Exemplo n.º 1
def test_fit_params(teardown):
    x_data = iris.data
    y_t_data = iris.target
    random_state = 123
    n_components = 2

    sample_weight = y_t_data + 1  # Just weigh the classes differently
    fit_params = {"logreg__sample_weight": sample_weight}

    # baikal way
    x = Input()
    y_t = Input()
    x_pca = PCA(n_components=n_components, random_state=random_state, name="pca")(x)
    y = LogisticRegression(
    )(x_pca, y_t)

    model = Model(x, y, y_t)
    model.fit(x_data, y_t_data, **fit_params)

    # traditional way
    pca = PCA(n_components=n_components, random_state=random_state)
    logreg = LogisticRegression(
        multi_class="multinomial", solver="lbfgs", random_state=random_state
    pipe = Pipeline([("pca", pca), ("logreg", logreg)])
    pipe.fit(x_data, y_t_data, **fit_params)

    # Use assert_allclose instead of all equal due to small numerical differences
    # between fit_transform(...) and fit(...).transform(...)
    assert_allclose(model.get_step("logreg").coef_, pipe.named_steps["logreg"].coef_)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_transformed_target(teardown):
    x = Input()
    y_t = Input()
    y_t_mod = Lambda(lambda y: np.log(y))(y_t)
    y_p_mod = LinearRegression()(x, y_t_mod)
    y_p = Lambda(lambda y: np.exp(y))(y_p_mod)
    model = Model(x, y_p, y_t)

    x_data = np.arange(4).reshape(-1, 1)
    y_t_data = np.exp(2 * x_data).ravel()
    model.fit(x_data, y_t_data)

    assert_array_equal(model.get_step("LinearRegression_0").coef_, np.array([2.0]))
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_steps_cache(teardown):
    x1_data = iris.data[:, :2]
    x2_data = iris.data[:, 2:]
    y1_t_data = iris.target

    x1 = Input(name="x1")
    x2 = Input(name="x2")
    y1_t = Input(name="y1_t")
    y1 = LogisticRegression(name="LogReg")(x1, y1_t)
    y2 = PCA(name="PCA")(x2)

    hits, misses = 0, 0

    # 1) instantiation always misses
    misses += 1
    model = Model([x1, x2], [y1, y2], y1_t)
    assert model._nodes_cache.hits == hits and model._nodes_cache.misses == misses

    # 2) calling fit for the first time, hence a miss
    misses += 1
    model.fit([x1_data, x2_data], y1_t_data)
    assert model._nodes_cache.hits == hits and model._nodes_cache.misses == misses

    # 3) same as above, just different format, hence a hit
    hits += 1
    model.fit({x1: x1_data, x2: x2_data}, {y1_t: y1_t_data})
    assert model._nodes_cache.hits == hits and model._nodes_cache.misses == misses

    # 4) trainable flags are considered in cache keys, hence a miss
    misses += 1
    model.get_step("LogReg").trainable = False
        [x1_data, x2_data], y1_t_data
    )  # NOTE: target is superfluous, but it affects caching
    assert model._nodes_cache.hits == hits and model._nodes_cache.misses == misses

    # 5) same as above, just different format, hence a hit
    hits += 1
    model.fit({x1: x1_data, x2: x2_data}, y1_t_data)
    assert model._nodes_cache.hits == hits and model._nodes_cache.misses == misses

    # 6) we drop the (superflous) target, hence a miss
    misses += 1
    model.fit({x1: x1_data, x2: x2_data})
    assert model._nodes_cache.hits == hits and model._nodes_cache.misses == misses

    # 7) same as above, hence a hit
    hits += 1
    model.fit({x1: x1_data, x2: x2_data})
    assert model._nodes_cache.hits == hits and model._nodes_cache.misses == misses

    # 8) we restore the flag, becoming the same as 2) and 3), hence a hit
    hits += 1
    model.get_step("LogReg").trainable = True
    model.fit({x1: x1_data, x2: x2_data}, y1_t_data)
    assert model._nodes_cache.hits == hits and model._nodes_cache.misses == misses

    # 9) new inputs/targets/outputs signature, hence a miss
    misses += 1
    model.predict([x1_data, x2_data])
    assert model._nodes_cache.hits == hits and model._nodes_cache.misses == misses

    # 10) same inputs/outputs signature as 9), hence a hit
    hits += 1
    model.predict({"x1": x1_data, "x2": x2_data}, ["PCA:0/0", "LogReg:0/0"])
    assert model._nodes_cache.hits == hits and model._nodes_cache.misses == misses

    # 11) new inputs/outputs signature, hence a miss
    misses += 1
    model.predict({x1: x1_data}, "LogReg:0/0")
    assert model._nodes_cache.hits == hits and model._nodes_cache.misses == misses

    # 12) same as above, hence a hit
    hits += 1
    model.predict({x1: x1_data}, "LogReg:0/0")
    assert model._nodes_cache.hits == hits and model._nodes_cache.misses == misses