Exemplo n.º 1
    Tm1.shape = [Nt, nk]
    Sm1 = nmp.zeros(Nt * nk)
    Sm1.shape = [Nt, nk]

    Ztmp[:, :] = ze1t[j1:j2, i1:i2] * ze2t[j1:j2, i1:i2]

    for jk in range(nk):

        rarea = nmp.sum(Ztmp[:, :] * Xmask[jk, j1:j2, i1:i2])

        if rarea > 0.:
            Zar2[:, :] = Ztmp[:, :] * Xmask[jk, j1:j2, i1:i2]
            for jt in range(Nt):
                # Sigma0
                Zm1[jt, jk] = nmp.sum(
                    bphy.sigma0(Xtheta[jt, jk, j1:j2, i1:i2],
                                Xsali[jt, jk, j1:j2, i1:i2]) *
                    Zar2[:, :]) / rarea
                # Theta
                Tm1[jt, jk] = nmp.sum(
                    Xtheta[jt, jk, j1:j2, i1:i2] * Zar2[:, :]) / rarea
                # Salinity
                Sm1[jt, jk] = nmp.sum(
                    Xsali[jt, jk, j1:j2, i1:i2] * Zar2[:, :]) / rarea
            Zm1[:, jk] = nmp.nan
            Tm1[:, jk] = nmp.nan
            Sm1[:, jk] = nmp.nan

    # Writing in output file
Exemplo n.º 2
    id_mm = Dataset(cf_mesh_mask)
    Xmask = id_mm.variables['tmask'][0,:,j1:j2,i1:i2]
    ze1t  = id_mm.variables['e1t']    [0,j1:j2,i1:i2]
    ze2t  = id_mm.variables['e2t']    [0,j1:j2,i1:i2]
    if jb == 0:
        zgdept     = id_mm.variables['gdept_1d'][0,:]
        zgdepw     = id_mm.variables['gdepw_1d'][0,:]
        nk = len(zgdept)

    xsurf[:,:] = ze1t[:,:]*ze2t[:,:]

    # Surface Sigma0
    xsg0 = bph.sigma0(xsst, xsss)

    # 3D sigma0
    Xsig0 = bph.sigma0(xtpot, xsali)

    # Depth of interest (between 300. and 2000.):
    #if jb == 0:
    #    jk1 = bt.find_index_from_value(300., zgdepw)
    #    jk2 = bt.find_index_from_value(2000., zgdepw)
    #    nb_zcrit = len(zgdepw[jk1:jk2])

    nb_zcrit = nk ; jk1 = 0 ; jk2 = nk-1

    rmean_sss0_deep_jfm  = nmp.zeros(nb_zcrit)
    rmean_sss0_deep_m03  = nmp.zeros(nb_zcrit)
    nbp_deeper_zcrit = nmp.zeros(nb_zcrit)
Exemplo n.º 3
    if nb_dim == 4:
        xtht = f_nemo_T.variables[cv_T][jt, :, :, :]
        xsal = f_nemo_T.variables[cv_S][jt, :, :, :]
    if nb_dim == 3:
        xtht = f_nemo_T.variables[cv_T][jt, :, :]
        xsal = f_nemo_T.variables[cv_S][jt, :, :]

    if jt == 0:
        if nb_dim == 4:
            (nk, nj, ni) = nmp.shape(xtht)
            xsg0 = nmp.zeros((nk, nj, ni))
        if nb_dim == 3:
            (nj, ni) = nmp.shape(xtht)
            xsg0 = nmp.zeros((nj, ni))

    xsg0 = bp.sigma0(xtht, xsal)
    # computing Sigma0 at current time record !

    if jt == 0:
        f_out = Dataset(cf_out, 'w', format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC')

