Exemplo n.º 1
from base_graph import getg1
from priority_queue1 import PriorityQueue
import sys

def prim(g, s):
    for x in g:
        x.distance = sys.maxsize
        x.parent = None
        x.color = "White"
    s.distance = 0
    s.parent = 0
    pq = PriorityQueue()
    pq.buildQueue([[x.distance, x] for x in g])
    while pq.isEmpty() == False:
        cur = pq.extractMin()[1]
        cur.color = "Black"
        for x in cur.getNeighbours():
            if x.distance > cur.getNeighbourWeight(x) and x.color == "White":
                x.parent = cur
                x.distance = cur.getNeighbourWeight(x)
                pq.decreaseKey(x, x.distance)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    g = getg1()
    prim(g, g.getVertex('a'))
    for x in g:
        print x.key, x.distance, x.parent
Exemplo n.º 2
from union_find2 import UnionFind
from base_graph import getg1

def kruskal(g):
  v = [x for x in g]
  edges = sorted( [[u,y,u.getNeighbourWeight(y)] for u in v for y in u.getNeighbours()]  , key=lambda x: x[2])
  uf = UnionFind()
  for x in edges:
    if uf.find(x[0]) != uf.find(x[1]):
      print 'Adding Edge from {0} to {1} with weight {2}'.format(x[0].key, x[1].key, x[2])

if __name__ == "__main__":
Exemplo n.º 3
from base_graph import getg1
from priority_queue1 import PriorityQueue
import sys
def prim(g,s):
	for x in g:
		x.distance = sys.maxsize
		x.parent = None
		x.color = "White"
	s.distance = 0
	s.parent = 0
	pq = PriorityQueue()
	pq.buildQueue([[x.distance,x] for x in g])
	while pq.isEmpty() == False:
		cur = pq.extractMin()[1]
		cur.color = "Black"
		for x in cur.getNeighbours():
			if x.distance > cur.getNeighbourWeight(x) and x.color == "White":
				x.parent = cur
				x.distance = cur.getNeighbourWeight(x)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  g = getg1()
  for x in g:
    print x.key, x.distance, x.parent