Exemplo n.º 1
class AzureStorage(Storage):
    account_name = settings.AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME
    account_key = settings.AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY
    azure_container = settings.AZURE_CONTAINER

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AzureStorage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._connection = None

    def connection(self):
        if self._connection is None:
            # Create connection
            self._connection = BlobService(self.account_name, self.account_key)
            # Create container if needed
            containers = [c for c in self._connection.list_containers(prefix=self.azure_container) if c.name == self.azure_container ]
            if len(containers) == 0:
                self._connection.create_container(self.azure_container, {'origin': 'created by Django web app'}, fail_on_exist=True)

        return self._connection

    def _open(self, name, mode="rb"):
        stream = SimpleUploadedFile(name, None)
        self.connection.get_blob_to_file(self.azure_container, name, stream)
        return stream

    def exists(self, name):
            self.connection.get_blob_properties(self.azure_container, name)
        except AzureMissingResourceHttpError:
            return False
            return True

    def delete(self, name):
        self.connection.delete_blob(self.azure_container, name)

    def size(self, name):
        properties = self.connection.get_blob_properties(self.azure_container, name)
        return properties["content-length"]

    def _save(self, name, content):
        self.connection.put_block_blob_from_file(self.azure_container, name, content)
        return name

    def url(self, name):
        ap = AccessPolicy(expiry=(timezone.datetime.utcnow() + timezone.timedelta(seconds=600)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'), \
                          start=(timezone.datetime.utcnow() + timezone.timedelta(seconds=-600)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'), \
        sap = SharedAccessPolicy(ap)
        sas = SharedAccessSignature(self.account_name, self.account_key)
        url = sas.generate_signed_query_string(path=self.azure_container + '/' + name, resource_type='b', shared_access_policy=sap)
        return self.connection.make_blob_url(self.azure_container, name) + "?" + url
Exemplo n.º 2
class _BlobStorageTestCase(_TestCase):
    def _get_container_name(self, handler_name):
        container = _get_handler_config_value(handler_name, 'container')
        if container:
            container = container.replace('_', '-').lower()
        return container

    def setUp(self):
        self.service = BlobService(ACCOUNT_NAME, ACCOUNT_KEY)
        # ensure that there's no log file in the container before each test
        containers = [c.name for c in self.service.list_containers()]
        for handler in LOGGING['handlers']:
            container = self._get_container_name(handler)
            if container in containers:
                filename = _get_handler_config_value(handler, 'filename')
                basename = os.path.basename(filename)
                for blob in self.service.list_blobs(container,
                    self.service.delete_blob(container, blob.name)
Exemplo n.º 3
class _BlobStorageTestCase(_TestCase):

    def _get_container_name(self, handler_name):
        container = _get_handler_config_value(handler_name, 'container')
        if container:
            container = container.replace('_', '-').lower()
        return container

    def setUp(self):
        self.service = BlobService(ACCOUNT_NAME, ACCOUNT_KEY)
        # ensure that there's no log file in the container before each test
        containers = [c.name for c in self.service.list_containers()]
        for handler in LOGGING['handlers']:
            container = self._get_container_name(handler)
            if container in containers:
                filename = _get_handler_config_value(handler, 'filename')
                basename = os.path.basename(filename)
                for blob in self.service.list_blobs(container, prefix=basename):
                    self.service.delete_blob(container, blob.name)
Exemplo n.º 4
class AzureFS(LoggingMixIn, Operations):
    """Azure Blob Storage filesystem"""

    blobs = None
    containers = dict()  # <cname, dict(stat:dict,
                                    #files:None|dict<fname, stat>)
    fds = dict()  # <fd, (path, bytes, dirty)>
    fd = 0

    def __init__(self, account, key):
        self.blobs = BlobService(account, key)

    def convert_to_epoch(self, date):
        """Converts Tue, 31 Jul 2012 07:17:34 GMT format to epoch"""
        return int(time.mktime(time.strptime(date, TIME_FORMAT)))

