Exemplo n.º 1
 def _copy_with_new_properties(self, getnew, properties, on_error):
     newdic = OrderedDict(self._dic)
     for prop in properties:
             newprop = getnew(prop)
         except ConfigError as error:
         newdic[newprop.key] = newprop
     return self.__class__(newdic.values())
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _copy_with_new_properties(self, getnew, properties, on_error):
     newdic = OrderedDict(self._dic)
     for prop in properties:
             newprop = getnew(prop)
         except ConfigError as error:
         newdic[newprop.key] = newprop
     return self.__class__(newdic.values())
Exemplo n.º 3
class ConfigBuilder(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.models = OrderedDict()

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.models.setdefault(key, _PropertyModel(key))

    def properties(self):
        return itertools.chain(*(_PropertyModel.model_family_to_properties(m)
                                 for m in self.models.values()))

    def to_configuration(self):
        return Configuration.from_properties(self.properties())
Exemplo n.º 4
class ConfigBuilder(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.models = OrderedDict()

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.models.setdefault(key, _PropertyModel(key))

    def properties(self):
        return itertools.chain(
            *(_PropertyModel.model_family_to_properties(m) for m in self.models.values()))

    def to_configuration(self):
        return Configuration.from_properties(self.properties())
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, properties=()):
     dic = OrderedDict((p.key, p) for p in properties)
     sortedkeys = sorted(dic, key=lambda k: Key(k).normal)
     inherit = _InheritanceViewer(dic)
     for key in sortedkeys:
         dic[key] = inherit.property_with_inherited_attributes(key)
     self._dic = dic
Exemplo n.º 6
def from_configparser(filepath):
    """Have an ini file that the python configparser can understand? Pass the filepath
    to this function, and a matching Configuration will magically be returned."""

    if not os.path.exists(filepath):
        logging.error(_('configuration file not found: %(filepath)s'),
                      {'filepath': filepath})
        return None
    if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
        logging.error(_('configuration path is not a file: %(filepath)s'),
                      {'filepath': filepath})
        return None

        from configparser import ConfigParser
    except ImportError:
        from backport.configparser import ConfigParser
    cfgp = ConfigParser()
    with open(filepath, encoding='utf-8') as fp:
    dic = OrderedDict()
    for section_name in cfgp.sections():
        if 'DEFAULT' == section_name:
            section_name = ''
        for name, value in cfgp.items(section_name):
            value += ''  # inner workaround for python 2.6+
            # transforms ascii str to unicode because
            # of unicode_literals import
            dic[Key(section_name) + name] = value
    return Configuration.from_mapping(dic)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def enumerate_fs_with_db(self, startpath, itemfactory=None):
        Starting at `startpath`, enumerates path items containing representations
        for each path as it exists in the filesystem and the database,

        `startpath` and `basedir` need to be absolute paths, with `startpath`
        being a subtree of `basedir`. However, no checks are being promised to
        enforce the latter requirement.

        Iteration is depth-first, but each path is returned before its children
        are determined, to enable recursive corrective action like deleting a
        whole directory from the database at once. Accordingly, the first item
        to be returned will represent `startpath`. This item is guaranteed to be
        returned, even if `startpath` does not exist in filesystem and database;
        all other items will have at least one existing representation.

        `basedir`, should it happen to equal `startpath`, will be returned as an
        item. It is up to the caller to properly deal with it.

        Each item has the following attributes: `infs`, a File object
        representing the path in the filesystem; `indb`, a File object
        representing the path in the database; and `parent`, the parent item.
        All three can be None, signifying non-existence.

        It is possible to customize item creation by providing an `itemfactory`.
        The argument must be a callable with the following parameter signature::

            itemfactory(infs, indb, parent [, optional arguments])

        and must return an object satisfying the above requirements for an item.
        from backport.collections import OrderedDict
        basedir = cherry.config['media.basedir']
        startpath = os.path.normcase(startpath).rstrip(os.path.sep)
        Item = itemfactory
        if Item is None:
            from collections import namedtuple
            Item = namedtuple('Item', 'infs indb parent')
        assert os.path.isabs(startpath), _('argument must be an abolute path: "%s"') % startpath
        assert startpath.startswith(basedir), _('argument must be a path in basedir (%s): "%s"') % (basedir, startpath)

