Exemplo n.º 1
def calc_substrate_trans(obj, subtrans_coeff, substrate_diam, **kwargs):
    This function calculates substrate transmission via the following formula:
    T = exp[-(A + B * wavelength) * d] where A is a constant with units of
    cm^-1, B is a constant with units of cm^-2 and d is the substrate
    diameter in units of cm.

    @param obj: The data object that contains the TOF axes to calculate the
                transmission from.
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM} or C{SOM.SO}

    @param subtrans_coeff: The two coefficients for substrate transmission
    @type subtrans_coeff: C{tuple} of two C{float}s

    @param substrate_diam: The diameter of the substrate.
    @type substrate_diam: C{float}

    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:

    @keyword pathlength: The pathlength and its associated error^2
    @type pathlength: C{tuple} or C{list} of C{tuple}s

    @keyword units: The expected units for this function. The default for this
                    function is I{microsecond}.
    @type units: C{string}

    @return: The calculate transmission for the given substrate parameters
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM} or C{SOM.SO}

    @raise TypeError: The object used for calculation is not a C{SOM} or a

    @raise RuntimeError: The C{SOM} x-axis units are not I{microsecond}
    @raise RuntimeError: A C{SOM} does not contain an instrument and no
                         pathlength was provided
    @raise RuntimeError: No C{SOM} is provided and no pathlength given
    # import the helper functions
    import hlr_utils

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)
    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)

    if o_descr == "number" or o_descr == "list":
        raise TypeError("Do not know how to handle given type: %s" % o_descr)

    # Setup keyword arguments
        pathlength = kwargs["pathlength"]
    except KeyError:
        pathlength = None

        units = kwargs["units"]
    except KeyError:
        units = "microsecond"

    # Primary axis for transformation. If a SO is passed, the function, will
    # assume the axis for transformation is at the 0 position
    if o_descr == "SOM":
        axis = hlr_utils.one_d_units(obj, units)
        axis = 0

    if pathlength is not None:
        p_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(pathlength)
        if o_descr == "SOM":
                inst = obj.attr_list.instrument
            except RuntimeError:
                raise RuntimeError("A detector was not provided")
            raise RuntimeError("If no SOM is provided, then pathlength "\
                               +"information must be provided")            

    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)
    if res_descr == "SOM":

    # iterate through the values
    import array_manip
    import axis_manip
    import nessi_list
    import utils

    import math
    len_obj = hlr_utils.get_length(obj)
    for i in xrange(len_obj):
        val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
        err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
        map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(obj, None, i)

        if pathlength is None:
            (pl, pl_err2) = hlr_utils.get_parameter("total", map_so, inst)
            pl = hlr_utils.get_value(pathlength, i, p_descr)
            pl_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(pathlength, i, p_descr)        

        value = axis_manip.tof_to_wavelength(val, err2, pl, pl_err2)

        value1 = utils.calc_bin_centers(value[0])
        del value

        # Convert Angstroms to centimeters
        value2 = array_manip.mult_ncerr(value1[0], value1[1],
                                        subtrans_coeff[1]*1.0e-8, 0.0)
        del value1

        # Calculate the exponential
        value3 = array_manip.add_ncerr(value2[0], value2[1],
                                       subtrans_coeff[0], 0.0)
        del value2

        value4 = array_manip.mult_ncerr(value3[0], value3[1],
                                        -1.0*substrate_diam, 0.0)
        del value3

        # Calculate transmission
        trans = nessi_list.NessiList()
        len_trans = len(value4[0])
        for j in xrange(len_trans):

        trans_err2 = nessi_list.NessiList(len(trans))

        hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, (trans, trans_err2), map_so)

    return result
Exemplo n.º 2
def tof_to_wavelength(obj, **kwargs):
    This function converts a primary axis of a C{SOM} or C{SO} from
    time-of-flight to wavelength. The wavelength axis for a C{SOM} must be in
    units of I{microseconds}. The primary axis of a C{SO} is assumed to be in
    units of I{microseconds}. A C{tuple} of C{(tof, tof_err2)} (assumed to be
    in units of I{microseconds}) can be converted to C{(wavelength,

    @param obj: Object to be converted
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}
    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:
    @keyword pathlength: The pathlength and its associated error^2
    @type pathlength: C{tuple} or C{list} of C{tuple}s

    @keyword inst_param: The type of parameter requested from an associated
                         instrument. For this function the acceptable
                         parameters are I{primary}, I{secondary} and I{total}.
                         Default is I{primary}.
    @type inst_param: C{string}

    @keyword lojac: A flag that allows one to turn off the calculation of the
                    linear-order Jacobian. The default action is I{True} for
                    histogram data.
    @type lojac: C{boolean}

    @keyword units: The expected units for this function. The default for this
                    function is I{microseconds}.
    @type units: C{string}

    @return: Object with a primary axis in time-of-flight converted to
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}

    @raise TypeError: The incoming object is not a type the function recognizes
    @raise RuntimeError: The C{SOM} x-axis units are not I{microseconds}
    @raise RuntimeError: A C{SOM} does not contain an instrument and no
                         pathlength was provided
    @raise RuntimeError: No C{SOM} is provided and no pathlength given

    # import the helper functions
    import hlr_utils

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)
    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)

