Exemplo n.º 1
    def post(self, request, table_id):
        Creates a new row for the given table_id. Also the post data is validated
        according to the tables field types.

        table = TableHandler().get_table(table_id)
        TokenHandler().check_table_permissions(request, 'create', table, False)
        model = table.get_model()

        validation_serializer = get_row_serializer_class(model)
        data = validate_data(validation_serializer, request.data)

        before_id = request.GET.get('before')
        before = (RowHandler().get_row(request.user, table, before_id, model)
                  if before_id else None)

        row = RowHandler().create_row(request.user,
        serializer_class = get_row_serializer_class(model,
        serializer = serializer_class(row)

        return Response(serializer.data)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def patch(self, request, table_id, row_id):
        Updates the row with the given row_id for the table with the given
        table_id. Also the post data is validated according to the tables field types.

        table = TableHandler().get_table(request.user, table_id)
        TokenHandler().check_table_permissions(request, 'update', table, False)

        # Small side effect of generating the model for only the fields that need to
        # change is that the response it not going to contain the other fields. It is
        # however much faster because it doesn't need to get the specific version of
        # all the field objects.
        field_ids = RowHandler().extract_field_ids_from_dict(request.data)
        model = table.get_model(field_ids=field_ids)

        validation_serializer = get_row_serializer_class(model)
        data = validate_data(validation_serializer, request.data)

        row = RowHandler().update_row(request.user, table, row_id, data, model)

        serializer_class = get_row_serializer_class(model,
        serializer = serializer_class(row)

        return Response(serializer.data)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get(self, request, table_id):
        Lists all the rows of the given table id paginated. It is also possible to
        provide a search query.

        table = TableHandler().get_table(request.user, table_id)
        TokenHandler().check_table_permissions(request, 'read', table, False)

        model = table.get_model()
        search = request.GET.get('search')
        order_by = request.GET.get('order_by')

        queryset = model.objects.all().enhance_by_fields().order_by('id')

        if search:
            queryset = queryset.search_all_fields(search)

        if order_by:
            queryset = queryset.order_by_fields_string(order_by)

        paginator = PageNumberPagination(
        page = paginator.paginate_queryset(queryset, request, self)
        serializer_class = get_row_serializer_class(model,
        serializer = serializer_class(page, many=True)

        return paginator.get_paginated_response(serializer.data)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get(self, request, table_id, row_id):
        Responds with a serializer version of the row related to the provided row_id
        and table_id.

        table = TableHandler().get_table(table_id)
        TokenHandler().check_table_permissions(request, 'read', table, False)

        model = table.get_model()
        row = RowHandler().get_row(request.user, table, row_id, model)
        serializer_class = get_row_serializer_class(model,
        serializer = serializer_class(row)

        return Response(serializer.data)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def post(self, request, table_id):
        Creates a new row for the given table_id. Also the post data is validated
        according to the tables field types.

        table = TableHandler().get_table(request.user, table_id)
        model = table.get_model()

        validation_serializer = get_row_serializer_class(model)
        data = validate_data(validation_serializer, request.data)

        row = RowHandler().create_row(request.user, table, data, model)
        serializer_class = get_row_serializer_class(model, RowSerializer)
        serializer = serializer_class(row)

        return Response(serializer.data)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def get(self, request, table_id):
        Lists all the rows of the given table id paginated. It is also possible to
        provide a search query.

        table = TableHandler().get_table(table_id)
        table.database.group.has_user(request.user, raise_error=True)

        TokenHandler().check_table_permissions(request, 'read', table, False)
        search = request.GET.get('search')
        order_by = request.GET.get('order_by')
        include = request.GET.get('include')
        exclude = request.GET.get('exclude')
        fields = RowHandler().get_include_exclude_fields(
            table, include, exclude)

        model = table.get_model(fields=fields,
                                field_ids=[] if fields else None)
        queryset = model.objects.all().enhance_by_fields()

        if search:
            queryset = queryset.search_all_fields(search)

        if order_by:
            queryset = queryset.order_by_fields_string(order_by)

        filter_type = (FILTER_TYPE_OR
                       if str(request.GET.get('filter_type')).upper() == 'OR'
                       else FILTER_TYPE_AND)
        filter_object = {
            key: request.GET.getlist(key)
            for key in request.GET.keys()
        queryset = queryset.filter_by_fields_object(filter_object, filter_type)

        paginator = PageNumberPagination(
        page = paginator.paginate_queryset(queryset, request, self)
        serializer_class = get_row_serializer_class(model,
        serializer = serializer_class(page, many=True)

        return paginator.get_paginated_response(serializer.data)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def patch(self, request, table_id, row_id):
        """Moves the row to another position."""

        table = TableHandler().get_table(table_id)
        TokenHandler().check_table_permissions(request, "update", table, False)

        model = table.get_model()
        before_id = request.GET.get("before_id")
        before = (
            RowHandler().get_row(request.user, table, before_id, model)
            if before_id
            else None
        row = RowHandler().move_row(
            request.user, table, row_id, before=before, model=model

        serializer_class = get_row_serializer_class(
            model, RowSerializer, is_response=True
        serializer = serializer_class(row)
        return Response(serializer.data)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def patch(self, request, table_id, row_id):
        Updates the row with the given row_id for the table with the given
        table_id. Also the post data is validated according to the tables field types.

        table = TableHandler().get_table(table_id)
        TokenHandler().check_table_permissions(request, "update", table, False)

        field_ids = RowHandler().extract_field_ids_from_dict(request.data)
        model = table.get_model()
        validation_serializer = get_row_serializer_class(model, field_ids=field_ids)
        data = validate_data(validation_serializer, request.data)

        row = RowHandler().update_row(request.user, table, row_id, data, model)

        serializer_class = get_row_serializer_class(
            model, RowSerializer, is_response=True
        serializer = serializer_class(row)

        return Response(serializer.data)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def get(self, request, table_id):
        Lists all the rows of the given table id paginated. It is also possible to
        provide a search query.

        table = TableHandler().get_table(request.user, table_id)
        model = table.get_model()
        search = request.GET.get('search')

        queryset = model.objects.all().enhance_by_fields().order_by('id')

        if search:
            queryset = queryset.search_all_fields(search)

        paginator = PageNumberPagination()
        page = paginator.paginate_queryset(queryset, request, self)
        serializer_class = get_row_serializer_class(model,
        serializer = serializer_class(page, many=True)

        return paginator.get_paginated_response(serializer.data)