Exemplo n.º 1
    def _create_square(x, y, zoom) -> geojson.MultiPolygon:
        Function for creating a geojson.MultiPolygon square representing a single OSM tile grid square
        :param x: osm tile grid x
        :param y: osm tile grid y
        :param zoom: osm tile grid zoom level
        :return: geojson.MultiPolygon in EPSG:4326
        # Maximum resolution
        MAXRESOLUTION = 156543.0339

        # X/Y axis limit
        max = MAXRESOLUTION * 256 / 2

        # calculate extents
        step = max / (2**(zoom - 1))
        xmin = x * step - max
        ymin = y * step - max
        xmax = (x + 1) * step - max
        ymax = (y + 1) * step - max

        # make a shapely multipolygon
        multipolygon = MultiPolygon([
            Polygon([(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax)])

        # use the database to transform the geometry from 3857 to 4326
        transformed_geometry = ST_Transform(
            shape.from_shape(multipolygon, 3857), 4326)

        # use DB to get the geometry as geojson
        return geojson.loads(
 def _make_4326_polygon_from_bbox(bbox: list, srid: int) -> Polygon:
     """ make a shapely Polygon in SRID 4326 from bbox and srid"""
         polygon = box(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3])
         if not srid == 4326:
             geometry = shape.from_shape(polygon, srid)
             geom_4326 = db.engine.execute(ST_Transform(geometry, 4326)).scalar()
             polygon = shape.to_shape(geom_4326)
     except Exception as e:
         raise ProjectSearchServiceError(f"error making polygon: {e}")
     return polygon
 def _get_area_sqm(polygon: Polygon) -> float:
     """ get the area of the polygon in square metres """
     return db.engine.execute(
         ST_Area(ST_Transform(shape.from_shape(polygon, 4326),