Exemplo n.º 1
def run_star_multiple(bc_dir, workdir, sample, genome, parallel):
    import multiprocessing as mp
    pool = mp.Pool(processes=int(parallel))

    STAR = get_config("Drops", "star")
    cellranger_refs = get_config("Drops", "cellranger_ref_" + genome)
        STAR_REF = get_config("Drops", "star_ref_" + genome)
        STAR_REF = os.path.join(cellranger_refs, "star")
    samtools = get_config("Drops", "samtools")

    def work_script(name, file):
        return Template(star_script).substitute(STAR=STAR,
                                                    workdir, name),

    from itertools import product
    barcode_prefix = [x[0] + x[1] for x in list(product('ATCG', repeat=2))]

    for bc in barcode_prefix:
        fastq = os.path.join(bc_dir, "split.{}.{}.fq".format(sample, bc))
        script = work_script(bc, fastq)
        pool.apply_async(run_cmd, (
            "Star Alignment",

Exemplo n.º 2
def read_whitelist(protocol):
    whilelistdir = get_config("Drops", "whitelistDir")
    if protocol == "10X":
        bc_white = [set()]
        white_path = os.path.join(whilelistdir, "whitelist.10X.txt")
        with open(white_path, 'r') as infile:
            for line in infile:

    if protocol == "indrop":
        bc_white = [set(), set()]
        white_path = os.path.join(whilelistdir, "whitelist.indrop_1.txt")
        with open(white_path, 'r') as infile:
            for line in infile:
                bc_rev = rev_comp(line.strip())
        white_path = os.path.join(whilelistdir, "whitelist.indrop_2.txt")
        with open(white_path, 'r') as infile:
            for line in infile:
                bc_rev = rev_comp(line.strip())

    if protocol == "dropseq":
        bc_white = []

    return bc_white
Exemplo n.º 3
def read_gencode(genome, type):
    path = get_config("RNA_ref_" + genome, "gencode")
    path_hdf = path + ".hdf"
    if not os.path.exists(path_hdf):
        df = pd.read_table(path,
                               "chr", "source", "type", "start", "end", "dot",
                               "strand", "dot2", "infos"
        df.to_hdf(path_hdf, "gtf")
        df = pd.read_hdf(path_hdf, key="gtf")
    df = df.loc[df.type == type]
    infos = [re.split("\"", x) for x in df.infos.tolist()]
    df["gene"] = [x[9] for x in infos]
    df["transc"] = [x[3] for x in infos]
    df["exonid"] = [re.split("\s+|;", x[16])[3] for x in infos]
    df = df.drop(["infos", "dot", "dot2", "source", "type"], axis=1)
    return df
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_isolated_genes(genome, min_Gap, minLength):
    r"""Get The Isolated Genes Which Do not Have Genes At upstream and downstream.
    :param genome: Genome Version Name like hg38.
    :param min_Gap: mininum distance to the upstream and downstream Gene.
    :param minLength: mininum length of the gene.
    :return: A int ...
    :rtype: list
    path = get_config("RNA_ref_" + genome, "gencode")
    df = pd.read_table(path,
                           "chr", "source", "type", "start", "end", "dot",
                           "strand", "dot2", "infos"
    df = df.loc[df.type == type]
    infos = [re.split("\"", x) for x in df.infos.tolist()]
    df["gene"] = [x[9] for x in infos]
    df["transc"] = [x[3] for x in infos]
    df["exonid"] = [re.split("\s+|;", x[16])[3] for x in infos]
Exemplo n.º 5
def tagging_reads(genome, bam, outpath):
    Tagging reads will transform the genomic position of reads to the gene name
    Report the genes for a ...
    #Remove the Already Exists File
    if os.path.exists(outpath):

    print("[info] File write to {}".format(outpath))

    cellranger_refs = get_config("Drops", "cellranger_ref_"+genome)
    star_index_dir = os.path.join(cellranger_refs, "star")

    #read star index
    chrom_name_path = os.path.join(star_index_dir, "chrName.txt")
    chrom_start_path = os.path.join(star_index_dir, "chrStart.txt")
    tx_path = os.path.join(star_index_dir, "transcriptInfo.tab")
    ex_path = os.path.join(star_index_dir, "exonInfo.tab")

