Exemplo n.º 1
def reportaction_submit_row(context):
    ctx = original_submit_row(context)

    model_object = ctx.get('original')
    user_object = context.get('user')
        # Show investigate button only when the issue is in open state and the user has approve & reject perm
        'show_investigate_issue': model_object and
                                  model_object.status in ('open','reopened') and
                                  user_object.has_perm('report.can_approve', 'report.can_reject'),

        # Show resolve button only when the issue is in open state and the user has approve & reject perm
        'show_resolve_issue': model_object and
                              model_object.status == 'investigating' and
                              user_object.has_perm('report.can_approve', 'report.can_reject'),
        'show_reopen_issue': model_object and
                             model_object.status == 'resolved' and
                             user_object.has_perm('report.can_approve', 'report.can_reject'),
        'show_open_issue': model_object and
                           model_object.status == 'investigating' and
                           user_object.has_perm('report.can_approve', 'report.can_reject'),


    return ctx
Exemplo n.º 2
def invitation_submit_row(context):
    ctx = original_submit_row(context)

    model_object = ctx.get('original')
        'show_invite': context['add'],
        'show_re_invite': context['change'] and model_object and model_object.status == 'pending',

    return ctx
Exemplo n.º 3
def report_submit_row(context):
    ctx = original_submit_row(context)

    model_object = ctx.get(
        'original')  # For add form model_object will be None
    user_object = context.get('user')

    # Get the default status of the buttons
    show_save_and_continue = ctx.get('show_save_and_continue')
    show_save_as_new = ctx.get('show_save_as_new')
    show_save = ctx.get('show_save')
    show_delete_link = ctx.get('show_delete_link')

        # Do not show save and add another button

        # Always show save and delete buttons on the add form if the default status of the buttons say so
        # Show save and delete buttons on the change form only if the muo is created by the current user
        # and it is in 'draft' state and the default status is also True
        and (model_object is None or
             (model_object and model_object.status == 'draft' and
              (user_object == model_object.created_by
               or user_object.has_perm('report.can_edit_all')))),
        show_save and (model_object is None or
                       (model_object and model_object.status == 'draft' and
                        (user_object == model_object.created_by
                         or user_object.has_perm('report.can_edit_all')))),

        # Show submit for review button only to the creator of the report  and if its in draft state
        model_object and model_object.status == 'draft'
        and (user_object == model_object.created_by
             or user_object.has_perm('report.can_edit_all')),

        # Show edit button only to the creator of the report and if its either in in_review or rejected state
        model_object and model_object.status in ('in_review', 'rejected')
        and (user_object == model_object.created_by
             or user_object.has_perm('report.can_edit_all')),

        # Show approve button only to the user if he/she has the can_approve permission and the state of
        # report is in in_review
        model_object and model_object.status == 'in_review'
        and user_object.has_perm('report.can_approve'),

        # Show reject button only to the user if he/she has the can_reject permission and the state of the
        # report is in in_review or approved state
        model_object and model_object.status in ('in_review', 'approved')
        and user_object.has_perm('report.can_reject'),
        and (model_object is None or
             (model_object and model_object.status in ('draft', 'rejected') and
              (user_object == model_object.created_by
               or user_object.has_perm('report.can_edit_all')))),
        model_object and model_object.status in ('approved', )
        and model_object.is_published == False
        and (user_object.has_perm('report.can_edit_all')
             or user_object.has_perm('report.can_approve')
             or user_object.has_perm('report.can_reject')),
        model_object and model_object.is_published == True
        and model_object.status in ('approved', )
        and (user_object.has_perm('report.can_edit_all')
             or user_object.has_perm('report.can_approve')
             or user_object.has_perm('report.can_reject')),

        # Promote button is shown only when report is approved and the user has can_approve or can_reject permission
        # Promoting an MUO can happen only when promoted field is set as false
        # Only custom MUOs can be promoted
        model_object and model_object.status == 'approved'
        and model_object.promoted == False and model_object.custom == 'custom'
        and user_object.has_perm('report.can_approve', 'report.can_reject'),

    return ctx