Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_band_cTe(self, its=100):
        """Checks band_cTe against its definition and required properties."""
        for it in range(its):
            l = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            u = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            size = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10), randint(0, 100)])
            mat_rect = randn(l + u + 1, size)

            mat_rect_new = fl.band_cTe(l, u, mat_rect)
            mat_rect_new_good = fl.band_e(u, l, fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect).T)
            assert_allequal(mat_rect_new, mat_rect_new_good)
            assert not np.may_share_memory(mat_rect_new, mat_rect)

            # check a property to do with doing band_cTe twice
                fl.band_cTe(u, l, mat_rect_new),
                fl.band_ce(l, u, mat_rect)

            # check version that uses pre-specified target
            mat_rect_new2 = np.empty((l + u + 1, size))
            array_mem = get_array_mem(mat_rect, mat_rect_new2)
            ret = fl.band_cTe(l, u, mat_rect, target_rect=mat_rect_new2)
            assert_allequal(mat_rect_new2, mat_rect_new)
            assert get_array_mem(mat_rect, mat_rect_new2) == array_mem
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_band_cTe(self, its=100):
        """Checks band_cTe against its definition and required properties."""
        for it in range(its):
            l = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            u = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            size = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10), randint(0, 100)])
            mat_rect = randn(l + u + 1, size)

            mat_rect_new = fl.band_cTe(l, u, mat_rect)
            mat_rect_new_good = fl.band_e(u, l, fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect).T)
            assert_allequal(mat_rect_new, mat_rect_new_good)
            assert not np.may_share_memory(mat_rect_new, mat_rect)

            # check a property to do with doing band_cTe twice
                fl.band_cTe(u, l, mat_rect_new),
                fl.band_ce(l, u, mat_rect)

            # check version that uses pre-specified target
            mat_rect_new2 = np.empty((l + u + 1, size))
            array_mem = get_array_mem(mat_rect, mat_rect_new2)
            ret = fl.band_cTe(l, u, mat_rect, target_rect=mat_rect_new2)
            assert_allequal(mat_rect_new2, mat_rect_new)
            assert get_array_mem(mat_rect, mat_rect_new2) == array_mem
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_BandMat_full(self, its=50):
        for it in range(its):
            size = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10), randint(0, 100)])
            a_bm = gen_BandMat(size)
            a_full = a_bm.full()
            l, u = a_bm.l, a_bm.u

            # N.B. these tests are not really testing much of anything (they
            #   are virtually identical to the implementation of BandMat.full),
            #   but this is not that surprising since the lines below are kind
            #   of the definition of the representation used by BandMat in the
            #   two cases (transposed True and transposed False).
            if a_bm.transposed:
                assert_allequal(a_full.T, fl.band_c(u, l, a_bm.data))
                assert_allequal(a_full, fl.band_c(l, u, a_bm.data))

            assert not np.may_share_memory(a_full, a_bm.data)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_BandMat_full(self, its=50):
        for it in range(its):
            size = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10), randint(0, 100)])
            a_bm = gen_BandMat(size)
            a_full = a_bm.full()
            l, u = a_bm.l, a_bm.u

            # N.B. these tests are not really testing much of anything (they
            #   are virtually identical to the implementation of BandMat.full),
            #   but this is not that surprising since the lines below are kind
            #   of the definition of the representation used by BandMat in the
            #   two cases (transposed True and transposed False).
            if a_bm.transposed:
                assert_allequal(a_full.T, fl.band_c(u, l, a_bm.data))
                assert_allequal(a_full, fl.band_c(l, u, a_bm.data))

            assert not np.may_share_memory(a_full, a_bm.data)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_band_c_bm(self, its=50):
        for it in range(its):
            size = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10), randint(0, 100)])
            l = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            u = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            mat_rect = randn(l + u + 1, size)

            mat_bm = bm.band_c_bm(l, u, mat_rect)

            mat_full_good = fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect)
            assert_allequal(mat_bm.full(), mat_full_good)
            assert not np.may_share_memory(mat_bm.data, mat_rect)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_band_c_bm(self, its=50):
        for it in range(its):
            size = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10), randint(0, 100)])
            l = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            u = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            mat_rect = randn(l + u + 1, size)

            mat_bm = bm.band_c_bm(l, u, mat_rect)

            mat_full_good = fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect)
            assert_allequal(mat_bm.full(), mat_full_good)
            assert not np.may_share_memory(mat_bm.data, mat_rect)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_band_c_linear(self, its=100):
        """Checks band_c is linear."""
        for it in range(its):
            l = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            u = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            size = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10), randint(0, 100)])

            # check additive
            mat_rect1 = randn(l + u + 1, size)
            mat_rect2 = randn(l + u + 1, size)
                fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect1 + mat_rect2),
                fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect1) + fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect2)