    def rebuild_container_list(self):
        cmap = dict()
        cnames = set()
        for c in self.blobs.list_containers():
            date = c.properties.last_modified
            cstat = dict(st_mode=(S_IFDIR | 0755), st_uid=getuid(), st_size=0,
            cname = c.name
            cmap['/' + cname] = dict(stat=cstat, files=None)

        cmap['/'] = dict(files={},
                         stat=dict(st_mode=(S_IFDIR | 0755),
                                     st_uid=getuid(), st_size=0,

        self.containers = cmap   # destroys fs tree cache resistant to misses

    def _parse_path(self, path):    # returns </dir, file(=None)>
        if path.count('/') > 1:     # file
            return str(path[:path.rfind('/')]), str(path[path.rfind('/') + 1:])
        else:                       # dir
            pos = path.rfind('/', 1)
            if pos == -1:
                return path, None
                return str(path[:pos]), None

    def parse_container(self, path):
        base_container = path[1:]   # /abc/def/g --> abc
        if base_container.find('/') > -1:
            base_container = base_container[:base_container.find('/')]
        return str(base_container)

    def _get_dir(self, path, contents_required=False):
        if not self.containers:

        if path in self.containers and not (contents_required and \
                self.containers[path]['files'] is None):
            return self.containers[path]

        cname = self.parse_container(path)

        if '/' + cname not in self.containers:
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)
            if self.containers['/' + cname]['files'] is None:
                # fetch contents of container
                log.info("------> CONTENTS NOT FOUND: %s" % cname)

                blobs = self.blobs.list_blobs(cname)

                dirstat = dict(st_mode=(S_IFDIR | 0755), st_size=0,
                               st_uid=getuid(), st_mtime=time.time())

                if self.containers['/' + cname]['files'] is None:
                    self.containers['/' + cname]['files'] = dict()

                for f in blobs:
                    blob_name = f.name
                    blob_date = f.properties.last_modified
                    blob_size = long(f.properties.content_length)

                    node = dict(st_mode=(S_IFREG | 0644), st_size=blob_size,

                    if blob_name.find('/') == -1:  # file just under container
                        self.containers['/' + cname]['files'][blob_name] = node

            return self.containers['/' + cname]
        return None

    def _get_file(self, path):
        d, f = self._parse_path(path)
        dir = self._get_dir(d, True)
        if dir is not None and f in dir['files']:
            return dir['files'][f]

    def getattr(self, path, fh=None):
        d, f = self._parse_path(path)

        if f is None:
            dir = self._get_dir(d)
            return dir['stat']
            file = self._get_file(path)

            if file:
                return file

        raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)

    # FUSE
    def mkdir(self, path, mode):
        if path.count('/') <= 1:    # create on root
            name = path[1:]

            if not 3 <= len(name) <= 63:
                log.error("Container names can be 3 through 63 chars long.")
                raise FuseOSError(ENAMETOOLONG)
            if name is not name.lower():
                log.error("Container names cannot contain uppercase \
                raise FuseOSError(EACCES)
            if name.count('--') > 0:
                log.error('Container names cannot contain consecutive \
                        dashes (-).')
                raise FuseOSError(EAGAIN)
            #TODO handle all "-"s must be preceded by letter or numbers
            #TODO starts with only letter or number, can contain letter, nr,'-'

            resp = self.blobs.create_container(name)

            if resp:
                log.info("CONTAINER %s CREATED" % name)
                raise FuseOSError(EACCES)
                log.error("Invalid container name or container already \
            raise FuseOSError(ENOSYS)  # TODO support 2nd+ level mkdirs

    def rmdir(self, path):
        if path.count('/') == 1:
            c_name = path[1:]
            resp = self.blobs.delete_container(c_name)

            if resp:
                if path in self.containers:
                    del self.containers[path]
                raise FuseOSError(EACCES)
            raise FuseOSError(ENOSYS)  # TODO support 2nd+ level mkdirs

    def create(self, path, mode):
        node = dict(st_mode=(S_IFREG | mode), st_size=0, st_nlink=1,
                     st_uid=getuid(), st_mtime=time.time())
        d, f = self._parse_path(path)

