Exemplo n.º 1
    def setactivity(self, activity: ba.Activity) -> None:
        """Assign a new current ba.Activity for the session.

        Note that this will not change the current context to the new
        Activity's. Code must be run in the new activity's methods
        (on_transition_in, etc) to get it. (so you can't do
        session.setactivity(foo) and then ba.newnode() to add a node to foo)
        from ba._enums import TimeType

        # Make sure we don't get called recursively.
        _rlock = self._SetActivityScopedLock(self)

        if activity.session is not _ba.getsession():
            raise RuntimeError("Provided Activity's Session is not current.")

        # Quietly ignore this if the whole session is going down.
        if self._ending:

        if activity is self._activity_retained:
            print_error('Activity set to already-current activity.')

        if self._next_activity is not None:
            raise RuntimeError('Activity switch already in progress (to ' +
                               str(self._next_activity) + ')')

        prev_activity = self._activity_retained
        prev_globals = (prev_activity.globalsnode
                        if prev_activity is not None else None)

        # Let the activity do its thing.

        self._next_activity = activity

        # If we have a current activity, tell it it's transitioning out;
        # the next one will become current once this one dies.
        if prev_activity is not None:

            # Setting this to None should free up the old activity to die,
            # which will call begin_next_activity.
            # We can still access our old activity through
            # self._activity_weak() to keep it up to date on player
            # joins/departures/etc until it dies.
            self._activity_retained = None

        # There's no existing activity; lets just go ahead with the begin call.

        # We want to call destroy() for the previous activity once it should
        # tear itself down, clear out any self-refs, etc. After this call
        # the activity should have no refs left to it and should die (which
        # will trigger the next activity to run).
        if prev_activity is not None:
            with _ba.Context('ui'):
                _ba.timer(max(0.0, activity.transition_time),
        self._in_set_activity = False
Exemplo n.º 2
    def on_activity_end(self, activity: ba.Activity, results: Any) -> None:
        """Method override for co-op sessions.

        Jumps between co-op games and score screens.
        # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
        # pylint: disable=cyclic-import
        from ba._activitytypes import JoinActivity, TransitionActivity
        from ba._lang import Lstr
        from ba._general import WeakCall
        from ba._coopgame import CoopGameActivity
        from ba._gameresults import GameResults
        from ba._score import ScoreType
        from ba._player import PlayerInfo
        from bastd.tutorial import TutorialActivity
        from bastd.activity.coopscore import CoopScoreScreen

        app = _ba.app

        # If we're running a TeamGameActivity we'll have a GameResults
        # as results. Otherwise its an old CoopGameActivity so its giving
        # us a dict of random stuff.
        if isinstance(results, GameResults):
            outcome = 'defeat'  # This can't be 'beaten'.
            outcome = '' if results is None else results.get('outcome', '')

        # If at any point we have no in-game players, quit out of the session
        # (this can happen if someone leaves in the tutorial for instance).
        active_players = [p for p in self.players if p.in_game]
        if not active_players:

        # If we're in a between-round activity or a restart-activity,
        # hop into a round.
        if (isinstance(activity,
                       (JoinActivity, CoopScoreScreen, TransitionActivity))):

            if outcome == 'next_level':
                if self._next_game_instance is None:
                    raise RuntimeError()
                assert self._next_game_level_name is not None
                self.campaign_level_name = self._next_game_level_name
                next_game = self._next_game_instance
                next_game = self._current_game_instance

            # Special case: if we're coming from a joining-activity
            # and will be going into onslaught-training, show the
            # tutorial first.
            if (isinstance(activity, JoinActivity)
                    and self.campaign_level_name == 'Onslaught Training'
                    and not app.kiosk_mode):
                if self._tutorial_activity is None:
                    raise RuntimeError('Tutorial not preloaded properly.')
                self._tutorial_activity = None
                self._ran_tutorial_activity = True
                self._custom_menu_ui = []

            # Normal case; launch the next round.

                # Reset stats for the new activity.
                for player in self.players:

                    # Skip players that are still choosing a team.
                    if player.in_game:

                # Now flip the current activity..

                if not app.kiosk_mode:
                    if self.tournament_id is not None:
                        self._custom_menu_ui = [{
                        self._custom_menu_ui = [{

        # If we were in a tutorial, just pop a transition to get to the
        # actual round.
        elif isinstance(activity, TutorialActivity):

            playerinfos: List[ba.PlayerInfo]

            # Generic team games.
            if isinstance(results, GameResults):
                playerinfos = results.playerinfos
                score = results.get_sessionteam_score(results.sessionteams[0])
                fail_message = None
                score_order = ('decreasing'
                               if results.lower_is_better else 'increasing')
                if results.scoretype in (ScoreType.SECONDS,
                    scoretype = 'time'

                    # ScoreScreen wants hundredths of a second.
                    if score is not None:
                        if results.scoretype is ScoreType.SECONDS:
                            score *= 100
                        elif results.scoretype is ScoreType.MILLISECONDS:
                            score //= 10
                            raise RuntimeError('FIXME')
                    if results.scoretype is not ScoreType.POINTS:
                        print(f'Unknown ScoreType:' f' "{results.scoretype}"')
                    scoretype = 'points'

