def siteadmin_comments_spam(self): if not (current_auth.user.is_comment_moderator or current_auth.user.is_user_moderator): return abort(403) comment_spam_form = Form() = comment_spam_form.form_nonce.default( ) if comment_spam_form.validate_on_submit(): comments = Comment.query.filter( Comment.uuid_b58.in_(request.form.getlist('comment_id'))) for comment in comments: CommentModeratorReport.submit(actor=current_auth.user, comment=comment) db.session.commit() flash(_("Comment(s) successfully reported as spam"), category='info') else: flash( _("There was a problem marking the comments as spam. Please try again" ), category='error', ) return redirect(url_for('siteadmin_comments'))
def playlist_delete(channel, playlist): if request.method == 'GET': return {'playlist': dict(playlist.current_access())} form = Form() if form.validate_on_submit(): db.session.delete(playlist) db.session.commit() return {'status': 'ok', 'doc': _("Deleted playlist {title}.".format(title=playlist.title)), 'result': {}} return {'status': 'error', 'errors': {'error': form.errors}}, 400
def delete(self): form = Form() if request.method == 'POST': if form.validate_on_submit(): previous_membership = self.obj if previous_membership.user == current_auth.user: return { 'status': 'error', 'error_description': _("You can’t revoke your own membership"), 'form_nonce':, } if previous_membership.is_active: previous_membership.revoke(actor=current_auth.user) db.session.commit() dispatch_notification( OrganizationAdminMembershipRevokedNotification( document=previous_membership.organization, fragment=previous_membership, )) return { 'status': 'ok', 'message': _("The member has been removed"), 'memberships': [ membership.current_access(datasets=('without_parent', 'related')) for membership in self.obj.organization.active_admin_memberships ], } else: return ( { 'status': 'error', 'errors': form.errors, 'form_nonce':, }, 400, ) form_html = render_form( form=form, title=_("Confirm removal"), message=_("Remove {member} as an admin from {profile}?").format( member=self.obj.user.fullname, profile=self.obj.organization.title), submit=_("Remove"), ajax=False, with_chrome=False, ) return {'form': form_html}
def video_delete(channel, playlist, video): """ Delete video """ if request.method == 'GET': return {'video': dict(video.current_access())} form = Form() if form.validate_on_submit(): db.session.delete(video) db.session.commit() return {'status': 'ok', 'doc': _("Delete video {title}.".format(title=video.title)), 'result': {}} return {'status': 'error', 'errors': {'error': form.errors}}, 400
def video_playlist_add(channel, playlist, video): form = Form() if form.validate_on_submit(): if video not in playlist.videos: playlist.videos.append(video) db.session.commit() cache.delete('data/featured-channels') message = "Added video to playlist" else: message = "This video is already in that playlist" return {'status': 'ok', 'doc': _(message), 'result': {'url': playlist.url_for()}} else: message = _("CSRF validation failed. Please reload this page and try again.") return {'status': 'error', 'errors': {'error': [message]}}, 400
def siteadmin_comments(self, query='', page=None, per_page=100): if not (current_auth.user.is_comment_moderator or current_auth.user.is_user_moderator): return abort(403) comments = Comment.query.filter(~(Comment.state.REMOVED)).order_by( Comment.created_at.desc()) if query: comments = comments.join(User).filter( db.or_( Comment.search_vector.match(for_tsquery(query or '')), User.search_vector.match(for_tsquery(query or '')), )) pagination = comments.paginate(page=page, per_page=per_page) return { 'query': query, 'comments': pagination.items, 'total_comments':, 'pages': list(range(1, pagination.pages + 1)), # list of page numbers 'current_page':, 'comment_spam_form': Form(), }
def reopen(domain, hashid, key): post = JobPost.query.filter_by(hashid=hashid).first_or_404() if not post: abort(404) if not post.admin_is(g.user): abort(403) # Only closed posts can be reopened if not post.is_closed(): flash("Your job post can't be reopened.", "info") return redirect(post.url_for(), code=303) form = Form() if form.validate_on_submit(): post.confirm() post.closed_datetime = datetime.utcnow() db.session.commit() return redirect(post.url_for(), code=303) return render_template("reopen.html", post=post, form=form)