        if not f:
            log.error("Cannot create files on root level: /")
            raise FuseOSError(ENOSYS)

        dir = self._get_dir(d, True)
        if not dir:
            raise FuseOSError(EIO)
        dir['files'][f] = node

        return self.open(path, data='')     # reusing handler provider

    def open(self, path, flags=0, data=None):
        if data == None:                    # download contents
            c_name = self.parse_container(path)
            f_name = path[path.find('/', 1) + 1:]

                data = self.blobs.get_blob(c_name, f_name)
            except AzureMissingResourceHttpError:
                dir = self._get_dir('/' + c_name, True)
                if f_name in dir['files']:
                    del dir['files'][f_name]
                raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)
            except AzureException as e:
                log.error("Read blob failed HTTP %d" % e.code)
                raise FuseOSError(EAGAIN)

        self.fd += 1
        self.fds[self.fd] = (path, data, False)

        return self.fd

    def flush(self, path, fh=None):
        if not fh:
            raise FuseOSError(EIO)
            if fh not in self.fds:
                raise FuseOSError(EIO)
            path = self.fds[fh][0]
            data = self.fds[fh][1]
            dirty = self.fds[fh][2]

            if not dirty:
                return 0     # avoid redundant write

            d, f = self._parse_path(path)
            c_name = self.parse_container(path)

            if data is None:
                data = ''

                if len(data) < 64 * 1024 * 1024:   # 64 mb
                    self.blobs.put_blob(c_name, f, data, 'BlockBlob')
                    # divide file by blocks and upload
                    block_size = 8 * 1024 * 1024
                    num_blocks = int(math.ceil(len(data) * 1.0 / block_size))
                    rd = str(random.randint(1, 1e8))
                    block_ids = list()

                    for i in range(num_blocks):
                        part = data[i * block_size:min((i + 1) * block_size,
                        block_id = base64.encodestring('%s_%s' % (rd,
                            (8 - len(str(i))) * '0' + str(i)))
                        self.blobs.put_block(c_name, f, part, block_id)

                    self.blobs.put_block_list(c_name, f, block_ids)
            except AzureException:
                raise FuseOSError(EAGAIN)

            dir = self._get_dir(d, True)
            if not dir or f not in dir['files']:
                raise FuseOSError(EIO)

            # update local data
            dir['files'][f]['st_size'] = len(data)
            dir['files'][f]['st_mtime'] = time.time()
            self.fds[fh] = (path, data, False)  # mark as not dirty
            return 0

    def release(self, path, fh=None):
        if fh is not None and fh in self.fds:
            del self.fds[fh]

    def truncate(self, path, length, fh=None):
        return 0     # assume done, no need

    def write(self, path, data, offset, fh=None):
        if not fh or fh not in self.fds:
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)
            d = self.fds[fh][1]
            if d is None:
                d = ""
            self.fds[fh] = (self.fds[fh][0], d[:offset] + data, True)
            return len(data)

    def unlink(self, path):
        c_name = self.parse_container(path)
        d, f = self._parse_path(path)

            self.blobs.delete_blob(c_name, f)

            _dir = self._get_dir(path, True)
            if _dir and f in _dir['files']:
                del _dir['files'][f]
            return 0
        except AzureMissingResourceHttpError:
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)
        except Exception as e:
            raise FuseOSError(EAGAIN)

    def readdir(self, path, fh):
        if path == '/':
            return ['.', '..'] + [x[1:] for x in self.containers.keys() \
                    if x is not '/']

        dir = self._get_dir(path, True)
        if not dir:
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)
        return ['.', '..'] + dir['files'].keys()

    def read(self, path, size, offset, fh):
        if not fh or fh not in self.fds:
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)

        f_name = path[path.find('/', 1) + 1:]
        c_name = path[1:path.find('/', 1)]

            data = self.blobs.get_blob(c_name, f_name)
            self.fds[fh] = (self.fds[fh][0], data, False)
            return data[offset:offset + size]
        except URLError, e:
            if e.code == 404:
                raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)
            elif e.code == 403:
                raise FUSEOSError(EPERM)
                log.error("Read blob failed HTTP %d" % e.code)
                raise FuseOSError(EAGAIN)
        data = self.fds[fh][1]
        if data is None:
            data = ""
        return data[offset:offset + size]
Exemplo n.º 5
class AzureFS(LoggingMixIn, Operations):
    """Azure Blob Storage filesystem"""

