raise TypeError(message) self.xaxis.tick.major = xMajor self.xaxis.tick.minor_ticks = nxMinor self.xaxis.auto_precision() def autoscaley(self, pad=0, only_visible=True): xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax = self.limits(only_visible=only_visible) if self.yaxis.scale==LINEAR_SCALE: yMajor, nyMinor = self.calculate_ticks(yMin, yMax) yMinor = yMajor / float(nyMinor + 1) if nyMinor == 1: = math.ceil(yMax / float(yMinor)) * yMinor + \ pad*yMinor = math.floor(yMin / float(yMinor)) * yMinor - \ pad*yMinor else: = math.ceil(yMax / float(yMajor)) * yMajor + \ pad*yMajor = math.floor(yMin / float(yMajor)) * yMajor - \ pad*yMajor elif self.yaxis.scale==LOGARITHMIC_SCALE: # if y has a zero value, autoscale with second smallest if yMin <= 0: dummy, yMin = self.smallest_positive(only_visible=only_visible) yMajor, nyMinor = self.calculate_ticks(yMin, yMax, scale=LOGARITHMIC_SCALE) = 10**(math.ceil(math.log10(yMax) / float(math.log10(yMajor))) * math.log10(yMajor)) = 10**(math.floor(math.log10(yMin) / float(math.log10(yMajor))) * math.log10(yMajor)) else: message = "'%s' is an unknown y-axis scale"%self.yaxis.scale raise TypeError(message) self.yaxis.tick.major = yMajor self.yaxis.tick.minor_ticks = nyMinor self.yaxis.auto_precision() def autoscale(self, padx=0, pady=0, only_visible=True): self.autoscalex(pad=padx,only_visible=only_visible) self.autoscaley(pad=pady,only_visible=only_visible) def autotickx(self): """Automatically generate x-axis ticks based on world coords. """ xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.get_world() scale = self.xaxis.scale major, n_minor_ticks = self.calculate_ticks(xmin,xmax,scale=scale) self.xaxis.tick.major = major self.xaxis.tick.minor_ticks = n_minor_ticks self.xaxis.auto_precision() def autoticky(self): """Automatically generate y-axis ticks based on world coords. """ xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.get_world() scale = self.yaxis.scale major, n_minor_ticks = self.calculate_ticks(ymin,ymax,scale=scale) self.yaxis.tick.major = major self.yaxis.tick.minor_ticks = n_minor_ticks self.yaxis.auto_precision() def autotick(self): """Automatically generate ticks based on world coords. """ self.autotickx() self.autoticky() def set_different_colors(self, skip=1, attr='name', exclude=('White',), colorsList=[]): """Set datasets in graph to different colors. This function behaves similarly to the similar function in the xmgrace GUI. Can alternatively specify a list of colors for ordering the colors. """ # make sure attr argument is the right type if attr not in ('name', 'index'): message = "attr must be 'name' or 'index' (got %s)" % attr raise ValueError(message) # put all color indexes or color names that should be excluded from # the list in a dictionary, and make color names case insensitive lookup = {} for item in exclude: if isinstance(item, str): item = item.upper() lookup[item] = None # put colors into a list if not colorsList: colorsList = [] for color in self.root.colors: if not ( in lookup or color.index in lookup): colorsList.append(getattr(color, attr)) # set datasets to different colors nColors = len(colorsList) for index, dataset in enumerate(self.datasets): color = colorsList[(skip *index) % nColors] dataset.set_suffix(color, 'color') def set_different_symbols(self, skip=1, attr="index", exclude=(0,), symbolsList=[]): """Set datasets in graph to different symbols. This function behaves similarly to the similar function in the xmgrace GUI. Can alternatively specify a list of symbols for ordering the symbol shapes. """ # make sure attr argument is the right type if attr not in ('name', 'index'): message = "attr must be 'name' or 'index' (got %s)" % attr raise ValueError(message) # put all symbol indexes that should be excluded from the list # in a dictionary lookup = {} for item in exclude: if isinstance(item, str): item = SYMBOLS[item] lookup[item] = None # put symbols into a list indices = INDEX2SYMBOLS.keys() indices.sort() if not symbolsList: symbolsList = [] for index in indices: if index not in lookup: symbolsList.append(index) # set datasets to different symbols nSymbols = len(symbolsList) for index, dataset in enumerate(self.datasets): shape = symbolsList[(skip *index) % nSymbols] dataset.symbol.set_suffix(shape, "shape") def set_different_linestyles(self, skip=1, attr="index", exclude=(0,), linestylesList=[]): """Set datasets in graph to different linestyles. This function behaves similarly to the similar function in the xmgrace GUI. Can alternatively specify a list of linestyles for ordering the line styles. """ # make sure attr argument is the right type if attr not in ('name', 'index'): message = "attr must be 'name' or 'index' (got %s)" % attr raise ValueError(message) # put all linestyle indexes that should be excluded from the list # in a dictionary lookup = {} for item in exclude: if isinstance(item, str): item = LINESTYLES[item] lookup[item] = None # put line styles into a list indices = INDEX2LINESTYLES.keys() indices.sort() if not linestylesList: linestylesList = [] for index in indices: if index not in lookup: linestylesList.append(index) # set datasets to different line styles nLinestyles = len(linestylesList) for index, dataset in enumerate(self.datasets): linestyle = linestylesList[(skip *index) % nLinestyles] dataset.line.set_suffix(linestyle, "linestyle") def set_different_linewidths(self, skip=0.5, start=0.5,linewidthsList=[]): """Set datasets in graph to different linewidths. This function behaves similarly to the similar function in the xmgrace GUI. Can alternatively specify a list of line widths. """ # determine linewidths if not linewidthsList: linewidthsList = [skip*index+start for index in range(len(self.datasets))] # set datasets to different line widths for index, dataset in enumerate(self.datasets): dataset.line.set_suffix(linewidthsList[index], "linewidth") def half_open(self): """Make frame half open """ self.frame.type = 1 = 0 = "normal" = 0 = "normal"
def __init__(self, name='dummy', log=None): Axis.__init__(self, name, log=log) = 0
q[1] = [np.pi/2.] q[2] = [-np.pi/4.] q[3] = [-np.pi/2.] q[4] = [0.5] mbc.q = q rbd.forwardKinematics(mb, mbc) X_s = sva.PTransformd(sva.RotY(-np.pi/2.), e.Vector3d(0.1, 0., 0.)) mbv = MultiBodyViz(mbg, mb, endEffectorDict={'b4':(X_s, 0.1, (0., 1., 0.))}) # test MultiBodyViz from import ivtk viewer = ivtk.viewer() mbv.addActors(viewer.scene) mbv.display(mb, mbc) # test axis from axis import Axis a1 = Axis(text='test', length=0.2) a1.addActors(viewer.scene) a1.X = sva.PTransformd(sva.RotX(np.pi/2.), e.Vector3d.UnitX()) # test vector6d from vector6d import ForceVecViz, MotionVecViz M = sva.MotionVecd(e.Vector3d(0.2, 0.1, 0.), e.Vector3d(0.1, 0., 0.2)) F = sva.ForceVecd(e.Vector3d(-0.2, -0.1, 0.), e.Vector3d(-0.1, 0., -0.2)) MV = MotionVecViz(M, a1.X) FV = ForceVecViz(F, sva.PTransformd(sva.RotX(np.pi/2.), e.Vector3d.UnitX()*1.4)) MV.addActors(viewer.scene) FV.addActors(viewer.scene)