            # check homogeneous
            mat_rect = randn(l + u + 1, size)
            mult = random.choice([0.0, randn(), randn(), randn()])
                fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect * mult),
                fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect) * mult

            # check output is a newly-created array
            mat_full = fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect)
            assert not np.may_share_memory(mat_full, mat_rect)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_band_c_linear(self, its=100):
        """Checks band_c is linear."""
        for it in range(its):
            l = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            u = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            size = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10), randint(0, 100)])

            # check additive
            mat_rect1 = randn(l + u + 1, size)
            mat_rect2 = randn(l + u + 1, size)
                fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect1 + mat_rect2),
                fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect1) + fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect2)

            # check homogeneous
            mat_rect = randn(l + u + 1, size)
            mult = random.choice([0.0, randn(), randn(), randn()])
                fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect * mult),
                fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect) * mult

            # check output is a newly-created array
            mat_full = fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect)
            assert not np.may_share_memory(mat_full, mat_rect)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_zero_extra_entries(self, its=100):
        """Checks zero_extra_entries against its equivalent definition."""
        for it in range(its):
            l = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            u = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            size = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10), randint(0, 100)])
            mat_rect = randn(l + u + 1, size)
            mat_rect_good = mat_rect.copy()
            array_mem = get_array_mem(mat_rect)

            fl.zero_extra_entries(l, u, mat_rect)
            mat_rect_good[:] = fl.band_e(l, u, fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect_good))
            assert_allequal(mat_rect, mat_rect_good)
            assert get_array_mem(mat_rect) == array_mem
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_zero_extra_entries(self, its=100):
        """Checks zero_extra_entries against its equivalent definition."""
        for it in range(its):
            l = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            u = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            size = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10), randint(0, 100)])
            mat_rect = randn(l + u + 1, size)
            mat_rect_good = mat_rect.copy()
            array_mem = get_array_mem(mat_rect)

            fl.zero_extra_entries(l, u, mat_rect)
            mat_rect_good[:] = fl.band_e(l, u, fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect_good))
            assert_allequal(mat_rect, mat_rect_good)
            assert get_array_mem(mat_rect) == array_mem
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_band_ec(self, its=100):
        """Checks band_ec against its definition and required properties."""
        for it in range(its):
            l = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            u = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            size = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10), randint(0, 100)])
            mat_full = randn(size, size)

            mat_full_new = fl.band_ec(l, u, mat_full)
            mat_full_new_good = fl.band_c(l, u, fl.band_e(l, u, mat_full))
            assert_allequal(mat_full_new, mat_full_new_good)
            assert not np.may_share_memory(mat_full_new, mat_full)

            # check idempotent
            assert_allequal(fl.band_ec(l, u, mat_full_new), mat_full_new)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_band_ec(self, its=100):
        """Checks band_ec against its definition and required properties."""
        for it in range(its):
            l = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            u = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            size = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10), randint(0, 100)])
            mat_full = randn(size, size)

            mat_full_new = fl.band_ec(l, u, mat_full)
            mat_full_new_good = fl.band_c(l, u, fl.band_e(l, u, mat_full))
            assert_allequal(mat_full_new, mat_full_new_good)
            assert not np.may_share_memory(mat_full_new, mat_full)

            # check idempotent
                fl.band_ec(l, u, mat_full_new),
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_band_c_basis(self, its=100):
        """Checks band_c behaves correctly on canonical basis matrices."""
        for it in range(its):
            l = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            u = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            # size >= 1 (there are no canonical basis matrices if size == 0)
            size = random.choice([1, 2, randint(1, 10), randint(1, 100)])

            # pick a random canonical basis matrix
            i = randint(-u, l + 1)
            j = randint(size)
            mat_rect = np.zeros((l + u + 1, size))
            mat_rect[u + i, j] = 1.0

            mat_full = fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect)

            k = i + j
            mat_full_good = np.zeros((size, size))
            if 0 <= k < size:
                mat_full_good[k, j] = 1.0

            assert_allequal(mat_full, mat_full_good)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_band_c_basis(self, its=100):
        """Checks band_c behaves correctly on canonical basis matrices."""
        for it in range(its):
            l = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            u = random.choice([0, 1, randint(0, 10)])
            # size >= 1 (there are no canonical basis matrices if size == 0)
            size = random.choice([1, 2, randint(1, 10), randint(1, 100)])

            # pick a random canonical basis matrix
            i = randint(-u, l + 1)
            j = randint(size)
            mat_rect = np.zeros((l + u + 1, size))
            mat_rect[u + i, j] = 1.0

            mat_full = fl.band_c(l, u, mat_rect)

            k = i + j
            mat_full_good = np.zeros((size, size))
            if 0 <= k < size:
                mat_full_good[k, j] = 1.0

            assert_allequal(mat_full, mat_full_good)