    blobs = None
    containers = dict()  # <cname, dict(stat:dict,
    #files:None|dict<fname, stat>)
    fds = dict()  # <fd, (path, bytes, dirty)>
    fd = 0

    def __init__(self, account, key):
        self.blobs = BlobService(account, key)

    def convert_to_epoch(self, date):
        """Converts Tue, 31 Jul 2012 07:17:34 GMT format to epoch"""
        return int(time.mktime(time.strptime(date, TIME_FORMAT)))

    def rebuild_container_list(self):
        cmap = dict()
        cnames = set()
        for c in self.blobs.list_containers():
            date = c.properties.last_modified
            cstat = dict(st_mode=(S_IFDIR | 0755),
            cname = c.name
            cmap['/' + cname] = dict(stat=cstat, files=None)

        cmap['/'] = dict(files={},
                         stat=dict(st_mode=(S_IFDIR | 0755),

        self.containers = cmap  # destroys fs tree cache resistant to misses

    def _parse_path(self, path):  # returns </dir, file(=None)>
        if path.count('/') > 1:  # file
            return str(path[:path.rfind('/')]), str(path[path.rfind('/') + 1:])
        else:  # dir
            pos = path.rfind('/', 1)
            if pos == -1:
                return path, None
                return str(path[:pos]), None

    def parse_container(self, path):
        base_container = path[1:]  # /abc/def/g --> abc
        if base_container.find('/') > -1:
            base_container = base_container[:base_container.find('/')]
        return str(base_container)

    def _get_dir(self, path, contents_required=False):
        if not self.containers:

        if path in self.containers and not (contents_required and \
                self.containers[path]['files'] is None):
            return self.containers[path]

        cname = self.parse_container(path)

        if '/' + cname not in self.containers:
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)
            if self.containers['/' + cname]['files'] is None:
                # fetch contents of container
                log.info("------> CONTENTS NOT FOUND: %s" % cname)

                blobs = self.blobs.list_blobs(cname)

                dirstat = dict(st_mode=(S_IFDIR | 0755),

                if self.containers['/' + cname]['files'] is None:
                    self.containers['/' + cname]['files'] = dict()

                for f in blobs:
                    blob_name = f.name
                    blob_date = f.properties.last_modified
                    blob_size = long(f.properties.content_length)

                    node = dict(st_mode=(S_IFREG | 0644),

                    if blob_name.find('/') == -1:  # file just under container
                        self.containers['/' + cname]['files'][blob_name] = node

            return self.containers['/' + cname]
        return None

    def _get_file(self, path):
        d, f = self._parse_path(path)
        dir = self._get_dir(d, True)
        if dir is not None and f in dir['files']:
            return dir['files'][f]

    def getattr(self, path, fh=None):
        d, f = self._parse_path(path)

        if f is None:
            dir = self._get_dir(d)
            return dir['stat']
            file = self._get_file(path)

            if file:
                return file

        raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)

    # FUSE
    def mkdir(self, path, mode):
        if path.count('/') <= 1:  # create on root
            name = path[1:]

            if not 3 <= len(name) <= 63:
                log.error("Container names can be 3 through 63 chars long.")
                raise FuseOSError(ENAMETOOLONG)
            if name is not name.lower():
                log.error("Container names cannot contain uppercase \
                raise FuseOSError(EACCES)
            if name.count('--') > 0:
                log.error('Container names cannot contain consecutive \
                        dashes (-).')
                raise FuseOSError(EAGAIN)
            #TODO handle all "-"s must be preceded by letter or numbers
            #TODO starts with only letter or number, can contain letter, nr,'-'

            resp = self.blobs.create_container(name)

            if resp:
                log.info("CONTAINER %s CREATED" % name)
                raise FuseOSError(EACCES)
                log.error("Invalid container name or container already \
            raise FuseOSError(ENOSYS)  # TODO support 2nd+ level mkdirs

