Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, location, i_body, j_body, i_rot, j_rot):
        super().__init__(location, i_body, j_body)
        self.type = 'universal joint'
        self.name = self.name + '_uni'
        self.nc = 4

        self.i_rot = vector(i_rot)
        self.j_rot = vector(j_rot)

        self.i_rot_i = self.i_body.dcm.T.dot(self.i_rot)
        self.j_rot_j = self.j_body.dcm.T.dot(self.j_rot)

        self.angle = np.sin(

        if abs(self.angle) <= 1e-7:
            # collinear axis
            self.u_irf = orient_along_axis(self.i_rot_i)
            jax_j = j_body.dcm.T.dot(i_body.dcm.dot(self.u_irf[:, 0]))
            self.u_jrf = orient_along_axis(self.j_rot_j, vector(jax_j))
            self.h_i = vector(self.u_irf[:, 1]).a
            self.h_j = vector(self.u_jrf[:, 0]).a

            # Angled axis
            ax = (vector(i_rot).cross(vector(j_rot))).unit
            ax_i = i_body.dcm.T.dot(ax)
            ax_j = j_body.dcm.T.dot(ax)

            self.u_irf = orient_along_axis(self.i_rot_i, i_vector=ax_i)
            self.u_jrf = orient_along_axis(self.j_rot_j, i_vector=ax_j)

            self.h_i = vector(self.u_irf[:, 1]).a
            self.h_j = vector(self.u_jrf[:, 0]).a
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, p1, p2, p3, thickness, density=7.7):

        l1 = (p1 - p2).mag  # assuming this is the base, where p3 is the vertix
        l2 = (p1 - p3).mag
        l3 = (p2 - p3).mag
        p = (l1 + l2 + l3) / 2  # half the premiter

        # the normal height of the vertix from the base
        self.height = l2 * np.sin(
            np.deg2rad(vector.angle_between(p1 - p2, p1 - p3)))
        # offset of vertex from base start point projected on base
        a = (p1 - p3).dot(p1 - p2)

        self.area = np.sqrt(p * (p - l1) * (p - l2) * (p - l3))
        self.volume = self.area * thickness
        self.mass = density * self.volume * 1e-3

        normal_vector = vector.normal(p1.a, p2.a, p3.a)
        self.cm = 1 / 3 * (p1 + p2 + p3) + normal_vector * thickness / 2

        # creating a centroidal reference frame with z-axis normal to triangle
        # plane and x-axis oriented with the selected base vector
        self.C = orient_along_axis(normal_vector, p1 - p2)

        # calculating the principle inertia properties "moment of areas"
        Ixc = (l1 * self.height**3) / 36
        Iyc = ((l1**3 * self.height) - (l1**2 * self.height * a) +
               (l1 * self.height * a**2)) / 36
        Izc = ((l1**3 * self.height) - (l1**2 * self.height * a) +
               (l1 * self.height * a**2) + (l1 * self.height**3)) / 36

        # calculating moment of inertia from the moment of area
        self.J = density * thickness * 1e-3 * np.diag([Ixc, Iyc, Izc])
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, location, i_body, j_body, axis=[0, 0, 1]):

        # defining the basic attributes in the joint class
        self.name = location.name
        self.i_body = i_body
        self.j_body = j_body
        self.type = "None"  # for representing the joint type in subclasses
        self.typ = location.typ

        self._loc = location
        # defining the joint axis which is needed for the different types of joints
        self.axis = axis

        self.frame = orient_along_axis(axis)
        self.u_irf = i_body.dcm.T.dot(self.frame)
        self.u_jrf = j_body.dcm.T.dot(self.frame)

        # joint locations wrt to each body origin cm referenced to the body reference
        self.u_i = i_body.dcm.T.dot(self._loc - i_body.R)
        self.u_j = j_body.dcm.T.dot(self._loc - j_body.R)

        # axes to be used in the cylindrical and revolute joints classes
        self.vii = vector(self.u_irf[:, 0])
        self.vij = vector(self.u_irf[:, 1])
        self.vik = vector(self.u_irf[:, 2])

        self.vji = vector(self.u_jrf[:, 0])
        self.vjj = vector(self.u_jrf[:, 1])
        self.vjk = vector(self.u_jrf[:, 2])
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, p1, p2, mass):
        self.p1 = p1
        self.p2 = p2
        self.mass = mass

        self.axis = p2 - p1
        self.l = self.axis.mag

        self.cm = p1 + 0.5 * self.axis
        Jxx = Jyy = (self.mass / 12) * self.l**2
        Jzz = 0

        self.J = sc.sparse.diags([Jxx, Jyy, Jzz])
        self.C = orient_along_axis(self.axis)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, p1, p2, do, di=0):
        self.p1 = p1
        self.p2 = p2

        self.axis = p2 - p1
        self.l = self.axis.mag

        self.mass = 7.7 * np.pi * (do**2 - di**2) * self.l * 1e-3

        self.cm = p1 + 0.5 * self.axis
        Jxx = Jyy = (self.mass / 12) * (3 * do**2 + 3 * di**2 + self.l**2)
        Jzz = (self.mass / 2) * (do**2 + di**2)

        self.J = np.diag([Jxx, Jyy, Jzz])
        self.C = orient_along_axis(self.axis)