Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_perform_request_performs_request(self):
     _perform_request() should perform the request and return a Response object.
     req = scraper._create_request(year=2000, url=LOCAL_URL)
     with patch.object(Session, "send", return_value=Response()):
         resp = scraper._perform_request(req)
     assert isinstance(resp, Response)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_perform_request_performs_request_and_gets_data(self):
     _perform_request() should perform the request and return a Response object which
     contains the correct HTML.
     req = scraper._create_request(year=2000, url=LOCAL_URL)
     fake_resp = Response()
     fake_resp._content = self.example_html
     with patch.object(Session, "send", return_value=fake_resp):
         resp = scraper._perform_request(req)
     assert resp.text == fake_resp.text