def __init__( self, screen, frame_rate=20, sensor=None, queue=None, group=None, name='ScreenClock', verbose=None ): super(ScreenClock, self).__init__( group=group, name=name, verbose=verbose ) self.__spf = 1.0 / float(frame_rate) self.__sensor = sensor self.__queue = queue self.__stop = threading.Event() # Clock related config self.__c = Object({ 'bitmap': screen.Bitmap(128, 64), 'font': input_mono_24, 'font_small': tahoma_16, 'timestring': None, 'datestring': None, 'sensorstring': None, }) # sensor related config self.__sr = Object({ 'last_read': 0, 'last_value': None, 'interval': 15, })
def __init__(self, config_path='./'): Object.__init__(self) self.__config = Config(config_path) self.__artwork = database.Artwork(self) self.__lyrics = database.Lyrics(self) self.__connection = Connection(self.config) self.__playback = Playback(self.__connection, self.__config) args = [self.__connection, self.__playback, self.__config, self.__artwork, self.__lyrics] self.__library = Library(*args) self.__playlist = Playlist(*args)
def __init__(self, connection, playback, config, artwork, lyrics): Object.__init__(self) self.__connection = connection self.__playback = playback self.__config = config self.__artwork = artwork self.__lyrics = lyrics self.__data = [] self.__connection.bind(self.__connection.CONNECT, self.__update_cache) self.__connection.bind(self.__connection.UPDATE_DATABASE, self.__update_cache)
def __init__(self, path='./'): """ initializes config by given path. Arguments: path -- string json config filepath. """ self.path = path if not self.path[-1] == '/': self.path = self.path + '/' self.__config = {} Object.__init__(self) self.load()
def __init__(self, connection, playback, config, artwork, lyrics): Object.__init__(self) self.__connection = connection self.__playback = playback self.__config = config self.__artwork = artwork self.__lyrics = lyrics self.__data = [] self.__selected = [] self.__focused = None self.__current = None self.__connection.bind(self.__connection.CONNECT, self.__update_cache) self.__connection.bind(self.__connection.UPDATE_PLAYLIST, self.__update_cache) self.__connection.bind(self.__connection.UPDATE, self.__focus_playing)
def __init__(self, config): Object.__init__(self) threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.__running = False self.daemon = True self.__config = config self.__current = None self.__connection = None self.__lock = thread.allocate_lock() self.__status = '' # server status checker. self.__server_status = {} self.__check_playlist = None self.__check_library = None self.__server_status_song = None self.connected = False
def set(self, doc, fields_values): """ sets a key/value pairs, and persists those changes to the datastore immediately """ fields_values = Object.from_bson(fields_values) fields_values.make_safe() for k,v in fields_values.iteritems(): self._set(doc, k.split('.'), v) impl = self._impl(doc) impl.update({'_id':doc._id}, {'$set':fields_values}, safe=True)
def __init__(self, client): """init values and database.""" self.__cache = CacheDict() sql_init = ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS lyrics ( artist TEXT, title TEXT, album TEXT, lyric TEXT, UNIQUE(artist, title, album) ); ''' sql_search = ''' SELECT lyric FROM lyrics WHERE artist=? and title=? and album=? ''' sql_write = ''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO lyrics (artist, title, album, lyric) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?) ''' def sql_arg_parser(song): return (song.format('%artist%'), song.format('%title%'), song.format('%album%')) self.__data = SqliteDict(environment.config_dir + u'/lyrics', sql_init, sql_search, sql_arg_parser, sql_write, sql_arg_parser) self.client = client self.__downloading = [] self.download_auto = False self.download_background = False self.downloaders = {'geci_me': True} self.download_class = {'geci_me': rest.GeciMe} Object.__init__(self)
def __init__(self, client): """init values and database.""" self.client = client self.__download_path = environment.config_dir + '/artwork' self.__downloading = [] self.download_auto = False self.download_background = False self.downloaders = {'lastfm': True} self.download_class = {'lastfm': rest.ArtworkLastfm} sql_init = ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS artwork ( artist TEXT, album TEXT, artwork TEXT, UNIQUE(artist, album) ); ''' sql_search = ''' SELECT artwork FROM artwork WHERE artist=? and album=? ''' sql_write = ''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO artwork (artist, album, artwork) VALUES(?, ?, ?) ''' def sql_arg_parser(song): return (song.format('%albumartist%'), song.format('%album%')) self.__data = SqliteDict(environment.config_dir + '/artworkdb', sql_init, sql_search, sql_arg_parser, sql_write, sql_arg_parser) self.__cache = CacheDict() Object.__init__(self)
MAP_WIDTH = 80 MAP_HEIGHT = 45 #FPS = 30 lcod.console_set_custom_font('arial10x10.png' , lcod.FONT_LAYOUT_TCOD | lcod.FONT_TYPE_GREYSCALE) lcod.console_init_root(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT,'Rogue, more like Thief',False) con = lcod.console_new(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT) MAPcon = lcod.console_new(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT) #prossima riga usata solo in real time #lcod.sys_set_fps(FPS) player = Object(SCREEN_WIDTH/2,SCREEN_HEIGHT/2, '@', lcod.white) npc = Object(SCREEN_WIDTH/2 - 5,SCREEN_HEIGHT/2, '@', lcod.white) oggetti = [npc, player] mappa = Mappa(MAP_HEIGHT, MAP_WIDTH) def checkKeys(): #key = lcod.console_check_for_keypress() key = lcod.console_wait_for_keypress(True) if key.vk == lcod.KEY_ENTER and key.lalt: # alt+enter to toggle fullscreen lcod.console_set_fullscreen(not lcod.console_is_fullscreen()) # console.is_fullscreen return true if fullscreen, false otherwise elif key.vk == lcod.KEY_ESCAPE:
def __init__(self, name='collider_manager'): Object.__init__(self, name) self._collidable_sprites = [] self._collidable_ref_sprite = None
def __init__(self, name): Object.__init__(self, name) self._fsm = None self._assign_properties = [] self._transitions = {}
def __init__(self, connection, config): Object.__init__(self) self.connection = connection self.config = config