        if not os.path.exists(startpath):
            fsobj = None
        elif startpath == basedir:
            fsobj = File(basedir)
        elif startpath > basedir:
            pathparent, pathbase = os.path.split(startpath)
            fsparent = self.db_find_file_by_path(pathparent, create=True)
            assert fsparent is not None, _('parent path not in database: %r') % pathparent
            fsobj = File(pathbase, fsparent)
            del pathparent, pathbase, fsparent
            assert False, _("shouldn't get here! (argument path not in basedir)")

        dbobj = self.db_find_file_by_path(startpath)
        stack = deque()
        stack.append(Item(fsobj, dbobj, None))
        while stack:
            item = stack.pop()
            yield item
            dbchildren = {}
            if item.indb:
                dbchildren = OrderedDict((
                                   (f.basename, f)
                                   for f in self.fetch_child_files(item.indb)
            if item.infs and item.infs.isdir:
                for fs_child in File.inputfilter(item.infs.children()):
                    db_child = dbchildren.pop(fs_child.basename, None)
                    stack.append(Item(fs_child, db_child, item))
            for db_child in dbchildren.values():
                stack.append(Item(None, db_child, item))
            del dbchildren
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self):
     self.models = OrderedDict()
Exemplo n.º 9
    def enumerate_fs_with_db(self, startpath, itemfactory=None):
        Starting at `startpath`, enumerates path items containing representations
        for each path as it exists in the filesystem and the database,

        `startpath` and `basedir` need to be absolute paths, with `startpath`
        being a subtree of `basedir`. However, no checks are being promised to
        enforce the latter requirement.

        Iteration is depth-first, but each path is returned before its children
        are determined, to enable recursive corrective action like deleting a
        whole directory from the database at once. Accordingly, the first item
        to be returned will represent `startpath`. This item is guaranteed to be
        returned, even if `startpath` does not exist in filesystem and database;
        all other items will have at least one existing representation.

        `basedir`, should it happen to equal `startpath`, will be returned as an
        item. It is up to the caller to properly deal with it.

        Each item has the following attributes: `infs`, a File object
        representing the path in the filesystem; `indb`, a File object
        representing the path in the database; and `parent`, the parent item.
        All three can be None, signifying non-existence.

        It is possible to customize item creation by providing an `itemfactory`.
        The argument must be a callable with the following parameter signature::

            itemfactory(infs, indb, parent [, optional arguments])

        and must return an object satisfying the above requirements for an item.
        from backport.collections import OrderedDict
        basedir = cherry.config['media.basedir']
        startpath = os.path.normcase(startpath).rstrip(os.path.sep)
        Item = itemfactory
        if Item is None:
            from collections import namedtuple
            Item = namedtuple('Item', 'infs indb parent')
        assert os.path.isabs(startpath), _('argument must be an abolute path: "%s"') % startpath
        assert startpath.startswith(basedir), _('argument must be a path in basedir (%s): "%s"') % (basedir, startpath)

        if not os.path.exists(startpath):
            fsobj = None
        elif startpath == basedir:
            fsobj = File(basedir)
        elif startpath > basedir:
            pathparent, pathbase = os.path.split(startpath)
            fsparent = self.db_find_file_by_path(pathparent, create=True)
            assert fsparent is not None, _('parent path not in database: %r') % pathparent
            fsobj = File(pathbase, fsparent)
            del pathparent, pathbase, fsparent
            assert False, _("shouldn't get here! (argument path not in basedir)")

        dbobj = self.db_find_file_by_path(startpath)
        stack = deque()
        stack.append(Item(fsobj, dbobj, None))
        while stack:
            item = stack.pop()
            yield item
            dbchildren = {}
            if item.indb:
                dbchildren = OrderedDict((
                                   (f.basename, f)
                                   for f in self.fetch_child_files(item.indb)
            if item.infs and item.infs.isdir:
                for fs_child in File.inputfilter(item.infs.children()):
                    db_child = dbchildren.pop(fs_child.basename, None)
                    stack.append(Item(fs_child, db_child, item))
            for db_child in dbchildren.values():
                stack.append(Item(None, db_child, item))
            del dbchildren
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self):
     self.models = OrderedDict()