def close(domain, hashid, key): post = JobPost.get(hashid) if not post: abort(404) if not post.admin_is(g.user): abort(403) if request.method == 'GET' and post.is_closed(): return redirect(post.url_for('reopen'), code=303) if not post.is_public(): flash("Your job post can't be closed.", "info") return redirect(post.url_for(), code=303) form = Form() if form.validate_on_submit(): post.close() post.closed_datetime = datetime.utcnow() db.session.commit() return redirect(post.url_for(), code=303) return render_template("close.html", post=post, form=form)
def reopen(domain, hashid, key): post = JobPost.query.filter_by(hashid=hashid).first_or_404() if not post: abort(404) if not post.admin_is(g.user): abort(403) # Only closed posts can be reopened if not post.state.CLOSED: flash("Your job post can't be reopened.", "info") return redirect(post.url_for(), code=303) form = Form() if form.validate_on_submit(): post.reopen() db.session.commit() # cache bust # dogpile.invalidate_region('hasjob_index') return redirect(post.url_for(), code=303) return render_template("reopen.html.jinja2", post=post, form=form)
def video_remove(channel, playlist, video): """ Remove video from playlist """ if request.method == 'GET': return {'playlist': dict(playlist.current_access()), 'video': dict(video.current_access())} if playlist not in video.playlists: return {'status': 'error', 'errors': {'error': ['Video not playlist and cannot be removed']}}, 400 # If this is the primary playlist for this video, refuse to remove it. if playlist == video.playlist: return {'status': 'error', 'errors': {'error': ['Videos cannot be removed from their primary playlist']}}, 400 form = Form() if form.validate_on_submit(): connection = PlaylistVideo.query.filter_by(, db.session.delete(connection) db.session.commit() return {'status': 'ok', 'doc': _("Remove video {video} from {playlist}.".format(video=video.title, playlist=playlist.title)), 'result': {}} return {'status': 'error', 'errors': {'error': form.errors}}, 400
def close(domain, hashid, key): post = JobPost.get(hashid) if not post: abort(404) if not post.admin_is(g.user): abort(403) if request.method == 'GET' and post.state.CLOSED: return redirect(post.url_for('reopen'), code=303) if not post.state.PUBLIC: flash("Your job post can't be closed.", "info") return redirect(post.url_for(), code=303) form = Form() if form.validate_on_submit(): post.close() db.session.commit() flash(['message'], "success") # cache bust # dogpile.invalidate_region('hasjob_index') return redirect(post.url_for(), code=303) return render_template("close.html.jinja2", post=post, form=form)
def delete(self): delcommentform = Form() if delcommentform.validate_on_submit(): commentset = self.obj.commentset self.obj.delete() commentset.count = Commentset.count - 1 db.session.commit() return { 'status': 'ok', 'message': _("Your comment has been deleted"), 'comments': self.obj.commentset.views.json_comments(), } delcommentform_html = render_form( form=delcommentform, title='Delete this comment?', submit=_("Delete"), ajax=False, with_chrome=False, ) return {'form': delcommentform_html}
def delete(self): form = Form() if request.method == 'POST': if form.validate_on_submit(): previous_membership = self.obj if previous_membership.is_active: previous_membership.revoke(actor=current_auth.user) signals.project_crew_membership_revoked.send( self.obj.project, project=self.obj.project, membership=previous_membership, actor=current_auth.user, user=previous_membership.user, ) db.session.commit() return { 'status': 'ok', 'message': _("The member has been removed"), 'memberships': [ membership.current_access(datasets=('without_parent', 'related')) for membership in self.obj.project.active_crew_memberships ], } else: return ({'status': 'error', 'errors': form.errors}, 400) form_html = render_form( form=form, title=_("Confirm removal"), message=_("Remove {member} as a crew member from this project?"). format(member=self.obj.user.fullname), submit=_("Remove"), ajax=False, with_chrome=False, ) return {'form': form_html}