    def rmdir(self, path):
        if path.count('/') == 1:
            c_name = path[1:]
            resp = self.blobs.delete_container(c_name)

            if resp:
                if path in self.containers:
                    del self.containers[path]
                raise FuseOSError(EACCES)
            raise FuseOSError(ENOSYS)  # TODO support 2nd+ level mkdirs

    def create(self, path, mode):
        node = dict(st_mode=(S_IFREG | mode),
        d, f = self._parse_path(path)

        if not f:
            log.error("Cannot create files on root level: /")
            raise FuseOSError(ENOSYS)

        dir = self._get_dir(d, True)
        if not dir:
            raise FuseOSError(EIO)
        dir['files'][f] = node

        return self.open(path, data='')  # reusing handler provider

    def open(self, path, flags=0, data=None):
        if data == None:  # download contents
            c_name = self.parse_container(path)
            f_name = path[path.find('/', 1) + 1:]

                data = self.blobs.get_blob(c_name, f_name)
            except AzureMissingResourceHttpError:
                dir = self._get_dir('/' + c_name, True)
                if f_name in dir['files']:
                    del dir['files'][f_name]
                raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)
            except AzureException as e:
                log.error("Read blob failed HTTP %d" % e.code)
                raise FuseOSError(EAGAIN)

        self.fd += 1
        self.fds[self.fd] = (path, data, False)

        return self.fd

    def flush(self, path, fh=None):
        if not fh:
            raise FuseOSError(EIO)
            if fh not in self.fds:
                raise FuseOSError(EIO)
            path = self.fds[fh][0]
            data = self.fds[fh][1]
            dirty = self.fds[fh][2]

            if not dirty:
                return 0  # avoid redundant write

            d, f = self._parse_path(path)
            c_name = self.parse_container(path)

            if data is None:
                data = ''

                if len(data) < 64 * 1024 * 1024:  # 64 mb
                    self.blobs.put_blob(c_name, f, data, 'BlockBlob')
                    # divide file by blocks and upload
                    block_size = 8 * 1024 * 1024
                    num_blocks = int(math.ceil(len(data) * 1.0 / block_size))
                    rd = str(random.randint(1, 1e8))
                    block_ids = list()

                    for i in range(num_blocks):
                        part = data[i * block_size:min((i + 1) *
                                                       block_size, len(data))]
                        block_id = base64.encodestring(
                            '%s_%s' % (rd, (8 - len(str(i))) * '0' + str(i)))
                        self.blobs.put_block(c_name, f, part, block_id)

                    self.blobs.put_block_list(c_name, f, block_ids)
            except AzureException:
                raise FuseOSError(EAGAIN)

            dir = self._get_dir(d, True)
            if not dir or f not in dir['files']:
                raise FuseOSError(EIO)

            # update local data
            dir['files'][f]['st_size'] = len(data)
            dir['files'][f]['st_mtime'] = time.time()
            self.fds[fh] = (path, data, False)  # mark as not dirty
            return 0

    def release(self, path, fh=None):
        if fh is not None and fh in self.fds:
            del self.fds[fh]

    def truncate(self, path, length, fh=None):
        return 0  # assume done, no need

    def write(self, path, data, offset, fh=None):
        if not fh or fh not in self.fds:
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)
            d = self.fds[fh][1]
            if d is None:
                d = ""
            self.fds[fh] = (self.fds[fh][0], d[:offset] + data, True)
            return len(data)

    def unlink(self, path):
        c_name = self.parse_container(path)
        d, f = self._parse_path(path)

            self.blobs.delete_blob(c_name, f)