    #gene transc
    gene_transc = os.path.join(cellranger_refs, "genes_transcript.txt")

    tx_dtype = {'names': ('tx_ids', 'tx_starts', 'tx_ends', 'tx_max_ends', 'tx_strands',
                          'tx_num_exons', 'tx_break_idxs'),
                'formats': ('object', 'u8', 'u8', 'u8', 'u1', 'u2', 'u4')}
    ex_dtype = {
        'names': ('ex_starts', 'ex_ends', 'ex_cum_lengths'),
        'formats': ('u8', 'u8', 'u8')
    gene_tx_dtype = {
        'names': ('gene', 'tx', 'genename'),
        'formats': ('object', 'object', 'object')

    chrom_names = np.loadtxt(chrom_name_path, dtype='object')
    chrom_starts = np.loadtxt(chrom_start_path, dtype='u8')
    tx_info = np.loadtxt(tx_path, tx_dtype, skiprows=1, unpack=True)
    ex_info = np.loadtxt(ex_path, ex_dtype, skiprows=1, unpack=True)
    ex_tx = np.loadtxt(gene_transc, gene_tx_dtype, unpack=True)

    tx_starts = tx_info[1]
    chrom_bins = [bisect.bisect_left(tx_starts, cs) for cs in chrom_starts]
    chrom_info = chrom_names, chrom_starts, chrom_bins

    ex_starts, ex_ends, ex_cum_lengths = ex_info
    ex_breaks = np.empty((2 * ex_starts.size,), dtype=ex_starts.dtype)
    ex_breaks[0::2] = ex_starts
    ex_breaks[1::2] = ex_ends

    tx2gene = {}
    for idx in range(len(ex_tx[0])):
        tx2gene[ex_tx[1][idx]] = ex_tx[2][idx]

    transcript_ids, transcript_starts, transcript_ends, transcript_max_ends, transcript_strands, transcript_num_exons, transcript_exon_break_idx = tx_info

    #This function returns the information: the genename, exon or intron, antisense?
    #It should return a single transcript and Gene

    def align_to_transcriptome(read_tid, read_pos, read_alen):
        ref_offset = chrom_starts[read_tid]
        clipped_read_start = ref_offset + read_pos
        clipped_read_end = clipped_read_start + read_alen - 1
        tx = bisect.bisect(transcript_starts, clipped_read_end) - 1

        # read is at the extreme start / end of transcriptome
        if tx == -1 or tx == transcript_starts.size:
            return {}
        tx_hits = {}

        while tx >= 0 and clipped_read_start <= max(transcript_max_ends[tx], transcript_ends[tx]):
            if clipped_read_start <= transcript_ends[tx]:
                tx_hits[transcript_ids[tx]] = {
                    'start': clipped_read_start-transcript_starts[tx],
                    'exons': transcript_num_exons[tx],
                    'exonIdx': transcript_exon_break_idx[tx],
                    'gene': tx2gene[transcript_ids[tx]],
                    'strand': transcript_strands[tx]
            tx -= 1
        return tx_hits

    def align2exon(start, end, strand, ex_idx, ex_idx2):
        ex_start = bisect.bisect(ex_breaks, start, lo=2 * ex_idx, hi=2 * (ex_idx2 + 1)) - 1
        ex_end = bisect.bisect_left(ex_breaks, end, lo=max(ex_start, 0), hi=2 * (ex_idx2 + 1)) - 1
        exon_len = 0
        dist_to_end = 10000

        if ex_start%2==0:
            exon_len = min(ex_breaks[ex_start+1], end) - max(ex_breaks[ex_start], start)
        elif ex_end%2==0:
            exon_len = end - ex_breaks[ex_start+1]

        ##Calculate The distance of ex_Start to the End of Genes...
        ## We should Seprate by the Strand Of the Genes...

