Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_format_dict(self, pod_configs):
     """ 测试 format_dict 方法 """
     result = PodFormatter().format_dict(pod_configs['status_running'])
     assert set(result.keys()) == {
     assert result['images'] == ['k8s.gcr.io/echoserver:1.4']
Exemplo n.º 2
class Pod(ResourceClient):
    """ Pod 相关资源 Client """

    kind = K8sResourceKind.Pod.value
    formatter = PodFormatter()

    def fetch_manifest(self, namespace: str, pod_name: str) -> Dict:
        获取指定 Pod 配置信息

        :param ctx_cluster: 集群 Context
        :param namespace: 命名空间
        :param pod_name: Pod 名称
        :return: Pod 配置信息
        pod = self.get(namespace=namespace, name=pod_name, is_format=False)
        if not pod:
            raise ResourceNotExist(
                _('Pod {}/{} 不存在').format(namespace, pod_name))
        return pod.to_dict()

    def filter_related_resources(self, client: ResourceClient, namespace: str,
                                 pod_name: str) -> Dict:
        过滤与 Pod 相关联的资源

        :param client: 关联资源 client
        :param namespace: 命名空间
        :param pod_name: Pod 名称
        :return: 关联资源列表
        pod_manifest = self.fetch_manifest(namespace, pod_name)
        # Pod 配置中资源类型为驼峰式,需要将 ResourceKind 首字母小写
        resource_kind, resource_name_key = decapitalize(
            client.kind), VOLUME_RESOURCE_NAME_KEY_MAP[client.kind]
        # 获取与指定 Pod 相关联的 某种资源 的资源名称列表
        resource_name_list = [
            for volume in getitems(pod_manifest, 'spec.volumes', [])
            if resource_kind in volume
        # 查询指定命名空间下该资源的所有实例,并根据名称列表过滤
        resources = client.list(namespace=namespace, is_format=False).to_dict()
        resources['items'] = [
            item for item in resources['items']
            if item['metadata']['name'] in resource_name_list
        # 组装展示用扩展信息等
        manifest_ext = {
            item['metadata']['uid']: client.formatter.format_dict(item)
            for item in resources['items']
        return {'manifest': resources, 'manifest_ext': manifest_ext}
Exemplo n.º 3
class Pod(ResourceClient):
    """ Pod 相关资源 Client """

    kind = K8sResourceKind.Pod.value
    formatter = PodFormatter()

    def list(
        is_format: bool = True,
        formatter: Optional[ResourceDefaultFormatter] = None,
        owner_kind: Optional[str] = None,
        owner_name: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Union[ResourceList, Dict]:
        查询 Pod 列表

        :param is_format: 是否使用 PodFormatter 进行格式化
        :param formatter: 指定的特殊格式化器
        :param owner_kind: 上级资源类型
        :param owner_name: 上级资源名称
        :return: Pod 列表信息
        resp = super().list(is_format, formatter, **kwargs)
        if not (kwargs.get('namespace') and owner_kind and owner_name):
            return resp

        # 找到当前指定资源关联的 Pod 的 owner reference 信息
        pod_owner_references = self._get_pod_owner_references(kwargs['namespace'], owner_kind, owner_name)

        # NOTE: Pod 类型 list 若需要支持根据 owner_references 过滤,
        # 结果不是返回 ResourceList 而是 Dict,需要上层进行兼容
        # 原因是:ResourceInstance 对象属性不支持赋值
        resp = resp.data.to_dict()
        resp['items'] = self._filter_by_owner_references(resp['items'], pod_owner_references)
        return resp

    def fetch_manifest(self, namespace: str, pod_name: str) -> Dict:
        获取指定 Pod 配置信息

        :param ctx_cluster: 集群 Context
        :param namespace: 命名空间
        :param pod_name: Pod 名称
        :return: Pod 配置信息
        pod = self.get(namespace=namespace, name=pod_name, is_format=False)
        if not pod:
            raise ResourceNotExist(_('Pod {}/{} 不存在').format(namespace, pod_name))
        return pod.data.to_dict()

    def filter_related_resources(self, client: ResourceClient, namespace: str, pod_name: str) -> Dict:
        过滤与 Pod 相关联的资源

        :param client: 关联资源 client
        :param namespace: 命名空间
        :param pod_name: Pod 名称
        :return: 关联资源列表
        pod_manifest = self.fetch_manifest(namespace, pod_name)
        # Pod 配置中资源类型为驼峰式,需要将 ResourceKind 首字母小写
        resource_kind, resource_name_key = decapitalize(client.kind), VOLUME_RESOURCE_NAME_KEY_MAP[client.kind]
        # 获取与指定 Pod 相关联的 某种资源 的资源名称列表
        resource_name_list = [
            for volume in getitems(pod_manifest, 'spec.volumes', [])
            if resource_kind in volume
        # 查询指定命名空间下该资源的所有实例,并根据名称列表过滤
        resources = client.list(namespace=namespace, is_format=False).data.to_dict()
        resources['items'] = [item for item in resources['items'] if item['metadata']['name'] in resource_name_list]
        # 组装展示用扩展信息等
        manifest_ext = {item['metadata']['uid']: client.formatter.format_dict(item) for item in resources['items']}
        return {'manifest': resources, 'manifest_ext': manifest_ext}

    def exec_command(self, namespace: str, pod_name: str, container_name: str, command: List):
        在指定 Pod 容器中执行命令

        :param namespace: 命名空间
        :param pod_name: Pod 名称
        :param container_name: 容器名称
        :param command: 待执行指令,argv array 格式
        :return: 指令执行结果(stdout,stderr)
        api_instance = CoreV1Api(self.dynamic_client.client)
        return stream(

    def _get_pod_owner_references(self, namespace: str, owner_kind: str, owner_name: str) -> List[Dict]:
        非直接关联 Pod 的资源,找到下层直接关联的子资源

        :param namespace: 命名空间
        :param owner_kind: 所属资源类型
        :param owner_name: 所属资源名称列表
        sub_owner_references = [{'kind': owner_kind, 'name': owner_name}]
        if owner_kind not in [K8sResourceKind.Deployment.value, K8sResourceKind.CronJob.value]:
            return sub_owner_references

        # Deployment/CronJob 不直接关联 Pod,而是通过 ReplicaSet/Job 间接关联,需要向下钻取 Pod 的 owner reference 信息
        SubResClient = {
            K8sResourceKind.Deployment.value: ReplicaSet,
            K8sResourceKind.CronJob.value: Job,
        sub_res = SubResClient(self.ctx_cluster).list(namespace=namespace, is_format=False).data.to_dict()
        owner_names = [
            getitems(sr, 'metadata.name')
            for sr in self._filter_by_owner_references(sub_res['items'], sub_owner_references)
        return [{'kind': SubResClient.kind, 'name': n} for n in owner_names]

    def _filter_by_owner_references(self, sub_res_items: List, owner_references: List) -> List:
        根据 owner_references 过滤关联的子资源

        :param sub_res_items: 子资源列表
        :param owner_references: 所属资源信息
        :return: 根据 owner_references 过滤后的资源列表
        ret = []
        for sub_res in sub_res_items:
            if 'ownerReferences' not in sub_res['metadata']:
            for owner_ref in sub_res['metadata']['ownerReferences']:
                for ref in owner_references:
                    if owner_ref['kind'] == ref['kind'] and owner_ref['name'] == ref['name']:
        return ret