Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_user_user_strengths_incremental_with_new_impressions_identified_users(self):
        """ Tests whether the user x user strengths generated on a step-by-step basis
            match exactly those created from scratch.
        test_descriptions = [("u_esp_4", "p_nonsense_1", "p_empty_with_missing_category", "p_filter_2", "buy")]

        for idx, (user, product1, product2, product3, activity_type) in enumerate(test_descriptions):
            # Saves a couple of impressions for the chosen user
            date = pytz.utc.localize(dateutil.parser.parse("1988-11-06 6:00:00") + dt.timedelta(seconds=(2 * idx + 1)))
            self.db_proxy.increment_impression_summary(user_id=user, product_id=product1,
                                                       date=date, anonymous=False)
            self.db_proxy.increment_impression_summary(user_id=user, product_id=product2,
                                                       date=date, anonymous=False)

            # it is important to regenerate from scratch (with all new impressions)

            # Saves one activity for that same user
            date = pytz.utc.localize(dateutil.parser.parse("1988-11-06 6:00:00") + dt.timedelta(seconds=(2 * idx + 2)))

            activity = {"external_user_id": user,
                        "external_product_id": product3,
                        "activity": activity_type,
                        "created_at": date}

            ut.update_templates(self.session_context, activity)
            tasks.update_summaries(self.session_context, activity)

                target_users=[user] if self.session_context.impressions_enabled else None)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_user_user_strengths_incremental_with_new_impressions_two_new_products(self):
        """ Tests whether the user x user strengths generated on a step-by-step basis
            match exactly those created from scratch.
            This test saves two new, identical products, with impressions for only one user.
            After activities of a like-minded user have been saved involving those products,
            checks whether all strengths were correctly updated.
        # Saves two new, identical products. Initially, no users will have impressions on them.
        id_twin_product_1 = "p_tec_TWIN_1"
        id_twin_product_2 = "p_tec_TWIN_2"

        date = self.session_context.get_present_date() - dt.timedelta(days=2)

        twin_product_1 = {"external_id": id_twin_product_1,
                          "language": "english",
                          "date": date,
                          "resources": {"title": "Whatever Gets You Through The Night"},
                          "full_content": """Begin. Technology. Technology. This is all we got. End.""",
                          "category": "Nonsense"}

        twin_product_2 = {"external_id": id_twin_product_2,
                          "language": "english",
                          "date": date,
                          "resources": {"title": "Whatever Gets You Through The Night"},
                          "full_content": """Begin. Technology. Technology. This is all we got. End.""",
                          "category": "Nonsense"}


        user1 = "u_eco_1"
        user2 = "u_eco_2"
        activity_type = self.session_context.activities_by_rating[5][0]

        # Saves an impression on just one of the new products
        date = pytz.utc.localize(dateutil.parser.parse("1988-11-06 9:00:00"))
        self.db_proxy.increment_impression_summary(user_id=user1, product_id=id_twin_product_1,
                                                   date=date, anonymous=False)

        # Saves a couple of activities for another user using the new products

        activity = {"external_user_id": user2,
                    "external_product_id": id_twin_product_1,
                    "activity": activity_type,
                    "created_at": self.session_context.get_present_date()}
        ut.update_templates(self.session_context, activity)
        tasks.update_summaries(self.session_context, activity)

                                                 if self.session_context.impressions_enabled else None)

        activity = {"external_user_id": user2,
                    "external_product_id": id_twin_product_2,
                    "activity": activity_type,
                    "created_at": self.session_context.get_present_date()}
        ut.update_templates(self.session_context, activity)
        tasks.update_summaries(self.session_context, activity)

            target_users=[user2] if self.session_context.impressions_enabled else None)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_user_user_strengths_incremental_new_product_5_to_3_to_5star(self):
        """ Tests whether the user x user strengths generated on a step-by-step basis
            match exactly those created from scratch.
            This test saves a 3-star activity with a 5-star product that had never been consumed,
            then another activity with the same product (this time a 5-star activity),
            checking whether all strengths were correctly updated.
        user = "******"
        product = "p_mus_1"
        activity_type = self.session_context.activities_by_rating[3][0]
        date = pytz.utc.localize(dateutil.parser.parse("1988-11-06 9:00:00"))

        activity = {"external_user_id": user,
                    "external_product_id": product,
                    "activity": activity_type,
                    "created_at": date}
        ut.update_templates(self.session_context, activity)
        tasks.update_summaries(self.session_context, activity)

            target_users=[user] if self.session_context.impressions_enabled else None)

        activity_type = self.session_context.activities_by_rating[5][0]
        date = pytz.utc.localize(dateutil.parser.parse("1988-11-06 9:01:00"))

        activity = {"external_user_id": user,
                    "external_product_id": product,
                    "activity": activity_type,
                    "created_at": date}
        ut.update_templates(self.session_context, activity)
        tasks.update_summaries(self.session_context, activity)

