Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_set_get_custom(self, client_type):
        Spawn two objects and modify their custom fields, as well as set/query
        the custom field of a non-existing object.
        # Get the client for this test.
        client = self.clients[client_type]

        # Spawn two objects.
        id_1, id_2 = 1, 2
        init = {'templateID': '_templateSphere'}
        assert client.spawn([init, init]) == (True, None, [id_1, id_2])

        # Update the custom data for an existing- and a non-existing object.
        assert client.setCustomData({id_1: 'foo', 10: 'bar'}) == (True, None, [10])

        # Query two existing- and one non-existing object.
        ret = client.getCustomData([id_1, id_2, 10])
        assert ret.ok
        assert ret.data == ({id_1: 'foo', id_2: '', 10: None})

        # Query all at once.
        assert client.getCustomData(None) == client.getCustomData([id_1, id_2])
Exemplo n.º 2
def placeTarget(host, numTargets=1):
    Spawn ``numTargets`` in the scene.

    The targets visually oscillate in size. They also have no collision
    shapes and are thus unaffected by physics (ie they cannot collide
    with anything).
    # Connect to Azrael.
    client = azrael.client.Client(ip=host)

    # Spawn the target object from the 'BoosterCube_1' template (defined in
    # 'demo_boostercube' that must already be running at this point).
    init = []
    for ii in range(numTargets):
        tmp = {
            'templateID': 'BoosterCube_1',
            'rbs': {'imass': 0, 'position': (0, 0, 3 * ii)}
    ret = client.spawn(init)

    # Check for errors and abort if there are any.
    if not ret.ok:

    # Extract the IDs of the spawned target objects.
    targetIDs = ret.data
    print('Spawned {} targets'.format(len(targetIDs)))
    del init, ret

    # Replace the collision shape with an empty one to disable the physics for
    # those targets.
    cs = types.CollShapeEmpty()
    cs = types.CollShapeMeta('empty', (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1), cs)
    cmd = {targetID: {'cshapes': {'cssphere': cs}} for targetID in targetIDs}
    assert client.setRigidBodies(cmd).ok
    del cs

    # Tag the object with target. This is necessary because the
    # `PyConBrisbaneClient.selectNewTarget` method will use to distinguish
    # targets from other objects.
    cmd = {targetID: 'Target' for targetID in targetIDs}
    assert client.setCustomData(cmd)

    # Create a random phase offset in the oscillation pattern (pure eye candy
    # to avoid all targets scale synchronously).
    phi = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(len(targetIDs))

    # Modify the scale of the target every 100ms.
    cnt = 0
    while True:

        # Compile the payload for the update command, then send it to Azrael.
        # The fragment names (eg 'frag_1') are hard coded in the Template
        # (don't worry about them, just accept that they exist).
        cmd = {}
        for idx, targetID in enumerate(targetIDs):
            # Compute the new scale value.
            scale = 1 + np.sin(2 * np.pi * 0.1 * cnt + phi[idx])
            scale *= 0.1

            tmp = {
                'frag_1': {'scale': scale},
                'frag_2': {'scale': scale},
            cmd[targetID] = tmp
        assert client.setFragments(cmd).ok

        # Randomly update the target's position every 10s.
        if (cnt % 100) == 0:
            cmd = {}
            for targetID in targetIDs:
                pos = 15 * np.random.rand(3) - 10
                cmd[targetID] = {'position': pos.tolist()}
            assert client.setRigidBodies(cmd).ok
        cnt += 1
Exemplo n.º 3
def spawnCubes(numCols, numRows, numLayers, center=(0, 0, 0)):
    Spawn multiple cubes in a regular grid.

    The number of cubes equals ``numCols`` * ``numRows`` * ``numLayers``. The
    center of this "prism" is at ``center``.

    Every cube has two boosters and two factories. The factories can themselves
    spawn more (purely passive) cubes.
    tID_cube = addTexturedCubeTemplates(numCols, numRows, numLayers)

    # Get a Client instance.
    client = azrael.client.Client()

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Spawn the differently textured cubes in a regular grid.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    allObjs = []
    cube_idx = 0
    cube_spacing = 0.1

    # Determine the template and position for every cube. The cubes are *not*
    # spawned in this loop, but afterwards.
    print("Compiling scene: ", end="", flush=True)
    t0 = time.time()
    for row in range(numRows):
        for col in range(numCols):
            for lay in range(numLayers):
                # Base position of cube.
                pos = np.array([col, row, lay], np.float64)

                # Add space in between cubes.
                pos *= -(2 + cube_spacing)

                # Correct the cube's position to ensure the center of the
                # grid coincides with the origin.
                pos[0] += (numCols // 2) * (1 + cube_spacing)
                pos[1] += (numRows // 2) * (1 + cube_spacing)
                pos[2] += (numLayers // 2) * (1 + cube_spacing)

                # Move the grid to position ``center``.
                pos += np.array(center)

                # Store the position and template for this cube.
                allObjs.append({"templateID": tID_cube[cube_idx], "rbs": {"position": pos.tolist()}})
                cube_idx += 1
                del pos
    print("{:,} objects ({:.1f}s)".format(len(allObjs), time.time() - t0))
    del cube_idx, cube_spacing, row, col, lay

    # Spawn the cubes from the templates at the just determined positions.
    print("Spawning {} objects: ".format(len(allObjs)), end="", flush=True)
    t0 = time.time()
    ret = client.spawn(allObjs)
    if not ret.ok:
        print("** Error:")
        assert False
    print(" {:.1f}s".format(time.time() - t0))

    # Make 'frag_2' invisible by setting its scale to zero.
    for objID in ret.data:
        assert client.setFragments({objID: {"frag_2": {"scale": 0}}}).ok
        assert client.setCustomData({objID: "asteroid"}).ok