        # Dimensions:
        f_out.createDimension('x', ni)
        f_out.createDimension('y', nj)
        if nb_dim == 4: f_out.createDimension('deptht', nk)
        f_out.createDimension('time_counter', None)

        id_lon = f_out.createVariable('nav_lon', 'f4', (
Exemplo n.º 4
    if nj != nj0 or ni != ni0 or nk != nk0:
        print 'ERROR: 3D clim and NEMO file do no agree in shape!'
        print '       clim => ' + str(ni0) + ', ' + str(nj0) + ', ' + str(
            nk0) + ' (' + vdic['F_T_CLIM_3D_12'] + ')'
        print '       NEMO => ' + str(ni) + ', ' + str(nj) + ', ' + str(nk)

    # M A R C H #

    imnth = 2
    # march

    # Computing sigma0 3D field:
    Sigma0 = bphys.sigma0(Tclim[imnth, :, :, :],
                          Sclim[imnth, :, :, :]) * Xmask[:, :, :]

    if ldebug:
        Sigma0_nemo = bphys.sigma0(Tnemo[imnth:, :, :],
                                   Snemo[imnth, :, :, :]) * Xmask[:, :, :]

    Xmld_obs = nmp.zeros((nj, ni))
    mmask = nmp.zeros((nj, ni))

    mmask[:, :] = 1.
    for jk in range(nk - 1):
        zz = vlev[jk]
        Sigma0[jk, :, :] = Sigma0[jk, :, :] * mmask[:, :]
        Sigma0[jk + 1, :, :] = Sigma0[jk + 1, :, :] * mmask[:, :]
        ijloc = nmp.where(Sigma0[jk + 1, :, :] - 0.01 > Sigma0[jk, :, :])
        mmask[ijloc] = 0.
Exemplo n.º 5
    id_mm = Dataset(cf_mesh_mask)
    Xmask = id_mm.variables['tmask'][0, :, j1:j2, i1:i2]
    ze1t = id_mm.variables['e1t'][0, j1:j2, i1:i2]
    ze2t = id_mm.variables['e2t'][0, j1:j2, i1:i2]
    if jb == 0:
        zgdept = id_mm.variables['gdept_1d'][0, :]
        zgdepw = id_mm.variables['gdepw_1d'][0, :]
        nk = len(zgdept)

    xsurf[:, :] = ze1t[:, :] * ze2t[:, :]

    # Surface Sigma0
    xsg0 = bph.sigma0(xsst, xsss)

    # 3D sigma0
    Xsig0 = bph.sigma0(xtpot, xsali)

    # Depth of interest (between 300. and 2000.):
    #if jb == 0:
    #    jk1 = bt.find_index_from_value(300., zgdepw)
    #    jk2 = bt.find_index_from_value(2000., zgdepw)
    #    nb_zcrit = len(zgdepw[jk1:jk2])

    nb_zcrit = nk
    jk1 = 0
    jk2 = nk - 1

    rmean_sss0_deep_jfm = nmp.zeros(nb_zcrit)
Exemplo n.º 6
# Want PmE (positive when ocean gains FW), in NEMO files its the oposite EmP...
if 'wfo' in list_variables[:]:
    Zpme = -id_in_T.variables['wfo']  [:,:,:] ; # wfo same as below = EmP, > 0 when ocean losing water
    lpme = True
if 'sowaflup' in list_variables[:]:
    Zpme = -id_in_T.variables['sowaflup']  [:,:,:] ; # Net Downward Heat Flux
    #                                                # sowaflup = EmP (>0 if more evaporation than P)
    lpme = True
print '(has ',Xtemp.shape[0],' time snapshots)\n'

[ Nt, nk, nj, ni ] = Xtemp.shape ; print 'Nt, nk, nj, ni =', Nt, nk, nj, ni

Zss0 = sigma0( Zsst, Zsss )

print len(ve3t[:])
if len(ve3t[:]) != nk: print 'Problem with nk!!!'; sys.exit(0)