                                                 if self.session_context.impressions_enabled else None)
    def test_user_user_strengths_incremental_random(self):
        """ Tests whether the user x user strengths generated on a step-by-step basis
            match exactly those created from scratch.
            This test saves several random activities in a row,
            checking whether all strengths were correctly updated.
        if not tests.INCLUDE_RANDOM_TESTS:

        all_users = [u for u in self.db_proxy.fetch_all_user_ids()]
        all_products = [p for p in self.db_proxy.fetch_all_product_ids()]

        for i in range(100):
            user = random.choice(all_users)
            product = random.choice(all_products)
            activity_type = random.choice(self.session_context.supported_activities)
            date = pytz.utc.localize(dateutil.parser.parse("1988-11-06 6:00:00")) + dt.timedelta(seconds=2 * i)

            activity = {"external_user_id": user,
                        "external_product_id": product,
                        "activity": activity_type,
                        "created_at": date}
            ut.update_templates(self.session_context, activity)
            tasks.update_summaries(self.session_context, activity)

                target_users=[user] if self.session_context.impressions_enabled else None)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_user_user_strengths_incremental_with_new_impressions_random(self):
        """ Tests whether the user x user strengths generated on a step-by-step basis
            match exactly those created from scratch.
            This test saves several random activities in a row,
            checking whether all strengths were correctly updated.
        if not tests.INCLUDE_RANDOM_TESTS:

        all_users = [u for u in self.db_proxy.fetch_all_user_ids()]
        all_products = [p for p in self.db_proxy.fetch_all_product_ids()]

        for i in range(100):
            user = random.choice(all_users)
            is_anonymous = config.is_anonymous(user)

            print("user: %s" % user)

            # Saves a couple of impressions for the chosen user
            date = pytz.utc.localize(dateutil.parser.parse("1988-11-06 6:00:00")) + dt.timedelta(seconds=2 * i)
            product1 = random.choice(all_products)
            product2 = random.choice(all_products)
            self.db_proxy.increment_impression_summary(user_id=user, product_id=product1,
                                                       date=date, anonymous=is_anonymous)
            self.db_proxy.increment_impression_summary(user_id=user, product_id=product2,
                                                       date=date, anonymous=is_anonymous)

            print("impressions --> %s, %s" % (product1, product2))

            # it is important to regenerate from scratch (with all new impressions)

            # Saves one activity for that same user
            product3 = random.choice(all_products)
            activity_type = random.choice(self.session_context.supported_activities)
            date = pytz.utc.localize(dateutil.parser.parse("1988-11-06 6:00:00")) + dt.timedelta(seconds=2 * i + 1)

            activity = {"external_user_id": user,
                        "external_product_id": product3,
                        "activity": activity_type,
                        "created_at": date}

            print("activity --> " + str(activity))

            ut.update_templates(self.session_context, activity)
            tasks.update_summaries(self.session_context, activity)

                target_users=[user] if self.session_context.impressions_enabled else None)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_user_user_strengths_incremental_new_product_5star(self):
        """ Tests whether the user x user strengths generated on a step-by-step basis
            match exactly those created from scratch.
            This test saves a new activity with a 5-star product that had never been consumed by
            the target user and checks whether whether all strengths were correctly updated.
        user = "******"
        product = "p_mus_1"
        activity_type = self.session_context.activities_by_rating[5][0]

        activity = {"external_user_id": user,
                    "external_product_id": product,
                    "activity": activity_type,
                    "created_at": self.session_context.get_present_date()}
        ut.update_templates(self.session_context, activity)
        tasks.update_summaries(self.session_context, activity)

                                                 if self.session_context.impressions_enabled else None)
Exemplo n.º 7
def update_collaborative_filtering_strengths(session_context, activity):
    """ Updates user-user strengths and product-product strengths in conformity to the informed activity.

        :param session_context: The session context.
        :param activity: The activity which triggered the updates.
    user = activity["external_user_id"]
    is_anonymous = config.is_anonymous(user)
    if is_anonymous:
        return  # we do NOT want anonymous users to influence collaborative filtering strengths!

    product = activity["external_product_id"]
    act_type = activity["activity"]

    log.info("Processing strengths [user=%s, product=%s, type=%s]..." % (user, product, act_type))
    start = time()

    u_p_activity_summary = _get_current_user_product_summary(session_context, user, product, anonymous=False)

    first_impression_date = None
    if session_context.impressions_enabled:
        product_user_impressions_summary = session_context.data_proxy.fetch_impressions_summary(
            anonymous=False).get(product, {}).get(user, (0, None))
        first_impression_date = product_user_impressions_summary[1]

    log.info("Updating user-user strengths affected by user/product pair ({0}, {1})...".format(user, product))
    ut.update_templates(session_context, activity, u_p_activity_summary, first_impression_date,
                        should_lookup_activities_summary=False, should_lookup_first_impression=False)
    log.info("Updating product-product strengths affected by user/product pair ({0}, {1})...".format(user, product))
    pt.update_templates(session_context, activity, u_p_activity_summary, first_impression_date,
                        should_lookup_activities_summary=False, should_lookup_first_impression=False)

    log.info("---Done processing strengths [user=%s, product=%s, type=%s] (took %.6f seconds)"
             % (user, product, act_type, time() - start))