            _dir = self._get_dir(path, True)
            if _dir and f in _dir['files']:
                del _dir['files'][f]
            return 0
        except AzureMissingResourceHttpError:
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)
        except Exception as e:
            raise FuseOSError(EAGAIN)

    def readdir(self, path, fh):
        if path == '/':
            return ['.', '..'] + [x[1:] for x in self.containers.keys() \
                    if x is not '/']

        dir = self._get_dir(path, True)
        if not dir:
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)
        return ['.', '..'] + dir['files'].keys()

    def read(self, path, size, offset, fh):
        if not fh or fh not in self.fds:
            raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)

        f_name = path[path.find('/', 1) + 1:]
        c_name = path[1:path.find('/', 1)]

            data = self.blobs.get_blob(c_name, f_name)
            self.fds[fh] = (self.fds[fh][0], data, False)
            return data[offset:offset + size]
        except URLError, e:
            if e.code == 404:
                raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)
            elif e.code == 403:
                raise FUSEOSError(EPERM)
                log.error("Read blob failed HTTP %d" % e.code)
                raise FuseOSError(EAGAIN)
        data = self.fds[fh][1]
        if data is None:
            data = ""
        return data[offset:offset + size]
Exemplo n.º 6
class AzureFS(LoggingMixIn, Operations):
    Azure Blob Storage filesystem

    blobs = None
    containers = dict()  # {cname: {stat:dict, files:None|{fname: stat}}
    fd = 0

    def __init__(self, account, key):
        self.blobs = BlobService(account, key)

    def _rebuild_container_list(self):
        cmap = dict()
        cnames = set()

        for c in self.blobs.list_containers():
            cstat = make_stat(stat.S_IFDIR | 0755, c.properties)

            cname = c.name
            cmap['/' + cname] = dict(stat=cstat, files=None)

        cmap['/'] = dict(files={}, stat=make_stat(stat.S_IFDIR | 0755))
        self.containers = cmap  # destroys fs tree cache resistant to misses

    def _parse_path(path):  # returns </dir, file(=None)>
        if path.count('/') > 1:  # file
            return str(path[:path.rfind('/')]), str(path[path.rfind('/') + 1:])
        else:  # dir
            pos = path.rfind('/', 1)
            if pos == -1:
                return path, None
                return str(path[:pos]), None

    def _parse_container(path):
        base_container = path[1:]  # /abc/def/g --> abc
        if base_container.find('/') > -1:
            base_container = base_container[:base_container.find('/')]
        return str(base_container)

    def _get_dir(self, path, contents_required=False, force=False):
        log.debug("get_dir: contents_required=%s, force=%s,"
                  " has_container=%s, path=%s",
                  "t" if contents_required else "f",
                  "t" if force else "f",
                  "t" if path in self.containers else "f",
        cname = self._parse_container(path)

        if 'process' in self.containers['/' + cname] and \
                self.containers['/' + cname]['process'] is not None:
            p = self.containers['/' + cname]['process']
            if not p.is_alive():
                self.containers['/' + cname]['process'] = None

        if not self.containers:
            log.info("get_dir: rebuilding container list")

        if path in self.containers:
            container = self.containers[path]
            if not contents_required:
                return container
            if not force and container['files'] is not None:
                return container

        if '/' + cname not in self.containers:
            log.info("get_dir: no such container: /%s", cname)
            raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT)
            container = self.containers['/' + cname]
                log.info(">>>> %s - %s ",
            except KeyError:
                log.info(">>>> no process: %s " % cname)
            if container['files'] is None or force is True:
                # fetch contents of container
                log.info("Contents not found in the cache index: %s", cname)

                process = container.get('process', None)
                if process is not None and process.is_alive():
                    # We do nothing. Some thread is still working,
                    # getting list of blobs from the container.
                    log.info("Fetching blob list for '%s' is already"
                             " handled by %s", cname, process)
                    # No thread running for this container, launch a new one
                    m = Manager()
                    files = m.dict()
                    process = Process(target=get_files_from_blob_service,
                                      args=(self.blobs, cname, files),
                                      name="list-blobs/%s" % cname)
                    process.daemon = True
                    container['process'] = process
                    log.info("Started blob list retrieval for '%s': %s",
                             cname, process)
                    container['files'] = files
            return container

    def _get_file(self, path):
        d, f = self._parse_path(path)
        log.debug("get_file: requested path=%s (d=%s, f=%s)", path, d, f)
        directory = self._get_dir(d, True)
        files = None
        if directory is not None:
            files = directory['files']
            if f in files:
                return files[f]

        if not hasattr(self, "_get_file_noent"):
            self._get_file_noent = {}

        last_check = self._get_file_noent.get(path, 0)
        if time.time() - last_check <= 30:
            # Negative TTL is 30 seconds (hardcoded for now)
            log.info("get_file: cache says to reply negative for %s", path)
            return None