# NEMO output, Grid U and V
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if luv:
    id_in_U = Dataset(cf_in_U)
    list_variables = id_in_U.variables.keys()
    if NN_TAUX in list_variables[:]:
Exemplo n.º 7
        print '       clim => '+str(ni0)+', '+str(nj0)+', '+str(nk0)+' ('+F_T_CLIM_3D_12+')'
        print '       NEMO => '+str(ni)+', '+str(nj)+', '+str(nk)

    # M A R C H #

    imnth = 2 ; # march

    # Computing sigma0 3D field:
    Sigma0 = bphys.sigma0(Tclim[imnth,:,:,:], Sclim[imnth,:,:,:])*Xmask[:,:,:]

    if ldebug: Sigma0_nemo = bphys.sigma0(Tnemo[imnth:,:,:], Snemo[imnth,:,:,:])*Xmask[:,:,:]

    Xmld_obs = nmp.zeros(nj*ni) ; Xmld_obs.shape = [nj,ni]
    mmask = nmp.zeros(nj*ni)    ; mmask.shape = [nj,ni]

    mmask[:,:] = 1.
    for jk in range(nk-1):
        zz = vlev[jk]
        Sigma0[jk,:,:]   = Sigma0[jk,:,:]*mmask[:,:]
        Sigma0[jk+1,:,:] = Sigma0[jk+1,:,:]*mmask[:,:]
Exemplo n.º 8
    Zpme = -id_in_T.variables['wfo'][:, :, :]
    # wfo same as below = EmP, > 0 when ocean losing water
    lpme = True
if 'sowaflup' in list_variables[:]:
    Zpme = -id_in_T.variables['sowaflup'][:, :, :]
    # Net Downward Heat Flux
    #                                                # sowaflup = EmP (>0 if more evaporation than P)
    lpme = True

print '(has ', Xtemp.shape[0], ' time snapshots)\n'

[Nt, nk, nj, ni] = Xtemp.shape
print 'Nt, nk, nj, ni =', Nt, nk, nj, ni

Zss0 = sigma0(Zsst, Zsss)

print len(ve3t[:])
if len(ve3t[:]) != nk:
    print 'Problem with nk!!!'

# NEMO output, Grid U and V
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if luv:
    id_in_U = Dataset(cf_in_U)
    list_variables = id_in_U.variables.keys()
    if vdic_uv['NN_TAUX'] in list_variables[:]:
        Ztaux = id_in_U.variables[vdic_uv['NN_TAUX']][:, :, :]
        # Net Downward Heat Flux
        ltau = True
Exemplo n.º 9
    Tm1.shape = [Nt, nk]
    Sm1 = nmp.zeros(Nt * nk)
    Sm1.shape = [Nt, nk]

    Ztmp[:, :] = ze1t[j1:j2, i1:i2] * ze2t[j1:j2, i1:i2]

    for jk in range(nk):

        rarea = nmp.sum(Ztmp[:, :] * Xmask[jk, j1:j2, i1:i2])

        if rarea > 0.0:
            Zar2[:, :] = Ztmp[:, :] * Xmask[jk, j1:j2, i1:i2]
            for jt in range(Nt):
                # Sigma0
                Zm1[jt, jk] = (
                    nmp.sum(bphy.sigma0(Xtheta[jt, jk, j1:j2, i1:i2], Xsali[jt, jk, j1:j2, i1:i2]) * Zar2[:, :]) / rarea
                # Theta
                Tm1[jt, jk] = nmp.sum(Xtheta[jt, jk, j1:j2, i1:i2] * Zar2[:, :]) / rarea
                # Salinity
                Sm1[jt, jk] = nmp.sum(Xsali[jt, jk, j1:j2, i1:i2] * Zar2[:, :]) / rarea
            Zm1[:, jk] = nmp.nan
            Tm1[:, jk] = nmp.nan
            Sm1[:, jk] = nmp.nan

    # Writing in output file

    cf_out = DIAG_D + "/TS_z_box_" + cbox + "_" + CONFRUN + ".nc"