            # Old coop-game-specific results; should migrate away from these.
                playerinfos = results.get('playerinfos')
                score = results['score'] if 'score' in results else None
                fail_message = (results['fail_message']
                                if 'fail_message' in results else None)
                score_order = (results['score_order']
                               if 'score_order' in results else 'increasing')
                activity_score_type = (activity.get_score_type() if isinstance(
                    activity, CoopGameActivity) else None)
                assert activity_score_type is not None
                scoretype = activity_score_type

            # Validate types.
            if playerinfos is not None:
                assert isinstance(playerinfos, list)
                assert (isinstance(i, PlayerInfo) for i in playerinfos)

            # Looks like we were in a round - check the outcome and
            # go from there.
            if outcome == 'restart':

                # This will pop up back in the same round.
                        CoopScoreScreen, {
                            'playerinfos': playerinfos,
                            'score': score,
                            'fail_message': fail_message,
                            'score_order': score_order,
                            'score_type': scoretype,
                            'outcome': outcome,
                            'campaign': self.campaign,
                            'level': self.campaign_level_name

        # No matter what, get the next 2 levels ready to go.
Exemplo n.º 3
    def set_activity(self, activity: ba.Activity) -> None:
        """Assign a new current ba.Activity for the session.

        Note that this will not change the current context to the new
        Activity's. Code must be run in the new activity's methods
        (on_transition_in, etc) to get it. (so you can't do
        session.set_activity(foo) and then ba.newnode() to add a node to foo)
        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
        # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
        from ba import _error
        from ba._gameutils import sharedobj
        from ba._enums import TimeType

        # Sanity test: make sure this doesn't get called recursively.
        if self._in_set_activity:
            raise Exception(
                "Session.set_activity() cannot be called recursively.")

        if activity.session is not _ba.getsession():
            raise Exception("Provided Activity's Session is not current.")

        # Quietly ignore this if the whole session is going down.
        if self._ending:

        if activity is self._activity_retained:
            _error.print_error("activity set to already-current activity")

        if self._next_activity is not None:
            raise Exception("Activity switch already in progress (to " +
                            str(self._next_activity) + ")")

        self._in_set_activity = True

        prev_activity = self._activity_retained

        if prev_activity is not None:
            with _ba.Context(prev_activity):
                gprev = sharedobj('globals')
            gprev = None

        with _ba.Context(activity):

            # Now that it's going to be front and center,
            # set some global values based on what the activity wants.
            glb = sharedobj('globals')
            glb.use_fixed_vr_overlay = activity.use_fixed_vr_overlay
            glb.allow_kick_idle_players = activity.allow_kick_idle_players
            if activity.inherits_slow_motion and gprev is not None:
                glb.slow_motion = gprev.slow_motion
                glb.slow_motion = activity.slow_motion
            if activity.inherits_music and gprev is not None:
                glb.music_continuous = True  # Prevent restarting same music.
                glb.music = gprev.music
                glb.music_count += 1
            if activity.inherits_camera_vr_offset and gprev is not None:
                glb.vr_camera_offset = gprev.vr_camera_offset
            if activity.inherits_vr_overlay_center and gprev is not None:
                glb.vr_overlay_center = gprev.vr_overlay_center
                glb.vr_overlay_center_enabled = gprev.vr_overlay_center_enabled

            # If they want to inherit tint from the previous activity.
            if activity.inherits_tint and gprev is not None:
                glb.tint = gprev.tint
                glb.vignette_outer = gprev.vignette_outer
                glb.vignette_inner = gprev.vignette_inner

            # Let the activity do its thing.

        self._next_activity = activity

        # If we have a current activity, tell it it's transitioning out;
        # the next one will become current once this one dies.
        if prev_activity is not None:
            # pylint: disable=protected-access
            prev_activity._transitioning_out = True
            # pylint: enable=protected-access

            # Activity will be None until the next one begins.
            with _ba.Context(prev_activity):

            # Setting this to None should free up the old activity to die,
            # which will call begin_next_activity.
            # We can still access our old activity through
            # self._activity_weak() to keep it up to date on player
            # joins/departures/etc until it dies.
            self._activity_retained = None

        # There's no existing activity; lets just go ahead with the begin call.

        # Tell the C layer that this new activity is now 'foregrounded'.
        # This means that its globals node controls global stuff and stuff
        # like console operations, keyboard shortcuts, etc will run in it.
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        # noinspection PyProtectedMember
        # pylint: enable=protected-access

        # We want to call _destroy() for the previous activity once it should
        # tear itself down, clear out any self-refs, etc.  If the new activity
        # has a transition-time, set it up to be called after that passes;
        # otherwise call it immediately. After this call the activity should
        # have no refs left to it and should die (which will trigger the next
        # activity to run).
        if prev_activity is not None:
            if activity.transition_time > 0.0:
                # FIXME: We should tweak the activity to not allow
                #  node-creation/etc when we call _destroy (or after).
                with _ba.Context('ui'):
                    # pylint: disable=protected-access
                    # noinspection PyProtectedMember

            # Just run immediately.
                # noinspection PyProtectedMember
                prev_activity._destroy()  # pylint: disable=protected-access
        self._in_set_activity = False