    # Setup keyword arguments
        inst_param = kwargs["inst_param"]
    except KeyError:
        inst_param = "primary"

        pathlength = kwargs["pathlength"]
    except KeyError:
        pathlength = None

        units = kwargs["units"]
    except KeyError:
        units = "microseconds"

        lojac = kwargs["lojac"]
    except KeyError:
        lojac = hlr_utils.check_lojac(obj)

    # Primary axis for transformation. If a SO is passed, the function, will
    # assume the axis for transformation is at the 0 position
    if o_descr == "SOM":
        axis = hlr_utils.one_d_units(obj, units)
        axis = 0

    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)
    if res_descr == "SOM":
        result = hlr_utils.force_units(result, "Angstroms", axis)
        result.setAxisLabel(axis, "wavelength")

    if pathlength is not None:
        p_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(pathlength)
        if o_descr == "SOM":
                inst = obj.attr_list.instrument
            except RuntimeError:
                raise RuntimeError("A detector was not provided")
            raise RuntimeError("If no SOM is provided, then pathlength "\
                               +"information must be provided")

    # iterate through the values
    import axis_manip
    if lojac:
        import utils
    for i in xrange(hlr_utils.get_length(obj)):
        val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
        err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)

        map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(obj, None, i)

        if pathlength is None:
            (pl, pl_err2) = hlr_utils.get_parameter(inst_param, map_so, inst)
            pl = hlr_utils.get_value(pathlength, i, p_descr)
            pl_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(pathlength, i, p_descr)

        value = axis_manip.tof_to_wavelength(val, err2, pl, pl_err2)

        if lojac:
            y_val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "y")
            y_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "y")
            counts = utils.linear_order_jacobian(val, value[0],
                                                 y_val, y_err2)
            hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, counts, map_so,
                                    "all", axis, [value[0]])

            hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, value, map_so,
                                    "x", axis)

    return result
Exemplo n.º 3
def calc_substrate_trans(obj, subtrans_coeff, substrate_diam, **kwargs):
    This function calculates substrate transmission via the following formula:
    T = exp[-(A + B * wavelength) * d] where A is a constant with units of
    cm^-1, B is a constant with units of cm^-2 and d is the substrate
    diameter in units of cm.

    @param obj: The data object that contains the TOF axes to calculate the
                transmission from.
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM} or C{SOM.SO}

    @param subtrans_coeff: The two coefficients for substrate transmission
    @type subtrans_coeff: C{tuple} of two C{float}s

    @param substrate_diam: The diameter of the substrate.
    @type substrate_diam: C{float}

    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:

    @keyword pathlength: The pathlength and its associated error^2
    @type pathlength: C{tuple} or C{list} of C{tuple}s

    @keyword units: The expected units for this function. The default for this
                    function is I{microsecond}.
    @type units: C{string}

    @return: The calculate transmission for the given substrate parameters
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM} or C{SOM.SO}

    @raise TypeError: The object used for calculation is not a C{SOM} or a

    @raise RuntimeError: The C{SOM} x-axis units are not I{microsecond}
    @raise RuntimeError: A C{SOM} does not contain an instrument and no
                         pathlength was provided
    @raise RuntimeError: No C{SOM} is provided and no pathlength given
    # import the helper functions
    import hlr_utils

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)
    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)

    if o_descr == "number" or o_descr == "list":
        raise TypeError("Do not know how to handle given type: %s" % o_descr)

    # Setup keyword arguments
        pathlength = kwargs["pathlength"]
    except KeyError:
        pathlength = None

        units = kwargs["units"]
    except KeyError:
        units = "microsecond"

    # Primary axis for transformation. If a SO is passed, the function, will
    # assume the axis for transformation is at the 0 position
    if o_descr == "SOM":
        axis = hlr_utils.one_d_units(obj, units)
        axis = 0

    if pathlength is not None:
        p_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(pathlength)
        if o_descr == "SOM":
                inst = obj.attr_list.instrument
            except RuntimeError:
                raise RuntimeError("A detector was not provided")
            raise RuntimeError("If no SOM is provided, then pathlength "\
                               +"information must be provided")

    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)
    if res_descr == "SOM":

    # iterate through the values
    import array_manip
    import axis_manip
    import nessi_list
    import utils

    import math

    len_obj = hlr_utils.get_length(obj)
    for i in xrange(len_obj):
        val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
        err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)

        map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(obj, None, i)

        if pathlength is None:
            (pl, pl_err2) = hlr_utils.get_parameter("total", map_so, inst)
            pl = hlr_utils.get_value(pathlength, i, p_descr)
            pl_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(pathlength, i, p_descr)

        value = axis_manip.tof_to_wavelength(val, err2, pl, pl_err2)

        value1 = utils.calc_bin_centers(value[0])
        del value

        # Convert Angstroms to centimeters
        value2 = array_manip.mult_ncerr(value1[0], value1[1],
                                        subtrans_coeff[1] * 1.0e-8, 0.0)
        del value1

        # Calculate the exponential
        value3 = array_manip.add_ncerr(value2[0], value2[1], subtrans_coeff[0],
        del value2

        value4 = array_manip.mult_ncerr(value3[0], value3[1],
                                        -1.0 * substrate_diam, 0.0)
        del value3

        # Calculate transmission
        trans = nessi_list.NessiList()
        len_trans = len(value4[0])
        for j in xrange(len_trans):

        trans_err2 = nessi_list.NessiList(len(trans))

        hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, (trans, trans_err2), map_so)

    return result