        # Check if file now exists and our caches are just stale.
            c = self._parse_container(d)
            p = path[path.find('/', 1) + 1:]
            props = self.blobs.get_blob_properties(c, p)
            log.info("get_file: found locally unknown remote file %s: %s",
                     path, repr(props))

            node = make_stat(stat.S_IFREG | 0644, props)

            if node['st_size'] > 0:
                log.info("get_file: properties for %s: %s", path, repr(node))
                # Remember this, so we won't have to re-query it.
                files[f] = node
                if path in self._get_file_noent:
                    del self._get_file_noent[path]
                return node
                # TODO: FIXME: HACK: We currently ignore empty files.
                # Sometimes the file is not yet here and is still uploading.
                # Such files have "content-length: 0". Ignore those for now.
                log.warning("get_file: the file %s is not yet here (size=%s)",
                            path, node['st_size'])
                self._get_file_noent[path] = time.time()
                return None
        except AzureMissingResourceHttpError:
            log.info("get_file: remote confirms non-existence of %s", path)
            self._get_file_noent[path] = time.time()
            return None
        except AzureException as e:
            log.error("get_file: exception while querying remote for %s: %s",
                      path, repr(e))
            self._get_file_noent[path] = time.time()

        return None

    def getattr(self, path, fh=None):
        log.debug("getattr: path=%s", path)
        d, f = self._parse_path(path)

        if f is None:
            return self._get_dir(d)['stat']
            file_obj = self._get_file(path)
            if file_obj:
                return file_obj

        log.warning("getattr: no such file: %s", path)
        raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT)

    def mkdir(self, path, mode):
        if path.count('/') <= 1:  # create on root
            name = path[1:]
            if not 3 <= len(name) <= 63:
                log.error("Container names can be 3 through 63 chars long")
                raise FuseOSError(errno.ENAMETOOLONG)

            if not re.match(RE_CONTAINER_NAME, name):
                log.error("Invalid container name: '%s'", name)
                raise FuseOSError(errno.EACCES)

            resp = self.blobs.create_container(name)
            if resp:
                log.info("CONTAINER %s CREATED", name)
                log.error("Invalid container name or container already exists")
                raise FuseOSError(errno.EACCES)
            # TODO: Support 2nd+ level directory creation
            raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOSYS)

    def rmdir(self, path):
        if path.count('/') == 1:
            c_name = path[1:]
            resp = self.blobs.delete_container(c_name)

            if resp:
                if path in self.containers:
                    del self.containers[path]
                raise FuseOSError(errno.EACCES)
            # TODO: Support 2nd+ level directories
            raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOSYS)

    def create(self, path, mode, fi=None):
        node = make_stat(stat.S_IFREG | mode)
        d, f = self._parse_path(path)

        if not f:
            log.error("Cannot create files on root level: /")
            raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOSYS)

        if f == ".__refresh_cache__":
            log.info("Refresh cache forced (%s)" % f)
            self._get_dir(path, True, True)
            return self.open(path, data='')

        directory = self._get_dir(d, True)
        if not directory:
            raise FuseOSError(errno.EIO)
        directory['files'][f] = node

        return self.open(path, data='')  # reusing handler provider

    def open(self, path, flags=0, data=None):
        log.info("open: path=%s; flags=%s", path, flags)
        if data is None:
            # Download contents
            c_name = self._parse_container(path)
            f_name = path[path.find('/', 1) + 1:]

