Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, objects, interface):
     #: list of header names
     self.headers = []
     #: odict of babbisch objects.
     self.objects = objects
     #: Dictionary containing the user-defined YAML interface.
     self.interface = interface
     #: list of script functions
     self.scripts = []
     self.load_scripts() # load 'em
     #: Dictionary mapping tag types to artificial wrapper (ooc) names.
     self.artificial = {}
     #: Dictionary mapping entity tags to MemberInfo instances.
     self.methods = {}
     #: Dictionay mapping entity tags to dictionaries mapping property names to MemberInfo instances.
     self.properties = defaultdict(dict)
     #: odict {name: codegen} of artificial wrappers getting merged in `run`
     self._codegens = odict()
     #: odict {name: codegen} of *all* codegens.
     self.codegens = odict()
     # fill in all primitive types
     #: list of all function names whose return codes should be checked
     self.checked_functions = set()
     # do the settings yay
Exemplo n.º 2
def make_check_func(errors):
    func = Function(ERROR_CHECKING_FUNCTION, args=odict([('code', 'Int')]), rettype='Int')
        'if(code != 0) {', INDENT,
            'Failure new(match(code) {', INDENT
    for error in errors:
        func.code.append('case %s => "%s"' % (error, error))
    func.code.extend(['case => code toString()', DEDENT, '}) throw()', DEDENT, '}',
                      'return code'])
    return func
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, name, modifiers=None, args=None, rettype=None, code=None):
     if modifiers is None:
         modifiers = []
     if args is None:
         args = odict()
     if code is None:
         code = []
     suffix = ''
     if '~' in name:
         name, suffix = [i.strip() for i in name.split('~', 1)]
     self.name = name
     self.modifiers = modifiers
     self.arguments = args
     self.rettype = rettype
     self.code = code
     self.suffix = suffix
     self.varargs = False
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():
    interface = None
        filename = sys.argv[1]
    except IndexError:
        print 'Usage: babbisch-ooc interface.yaml'
        return 1

    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        interface = yaml.load(f)
    # load all objects
    objects = odict()
    for filename in interface.get('Files', ()):
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
    # create an oo client
    client = OOClient(objects, interface)
    print client.run()
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, name, modifiers=None):
     self.name = name
     self.values = odict()
     if modifiers is None:
         modifiers = []
     self.modifiers = modifiers
Exemplo n.º 6
def make_check_exception():
    cls = Class('Failure', 'Exception')
    init = Method('init~withCode', args=odict([('code', 'String')]))
    return cls