def view(self): if request_is_xhr(): return jsonify( {'comments': self.obj.commentset.views.json_comments()}) commentform = CommentForm(model=Comment) links = [ Markup(linkify(str(escape(link)))) for link in self.obj.links.replace('\r\n', '\n').split('\n') if link ] transition_form = ProposalTransitionForm(obj=self.obj) proposal_transfer_form = ProposalTransferForm() proposal_move_form = None if 'move_to' in self.obj.current_access(): proposal_move_form = ProposalMoveForm() proposal_label_admin_form = ProposalLabelsAdminForm( model=Proposal, obj=self.obj, parent=self.obj.project) return { 'project': self.obj.project, 'proposal': self.obj, 'comments': self.obj.commentset.views.json_comments(), 'commentform': commentform, 'delcommentform': Form(), 'links': links, 'transition_form': transition_form, 'proposal_move_form': proposal_move_form, 'csrf_form': Form(), 'proposal_transfer_form': proposal_transfer_form, 'proposal_label_admin_form': proposal_label_admin_form, }
def form(self): """Convenience method for action form CSRF""" return Form()
def proposal_view(profile, space, proposal): if proposal.proposal_space != space: return redirect(proposal.url_for(), code=301) comments = sorted( Comment.query.filter_by(commentspace=proposal.comments, parent=None).order_by('created_at').all(), key=lambda c: c.votes.count, reverse=True) commentform = CommentForm(model=Comment) delcommentform = DeleteCommentForm() if request.method == 'POST': if request.form.get( '') == 'newcomment' and commentform.validate( ) and 'new-comment' in g.permissions: send_mail_info = [] if comment = Comment.query.get( int( if comment: if 'edit-comment' in comment.permissions( g.user, g.permissions): comment.message = comment.edited_at = datetime.utcnow() flash(_("Your comment has been edited"), 'info') else: flash(_("You can only edit your own comments"), 'info') else: flash(_("No such comment"), 'error') else: comment = Comment(user=g.user, commentspace=proposal.comments, if parent = Comment.query.get(int( if if parent.user == proposal.user: # check if parent comment & proposal owner are same if not g.user == parent.user: # check if parent comment is by proposal owner send_mail_info.append({ 'to': or, 'subject': u"{space} Funnel: {proposal}".format( space=space.title, proposal=proposal.title), 'template': '' }) else: # send mail to parent comment owner & proposal owner if not parent.user == g.user: send_mail_info.append({ 'to':, 'subject': u"{space} Funnel: {proposal}".format( space=space.title, proposal=proposal.title), 'template': '' }) if not proposal.user == g.user: send_mail_info.append({ 'to': or, 'subject': u"{space} Funnel: {proposal}".format( space=space.title, proposal=proposal.title), 'template': '' }) if parent and parent.commentspace == proposal.comments: comment.parent = parent else: # for top level comment if not proposal.user == g.user: send_mail_info.append({ 'to': or, 'subject': u"{space} Funnel: {proposal}".format( space=space.title, proposal=proposal.title), 'template': '' }) proposal.comments.count += 1 # Vote for your own comment db.session.add(comment) flash(_("Your comment has been posted"), 'info') db.session.commit() to_redirect = comment.url_for(proposal=proposal, _external=True) for item in send_mail_info: email_body = render_template(item.pop('template'), proposal=proposal, comment=comment, link=to_redirect) if item.get('to'): # Sender is set to None to prevent revealing email. send_mail(sender=None, body=email_body, **item) # Redirect despite this being the same page because HTTP 303 is required to not break # the browser Back button return redirect(to_redirect, code=303) elif request.form.get( '') == 'delcomment' and delcommentform.validate(): comment = Comment.query.get(int( if comment: if 'delete-comment' in comment.permissions( g.user, g.permissions): comment.delete() proposal.comments.count -= 1 db.session.commit() flash(_("Your comment was deleted"), 'info') else: flash(_("You did not post that comment"), 'error') else: flash(_("No such comment"), 'error') return redirect(proposal.url_for(), code=303) links = [ Markup(linkify(unicode(escape(l)))) for l in proposal.links.replace('\r\n', '\n').split('\n') if l ] if proposal.status != PROPOSALSTATUS.DRAFT: statusform = ProposalStatusForm(status=proposal.status) else: statusform = None return render_template( 'proposal.html', space=space, proposal=proposal, comments=comments, commentform=commentform, delcommentform=delcommentform, votes_groups=proposal.votes_by_group(), PROPOSALSTATUS=PROPOSALSTATUS, links=links, statusform=statusform, part_a=space.proposal_part_a.get('title', 'Objective'), part_b=space.proposal_part_b.get('title', 'Description'), csrf_form=Form())
def invite(self): return { 'membership': self.obj.current_access(datasets=('primary', 'related')), 'form': Form(), }