                self.blobs.get_blob_metadata(c_name, f_name)
            except AzureMissingResourceHttpError:
                directory = self._get_dir('/' + c_name, True)
                if f_name in directory['files']:
                    del directory['files'][f_name]
                log.info("open: remote says there is no such file: c=%s f=%s",
                         c_name, f_name)
                raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT)
            except AzureHttpError as e:
                log.error("Read blob failed with HTTP %d", e.status_code)
                raise FuseOSError(errno.EAGAIN)
            except AzureException as e:
                log.exception("Read blob failed with exception: %s", repr(e))
                raise FuseOSError(errno.EAGAIN)
        self.fd += 1
        return self.fd

    def truncate(self, path, length, fh=None):
        return 0  # assume done, no need

    def write(self, path, data, offset, fh=None):
        # TODO: Re-implement writing
        raise FuseOSError(errno.EPERM)

    def unlink(self, path):
        c_name = self._parse_container(path)
        d, f = self._parse_path(path)

            self.blobs.delete_blob(c_name, f)

            _dir = self._get_dir(path, True)
            if _dir and f in _dir['files']:
                del _dir['files'][f]
            return 0
        except AzureMissingResourceHttpError:
            raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT)
            raise FuseOSError(errno.EAGAIN)

    def readdir(self, path, fh):
        if path == '/':
            return ['.', '..'] + [x[1:] for x in self.containers.keys()
                                  if x != '/']

        directory = self._get_dir(path, True)
        if not directory:
            log.info("readdir: no such file: %s", path)
            raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT)
        return ['.', '..'] + directory['files'].keys()

    def read(self, path, size, offset, fh):
        f_name = path[path.find('/', 1) + 1:]
        c_name = path[1:path.find('/', 1)]

            byte_range = "bytes=%s-%s" % (offset, offset + size - 1)
            log.debug("read range: %s", byte_range)
            data = self.blobs.get_blob(c_name, f_name, snapshot=None,
            return data
        except AzureHttpError as e:
            if e.status_code == 404:
                raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT)
            elif e.status_code == 403:
                raise FuseOSError(errno.EPERM)
                log.error("Read blob failed with HTTP %d", e.status_code)
                raise FuseOSError(errno.EAGAIN)

    def statfs(self, path):
        return dict(f_bsize=4096, f_blocks=1, f_bavail=sys.maxint)

    def rename(self, old, new):
        # TODO: Implement renaming
        raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOSYS)

    def symlink(self, target, source):
        raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOSYS)

    def getxattr(self, path, name, position=0):
        return ''

    def chmod(self, path, mode):

    def chown(self, path, uid, gid):
Exemplo n.º 7
class AzureStorage(Storage):
    account_name = settings.AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME
    account_key = settings.AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY
    azure_container = settings.AZURE_CONTAINER

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AzureStorage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._connection = None

    def connection(self):
        if self._connection is None:
            # Create connection
            self._connection = BlobService(self.account_name, self.account_key)

            # Create container if needed
            containers = [
                c for c in self._connection.list_containers(
                if c.name == self.azure_container
            if len(containers) == 0:
                    {'origin': 'created by Django web app'},

        return self._connection

    def _open(self, name, mode="rb"):
        stream = SimpleUploadedFile(name, None)
        self.connection.get_blob_to_file(self.azure_container, name, stream)
        return stream

    def exists(self, name):
            self.connection.get_blob_properties(self.azure_container, name)
        except AzureMissingResourceHttpError:
            return False
            return True

    def delete(self, name):
        self.connection.delete_blob(self.azure_container, name)

    def size(self, name):
        properties = self.connection.get_blob_properties(
            self.azure_container, name)
        return properties["content-length"]

    def _save(self, name, content):
        self.connection.put_block_blob_from_file(self.azure_container, name,
        return name

    def url(self, name):
        ap = AccessPolicy(expiry=(timezone.datetime.utcnow() + timezone.timedelta(seconds=600)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'), \
                          start=(timezone.datetime.utcnow() + timezone.timedelta(seconds=-600)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'), \
        sap = SharedAccessPolicy(ap)
        sas = SharedAccessSignature(self.account_name, self.account_key)
        url = sas.generate_signed_query_string(path=self.azure_container +
                                               '/' + name,

        return self.connection.make_blob_url(self.azure_container,
                                             name) + "?" + url