        if strand == 1:
            exon_to_geneend = ex_breaks[int(ex_start/2)*2 +2: 2 * (ex_idx2 + 1)]
            exon_to_geneend = ex_breaks[2 * ex_idx : int(ex_start / 2) * 2]
        if len(exon_to_geneend)%2==0:
            dist_to_end = sum(exon_to_geneend[1::2]) - sum(exon_to_geneend[::2])

        return ex_start, ex_end, exon_len, dist_to_end

    ##Read The Bamfile
    ##Iterate the bam file

    import pysam, itertools
    from collections import Counter

    bam_file = pysam.Samfile(bam, 'rb')
    genome_bam_iter = itertools.groupby(bam_file, key = lambda read: read.qname)

    res = {}
    previous_barcode = ""

    for qname, reads_iter in genome_bam_iter:
        reads = list(reads_iter)
        read_genes = {}
        infos = qname.split('_')

        barcode = infos[1]
        UMI = infos[2]

        if barcode != previous_barcode:
            if previous_barcode == "":
                previous_barcode = barcode
            res2 = {}
            for gene in res:
                res2[gene] = Counter(res[gene])
            res = {}
            with open(outpath, 'a') as outfile:
                outfile.write(previous_barcode + '\t')
                json.dump(res2, outfile)

            previous_barcode = barcode

        for read in reads:
            #Get Gene For A single Alignment
            #For each Alignment Of this Reads, we need to Get the gene Corresponed
            #If there are multiple Gene, return None
            gene_info = {}
            rlen = read.rlen

            if not read.is_unmapped:
                #There are multiple transcript For this Read
                #For each transcript, Get the Exon Coverage
                #If there are only One Gene, return the gene name if exon overlap ratio >50%
                #If there are multiple Genes

                tx_hits = align_to_transcriptome(read.tid, read.pos, read.alen)

                #Filter the tx_hits using the Strand Information
                #If the Read is is_reversed, the strand of transcript should be 2
                required_strand = 1
                if read.is_reverse:
                    required_strand = 2

                # tx_hits:
                tx_hits = {k:v for k, v in tx_hits.items() if v['strand']==required_strand}
                strand_info = {x['gene']:x['strand'] for x in tx_hits.values()}

                #gene_info: initiate the informations for each gene in the tx_hits
                gene_info = {x['gene']:{'overlap_len':0, 'dist_to_end':10000} for x in tx_hits.values()}

                for tx in tx_hits:
                    gene = tx_hits[tx]['gene']
                    # If the gene already have good alignment, skip
                    if gene_info[gene]['overlap_len']>= 0.9 * rlen:

                    alns = get_cigar_segments(read.cigar, tx_hits[tx]['start'])
                    read_exon_overlap = 0

                    for aln in alns:
                        read_exon = align2exon(aln[0], aln[1], tx_hits[tx]['strand'],
                                               tx_hits[tx]['exonIdx'], tx_hits[tx]['exonIdx'] + tx_hits[tx]['exons'] - 1)
                        read_exon_overlap += read_exon[2]

                    gene_info[gene]['overlap_len'] = max(read_exon_overlap, gene_info[gene]['overlap_len'])
                    gene_info[gene]['dist_to_end'] = read_exon[3]

                gene_info = {k:v for k, v in gene_info.items() if v['overlap_len'] >= 0.5*rlen}

            for k, v in gene_info.items():
                read_genes[k] = v

        if len(list(read_genes)) == 1:
            mapgene = list(read_genes)[0]
            gene_info = {k: v for k, v in read_genes.items() if v['dist_to_end'] <= 400}
            gene_names = [x[0] for x in sorted(list(gene_info.items()), key=lambda val: val[1]['dist_to_end'])]
            mapgene = gene_names[0]

        if not mapgene:

        if mapgene in res:
            res[mapgene] = [UMI]


    res2 = {}
    for gene in res:
        res2[gene] = Counter(res[gene])

    with open(outpath, 'a') as outfile:
        outfile.write(barcode + '\t')
        json.dump(res2, outfile)
Exemplo n.º 6
def align(fq1, fq2, bamfile, genome, reads, thread):
    from baseq.align.bowtie2 import bowtie2_sort
    from baseq.mgt.config import get_config
    genome = get_config("CNV_ref_" + genome, "bowtie2_index")
    bowtie2_sort(fq1, fq2, bamfile, genome, reads=reads, thread=thread)