Exemplo n.º 1
def upload(sure=False,part=None,bulk=False):

	Upload the most recent CPT and TPR file to a cluster for continuation.
	Need to re-write the step/part-specific uploader.

	default_fns,default_dirs = ['makefile'],['amx']
	default_fns += [os.path.join(root,fn) for root,dirnames,fns 
		in os.walk('./amx') for fn in fns for dn in default_dirs
		if not re.match('.+\.pyc$',fn)!=None]
	default_fns = [i for i in default_fns if not re.match('.+\/amx\/docs',i)]
	last_step,part_num = detect_last()
	if part: 
		part_num = int(part)
		last_step, = [i for i in glob.glob('s%02d-*'%part_num)]
	if not last_step and not bulk: raise Exception('\n[ERROR] no steps to upload (try "bulk" instead)')
	elif last_step and not bulk:
		if not part_num: raise Exception('\n[ERROR] cannot find a part number (did you mean "bulk"?)')
		restart_fns = [last_step+'/md.part%04d.%s'%(part_num,suf) for suf in ['cpt','tpr']]
		restart_fns += [last_step+'/script-continue.sh']
		if not all([os.path.isfile(fn) for fn in restart_fns]):
			error = '[STATUS] could not find necessary upload files (part number %04d)'%part_num
			error += '\n[ERROR] upload only works if there is a TPR for the last CPT part'
			error += "\n[ERROR] missing: %s"%str([fn for fn in restart_fns if not os.path.isfile(fn)])
			raise Exception(error)
		with open('uploads.txt','w') as fp: 
			for fn in restart_fns+default_fns: fp.write(fn+'\n')
	sshname = raw_input('[QUESTION] enter ssh alias for destination machine: ')
	subfolder = raw_input('[QUESTION] enter subfolder on remote machine (default is ~/): ')
	cwd = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()))
	if not sure:
		cmd = 'rsync -%s%s ../%s %s:~/%s/%s'%(
			'avin',' --files-from=uploads.txt' if not bulk else ' --exclude=.git',cwd,
			sshname,subfolder,cwd if not bulk else '')
		p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=True,cwd=os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()),executable='/bin/bash')
		log = p.communicate()
	if sure or raw_input('\n[QUESTION] continue [y/N]? ')[:1] not in 'nN':
		cmd = 'rsync -%s%s ../%s %s:~/%s/%s'%(
			'avi',' --files-from=uploads.txt' if not bulk else ' --exclude=.git',cwd,
			sshname,subfolder,cwd if not bulk else '')
		p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=True,cwd=os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()),executable='/bin/bash')
		log = p.communicate()
		if not bulk: os.remove('uploads.txt')
	if p.returncode == 0 and last_step:
		with open('script-%s.log'%last_step.rstrip('/'),'a') as fp:
			destination = '%s:~/%s/%s'%(sshname,subfolder,cwd)
			ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y.%m.%d.%H%M')
			fp.write("[FUNCTION] upload () {'destination': '%s', 'time': '%s', 'sure': %s}\n"%(
	elif p.returncode != 0: 
		print "[STATUS] upload failure (not logged)"
Exemplo n.º 2
def download():

	Synchronize uploaded files according to log-uploads.

	regex_upload = '^\[FUNCTION]\s+upload\s+\(\)\s+(\{[^\}]+\})'
	last_step,part_num = detect_last()
	#----infer the log from the number of the last step
	last_step_code = re.search('^([a-z][0-9]+)-',last_step).group(1)
	last_log = [f for f in glob.glob('script-%s-*'%last_step_code)][0]
	with open(last_log) as fp: loglines = fp.readlines()
	upload_records = [i for i in loglines if re.match('^\[FUNCTION]\s+upload',i)]
	if upload_records == []: raise Exception("\n[ERROR] cannot download that which has not been uploaded")
	last_upload = upload_records[-1]
	upload_dict = eval(re.findall(regex_upload,last_upload)[0])
	destination = upload_dict['destination']
	print "[STATUS] log at %s says that this simulation is located at %s"%(last_log,destination)
		cmd = 'rsync -avin --progress %s/* ./'%destination
		print '[STATUS] running: "%s"'%cmd
		p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=True,cwd=os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()))
		log = p.communicate()
		if p.returncode != 0: raise
		if raw_input('\n[QUESTION] continue [y/N]? ')[:1] not in 'nN':
			cmd = 'rsync -avi --progress %s/* ./'%destination
			print '[STATUS] running "%s"'%cmd
			p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=True,cwd=os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()))
			log = p.communicate()
	except Exception as e:
		import traceback
		#---from omnicalc
		s = traceback.format_exc()
		print "[TRACE] > "+"\n[TRACE] > ".join(s.split('\n'))
		print "[ERROR] failed to find simulation"
		print "[NOTE] find the data on the remote machine via \"find ./ -name serial-%s\""%serial_number()