Exemplo n.º 1
cname = replace(os.path.basename(cf_in), '.nc', '')

id_in = Dataset(cf_in)
vt = id_in.variables['time'][:]
vsst = id_in.variables[cv_in][:]

Nt = len(vsst)

vtmp = nmp.zeros(Nt)
vtime = nmp.zeros(Nt - 5)
xplot = nmp.zeros((Nt - 5, 4))
# Nt-5 because 5-month-running mean

vtime[:] = vt[2:-3]
vtmp = bs.running_mean_5(vsst)
# 5-month running mean
xplot[:, 0] = vsst[2:-3]
xplot[:, 1] = vtmp[2:-3]

(za, zb) = bs.least_sqr_line(vtime[:], xplot[:, 1])
# Least-square linear trend
xplot[:, 2] = za * vtime[:] + zb

xplot[:, 3] = xplot[:, 1] - xplot[:, 2]
# anomaly for 5-month running mean

ittic = bt.iaxe_tick(Nt / 12)

                             xplot[:, 3],
Exemplo n.º 2
def wrt_1d_series(vt, vd, cvar, cinfo,
                  cu_t='unknown', cu_d='unknown', cln_d='unknown', nsmooth=0,
                  vd2=[], vd3=[], vd4=[], vd5=[],
                  cvar2='', cvar3='', cvar4='', cvar5='',
                  cln_d2='', cln_d3='', cln_d4='', cln_d5=''):

    cf_o  = cvar+'_'+cinfo+'.nc'

    lsmooth = False

    if nsmooth > 0:
        import barakuda_stat as bs
        lsmooth = True

        if nsmooth == 11:
            vd_sm = bs.running_mean_11(vd, l_fill_bounds=False)
        elif nsmooth == 5:
            vd_sm = bs.running_mean_5(vd, l_fill_bounds=False)
            print 'ERROR: wrt_1d_series.barakuda_ncio => smoothing with nsmooth='+str(nsmooth)+' not supported!'; sys.exit(0)

    f_o = Dataset(cf_o, 'w', format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC')

    nt = len(vt)
    if len(vd) != nt:  print 'ERROR: wrt_1d_series.barakuda_ncio => data & time have different lengths!'; sys.exit(0)

    l_do_v2=False ; l_do_v3=False ; l_do_v4=False ; l_do_v5=False
    if len(vd2) == nt: l_do_v2=True
    if len(vd3) == nt: l_do_v3=True
    if len(vd4) == nt: l_do_v4=True
    if len(vd5) == nt: l_do_v5=True

    f_o.createDimension('time', None)
    id_t = f_o.createVariable('time','f4',('time',)) ;  id_t.units = cu_t

    id_d = f_o.createVariable(cvar,'f4',('time',))
    id_d.units = cu_d ;  id_d.long_name = cln_d

    if l_do_v2: id_d2 = f_o.createVariable(cvar2,'f4',('time',)); id_d2.units = cu_d; id_d2.long_name = cln_d2
    if l_do_v3: id_d3 = f_o.createVariable(cvar3,'f4',('time',)); id_d3.units = cu_d; id_d3.long_name = cln_d3
    if l_do_v4: id_d4 = f_o.createVariable(cvar4,'f4',('time',)); id_d4.units = cu_d; id_d4.long_name = cln_d4
    if l_do_v5: id_d5 = f_o.createVariable(cvar5,'f4',('time',)); id_d5.units = cu_d; id_d5.long_name = cln_d5

    if lsmooth:
        id_sm = f_o.createVariable(cvar+'_'+str(nsmooth)+'yrm','f4',('time',))
        id_sm.units = cu_d ;  id_sm.long_name = str(nsmooth)+'-year running mean of '+cln_d

    for jt in range(nt):
        id_t[jt]   = vt[jt]
        id_d[jt]   = vd[jt]
        if lsmooth: id_sm[jt] = vd_sm[jt]
        if l_do_v2: id_d2[jt] = vd2[jt]
        if l_do_v3: id_d3[jt] = vd3[jt]
        if l_do_v4: id_d4[jt] = vd4[jt]
        if l_do_v5: id_d5[jt] = vd5[jt]

    f_o.Author = 'L. Brodeau (barakuda_ncio.py of Barakuda)'
    print ' * wrt_1d_series => '+cf_o+' written!\n'

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 3
def wrt_1d_series(vt, vd, cvar, cinfo,                   
                  cu_t='unknown', cu_d='unknown', cln_d='unknown', nsmooth=0,
                  vd2=[], vd3=[], vd4=[], vd5=[],
                  cvar2='', cvar3='', cvar4='', cvar5='',
                  cln_d2='', cln_d3='', cln_d4='', cln_d5='',):

    cf_o  = cvar+'_'+cinfo+'.nc'
    lsmooth = False

    if nsmooth > 0:
        import barakuda_stat as bs
        lsmooth = True

        if nsmooth == 11:
            vd_sm = bs.running_mean_11(vd, l_fill_bounds=False)
        elif nsmooth == 5:
            vd_sm = bs.running_mean_5(vd, l_fill_bounds=False)
            print 'ERROR: wrt_1d_series.barakuda_ncio => smoothing with nsmooth='+str(nsmooth)+' not supported!'; sys.exit(0)

    f_o = Dataset(cf_o, 'w', format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC')

    nt = len(vt)
    if len(vd) != nt:  print 'ERROR: wrt_1d_series.barakuda_ncio => data & time have different lengths!'; sys.exit(0)

    l_do_v2=False ; l_do_v3=False ; l_do_v4=False ; l_do_v5=False
    if len(vd2) == nt: l_do_v2=True
    if len(vd3) == nt: l_do_v3=True
    if len(vd4) == nt: l_do_v4=True
    if len(vd5) == nt: l_do_v5=True

    f_o.createDimension('time', None)
    id_t = f_o.createVariable('time','f4',('time',)) ;  id_t.units = cu_t

    id_d = f_o.createVariable(cvar,'f4',('time',))
    id_d.units = cu_d ;  id_d.long_name = cln_d

    if l_do_v2: id_d2 = f_o.createVariable(cvar2,'f4',('time',)); id_d2.units = cu_d; id_d2.long_name = cln_d2
    if l_do_v3: id_d3 = f_o.createVariable(cvar3,'f4',('time',)); id_d3.units = cu_d; id_d3.long_name = cln_d3
    if l_do_v4: id_d4 = f_o.createVariable(cvar4,'f4',('time',)); id_d4.units = cu_d; id_d4.long_name = cln_d4
    if l_do_v5: id_d5 = f_o.createVariable(cvar5,'f4',('time',)); id_d5.units = cu_d; id_d5.long_name = cln_d5

    if lsmooth:
        id_sm = f_o.createVariable(cvar+'_'+str(nsmooth)+'yrm','f4',('time',))
        id_sm.units = cu_d ;  id_sm.long_name = str(nsmooth)+'-year running mean of '+cln_d

    for jt in range(nt):
        id_t[jt]   = vt[jt]
        id_d[jt]   = vd[jt]
        if lsmooth: id_sm[jt] = vd_sm[jt]
        if l_do_v2: id_d2[jt] = vd2[jt]
        if l_do_v3: id_d3[jt] = vd3[jt]
        if l_do_v4: id_d4[jt] = vd4[jt]
        if l_do_v5: id_d5[jt] = vd5[jt]
    f_o.Author = 'L. Brodeau (barakuda_ncio.py of Barakuda)'
    print ' * wrt_1d_series => '+cf_o+' written!\n'
    return 0